2007-12-16 - Notice:

Be warned, we have improved our cheat detection system, it has been tried and tested and it is working perfectly.
Don't PM staff asking why your friend was disabled, make him come to IRC and we will inform him.

We are also cracking down on Ghost Leecher's. We have added detection for it, and will soon be adding it to the auto ban script.

What is ghost leeching you ask? - Its the act of removing the tracker details from the torrent and not reporting back the correct stats to the tracker.

Take this as your warning for those who think they can try to get away with it.

// ScT Staff

Endlich wirds mal schwerer... Aber wenn es nur halb so gut wie Oinks ist, siehts schon düster aus. Schreibt mal ob ihr das neue System schon ausprobiert habt und was ihr davon haltet...

Werde auch mal in naher Zukunft die Skripte testen.