View Full Version : Israel 'using white phosphorus' in Gaza

14.01.09, 03:32
This is absolutely terrible.

Read this excerpt from the news:

Human Rights Watch has called on Israel to stop using white phosphorus which it says has been used in military operations in the densely populated Gaza Strip.

The US-based group said that its researchers observed the use of the chemical, which can burn away human flesh to the bone, over Gaza City and Jabaliya on Friday and Saturday.......

There's more at the link if your interested in reading further.

Its a short read, too.

Here's the link:

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israel 'using white phosphorus' (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2009/01/2009110181945232797.html)


14.01.09, 04:20
Well I just wish both sides stop shooting each other, there are no winners or losers in war just suffering.

15.01.09, 02:28
oh, ya. Of course. Just think of the husbands, wives, kids, neighbors, friends, and so forth that suffer now with no housng, little food, lack of water, are killed, etc...etc..

Its so damn unfortunate.

Unforunately, war is a part of humankind.

Always has been and always will be.

Its within humankind, for people to wage war against others.

Its just an unfortunate element that exists as part of our interaction with others.