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Thread: I'm not getting fired but I wish I was

  1. #1

    I'm not getting fired but I wish I was

    The last job I had, ended up quitting before finding a new job which resulted in almost 3 months of freedom. After which I got a job at this current workplace. At first the job seemed fine, smart people with out-the-box thinking, relaxed environment, lots of oppurtunities -- or so I thought.
    In Romania, we are suffering from nepotism. Most of the employyes in this company already knew each other way before the company was built. The hiring process is the same: if you know someone in the company you get a higher position, more money and no tests and/or no questions asked. If you are an outsider you get called to 10 interviews, with tehnical and psychology tests.

    My interview process lasted 5 months. I Applied in December, I had 4 online tests, 4 interviews and 1 final interview in May for hiring.

    After I was hired, my thinking was changed, rapidly. Lazy people with no technical knowledge and no initiatives were at the top management and were making in a month what I make in almost 2 years. Every idea for improvement I had has been rejected because it meant for them to actually work. My colleagues are no different either, they actually want to work but they have the idea of "the quality of my work equals to what they pay me". Meaning shitty salary = little work, and poorly made.
    I always give 110% for every project I have, and every task given but you are very limited if management does not want you to do something.
    For the past months I've been doing stuff on my own, repairing mistakes of others and creating new projects that management cannot reject. Which is why they hate me. If I have a big task, I have to include management as well so that's more work for them.
    I hate their guts and always denigrate them at meetings, saying they are the blame, and because of their incompetence this department works 300% more than it should.

    They cannot fire me without good cause. I am the best of 2 departments, my own and another composed of almost 25 people. Most of them come and ask me for advice. The work of the 2 department gotten less and less because of my know-how. Have automized all manual tasks and work is very scarce if those imbeciles don't tamper with it.
    The majority of projects are on my name and some projects and tasks only I know how to do them.

    I so wish I was fired.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    austinpowers (02.07.17) , slikrapid (11.09.16)

  3. #2
    That's still better than Italy
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  4. #3

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    romania is not too different than any other country: private companies and governments often employ friends and family, counting on their friendship, loyalty or extra effort if needed, or imagined skills or the ability to exert peer pressure and the like, they trust them more than some outsiders - it is similar to people of a country not trusting foreigners, groups not trusting people outside of the group, sbi members vs sbi newcomers, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by OP
    My colleagues are no different either, they actually want to work but they have the idea of "the quality of my work equals to what they pay me". Meaning shitty salary = little work, and poorly made.
    a subconscious desire for equality or fair conditions comes through no matter what is done to silence it

    it is also possible that those colleagues don't really consciously mean that they want to work, but rather simply want to sound righteous to feel better about themselves, while keeping their secured positions and fooling around, letting others do the work because they don't really care about ethics and such

    Quote Originally Posted by OP
    I hate their guts and always denigrate them at meetings
    once you learn how to do things without hate then you'll be able to improve your position, otherwise you will tend to go there where you can keep feeding your current interest or habit of hating or denigrating

    Quote Originally Posted by OP
    I am the best of 2 departments, my own and another composed of almost 25 people. Most of them come and ask me for advice.
    higher levels want you to be the best, the most loyal and to work at 110% or more as it creates profit for the company - they also want you to become like them, to fit into their mold/vision of a perfect employee or a perfect leader, or a perfect order in the company, for which they'll reward you with all kinds of benefits or punish you for the opposite - in such extreme conditions, usually the worst in people comes to the surface, but rarely do they actively use this experience to become better persons, usually they either fit in, keeping up the corrupt ways of the company or sometimes crack under the pressure (becoming weirdos), view themselves as victims (oh, someone else is to blame for my condition), go passive or disinterested or depressive, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by OP
    I so wish I was fired.
    you subconsciously desire something better in your life, but in order to have that, you need to improve your ways first and the rest will follow after a while - if you choose a way close to traditional ethics and morals, you'll make significant progress, otherwise it will go slow and with much instability, but either way, you'll get there in the end (of your journey(s) in the materialistic worlds) as that ideal future is the destination of your path, as is for all of us

    so there you have it, a simplified and generalized answer to all your problems, but you'll still end up doing that what are you ready to do anyways

    and yes, its that simple: a better person means a better relationship, a better family, a better group, a better society and a better world in general, as well as personal ascendance in a spiritual sense
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (08.11.16)

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    Start your own company online.
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  7. #5
    Things are not getting any better. I'm fully aware that there is no perfect job, and I will never be happy unless I work in a somewhat near perfect environment.
    It's not about the money, it's more about trying to improve things and being encouraged to do so. Jobs today do not encourage you do to anything, not even lift one finger. Everybody is so sick and tired of working that they are only in there for the money, passion and desire does not fit in employer's plans.

    So, in Romania all jobs are for the money. I need to get out of the system somehow, before I become one of them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    It's not about the money, it's more about trying to improve things and being encouraged to do so.
    its either finding a company where your input gets appreciated and implemented, or settling for one that you consider to be 'as good as it gets', or as SomeGuy already suggested, create your own company and determine on your own what direction it is going to take
    another option is doing it in parallel: a job thay pays for the bills and own projects in your spare time

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    I need to get out of the system somehow, before I become one of them.
    it is impossible to get out of the system (called: materialistic reality or world) only via materialistic means, you need to play with the system while you're in it because you're a part of the system too - the only way out is spiritual ascendance

    also, running away from 'them' will not work in the long run, as unsolved issues have a habit of returning in a different form 'with a vengeance' - accepting 'them' as a temporary part of your life and facing one's fears of 'them' is recommended...
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  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    Things are not getting any better. I'm fully aware that there is no perfect job, and I will never be happy unless I work in a somewhat near perfect environment.
    It's not about the money, it's more about trying to improve things and being encouraged to do so.

    After all the stuff I went through early this year, I thought things would at least return to normal, and was excited to realize all the projects I had in mind. Instead, I kept getting treated like shit every time more and more, and being forced to jump through hoops (we're one month away from finishing the year and the only reason I've got the key to the server room, which on February was apparently changed for no particular reason, is having used social engineering to get it). Every time I see the rector's face I just want to teleport away because there's only one reason he'll ever come to me now, and it's not to congratulate me for my great work.

    One option when these things happen, and the first that should be attempted, is trying to resolve things through dialogue. Both of us have tried that to no avail. Another is to just endure it, but I don't plan on doing that anymore. I'll relocate to another school for the following year, perhaps even work at two. The others are given in slikrapid's post above.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  10. #8
    If I may ask, why are you only working in schools? Why not a company?
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  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    If I may ask, why are you only working in schools? Why not a company?
    Two months of fully paid leave every year, lots of national and administrative holidays every month, and a flexible schedule (if there's nothing to do for the day, I can walk out an hour earlier without a problem).

    I considered applying at private companies when pondering my possibilities, but the above perks are too good and only the education sector offers them.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Well, it turns out that around the time I wrote my longer post here, I received an e-mail from my supervisor and HR, saying they want a meeting this Thursday (I hadn't checked my inbox at the time). I'm sure it's to apologize for all the shit I've been through and give me a $100000 cheque as compensation

    Anyway, looks like my decision to leave will become official very soon. Sucks for those who do want me around, in particular one of the authorities who did the impossible to get me to return (and I won't tell him, he's only recently been released from the hospital due to a punctured pancreas and doesn't need any more fun), but I cannot be on a hostile work environment anymore.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  13. #11
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    So, I had the meeting some hours ago.

    I needed not mention my proposal, because they had the same thing in mind and that's why I'd been called in the first place. They'd had enough of all the false accusations and complaints thrown against me and said this had to stop now. Once they revealed the intention was to move me instead of kicking me, as in their own words, I'm a highly skilled worker, it didn't take long for me to agree. I'm getting relocated to a new school next Monday, with the schedule of my choice and the possibility of a double shift with double salary (not yet confirmed; if it's not meant to be, I can still take it at a different place, I'd just have to commute more).

    So I have today and tomorrow to clean up my office, and then I'll be gone. It's been a great ride, until things changed and it no longer was. Looking forward to a pleasing new workplace and new stories to tell.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #12
    Think of it this way, everything you do in live is turned to experience, and with experience your decisions become better.

    As for me, sorry to say I am finished, washed-up, kaput. I'm giving up, there's just no point to it anymore.
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  15. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    everything you do in live is turned to experience
    Yeah, RPGs taught me that

    Yesterday, I finished cleaning up my office and shut the server down for the last time. I think I had like 15 kilos of stuff there, including a boombox in storage to make room at home but no one would buy from me online. Will be meeting the authorities on my new school this Monday at 10 AM.

    And that's the way the world ends
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    As for me, sorry to say I am finished, washed-up, kaput. I'm giving up, there's just no point to it anymore.
    Well, don't let that feeling take over you. It and moving forward are mutually exclusive.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    I am finished, washed-up, kaput.
    what comes after getting tired? a period of rest(ing) and then a fresh/brand new day, so see ya in the morning, yeah?
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