View Full Version : BitComet 1.09 SBI Leecherpack

20.01.09, 22:54
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> BitComet 1.09 Leecherpack SB-Innovation <<<<<<

changed by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<


>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

Mod Features:

-build different cheater versions
-included eMule plugin
-removed advertising
-cleaned code from some auto connected http sites
-changed some parts to show sb-innovation
-linked some buttons with our forum
-changed standard settings

Leecher Pack:






No Complete
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

-Es wird weder euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker gezählt.
-Ihr werdet als Seeder angezeigt
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

-Ihr werdet sofort als Seeder angezeigt euer Download wird auf dem Tracker nicht gezählt.
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

Fakeupload I
Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 45 kb/s an den Tracker
(Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

Fakeupload II
Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 95 kb/s an den Tracker
(Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

Wichtig (Fakeupload):
Begrenzt euren richtigen Upload auf 10 um an die angegeben Fakeuploadraten zu kommen. Durch verändern des Uploadlimits könnt ihr den Fakeupload erhöhen bzw senken aber geht dabei vorsichtig vor nicht das ihr zu unrealistische werte an den Tracker sendet.


No Complete
-You don't send the complete flag to the tracker.
-There is no snatchlist entry

Report Seeder:
You are shown as a seeder directly.
Your download isn't rated on the tracker.

You Upload and you download aren't rated on the Tracker.
You are shown as a seeder.

Fakeupload I
The client send a Fakeupload between 10 to 45 kb/s to the tracker
(If you limit your real upload to 10 kb/s)

Fakeupload II
The client send a Fakeupload between 10 to 95 kb/s to the tracker
(If you limit your real upload to 10 kb/s)

Important (Fakeupload):
Limit your real upload to 10 that you get the uploadrate i've posted above. If you change your uploadlimit you can increase or reduce the fakeupload. But please be carefull with your changes that you don't send to unrealistic reports to the tracker.



22.01.09, 01:18
can you teach me how to remove the ads?

this topic is banned in my own country's forum...:mad2:

they even delete the thread about tool removing ads.

22.01.09, 07:30
why does this happen? I'm using proxy now,or i cant visit the forum:frown:

it happened suddenly in the afternoon here.

http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1851/ban1tw7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/ban1tw7.jpg/1/w617.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img214/ban1tw7.jpg/1/)

22.01.09, 13:34
Proxy's are banned from our system.

best regards


22.01.09, 16:33
@xixifrank: this pack has the ads already removed:

-removed advertising
Or do you want to make a custom mod by yourself..?

why does this happen? I'm using proxy now,or i cant visit the forum:frown:

Our server blocks open proxies to prevent abuse. If your ISP is blocking this board, try using SSL access:


23.01.09, 01:48
Or do you want to make a custom mod by yourself..?

I wanna learn...more knowledge,much better.:smile: