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Thread: The Chat/Spam Thread

  1. #4696
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    https://www.msdsoft.com/eng/products/agenda/info.htm also has a calendar, but may be somewhat overkill.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #4697
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    I came across a video on YT, saying you can move your folders from SSD to HDD, and then create "junction" using LinkShellExtension, and the folders that are now on HDD will run as fast as when they were on SSD. Is this really true? I actually tried it. And have very mixed results. When I launch the game sometimes it really loads super fast, and sometimes it doesn't. You can see HDD speed
    Just wanted to know what you guys think about this?
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  4. #4698
    This is false. A junction (that you can create without any tools, you can do it in dos) works like a shortcut does. But instead of redirecting you to the new path, it acts like it's still in the current path. This is very useful for instance when you want to move an installed game to another disk without having to reinstall it as all the paths will technically still be available. Or anything else with a "fixed" installation path. The actual performance you'll get is from the disk it is on. A junction on an SSD will not speed anything up.
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    yoco (19.04.20)

  6. #4699
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Let's use logic here. If that were true, people would be junctioning multi-terabyte HDDs on small solid drives to have all the speed advantages while saving hundreds of dollars Any speedups noticed are due to Windows having cached recently-used data in RAM, rather than any magic from a YouTube video.

    Also, don't confuse junctions with symbolic links or hard links or mount points or reparse points. People use most of those terms almost interchangeably, but they're not the same thing. Also², you read that right, Windows has mount points like on Linux which you can use instead of (or in addition to) a drive letter. Also³, if you use SUBST, you can have drive numbers and symbols too, but they're only usable in terminal windows.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    yoco (19.04.20)

  8. #4700
    I just solved a very old problem in my firefox browser:
    Elements of some websites were completely blocked by either uBlock Origin and uMatrix. The addons have a setting in which you can disable them for specific scope/domain. But that did not help, the elements were still blocked. Nothing worked except disabling the addons entirely, and not one of them, bu both of them. I had this FF profile for 8 years i think, something like that. And a lot of crap has been added to it, and somehow it screwed up those two addons. I removed the profile, created a new one, and now works flawlessly.
    I guess a reset once in a while in necessary.
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  9. #4701
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Did you try removing just the two addons and installing them again before nuking the entire profile?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  10. #4702
    No, but it did not matter as I was going to create a new profile anyway,
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  11. #4703

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    just a heads-up: there is another lengthy post on the Corona virus pandemic and vaccines in general, loaded with less known non mainstream info and opinion from competent researchers:


    the summary is as follows:

    Quote Originally Posted by slik
    tldr; highlights

    Dr. Suzanne Humphries on vaccines in general:

    - there is nothing in a vaccine that the human body requires, we don't require aluminum, mercury, polisorbate-80, formaldehyde or similar common vaccine ingredients
    - there are always better ways to deal with diseases in a population than vaccinating
    - vaccines eradicated smallpox? not really
    - vaccines caused a drop in tetanus cases? not really
    - she says nobody has proven to her that vaccines are safe, there is scientific reason to believe that the components in the vaccines have potential for cancers, autoimmune and neurological diseases
    - not even one of the vaccines can be shown to be safe, let alone the numerous vaccines in the childhood vaccination program, given earlier and earlier and more and more
    - she recommends: you listen to everything and then choose, what you do is your responsibility, whereas people who support these aggressive vaccination campaigns want more and more vaccines all the time given to little babies
    - there is a lot of hype and misinformation surrounding the subject, suppression of information, especially that information dealing with alternative medicine, which recommends: nutrition, hand washing, vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, etc. which help not only with viral infections but can also help the immune system functioning properly
    - she takes really good care of her immune system, which is capable of handling diseases, it can be enhanced with nutrients; situations of exposure to diseases can be avoided; one can be prepared for the case of an infection
    - nutrition is one of the biggest factors in the susceptibility and the death rates of the diseases; then there was: lack of hygiene, inadequate water supplies, etc. - it was the wealthy people in the UK and USA that made such changes for the better, so that is her recommendation as to where Bill Gates and other powerful people ought to spend their money on [not on developing vaccines] - this is how they could end world hunger, lessening disease susceptibility of third world countries, making vaccination not necessary
    - the media is being coerced into censoring dissenting opinion of vaccines
    - according to her, science shows major problems with both the theory and the practice of vaccination

    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD about: COVID-19 masks, pandemia, vaccines and transmitting disease.

    - you can be infected with the Corona virus without getting the disease, which means you have immunity, which can be helpful to others
    - the theory about a bat virus jumping from uncooked food from a sea food restaurant in Wuhan, China jumping into humans makes no sense
    - the intermediate in all recent pandemics was not a small animal, it was an animal cell line or animal tissue repeatedly grown in labs

    - if you, the infected individual, do not have this inflammatory signature, it means you are immune to it, no matter how much Coronavirus is in your body, you won't get sick, you have an immune response, antibodies (alpha interferon that suppresses the virus)
    - if you have received Flu vaccine shots (Influenza), you may be more susceptible to the Corona virus (viral interference)

    - between 2013 and 2017 it was outlawed in USA for institutions to do the 'Gain of Function studies', which is to artificially teach viruses to infect human cells
    - these modified cell lines/tissue are shipped all over the world, using them in manufacturing many biological therapies, most prominently vaccines
    - every time you culture a virus you change it, and we don't know what these changes are, we don't know what will evolve, what dormant virus may be activated

    - the Coronavirus is not more than a severe cough, it is implausible that it is passing from human to human by healthy humans coughing, it is far more plausible that it is being injected
    - the Coronavirus did not spread to a 110 countries from a sea food market in China starting at around Dec 2019, it is plausible and probable that it has been in every Flu vaccine since 2013-2015 when this work was illegally done - the Flu vaccines are driving the infection

    - she objects to wearing masks...can activate these dormant viruses in your body...wearing a mask will kill more people

    - the 1918 Flu (aka the Spanish Flu) originated at Fort Riley military base, just after an experimental bacterial Meningitis vaccine, put together by the Rockefeller Institute

    - people most likely to get a severe disease from this Coronavirus are the vaccine injured people because they are immune compromised
    - healthy people who do not get a severe disease means that they have most certainly made antibodies to the virus and they were likely infected years ago, at least within the last 3 years
    - healthy people don't make people sick, healthy people don't express these viruses
    - none of our vaccines prevent infection, they don't contain neutralizing antibodies
    - the current misrepresentation states that: the Coronavirus is a super-virus, even though it is a NOTHING to healthy people
    - people get infected with viruses all the time because viruses are everywhere
    - infection DOES NOT EQUAL disease

    - there is another agenda at work, namely taking away personal freedoms
    - this is a plague of corruption intended to take away constitutional, religious and other freedoms from people

    - which vaccine to take? with live viruses (nasal spray) or inactivated? it does not matter (BOTH ARE BAD)

    - a colleague from the HIV research published an opinion article that the most likely way mouse viruses jump via zoonosis into humans was by biological therapies and the most prominent of which in the last 30 years had been vaccination - mice are used in lab research
    - they did not want to allow results which show that vaccines cause cancer, Autism, ME/CFS, that vaccines cause the evolution of more virulent strains of cancer causing viruses, that they are directly injecting in infants and old people

    - this Coronavirus COVID-19 is a big cover-up of a bigger problem - 2000 people per day die from cancer in USA - in 2009 she and her team described infectious transmissible cancer
    - SV-40 (simian virus 40) was another cancer causing virus that was spreading/transmitted throughout the human population with the polio vaccine

    - she has had the smallpox, polio vaccine in the 1960s - the vaccines were not nearly as dirty back then as they are now, the number of vaccinations were much lower, especially since the liability was removed from pharma companies or anyone giving vaccines - now vaccines can be made with no safety tests, no liability and still make tons of money
    - USA FDA needs to be closed, it is a criminal organization

    - find out who is immune, transfer the antibodies to the sick, use herd immunity knowledge, no need to lock down the world or an entire nation
    - this is an agenda that goes far beyond an infection, we already have the knowledge to avoid these cancers or associated neurological diseases
    - nowadays there is a silence about Influenza, so they just changed Flu to Covid-19, this year its like oh, lets just call everything COVID-19

    - the CDC's vaccine excipient lists have been modified at the beginning of 2019, animal tissue cells have been removed from the list
    - the CDC simply took the animal cell lines (like calf serum, cow blood, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells, WI-38 Aborted Fetal Cell Line tissues) out of the excipient list
    - these adventitious agents picked up from the tissue culture (animal tissues, human aborted fetal cells) can cause cytokine storms, the accelerated evolution of a more pathogenic strain that no one notices until it kills a lot of people

    - there is a rise, an explosion in chronic disease, 1 in 36 children are now autistic in USA, then there is rise in food allergies, Asthma,...
    - there was HIV/AIDS in the 20th century, now in the 21st century AIDS is driven by the bacterial and viral contaminants
    - we created this explosion of chronic disease, we maimed our entire culture, cancer appearing in ever younger people and all the medical establishment says is: better methods of detection [useless], we couldn't see it before [not true] - this is a crime against humanity, this pandemic and COVID-19 fraud against humanity

    - [reporter comment:] 26k scientists have signed a petition against 5G for the potential health effects
    - 5G energy can activate viruses because viruses are also electrical (charged signaling system in the body) and thus also can activate viral associated disease
    - viral infections can be driven by concentrated energy like 5G, especially with Aluminum (chem-trails also contain Aluminum particles)

    - the biggest crime is injecting foreign cells at birth
    - we have to bring back natural medicines and older medicines, combined with other natural products in order to restore health
    - the vaccines are driving the pandemics; SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Zika, Ebola outbreaks - every one of those was associated with a vaccine program or a chemical spraying program (eg. pesticides like Roundup)

    - Coronaviruses essentially live in all animals, different animals have different Coronaviruses
    - social distancing is stupid
    - animals live normally with their viruses, plants have retroviruses, human genome contains parts of viruses, it is an entire ecosystem

    - strengthening one's immunity is recommended: get off of all drugs, eat healthy, non GMO, if needed take anti inflammatory supplements, get off of immune suppressing steroids, stop using antibiotics, stop using all vaccination; use chicken soup, vitamin C, stay at home, use essential oils (tea tree, lemon) in a diffuser; go natural as much as you can, get sunlight, vitamin C, some exercise, use natural health medicine, get proper food, avoid pills or supplements, keep your environment clean, mold free, this works even on elderly with comorbidities, live clean, don't give away the responsibility for your health to a doctor

    - you have to fight co-infections and co-sensitivities: keep out of pollution as best as possible, don't smoke, wear a protective mask only if you work with toxic chemicals; exposure to fires can drive lung disease, pneumonia

    - she ends the interview with a spiritual/religious message of hope and of a need to protect our freedoms (of free movement, visiting churches, etc.)

    - and finally a list (with links) of 28 scientists and doctors who said the truth about COVID-19, as compiled by a youtube user
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  13. #4704
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    At this point, I think I have a better chance of catching up with that thread within my lifetime by just reading your summary posts
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #4705

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    At this point, I think I have a better chance of catching up with that thread within my lifetime by just reading your summary posts
    Probably smarter not to catch up with his posts at all...
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  15. #4706
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    Quote Originally Posted by qnr View Post
    Probably smarter not to catch up with his posts at all...
    Oh be nice
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  16. #4707
    You know, qnr reminds me of someone.., Anyone knows what happened to good ol' koel?
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  17. #4708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    Anyone knows what happened to good ol' koel?
    He finally got the Member title, saw that the exclusive section didn't have any programs to fake a terabyte of upload on What.cd without getting caught, and then disappeared.

    A shame, he was amusing and made some really good posts
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  18. #4709
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    A shame, he was amusing and made some really good posts
    Yes, we could've used a good clown. Now we have nothing.
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  19. #4710

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    You know, qnr reminds me of someone.., Anyone knows what happened to good ol' koel?
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