View Full Version : BitComet 1.07 SBI Leecherpack

05.12.08, 06:20
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> BitComet 1.07 Leecherpack SB-Innovation <<<<<<

changed by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<


>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

Mod Features:

-build different cheater versions
-included eMule plugin
-removed advertising
-cleaned code from some auto connected http sites
-changed some parts to show sb-innovation
-linked some buttons with our forum
-changed standard settings

Leecher Pack:






No Complete
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

-Es wird weder euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker gezählt.
-Ihr werdet als Seeder angezeigt
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

-Ihr werdet sofort als Seeder angezeigt euer Download wird auf dem Tracker nicht gezählt.
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

Fakeupload I
Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 45 kb/s an den Tracker
(Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

Fakeupload II
Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 95 kb/s an den Tracker
(Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

Wichtig (Fakeupload):
Begrenzt euren richtigen Upload auf 10 um an die angegeben Fakeuploadraten zu kommen. Durch verändern des Uploadlimits könnt ihr den Fakeupload erhöhen bzw senken aber geht dabei vorsichtig vor nicht das ihr zu unrealistische werte an den Tracker sendet.


No Complete
-You don't send the complete flag to the tracker.
-There is no snatchlist entry

Report Seeder:
You are shown as a seeder directly.
Your download isn't rated on the tracker.

You Upload and you download aren't rated on the Tracker.
You are shown as a seeder.

Fakeupload I
The client send a Fakeupload between 10 to 45 kb/s to the tracker
(If you limit your real upload to 10 kb/s)

Fakeupload II
The client send a Fakeupload between 10 to 95 kb/s to the tracker
(If you limit your real upload to 10 kb/s)

Important (Fakeupload):
Limit your real upload to 10 that you get the uploadrate i've posted above. If you change your uploadlimit you can increase or reduce the fakeupload. But please be carefull with your changes that you don't send to unrealistic reports to the tracker.



05.12.08, 11:21
so habs mal zu meiner sammlung an tools gepackt. was heißt eigentlich ad-free? gut übersetzung weiß ich, aber was ist daran werbefrei ggü. dem normalen Tool?

Mfg Dagon

05.12.08, 13:07
Im Original läuft in der linken unteren Ecke immer ein Werbevideo mit dem das BitComet Team die Arbeit an dem Client finanziert. Ausserdem habe ich ich bestimmt 10 verschiedene URLs entfernt wo das Original sich nach und nach irgendwelche Daten zieht (vielleicht spyware).
Auf der Linken Seite in der Favouritenübersicht befinden sich normal auch noch Ordner mit Werbelinks. Es ist echt wahnsinn was diese Software im uneditierten Zustand alles für Verbindungen zu http oder https Seiten aufbaut ohne das man was mit bekommt. So wie es aussah wurden sogar die Client Statistiken an BitComet gesendet obwohl ich mir da nicht ganz sicher bin..
Jetzt ist das Prog echt sauber ich registriere mit meinem Sniffer eigentlich nur noch gewünschte Verbindungen...

05.12.08, 13:37
Es ist echt wahnsinn was diese Software im uneditierten Zustand alles für Verbindungen zu http oder https Seiten aufbaut ohne das man was mit bekommt.

joa, das ist wirklich nicht mehr normal... wollte mir beim originalen die announce anschauen, und hab fast nen schock bekommen als ich im sniffer die liste sah:shockkk!:

€dit: schaut auf die uhrzeit...bin halt einfach leet :p

05.12.08, 14:29
interessante Sache mit dem, dass so ein Programm so viele Daten sendet!! Finde es ne Frechheit, dass sowas programmiert wird, Werbevideo können die bei sowas gerne machen (bei nem original client), aber mehr Daten muss nicht sein!!!

Mfg Dagon

15.12.08, 03:19
It's true that Bitcomet in the more recent version has "call to home" or "spyware" features that sends to an unknown serven in china stats about your download and programa usage?

anyway thank you for update, great mod :)

15.12.08, 14:26
It's true that Bitcomet in the more recent version has "call to home" or "spyware" features that sends to an unknown serven in china stats about your download and programa usage?

-removed advertising
-cleaned code from some auto connected http sites

Not in this mod. :wink:

15.12.08, 16:13
Not in this mod. :wink:

That's correct. I have checked the mods and they have none of the call-home/spyware URLs that plague the original BitComet.

16.12.08, 07:39
no virus....etc founded. it's detected because of the packing software. google search and see.

16.12.08, 17:00
@gicu: he was talking about the innumerable call-homes that affect the official BitComet, these mods aren't packed ^^

28.12.08, 02:08
Hi everyone! I have a question, I beleive this is the right place to do it. I really like bitcomet, its my favorite client, and I want to use it in everyplace.(BitComet 1.07 original- no ads SBI)

My problem is that some websites / trackers (private trackers) have this client banned and they force me to use another client (usually some versions of utorrent).

Is there any way to fake the user agent?

I used uni-leech unsuccessfully

Could somebody help me?

Thank you for everyone to listen to me

28.12.08, 16:17
Tracker scripts pick up banned client mainly by their peer_ids, rather than HTTP User-Agents. If the -BC segment from the client's peer_id was hex-edited inside the executable to be something else (for example, -UT :wink:) you could essentially bypass client blocks, but as BitComet's announce structure and peer_id/key algorithm is very different from other clients, it'd take a look from the tracker admins at the log to see you're spoofing another client, and therefore ban you. Furthermore, other peers will still see BitComet in their clients' peerlists, and they could simply report your IP to an admin which would also end up in a ban.

08.01.09, 18:03
I do not know if this work well because the data that tells me to upload the program and are much lower than under the climb to the drop. The program is to overwrite the original program or to clean. What I've done is to overwrite it. Since the use bitcomet as well as download manager flashgot + bitcomet.

08.01.09, 18:05
You don't need to have the official BitComet installed first to use these mods - they're standalone.

I do not know if this work well because the data that tells me to upload the program and are much lower than under the climb to the drop.

What do you mean with this?

09.01.09, 08:51
If I only under a file that gives me down approx. 50 kb that I would not climb as much performance as it increases the upload speed x9 therefore would not be 90. And then as I do so that it can be used by bitcomet flashgot through Firefox download manager. Sorry for my bad English because I am using the google translator. I am Spanish.

09.01.09, 16:37
If I only under a file that gives me down approx. 50 kb that I would not climb as much performance as it increases the upload speed x9 therefore would not be 90.

The 9 in front of your upload speed is only seen by the tracker - your real speed isn't changed.

14.01.09, 03:42

i meet the same problem before. I think bitcomet is popular only in China,most of Chinese use this client. the users in other countries use utorrent and Vuze most.

anyway,since you like bitcomet so much,i recommend you to use "bitcomet MX, bitcomet X, bitcomet 魂",this version is modded by Japanese,very quick,you can google it.

the only advantage of bitcomet is its Long-Time Seed.

1. those three ones are the same in fact,this version changes names fluently,so i dont know what it is called now... sorry...

2. many users think bitcomet spam seeds,so they ban it. if you download a torrent from Minonova, you will find your peerlist using UT and Vuze most... no one uses Bitcomet..

3. seems to have nothing to do with the post,but i am wondering whether the forum is updating or throttle & limit the Asia IP like China. because the speed i visit is soooo slow,even i should use Proxy.... :(

14.01.09, 15:39
3. seems to have nothing to do with the post,but i am wondering whether the forum is updating or throttle & limit the Asia IP like China. because the speed i visit is soooo slow,even i should use Proxy.... :(

We aren't throttling/blocking access to any IP range. It could be a problem with your connection or the proxy you're using. You can find a Web proxy list here (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f71/0day-proxies-260-new-proxies-updated-regularly-3850/index4.html).