View Full Version : [Windows 7] Preview: Windows 7 Build 6956 Windows 7: Die neuen Funktionen in HD-Bildern

10.12.08, 00:59
Die vergangenen Vorab-Versionen von Windows 7 erinnerten stark an das aktuelle Microsoft-System Windows Vista. Der neuste Testkandidat mit der Build-Nummer 6956 zeigt erstmals neue Funktionen und cooles Design. Die Vorfreude auf das kommende Windows steigt.

Quelle mit Fotostrecke als Screenshots: Preview: Windows 7 Build 6956 - CHIP Online (http://www.chip.de/artikel/Preview-Windows-7-Build-6956_33997096.html)

na das sieht aber verdammt Vista-mäßig aus, naja wollen wir mal nur hoffen das es sich auch nur auf das Aussehen beschränkt :rolleyes:

10.12.08, 01:08
I just went to the link you provided, Snitlev. I like the ray of sunshine that they show on the new desktop pic for Win7.

10.12.08, 01:13
Hi, my friend I hope this page is ok, you must move the button from 1-33 ;.) Windows 7: Das neue Microsoft-System in HD-Bildern - Bildergalerie - CHIP Online (http://www.chip.de/bildergalerie/Windows-7-Das-neue-Microsoft-System-in-HD-Bildern-Galerie_33996629.html)

In my Opinion is the Picture No. 10 the best (clock)

10.12.08, 01:47
Snitlev: I just saw what you mean. I really like the desktop with the fish. Very realistic looking, I think.

I also like the look of the taskbar. I think it looks like that Vista look, yes??

Even that one taskbar where you can see through it, That's quite nice. I like a taskbar like that. So I am wondering if that will be built into the new Win7 or not. I guess it may,yes??
IMHO, I think having a clock on the desktop will be pretty big to have. I personnally don't like to have a clock that size on my desktop, though.

I also like the new explorer look as well. Actually, it looks really nice. It just seems to me to have a slight MACINTOSH look. At least some of the buttons do, IMO.

10.12.08, 17:23
In my Opinion is the Picture No. 10 the best (clock)

That looked more like a speedometer than a clock to me :biggrin:

@SealLion: if you're interested about the different UIs Windows has had over time, you can go to this site (http://toastytech.com/guis/indexwindows.html). They have documented most of the interfaces (from Win1.0 to Vista, and even the Chicago ones) and some mods. Those of other operating systems are also available.

11.12.08, 00:53
hi, anon
That looked more like a speedometer than a clock to me

Picture 10 is a clock:wink:

12.12.08, 09:03
I had a quick look, Anon. VEry interesting, I thought.

12.12.08, 16:14
Picture 10 is a clock:wink:

I know :wink: But, just look at it! It's more of a speedometer with all that fancy stuff:
It's better when they don't try to make everything fit in there, but at least you can customize it. :tongue:

@SealLion: glad you liked it. :smile:

13.12.08, 17:05
Hi, anon I know a joke ;-P

look to this Site: Quanta demos Optical Touch system with Windows 7 / Quanta demos Optical Touch system with Windows 7 - Windows Live (http://rz-online.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!DF592DD98673EDD3!4733.entry)

in german: Zwei Kameras machen Touchscreen billiger
Windows 7: Quanta demonstriert neuartigen Touchscreen

Microsofts kommendes Betriebssystems Windows 7 unterstützt Multitouch-Bedienung - das ist kein Geheimnis. So ist es auch keine große Überraschung, dass die Hersteller von Monitoren und Displays sich vorbereiten und Neuentwicklungen präsentieren, die für Windows 7 gerüstet sind. Aktuelles Beispiel ist ein Touchscreen von Quanta Computers.

Quelle: Windows 7: Quanta demonstriert neuartigen Touchscreen - netzwelt.de (http://www.netzwelt.de/news/79147-windows-7-quanta-demonstriert-neuartigen.html)

and the new Benchmark / Windows 7 in ersten Benchmarks vor Vista & XP

Erste vorsichtige Benchmarks der aktuellen Windows 7 Build 6956 zeigen, dass Microsofts Versprechungen von einem schnelleren Start und gesteigerter Leistung schon jetzt in Erfüllung zu gehen scheinen. Dies gilt nicht nur im Vergleich zu Windows Vista, sondern auch bei XP.

Quelle: WinFuture.de - Windows 7 in ersten Benchmarks vor Vista & XP (http://winfuture.de/news,44156.html) (sorry, only in German)