View Full Version : eMule 0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8

10.11.08, 21:18
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> eMule 0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Final <<<<<<


Coded by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Coding Support (thx) :

>>>>>> g_m & sarutobi <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

-add "generate new rsa key" button [downloadlist]
-add auto generate new rsa key [switchable]*
-add emulate community nick addons [switchable]*
-add don't share partfiles [switchable]*
-add shut down emule when downloads complete [switchable]*
-add shut down pc when downloads complete [switchable]*
-add fake check (searchwindow)
-add update function for fakes.dat
-add ban/server rotation/rsa key generate time [switchable]*
-add xs/kad/srv/srv-udp reask times [switchable]*
-add time settings menue (preferences)
-changed max queue / max filebuffer size [advanced options]*
-changed some icons
-removed block spammers (useless)
-some other code changes

-add auto server rotation [swichable]*
-add uploadslotcontrol [connection preferences]
-add "drop ranking QR > 2500" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "drop NNS/FQ/TM sources" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "push client" button (Waitingqueue)
-add download in color[switchable]*
-show Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics [transferwindow]
-show NNS/FQ/TM source statistics [transferwindow]
-changed sidebanner (thx Manas)
-some other code changes
-updated code to 0.49b

v 1.6
-upload only to friends [switchable] *
-disable [XS] send [switchable] *
-add "load/save sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "ask after new sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "Update" menue for ipfilter and ip2country (options)
-add ip2country (fix coded)
-add sidebannder [options]
-show cpu/mem/server [transferwindow]
-show splash on exit (fix coded)
-changed fake rank code
-some other code changes...

v 1.5
-emulate other clientsoftware (switchable) *
-don't send complete file status (switchable)*
-fake rank (switchable)*
-auto reload shared files if download is complete (fix coded)
-no upload (switchable)*
-don't share any files (switchable)*
-don't share the incoming folder (switchable)*
-don't send filelist to server (switchable)*
-don't publish filelist in KAD (switchable)*
-add no ratio (fix coded)
-add unlimited search results (fix coded)
-reask client for download (downloadqueue)
-kick all Peers Button (uploadqueue) **
-kick & bann buttons (uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-clear banlist buttons (Uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-add block spammers (switchable)*
-add "SBI" menue" (preferences)
-add forum link button (maincontrollbar)
-add new splashscreen
-changed min queue size(advanced options)
-based on emule 0.49a

* you must restart emule that settings take effect...
** you must mark one client that this function works...

[U]Erklärung: / Explanation:

generate new rsa key
Ihr könnt eure eMule Identifikation ändern. Dadurch verliert ihr alle Credits bei anderen Clienten!
Deshalb ist diese Funktion nur zu empfehlen wenn ihr den Mod eh mit No Share oder No Upload laufen last. Durch das ändern des rsa keys seit ihr besser vor "eMule Network Scans" und auch gegen die ein oder andere "Static Banlist" geschützt.
This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

emulate community nick addons
Euer Client emuliert die Community Erweiterungen im Nickname von anderen Clients, da man so teilweise im download bevorzugt wird.
Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

don't share partfiles
Es werden nur eure Downloads versteckt. Andere Ordner könnt ihr normal zum Upload anbieten.
Only the files you're downloading will be hidden. You can still offer all your other folder to upload.

fake check
Im Suchfenster wird euch angezeigt ob ein bekannte Fake Eintrag für diese Datei vorhanden ist.
In the search window you will be shown whether there is a known fake entry for a certain file.

upload only to friends
Es gelangen nur Clients in eure Uploadwarteschlange die ihr davor zum Freund gemacht habt.
Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

disable [XS] send
Ihr gebt eure Quellen nicht an andere Clients weiter.
you don´t give your sources to other clients

load/save sources
Mit dieser Funktion könnt ihr eure Quellen Speichern und Laden.
you can load/save your sources with that function

ask after new sources
Ihr könnt jederzeit für ein File den Server, Kademilla und die anderen Clients nach neuen Quellen fragen.
you can ask the Server, Kademilla and the other clients anytime for new sources for a file

Es werden dieFlaggen der jeweiligen Herkunftsländer bei den Clients und den Servern angezeigt.
flags of the country of origin will be shown on the clients and the server

emulate other clientsoftware
Ihr emuliert ander Client Software wie z.B. edonkey, Shareaza usw. falls sich ein solcher Client zu euch verbindet, da sich diese Programme untereinander bevorzugen.
you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

don't send complete file status
Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet wenn ihr ein File komplett habt.
if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

fake rank
Ihr sendet einen gefälschten Warteschlangen Rank zu anderen Usern, da manche Mods diesen berücksichtigen.
you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

block spammers
Clients die uns Spam Nachrichten schicken werden geblockt.
clients sending spam will be blocked

no upload
Andere Clients können von euch nichts laden.
other clients can´t download from you

no share any files
Alle Dateien werden versteckt auch die ihr gerade ladet. Dadurch kann es zu schlechteren Speed Ergebnissen kommen.
all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

no share the incoming folder
Euer Incoming Ordner wird nicht im Netz Freigegeben. Dadurch werden nur Files veröffentlicht die ihr gerade Ladet oder manuel frei gegeben habt.
your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

autoreload shared files
Die Liste der Freigegebenen Dateien wird neu geladen wenn ein Download beendet ist. Die Funktion wird für "no share the incoming folder" benötigt.
the list of your shared files will be reloaded if a download has finished. this function is needed for the function "no share the incoming folder"

don't send filelist to server
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht an die Server gesendet. Somit taucht ihr nicht bei den Suchergebnissen auf.
your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

don't publish filelist in KAD
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht in Kademilla veröffentlicht. Dadurch kann es zu weniger KAD Verbindungen kommen.
your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

no ratio
Ihr könnt den Upload begrenzen wie ihr wollt. Euer Download wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt.
you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

unlimited search results
Die Anzahl der Treffer bei der Suchfunktion wird nicht begrenzt.
the number of searchresults is unlimited

reask client for download
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients nach Download fragen. Aber benutz denn Button nicht öfter hinter einander da ihr sonst gebannt werdet.
you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

kick all peers
Damit leert ihr alle Uploadslots.
you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

kick & bann
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients aus denn Warteschlangen entfernen bzw bannen.
you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

clear banlist
Damit leert ihr eure Bannliste.
you can clean your banlist with that

queuezise changing
Die Warteschlangen Grösse kann beliebig verändert werden.
the size of the queue can be change like you want with that

server rotation
ihr verbindet euch nach 20 Minuten zum nächsten Server in der Liste.
makes you connect to the next server in the list every 20 mins

upload slot control
dadurch könnt ihr Regeln wie viele Leute gleichzeitig von euch was laden dürfen.
controls how many people you can upload to at the same time

drop ranking QR > 2500
dadurch entfernt ihr alle Clients aus den einzelnen Downloads die einen Rank über 2500 haben.
removes sources whose queue rank is higher than 2500 from your downloads

drop NNS/FQ/TM sources
damit könnt ihr clients die nur nicht benötigte Teile, die eine volle Warteschlange haben oder zu viele Verbindungen entfernen.
removes nns (non needed source), full queue and tm (too many connections) sources from your downloads

push client
ihr könnt clients aus der Warteschlange manuell einen Uploadslot zuteilen.
throws clients in your upload queue

downloads in color
Dateien die gerade geladen werden grün gerfärbt.
colors your downloads green

Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics
euch wird angezeigt mit wie viele Quellen ihr verbunden seit.
shows you the source total and how many of them have been received through ed2k, kad or xs

NNS/FQ/TM source statistics
dadurch könnt ihr erkennen ob ihr im Moment mit überflüssigen Quellen verbunden seit
shows you how many of your downloads' sources aren't needed or in "full queue" or "too many connections" status

In all versions are no viruses or trojans! Some virus scanners hit alarm because we use a packer who is also often used for viruses or trojans. All versions are free to 100% of viruses and Trojans, with it we guarantee with our name SB-Innovation!

In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!



10.11.08, 21:38
wolltest du net in die europeen com mit rein?

10.11.08, 21:46
Hat bis jetzt irgendwie noch nicht so geklappt.
Ich habe mich auch nicht wirklich darum gekümmert weil ich privat viel um die Ohren hatte.
Aber das war ja nicht die letzte Version. Ich werde auf jedenfall immer wenn ich ein wenig Zeit habe daran weiter arbeiten. Es fehlen auch noch einige andere Requests wie no upload und no share für einzelne Files. Auch ein auto dropsystem muss ich noch einbauen...
Da aber die jetzige Version wieder recht gut läuft und auch einge nette neue Updates enthält dachte ich mir ich haue sie jetzt mal in den Public das alle was davon haben...

10.11.08, 22:29
Waouh Great idea the rsa key.I will post some stats this week to see how it work:klatsch_3:

10.11.08, 22:49
so far the fastest emule sbi leecher version. if you want the best security combined with the best download speed than grab this version. and im saying this as a user that is using that mod.

11.11.08, 00:01
Another fast BomB like a Thunder coming here just from ya Butcho !

Thanks buddy for releasing such a new update :top:

11.11.08, 05:10
From a security point of view, canging RSA key is I think a very good idea.

At first sight, DL seems to be very fast (one 6mB mp3 file with 50 sources in less than 1 mn)... Good job Butcho!

I have a question: Is there any difference between "don't share all files" and ("don't share incoming folder" + "don't share your downloads") ?

These "downloads" in question are they all .part files in temp directory, or only those in temp directory that are downlading ?

11.11.08, 05:43
Yes if you've activated no share all files you can't share anything.
If you've activated no share partfiles and no share incoming you can offer collections or other folders on your hard drive if you want get some credits....
The rsa key feature works really well you will see it... (thx to sarutobi)

11.11.08, 10:15
Hio Butcho, dann wird mal ausgiebig getestet! Mal shen ob der Xtreme den bannt. Ach ja, das mit der European Comm würd mich auch reizen,hehe.
Gruß Rantan

11.11.08, 11:58
what is the Password?


11.11.08, 12:01
Press the THX Button and you should be able to see it. :wink:


11.11.08, 12:08
but i can't see the thx Butten... T_T

e// i see,i see,thx

11.11.08, 12:18
Hio Butcho, dann wird mal ausgiebig getestet! Mal shen ob der Xtreme den bannt. Ach ja, das mit der European Comm würd mich auch reizen,hehe.
Gruß Rantan

Job ich werde auf jedenfall schauen ob ich in richtung Community was managen kann. Mit No Share und No Upload wirst du warscheinlich von extreme usern oder ähnlichen mods nichts abbekommen, da die dich durch ihre upload protection und durch das Filtern ihrer queue (NNS...) einfach aussotieren.

11.11.08, 12:28
Really great work brother.
Long life to Sbi :klatsch_3:

11.11.08, 14:08
Danke für diesen geilen mod, mit welcher einstellung bekommt man den besten speed? Hartlimit u.Verbindung und SBi Einstellungen. Danke...

11.11.08, 14:29
My settings: (please say me if something is wrong or completely unuseless)

1) connection: network ed2k (highid)+kad(open+open)

2) limits: max sources/file 800 max connections 1400

3) security: Protocol obfuscation + Ipfilter+ secure identification + emule as unprivileged user + spam filter

4) extended: Max new connection/30s: 30 Max half open connection: 50 - verbose enabled (level 5) - File buffer size: 1 MB - Queue size:10000

5) SBI settings:
* security: noupload+don't share incoming folder + don't share your downloads + don't publish in kad + don't send filelist to server + don't complete file status + auto generate rsa key

*others: fakerank + emulate other clients + emulate community nick addons + auto server rotation

Remark: I think it"s useless to tick "no upload" + "don't publish in kad + don't send to server" + don't complete file status" + fakerank when "don't share incoming" and "don't share downloads" are already ticked, since Temp in Incoming are my only 2 directories, but I'm not 100% sure.

6) Time settings:
xs reask: 20
kad reask: 25
server reask: 10
server udp reask: 15
client ban time: 5
rsa key reset: 380
server rotation: 180

Here are my statistics:

[FONT="Arial Black"]eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [http://emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 239.51
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 1
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 0
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: Waiting...
Average upload time: 0 Seconds
Total Overhead (Packets): 36.41 MB (479.26 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 14.07 MB (245.57 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 6.56 MB (4.89 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 183.71 KB (2.94 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 5.59 MB (92.12 k)
Uploaded Data: 2.51 GB
Upload Sessions: 331
Total Overhead (Packets): 5.06 GB (63.82 M)
Downloaded Data: 6.04 GB
eMule: 5.65 GB (96.2%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 174.07 MB (2.9%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 4.60 MB (0.1%)
eM Compat: 46.96 MB (0.8%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 1.07 GB (17.8%)
Other: 4.97 GB (82.2%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 15
Active Downloads (chunks): 68
Found Sources: 5168
On Queue: 3639
Queue Full: 147
No needed parts: 1257
Asking: 4
Receiving hashset: 0
Connecting: 15
Connecting via server: 2
Too many connections: 16
Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
Problematic: 0
Banned: 0
Asked for another file: 1938
Unknown: 20
via eD2K Server: 87
via Kad: 880
via Source Exchange: 2420
via Passive: 1781
eD2K: 4818 (93.2%)
Kad: 4397 (85.1%)
eD2K/Kad: 4073 (78.8%)
UDP File Reasks: 62.41 k, Failed: 7.08 k (11.3%)
Dead Sources: 2.87 k (2.74 k + 131)
Download Sessions: 1161
Successful Download Sessions: 883 (76.1%)
Failed Download Sessions: 278 (23.9%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 7.00 MB
Average Download Time: 22:16 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 115.03 MB (1.9%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 14.15 MB (0.2%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 2
Total Overhead (Packets): 46.64 MB (1.03 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 25.77 MB (838.75 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 5.88 MB (5.41 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 81.71 KB (718)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 5.82 MB (68.22 k)
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 15/09/2008 02:15:41
Time Since Last Reset: 57 Days 12:39 Hours
Runtime: 7:36 Hours
Transfer Time: 7:34 Hours (99.5%)
Upload Time: 7:34 Hours (99.5%)
Download Time: 7:32 Hours (99.1%)
Current Server Duration: 32:36 Minutes (7.1%)
Total Server Duration: 7:34 Hours (99.5%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 5180
eMule: 4874 (94.1%)
v0.49b: 2654 (54.5%)
v0.48a: 1072 (22.0%)
v0.49a: 749 (15.4%)
v0.47c: 282 (5.8%)
Minor: 108 (2.2%)
v0.47a: 71 (1.5%)
v0.46c: 21 (0.4%)
v0.47b: 12 (0.2%)
v0.45b: 4 (0.1%)
eD Hybrid: 0 (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 (0.0%)
aMule: 71 (1.4%)
v2.2.2: 30 (42.3%)
v2.2.0: 17 (23.9%)
v2.1.3: 16 (22.5%)
v2.2.1: 6 (8.5%)
Minor: 2 (2.8%)
v2.3.0: 1 (1.4%)
v0.47.0: 1 (1.4%)
MLdonkey: 16 (0.3%)
Shareaza: 26 (0.5%)
eM Compat: 182 (3.5%)
Unknown: 11 (0.2%)
eD2K: 4825 (93.1%)
Kad: 4408 (85.1%)
eD2K/Kad: 4079 (78.7%)
Unknown: 26 (0.5%)
Default: 863 (16.7%)
Other: 4317 (83.3%)
Firewalled (Kad)
UDP: 14.5%
TCP: 17.3%
Low ID: 1193 (23.0%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 4878 (97.2%) : 143 (2.8%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 36
Filtered: 66
Working Servers: 4
Users on Working Servers: 1.61 M; Low ID: 717.54 k (44.5%)
Files on Working Servers: 195.44 M
Server Occupation: 50.62%
Failed Servers: 1
Deleted Servers: 0
Total: 5
Total Users: 1.62 M
Total Files: 195.44 M
Max. Working Servers: 18
Max. Users Online: 2.96 M
Max. Files Available: 370.76 M
Shared Files
Disk Space

In short: works very fine, in a stable way :klatsch_3:

11.11.08, 16:16
Why my post/reply gets deleted? Well.. I will say my experience with this mod: It downloads impressive fast :eek3:! But im wondering, does this mod getting banned if you use things like fake queue rank or copy community tag?

Great thanks for the mod (First time I use one of this SBI Mod and I love it right away lol :klatsch_3:!)

eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistieken [Nemo]

Sessie UL:DL-ratio: 1 : 3.86
Sessie UL:DL-ratio (exclusief vrienden-UL): 1 : 3.86
Gezamelijke UL:DL-ratio: 1 : 3.86
Geüploade bestandsdelen (sessie): 142.54 MB
Geüploadde data naar vriendensloten (sessie): 0 bytes
Actieve uploads/nodig om bandbreedte te vullen: 3
Totaal aantal uploads: 3
In wachtrij: 463
Uploadsessies: 29
Totale overhead (pakketten): 3.51 MB (45.82 K)
Gedownloade bestandsdelen: 550.53 MB
Complete downloads: 0
Downloadsessies: 167
Gewonnen door compressie: 3.52 MB (0.6%)
Verloren door corruptie: 0 bytes (0.0%)
Bestandsdelen gered door I.C.H: 0
Totale overhead (pakketten): 3.05 MB (81.76 K)

11.11.08, 16:43
eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [mskvorc1]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 1.75
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 1.75
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 1.75
Uploaded Data: 827.85 MB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 5
Total Uploads: 5
Waiting Uploads: 6485
Upload Sessions: 138
Total successful upload sessions: 119 (86.23%)
Total failed upload sessions: 19 (13.77%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 6.96 MB
Average upload time: 26:41 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 35.05 MB (474.04 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.42 GB
Completed Downloads: 4
Active Downloads (chunks): 5
Found Sources: 1231
Download Sessions: 1127
Successful Download Sessions: 586 (52.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 541 (48.0%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 2.48 MB
Average Download Time: 12:03 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 13.17 MB (0.9%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 9.80 MB (0.7%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 21.76 MB (541.08 k)
Upload-Speed: 24.97 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 23.96 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 25.11 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 24.73 KB/s
Download-Speed: 15.18 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 42.00 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 181.86 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 68.97 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 11.11.2008 6:56:09
Time Since Last Reset: 9:48 Hours
Runtime: 9:50 Hours
Transfer Time: 9:50 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 9:50 Hours (100.0%)
Total Server Duration: 9:50 Hours (100.0%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 6729
Firewalled (Kad)
Low ID: 1756 (26.1%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 6433 (98.8%) : 77 (1.2%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 371
Filtered: 1405
Shared Files
Disk Space

11.11.08, 20:51
@spanier0987: these settings give me the best results:
(sorry for the bad image quality, I'm not at home at the moment)

"don't share all files" won't share nor upload anything
"don't publish filelist in KAD" and "don't send filelist to server" won't send which files you have shared neither to the Kad network nor the server
"don't send complete file status" will hide some chunks from others so that you can't be identified as a full source
"emulate other client software" and "emulate community nick addons" will make the mod state you're using the same program to non-eMule clients and that you're part of the community to other community mods, respectively. This means you could be given upload preference. As both are undetectable you have nothing to lose :top:

My settings: (please say me if something is wrong or completely unuseless)


4) extended: Max new connection/30s: 30 Max half open connection: 50 - verbose enabled (level 5) - File buffer size: 1 MB - Queue size:10000

5) SBI settings:
* security: noupload+don't share incoming folder + don't share your downloads + don't publish in kad + don't send filelist to server + don't complete file status + auto generate rsa key

*others: fakerank + emulate other clients + emulate community nick addons + auto server rotation

It's useless to have a 10000 places queue with all no shares enabled. :biggrin:
The rest of your settings look fine to me. :wink:

Remark: I think it"s useless to tick "no upload" + "don't publish in kad + don't send to server" + don't complete file status" + fakerank when "don't share incoming" and "don't share downloads" are already ticked, since Temp in Incoming are my only 2 directories, but I'm not 100% sure.

Don't worry about this, since this version will automatically disable settings that don't make sense or are redundant (like "no upload" + "fake rank" or "don't share all files" + "don't share the incoming folder").

The mod works very well with the Relakks VPN. :wink:

But im wondering, does this mod getting banned if you use things like fake queue rank or copy community tag?

Both are undetectable :top:

@Butcho: of course thanks for the mod. :smile:

12.11.08, 11:12
Here is some stats

eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [rom08]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Downloaded Data: 532.10 MB
Completed Downloads: 1
Active Downloads (chunks): 4
Found Sources: 1131
Download Sessions: 306
Gained Due To Compression: 7.74 MB (1.5%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 10.43 MB (207.31 k)
Downloaded Data: 599.57 MB
Completed Downloads: 2
Download Sessions: 402
Gained Due To Compression: 10.82 MB (1.8%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 13.97 MB (262.50 k)
Reconnects: 13
Active Connections (estimate): 20 (Half:1 | Compl:6 | Other:13)
Average Connections (estimate): 35
Peak Connections (estimate): 540
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 146 B/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 3.01 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 37.37 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 22.15 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 79.24 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 22.15 KB/s
Time Statistics
Shared Files
Disk Space

I think there is a problem as you see I'm under 40% of successful download session and with the same settings with 1.7 I was over 80%.
I don't understand why

12.11.08, 11:22
is "server rotation"useful ?? why should i reconnect the server after a while???

and how to use "generate new rsa key" well ? i dont understand it much...

12.11.08, 13:41
I think there is a problem as you see I'm under 40% of successful download session and with the same settings with 1.7 I was over 80%.
I don't understand why

I should check my stats later and compare them with 1.7's, but it is true that this version can connect to a lot more sources.

is "server rotation"useful ?? why should i reconnect the server after a while???

and how to use "generate new rsa key" well ? i dont understand it much...

Server rotation connects to the next server in the list after a specified interval. It can help you get more sources although Renk has reported it temporarily slows down downloads.

Generate new RSA key is to completely change your eMule's unique identificator. This makes you lose all your credits although you'll be more protected against a lot of anti-P2P network scans.

12.11.08, 14:52
Server rotation connects to the next server in the list after a specified interval. It can help you get more sources although Renk has reported it temporarily slows down downloads.

i usually connect to the server which has the most files. like edonkey server no 1 & 2. two servers from Netherlands. once i have connected to the most files,do i need to connect to the server having less files??

Generate new RSA key is to completely change your eMule's unique identificator. This makes you lose all your credits although you'll be more protected against a lot of anti-P2P network scans.

you mean changing my userhash so let me seen as a fish?

and,what's anti-P2P network scans...i've never heard of that... sorry....

12.11.08, 14:58
Some stats:

eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [http://emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1.01 : 1
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1.01 : 1
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1.01 : 1
Uploaded Data: 3.16 GB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 4
Total Uploads: 4
Waiting Uploads: 5467
Upload Sessions: 588
Total successful upload sessions: 538 (91.50%)
Total failed upload sessions: 50 (8.50%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 6.01 MB
Average upload time: 7:11 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 74.12 MB (1.25 M)
Downloaded Data: 3.13 GB
Completed Downloads: 9
Active Downloads (chunks): 22
Found Sources: 5063
Download Sessions: 945
Successful Download Sessions: 622 (65.8%)
Failed Download Sessions: 323 (34.2%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 5.15 MB
Average Download Time: 23:18 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 65.52 MB (2.0%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 9.45 MB (0.3%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 71.77 MB (1.23 M)
Reconnects: 40
Active Connections (estimate): 133 (Half:2 | Compl:56 | Other:75)
Average Connections (estimate): 181
Peak Connections (estimate): 457
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 70.03 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 57.88 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 70.64 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 57.88 KB/s
Download-Speed: 81.07 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 57.37 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 329.41 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 57.37 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 21/09/2008 01:52:29 a.m.
Time Since Last Reset: 52 Days 14:02 Hours
Runtime: 16:13 Hours
Transfer Time: 15:53 Hours (97.9%)
Current Server Duration: 9:42 Minutes (1.0%)
Total Server Duration: 15:48 Hours (97.4%)
Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space

It woks well and stable but there is a lot of Failed Download Sessions: 323 (34.2%)

12.11.08, 16:02
i usually connect to the server which has the most files. like edonkey server no 1 & 2. two servers from Netherlands. once i have connected to the most files,do i need to connect to the server having less files??

eDonkeyServers are probably one of the biggest non-fake servers out there. :top:

The amount of files a server has doesn't matter too much - there could still be potential good sources for your download. If you're concerned about the temporal download slowdown Renk has reported, you can enable rotation but set a large interval for it at Time Settings - something like 2 or 3 hours.

you mean changing my userhash so let me seen as a fish?

and,what's anti-P2P network scans...i've never heard of that... sorry....

Correct, it changes your unique eD2K identificator.

Anti-P2P network scans are done by anti-piracy companies (like MediaDefender or BayTSP) who have financial interests on the network slowing down or becoming unusable. These scans record your hash and IP as evidence, then the AP2Pers may send a copyright infringiment letter to your ISP. In the worst cases this could result in them suing you, where you'll either have to pay a fine or spend time in jail.

The feature works by changing your unique ID every X minutes (the interval is settable), so that your previous hash(es) "die" and therefore can no longer be traced to you. (Changing your IP after some days between downloads is also a good idea)

Only use it if you really need it for security reasons as your credits are lost forever when the RSA key is changed.

12.11.08, 16:13
eDonkeyServers are probably one of the biggest non-fake servers out there. :top:

The amount of files a server has doesn't matter too much - there could still be potential good sources for your download. If you're concerned about the temporal download slowdown Renk has reported, you can enable rotation but set a large interval for it at Time Settings - something like 2 or 3 hours.

also ... when you connect to server emule sends a new source request on it ...

12.11.08, 16:19
when you connect to server emule sends a new source request on it ...

Yes, this is the most important detail and I forgot to mention it. :biggrin:

13.11.08, 09:56
Anti-P2P network scans are done by anti-piracy companies (like MediaDefender or BayTSP) who have financial interests on the network slowing down or becoming unusable. These scans record your hash and IP as evidence, then the AP2Pers may send a copyright infringiment letter to your ISP. In the worst cases this could result in them suing you, where you'll either have to pay a fine or spend time in jail.

The feature works by changing your unique ID every X minutes (the interval is settable), so that your previous hash(es) "die" and therefore can no longer be traced to you. (Changing your IP after some days between downloads is also a good idea)

mmm.....got it. the country i live in now seems to pay no attention to P2P,just allow it...so,this feature is useless for me?? right??

13.11.08, 12:12
pay no attention to P2P,just allow it...so,this feature is useless for me?? right??

Yes, it's useless then.

But if you think other mods' anti-leech detection may have picked you up, it'd be OK to generate a new RSA key every 2-3 weeks. Remember you'll lose all your credits forever.

13.11.08, 19:52
I think there is a problem as you see I'm under 40% of successful download session and with the same settings with 1.7 I was over 80%.
I don't understand why

I think the problem is that the mod want to connect to more sources like the old one. I think that's the reason why we get more failed download sessions because many clients can't let us in their queue at once if we ask for upload again.
The next point is that the anti leecher features in mods become better and better and the most coders insert them in their mods.
Or you've insert to low reask times. Some clients check it and ban you if you send source exchanges in to low time periods.
I've much better speed results and about 75% successful sessions with the new version, but that was always the strange thing with emule that the mods run different on each system.

13.11.08, 21:17
any chance to show ip with countryflag in ur mod?

sure fakesenders will be catched faster. :klatsch_3:

13.11.08, 21:38
No sorry but if you want see the ips i'll insert it in my next release....

13.11.08, 22:20
I think the problem is that the mod want to connect to more sources like the old one. I think that's the reason why we get more failed download sessions because many clients can't let us in their queue at once if we ask for upload again.
The next point is that the anti leecher features in mods become better and better and the most coders insert them in their mods.
Or you've insert to low reask times. Some clients check it and ban you if you send source exchanges in to low time periods.
I've much better speed results and about 75% successful sessions with the new version, but that was always the strange thing with emule that the mods run different on each system.
No worry I found it change with the file I'm downloading.With the last one I was over 70%.I test with the official emule and the rsult are nearly the same that with your mod.The problem might come from my ISP I think

14.11.08, 02:08
No sorry but if you want see the ips i'll insert it in my next release....

what about add showing the country name??

and what do you think of "game complete fast"?

14.11.08, 06:30
I'll look what i can do if i have some time...

14.11.08, 12:15
I have only 31% downloadsessions failed, as far it connects to more sources and downloads fast I dont have any problems with it and thats what it does. Works like a charm :top:!

14.11.08, 15:15
Hy! I have an unusuall question. Is there any file to download just to check how big speed and such stuff I can get with this mod?

14.11.08, 15:33
You can download the Ubuntu 8 ISO. With 500+ online sources at any given time I think it works just as good as the "Ubuntu test" for BitTorrent. :wink:

14.11.08, 16:04
Where can I find it? :redface:

14.11.08, 16:16
Either look for "ubuntu" in eMule's search and download the ISO with the most sources/availability, or "paste" (Ctrl+V) the following link in the transfer window:

ed2k://|file|ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso|728221696|482D7E64805553EEB95E573AB0FFE50 2|/

14.11.08, 16:23
I pasted the link :wink:
I noticed that it eon't download IP filter. Gives me this error

Failed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server
Error downloading http://emulepawcio.sourceforge.net/nieuwe_site/Ipfilter_fakes/fakes.zip

14.11.08, 16:27

The ipfilter or the fake list file? :wink:
Try these links:




15.11.08, 21:04
This mod works fine for me, despite loss of ed2k server (today there remains only 1 living server in my list, so have I unticked server rotation...). With the settings I have mentioned, I have only 15-20% of failed downloads, and my DL speed is 220ko/s on average. But there is a big sensitivity in time setting choice: With xs reask time 15mn and kad reask time 15 mn, I yesterday observed 80% of failed downloads.

I have a question: This morning, in my log file, was written the following message.

15/11/2008 10:37:03: Failed to write part.met file list - Access to I:\eMule 0.49b SBI 1.8\downloads.txt was denied.

What does it means exactly, and what have I to do to fix that in a comprehensive manner (the problem disappeared after I have opened and then closed file downloads.txt, but I don't understand why doing so does fix the problem, and it reappeared after 2 hours).

16.11.08, 20:14
This mod works fine for me, despite loss of ed2k server (today there remains only 1 living server in my list, so have I unticked server rotation...).

Yes, there are every time more fake servers in the eD2K network :mad2:
Some of the few non-fake servers left are the eDonkeyServers (no. 1 and 2), Saugstube, and PEERATES.NET, according my experiences and blocklist.

With the settings I have mentioned, I have only 15-20% of failed downloads, and my DL speed is 220ko/s on average. But there is a big sensitivity in time setting choice: With xs reask time 15mn and kad reask time 15 mn, I yesterday observed 80% of failed downloads.

Such a huge % leap is most likely caused by other mods' DLP or Argos heuristic detecting you as a XS-Exploiter or Reasker. The absolute minimum is 10 minutes (even the official eMule will always ban you if your reask interval is shorter than that), and that's why you can't set the value lower than that in this mod - to avoid getting yourself a ban.

But it's possible that other clients' anti-leech protection is coded so that every mod reasking faster than the official interval gets a score reduction or ban - after all, no official mod will do this, and those with changeable intervals like NeoMule will only allow you to increase it, not reduce it.

So I think there's nothing we can do against this kind of protection apart from setting the reask times to the official ones... :frown:

I have a question: This morning, in my log file, was written the following message.

15/11/2008 10:37:03: Failed to write part.met file list - Access to I:eMule 0.49b SBI 1.8downloads.txt was denied.

What does it means exactly, and what have I to do to fix that in a comprehensive manner (the problem disappeared after I have opened and then closed file downloads.txt, but I don't understand why doing so does fix the problem, and it reappeared after 2 hours).

"Access denied" can be caused by a variety of things, ranging from another application (antivirus? try closing it) having the file locked, to your user account not having access to it (less likely, as you can open the .txt in Notepad), or even a damaged hard disk.

Try the following procedure:

Close eMule.
Open Windows Explorer.
Go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View, scroll to the bottom at "Advanced Settings", and untick the "use simple file sharing" checkbox. Press OK.
Right click eMule's downloads.txt file (make a backup first just in case) and choose "Properties".
Go to "Security".
Remove all entries under "User or group names", and press Apply.
Click on "Add", write "Everyone" (without the quotes) in the textbox, and click OK. If your Windows is localized you'll have to write "Everyone" in your language - for example, it'd be "Todos" in an spanish XP.
Highlight the new Everyone entry in the user list, and tick the "total control" checkbox under "Allow" in the list below. You'll see all other checkboxes under "Allow" automatically tick themselves.
Press OK, and open eMule again. See if the problem persists.

17.11.08, 22:04
will my downloads be any slower if i use change rsa key?

17.11.08, 22:09
Yes, because every time you generate a new RSA key, you'll lose all your credits forever. This way other clients no longer can identify you as their owner, and won't give you a queue boost.

17.11.08, 23:06
No sorry but if you want see the ips i'll insert it in my next release....

yes i want ^^


18.11.08, 13:23
Ich möchte eMule über webinteface steuern wenn ich
aber eMule webinterface aktiviere meldet eMule das eMule.tmpl datei
nicht gefunden wo kann ich diesem Datei finden

18.11.08, 14:46
Yes, there are every time more fake servers in the eD2K network :mad2:
Some of the few non-fake servers left are the eDonkeyServers (no. 1 and 2), Saugstube, and PEERATES.NET, according my experiences and blocklist.

Can you really reach the Sangstube server ?? All ping tests failed with me.

Try the following procedure:

Close eMule.
Open Windows Explorer.
Go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View, scroll to the bottom at "Advanced Settings", and untick the "use simple file sharing" checkbox. Press OK.
Right click eMule's downloads.txt file (make a backup first just in case) and choose "Properties".
Go to "Security".
Remove all entries under "User or group names", and press Apply.
Click on "Add", write "Everyone" (without the quotes) in the textbox, and click OK. If your Windows is localized you'll have to write "Everyone" in your language - for example, it'd be "Todos" in an spanish XP.
Highlight the new Everyone entry in the user list, and tick the "total control" checkbox under "Allow" in the list below. You'll see all other checkboxes under "Allow" automatically tick themselves.
Press OK, and open eMule again. See if the problem persists.

Thanks for your advices. I will say you what happen the next time my problem reappears (in fact, it has one time reappeared, but at this time my emule was running at 480 kb/s, and I have not been able to take the decision to close it...)

Yesterday, I noticed a mysterious warning in my log file:

warning: found matching client, to a currently connected client; uvw[eplus] (xx.yyy.z.tt) and tyuiop (aa.bb.ccc.ddd)

(where I have replaced the real IPs by "aa.bb.ccc.ddd" and xx.yyy.z.tt").

What does it means ??

Ps: The possibility with this mod to forbid sharing (and then uploading) in Temp and Incoming directories, but to allow sharing (and possibly uploading) in another directory is great: So, it's possible to share (and upload) only free stuff and even to obtain some credits (if upload allowed and "RSA key reset time" eg 720 ).

18.11.08, 16:55
Can you really reach the Sangstube server ?? All ping tests failed with me.

Now that you mention it, I can't connect to Saugstube either... it appears to be dead.

Thanks for your advices. I will say you what happen the next time my problem reappears (in fact, it has one time reappeared, but at this time my emule was running at 480 kb/s, and I have not been able to take the decision to close it...)

I wouldn't have closed it, either :biggrin:

Yesterday, I noticed a mysterious warning in my log file:

warning: found matching client, to a currently connected client; uvw[eplus] (xx.yyy.z.tt) and tyuiop (aa.bb.ccc.ddd)

(where I have replaced the real IPs by "aa.bb.ccc.ddd" and xx.yyy.z.tt").

What does it means ??

"That means that two clients with same hash have tried to connect to you (one was connected and second try to connect) from two different ip at same time.
Don't worry about, it is not your problem."

Ps: The possibility with this mod to forbid sharing (and then uploading) in Temp and Incoming directories, but to allow sharing (and possibly uploading) in another directory is great: So, it's possible to share (and upload) only free stuff and even to obtain some credits (if upload allowed and "RSA key reset time" eg 720 ).

Yes, that's an awesome possibility. :biggrin: You could even further help the Free software movement by connecting to the PEERATES.NET server if you wanted :wink:

But the credits you get doing this won't last more than a month with the RSA generation interval set to 720h :tongue:

19.11.08, 03:26
Thanks for a fine mod. :top:

In the beginning the gui wouldn't show. It just got loaded into the memory and nothing else. It would take over 10 restarts every time I wanted to start it.

Now it works fine. Good speed with selective upload.:smile:

19.11.08, 11:14
@spanier0987: these settings give me the best results:
(sorry for the bad image quality, I'm not at home at the moment)

I tried with your settings and it made even worse :eek: so I put everything as before and it's doing great now :tongue:

19.11.08, 16:49
@Grambo: it's good that you got the mod running, but the UI bug you mentioned shouldn't have been there from the beginning... what's your security software?

@yoco: the less popular your downloads are, the more time you'll have to spend downloading it with those settings. Other transfers could also slow down a bit as you won't be sharing anything.

20.11.08, 14:06
If any app was hindering Emule wouldn't there be a msg?
And the off. Emule works fine.

20.11.08, 19:36
And the off. Emule works fine.

Then maybe it's a problem with the packer Butcho is using to protect his mod... try adding emule.exe to your antivirus' and firewall's excluded applications.

21.11.08, 04:30
Then maybe it's a problem with the packer Butcho is using to protect his mod... try adding emule.exe to your antivirus' and firewall's excluded applications.

I did, but the (lesser) problem is still present.

22.11.08, 06:25
what's the meaning of rsa key?

22.11.08, 13:09
The rsa key is like your ip on internet but with emule.

22.11.08, 17:37
Correct. It is your unique identifier in the eMule network, a bit like your IP on the Internet. That's why this Mod's RSA key auto-generation feature protects you against anti-P2P network scans (like BayTSP's FirstSource), because it changes it from time to time and your old one can no longer be traced to you.

24.11.08, 03:32
Does anyone else lose the ability to remember open searches between restarts?
You know, where every search you did will be kept open even after you shut down and restart emule?

24.11.08, 03:54
@ heiji: The option is in display "remember open searches between restart" I remember why your question?

24.11.08, 08:59
@ heiji: The option is in display "remember open searches between restart" I remember why your question?

Ah, I'm sorry for not being clear.

Yes, the option is there and I checked it, and yet my searches are never saved. So if I close my emule, the next time I start it there would be no open searches. Remember the old Emules, where you have restart all your searches everytime you restart the program? Yep, just like that.

This option worked fine for me in the previous version 1.7.

24.11.08, 13:28
Is there any benefit from "server rotation time"? Can I disable it?

24.11.08, 13:41
I am using emule 0.49 a SBi is this version better than the last one.

24.11.08, 14:48
@Heiji: yes, I can confirm searches aren't saved between restarts here too, even with that option enabled...

@yoco: every time you connect to a server, eMule sends a new source request to it. Server rotation connects to the next server in your list every X minutes (the amount is customizable), and therefore can speed up your downloads by getting more sources for them, although Renk has reported a temporal slowdown after every new server connection.

24.11.08, 15:55
Yesterday I couldn't connect to any server in my list.
I use the Peerates best servers list. Except the Sharing kingdoms

24.11.08, 16:44
@yoco: every time you connect to a server, eMule sends a new source request to it. Server rotation connects to the next server in your list every X minutes (the amount is customizable), and therefore can speed up your downloads by getting more sources for them, although Renk has reported a temporal slowdown after every new server connection.
So how many minutes should I put in? By default it's 30.
I have another question for you. Fake rank, should I disable it or enable it?

24.11.08, 17:06
@Grambo: we should have the same servers in our lists, then. I have just tried to connect to the TVU DonkeyServer and it worked.

@yoco: if you're concerned about the slowdown Renk has reported, set the interval to something between 60 and 180 minutes.

Regarding fake rank, if you use this mod just for downloading, and have enabled all no shares, it's useless - and as a matter of fact, it'll be automatically disabled if those are your settings.

But if you also use it for normal uploading, it's possible that enabling it makes a client in your queue give you preference should you later have to download from him, because he'll think he will get something from you soon. In this case you could enable it - it's undetectable, so you lose nothing trying.

24.11.08, 17:09
I'm uploading as well. Never really worked for me if I only cheated :wink:
Thank you! :top:

26.11.08, 23:15
@Grambo: we should have the same servers in our lists, then. I have just tried to connect to the TVU DonkeyServer and it worked.

It was only a temp. problem.:smile:
Both edonkeys and TVU works now.

Is it possible to get Random port feature?

26.11.08, 23:33
because i think that you can't change the ports while emule is running without getting connection problems with lowid or firewalled. But i must test it...

26.11.08, 23:57
@Butcho: I think he meant changing to random ports on eMule startup; the MorphXT and eMuleEspaña mods have this feature. :top:

27.11.08, 02:44
Is it possible to get this at startup into the next SBI-leecher?
Otherwise this is the best emule I have seen.

30.11.08, 20:08
irgendwie wird im tray-icon kein download angezeigt. ist das normal oder mach ich was falsch?


30.11.08, 22:10

I think I have had that glitch one, but I otherwise couldn't reproduce it. Try disabling "show overhead bandwidth", or (re)setting your eMule language to english.

01.12.08, 00:08
I think I have had that glitch one, but I otherwise couldn't reproduce it. Try disabling "show overhead bandwidth", or (re)setting your eMule language to english.

und was heißt das auf deutsch?

01.12.08, 00:10
Du sollst versuchen "show overhead bandwidth" zu deaktivieren oder die eMule Sprache wieder/nochmals auf Englisch zu setzen.

06.12.08, 10:44
Hello here is some stats from a very long run

eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [rom08]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 0
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 0
Upload Sessions: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 319.28 MB (3.79 M)
Downloaded Data: 18.25 GB
Completed Downloads: 5
Active Downloads (chunks): 10
Found Sources: 2056
Download Sessions: 3771
Gained Due To Compression: 172.05 MB (0.9%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 34.07 MB (0.2%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 5
Total Overhead (Packets): 399.13 MB (5.59 M)
Reconnects: 138
Active Connections (estimate): 79 (Half:3 | Compl:29 | Other:47)
Average Connections (estimate): 73
Peak Connections (estimate): 324
Upload-Speed: 2.18 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 3.91 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 147.53 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 76.72 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 521.50 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 81.64 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 12/11/2008 22:11:19
Time Since Last Reset: 23 Days 12:31 Hours
Runtime: 2 Days 21:23 Hours
Transfer Time: 2 Days 21:23 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 19:04 Minutes (0.5%)
Total Server Duration: 2 Days 21:12 Hours (99.7%)
Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space


07.12.08, 10:57
http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7618/emuqe8.jpg :frown:

Is it possible to exclude the vision of that parameters? :confused:

07.12.08, 16:17
Is it possible to exclude the vision of that parameters? :confused:

That glitch is known. It's not possible to turn off the source counters at the moment.

22.12.08, 18:57
I can't see the "thanks" button.... WHY???

22.12.08, 18:58

22.12.08, 19:12
Danke to you "anon" :biggrin:
You should know the THX button now, use it!

23.12.08, 02:52
http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7618/emuqe8.jpg :frown:

Is it possible to exclude the vision of that parameters? :confused:

once it also happened to me....

23.12.08, 07:22
Isnt'it just a Vista bug?Cause in XP I never had the problem

23.12.08, 14:42
Hey Butcho, kannste hier nicht auch den applejuicefake einbauen? Aber bringt es was? Ich meine Sarutobi faked jetzt applejuice, da kann ich doch direkt den Applejuice nehmen oder? Ich seh da net wirklich nen Sinn drin. Ein Mod der demn applejuice faked ist doch nur ein weiterer clone von jetzt momentan sechsen oder siebenen.

23.12.08, 16:46
@ Rantanplan0567

Nein...ein Fake ist dazu da andere auszunutzen...das heisst du tust so als ob du zu ihnen gehörst um was zu bekommen gibst aber nichts zurück....;-)

23.12.08, 17:33
@xixifrank & rom08: it happens when you add a lot of categories (at least on XP).

@Rantanplan0567: the Applejuice faking (for now only available in the new PrE-Mod, perhaps it'll show up in the next SBI-Leecher version :wink:) gives you a better chance to download from AJ-commmunity clients. It's a major code achievement...

23.12.08, 18:25
Here is some stat for only one file of 7.95 Go

eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [rom08]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Downloaded Data: 1.74 GB
Completed Downloads: 0
Active Downloads (chunks): 1
Found Sources: 354
Download Sessions: 394
Gained Due To Compression: 27.40 MB (1.5%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 167.06 MB (2.03 M)
Reconnects: 110
Active Connections (estimate): 13 (Half:0 | Compl:7 | Other:6)
Average Connections (estimate): 19
Peak Connections (estimate): 237
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 1.03 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 11.14 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 5.78 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 9.40 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 237.91 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 9.40 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 12/11/2008 22:11:19
Time Since Last Reset: 40 Days 20:10 Hours
Runtime: 2 Days 7:16 Hours
Transfer Time: 2 Days 7:16 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 12:59 Minutes (0.4%)
Total Server Duration: 2 Days 7:07 Hours (99.7%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 356
Firewalled (Kad)
Low ID: 61 (17.1%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 186 (53.4%) : 162 (46.6%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 8
Filtered: 78
Shared Files
Disk Space

I use no up and all features:klatsch_3::klatsch_3:
But my concern is about the memory usage I'm at 174Mo of memory
I think SB-i mod is the simple and lighter one of the board while pre-mod is the heavier with lots of featues.
Doesn't always implementing new features can make it too complicated for newbies or to much heavy for old PC users?

23.12.08, 18:38
Thanks for your stats! :wink:

But my concern is about the memory usage I'm at 174Mo of memory

That's a bit too much - how many shares and on going downloads do you have? Here it has never used more than 40MB.

I think SB-i mod is the simple and lighter one of the board while pre-mod is the heavier with lots of featues.

For releasers, this way the mod isn't a leecher but just has a lot of power, and you can choose to use it to either upload a lot of leech :biggrin: And all those hacks are also helpful in getting the most out of your connection :wink:

Doesn't always implementing new features can make it too complicated for newbies or to much heavy for old PC users?

Too complicated: this was true with the Neo codebase, but PrE was posted to Mephisto because it was more simple to use - keeping your hands off Mephisto settings if you don't know what they do while you still have good functionality is the best when you're a beginner, and as you learn more you can have a look at them...

Heavy for old PC users: that's true. But there are plans to "lighten" the SBI-Leecher mod (by removing unused features like the IRC or Scheduler), and things like this that are almost never used (eMule is a P2P program, not an IRC client! :biggrin:) could end up being removed from PrE to save resources, too. :smile:

23.12.08, 18:39
I'll try to resolve the categorie problem in my next version.
About the other features we will see which one i'll insert in my next mod.
We plan to insert a good working modthief but it's only useful if no antileech can detect it...

23.12.08, 22:11
I have only one download and no share( i use no share any files).I have 4Go of ram so 174 Mo of memory usage isn't a problem for me.But if it increase at this point for me maybe I'm not the only one.I was just thinking about the other users.Oh and I'm using XP.

24.12.08, 11:57
Hit the danke button (it mean thank you in deutch)because to say thank you is spamming in this board(that's why there is a button.Your posts may be deleted by moderators

24.12.08, 12:12
Thank you for your efforts, but the next time please just report the posts :wink:

24.12.08, 16:26
thank u man. if u can post the sourcecode i will be gratefull

24.12.08, 16:37
The source code is private. We already have enough problems with mod stealing to make the mod open...

26.12.08, 15:54
Hello butcho i have some feature request for you .first can you implement the auto hard limit who is very useful. Second can you replace fake detection by file name disparity check because the fake file list is not up to date anymore. In fact i really loved this beba mod features. Thanks for your answer and for the auto hard limit i really beg you because it is good to connect to the real number of sources available even if it is two thousands or twenty

26.12.08, 16:26
I still work on the first beta at the moment so i needs a while until i can release the next final.
But i'll try to insert your requests...

26.12.08, 17:20
I have been using this mod since day one. I have encountered no problems with this version.

Thanks for your work.


26.12.08, 19:09
Hi there,

I'm a little overwhelmed by the available options, even after reading their description. I don't want to share, upload or prodive any files/information at all. I'm a little confused since "don't share all files" and "no upload" exclude each other.

Can you please take a look at the picture I attached and tell me if this is the most secure way to configure SBI Leecher?

Thanks in advance and thanks for your great work


26.12.08, 19:24
I don't want to share, upload or prodive any files/information at all. I'm a little confused since "don't share all files" and "no upload" exclude each other.

By not sharing anything, there's nothing to upload. "All files" emcompasses both the Incoming folder and your downloads. You also can't enable "don't send complete file status" because reporting a file as incomplete is incompatible with claiming not to have it (which not sharing does).

Can you please take a look at the picture I attached and tell me if this is the most secure way to configure SBI Leecher?

If you don't want to share, and therefore upload anything, tick these three options:
[X] don't share all files
[X] don't publish filelist in KAD
[X] don't send filelist to server

"Auto generate new RSA key" is useful to constantly change your RSA key (consider it an unique identifier) just in case other mods' anti-leecher detection picked you up. You should ideally set a big interval, though (like 8hrs/480min, or the maximum, 12h/720min).

If you're not sharing anything, it's useless to enable FakeRank. Untick it. It's also possible for anti-leech detection to pick you up as an XS-exploiter because of having "disable [XS] send" ticked, but if you have RSA key autogeneration and a sensible interval as I mentioned above, it doesn't matter too much.

Also, by enabling "emulate other clientsoftware" and "emulate community nick addons", you'll get a better chance to download from non-eMule and community clients, and Butcho worked hard on making this feature undetectable, so you lose nothing trying it. :smile:

26.12.08, 19:25
Yes your settings looks ok.
But you can activate no share all files if you don't want share anything.
It's normal that no upload and fake rank will become disabled because you don't need this options with activated no share all. Other clients can't request any part and so they can't download anything and don't want know your ranking...

edit: anon was faster... (like every time)
But the mods with antileech have often a anti upload protection feature and drop nns the most of time. So i think he can activate don't send xs without getting more problems... ;)

27.12.08, 01:23
Hey Butcho, kannste hier nicht auch den applejuicefake einbauen? Aber bringt es was? Ich meine Sarutobi faked jetzt applejuice, da kann ich doch direkt den Applejuice nehmen oder? Ich seh da net wirklich nen Sinn drin. Ein Mod der demn applejuice faked ist doch nur ein weiterer clone von jetzt momentan sechsen oder siebenen.

Da muss er noch etwas üben^^

@Rantanplan0567: the Applejuice faking (for now only available in the new PrE-Mod, perhaps it'll show up in the next SBI-Leecher version ) gives you a better chance to download from AJ-commmunity clients. It's a major code achievement...

da bin ich mal gespannt^^

Gruß /¯°`?.?´°¯\

27.12.08, 09:31

perhaps you can take a look at sarutobi's new work:PRE-mod1.5.

it has added many leech features. some of them are really nice,maybe you can take them into your next version.



Auto generate new RSA key" is useful to constantly change your RSA key (consider it an unique identifier) just in case other mods' anti-leecher detection picked you up. You should ideally set a big interval, though (like 8hrs/480min, or the maximum, 12h/720min).

do you mean anti-leech will pick someone up according to his userhash? if that's true,i should take account of using RSA...cause i upload a little

the most important thing:

help !!! help !!! my kaspersky says there is a virus/trojan-downloader in the files.and deletes the emule.exe automatically.... i cant use the mod,anyway solving it???


1.request for fast end game in SBI next version

2.request for features like sending random modstring,sending modstring you write yourself....
you can google "fincan"mod. this mod send random modstring containing some special symbol only existing in Language Turkey or Israel... i think this cant be banned by DLP.

cause leecher mods are judged mostly according to the modstring. if 100 people write 100 different modstrings, if,blabla, hehe, maybe DLP can do nothing but say byebye...

27.12.08, 12:58
+1 same problem with kaspersky untill yesterday evening even with emule.exe in trusted applications

27.12.08, 13:41

by the way, since you have used pre 1.5,just talk about your feelings please. the download speed compared with SBI 1.8

27.12.08, 13:44
bucause emule-sbi it's a compress exe packed (PECompact) , then dont worry if kaspersky say it's a virus or trojan

27.12.08, 13:52
bucause emule-sbi it's a compress exe packed (PECompact) , then dont worry if kaspersky say it's a virus or trojan

yes i know,Butcho has explained it before. the problem is we must make a choice between Kaspersky and SBI-leecher :frown:

though someone has recommended me Avast,but i'm used to Kaspersky...

sigh....FXXXing stupid Russian anti-virus! :icon_angry[1]:

27.12.08, 14:59
For me download speed are better with sbi mod than withpre-mod.Also is the source number for a file(for example 150 more find source for a file).
Sorry Sarutobi but sbi working better for me.
@moderators: sorry but the only way I found not to make kaspersky delete emule.exe was to take it from fucking seba's site(shame on me please don't ban me!!!)
@Butcho :Thank you I really hope you can had auto hard limit and filename disparity check and another call :
can you or someone else a specific design for your mod(toolbar,button,tray icon...)but this point is really not important
Can you enable the hidden option of emule(like in pre mod ex:minimule autoclose and minimule transparancy etc)this is not important either

28.12.08, 00:11
@xixifrank: by changing your RSA key, your old unique identity (and the possible bans associated with it) is lost forever. If with "'cause I upload a little" you meant that you were afraid of getting banned by other clients because of uploading very little if at all, you can enable RSA key autogeneration, and set its interval to 720 min. to be sure.

If you want to switch to another antivirus because of your problems with the packer, I'd strongly recommend NOD32 2.7. :top:

@rom08: we're not going to ban you, but bear in mind the mod is packed with a reason, and that it wasn't meant to be unpacked.

In the meantime, if you want extra skins for the eMule UI you can go to these sites:

EmuleSkins (http://www.emuleskins.net/)
eMule Skin Database (http://www.emule-mods.de/?skin=show)

28.12.08, 04:54
I downloaded it from seba just now and Kaspersky doesnt say anything...

but since seba always steals other's mods without saying anything,i am wondering whether he has added something in the mod...

and, emule.exe in the RAR downloaded from forum and seba is not the same in size. SBI is 3.3MB while seba is 2.4MB, what causes this?

28.12.08, 08:49
Why are you recommanding nod 32 2.7 there is a version 3 is there any problem with it?

28.12.08, 16:09
I downloaded it from seba just now and Kaspersky doesnt say anything...

Because the mod is unpacked, which leads us to the following point...

but since seba always steals other's mods without saying anything,i am wondering whether he has added something in the mod...

... that's true, we can't know that. But he has changed stuff for sure - you'll have seen that he made the titlebar look like Butcho coded the mod for him, and edited th splash screen to show "own3d by s****4.**g" (owned? What the f*** did he do apart from unpacking the mod and hex-editing it? Anyone with the correct unpacked and 5 mins. of hex-editor knowledge can do that too :rolleyes2:).

and, emule.exe in the RAR downloaded from forum and seba is not the same in size. SBI is 3.3MB while seba is 2.4MB, what causes this?

I don't know - perhaps he removed some resources from the EXE and then re-packed it with UPX, or something like that.

I can't exactly tell you because I'll never bother to give this idiot money for posting an unpacked mod and having no respect at all for the coders.

Why are you recommanding nod 32 2.7 there is a version 3 is there any problem with it?

Yes, there is - it's much slower and more bloated than v2.7 :biggrin:

29.12.08, 20:31
eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [http://emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 1
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 0
Upload Sessions: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 27.87 MB (503.27 k)
Downloaded Data: 7.41 GB
Completed Downloads: 8
Active Downloads (chunks): 33
Found Sources: 2268
Download Sessions: 3244
Gained Due To Compression: 31.24 MB (0.4%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 18.55 MB (0.2%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 10
Total Overhead (Packets): 46.67 MB (1.22 M)
Reconnects: 29
Active Connections (estimate): 88 (Half:1 | Compl:34 | Other:53)
Average Connections (estimate): 107
Peak Connections (estimate): 326
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 538 B/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 2.13 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 150.47 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 147.73 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 166.63 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 147.73 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 14.11.2008 23:11:55
Time Since Last Reset: 44 Days 22:30 Hours
Runtime: 14:37 Hours
Transfer Time: 14:37 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 6:53 Minutes (0.8%)
Total Server Duration: 14:35 Hours (99.8%)
Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space

30.12.08, 12:52
wie bekommt man den das Passwort zum entpacken von emule 0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 ?

30.12.08, 13:10
Du must einfach denn "Danke" Button drücken und schon sollte unter der Grafik das Passwort angezeigt werden.
Falls dem nicht so ist lade die Seite am besten noch einmal neu...

30.12.08, 23:19
I have installed nod32 and now I'm runningsbi-mod downloaded from here.
No more false positive:klatsch_3:

30.12.08, 23:22
Good to know you're now running an official SB-I product and not the unpacked mod from seba's blog. :wink:

Are you using v2.7 or 3+?

31.12.08, 08:18
I'm actually using 3.0.672.I didn't found 2.7.But no problem here no reaction time increasment on my PC .But I have a good configuration (4 Go of RAM).
Anyway thanks for the advice I like nod32 for now

31.12.08, 15:59
No problem. :thumbsup:

I didn't found 2.7.

NOD32 2.7 (english):

NOD32 2.7 (french):

Those are the trial versions. :wink:

01.01.09, 08:26
i just did a forced reboot on my computer and got a popup from nod32 v 3.0672 saying it is quaritinng emule exe .virus def 3728. any ideas?

01.01.09, 16:49
nod32 v 3.0672 saying it is quaritinng emule exe .virus def 3728. any ideas?

False positive. Try adding it to NOD32's exceptions. I use v2.7 as mentioned above and it doesn't pick up emule.exe as a threat.

01.01.09, 21:14
That' s true add it to exeptions and no problem any more(I use same version of nod32 3.0.672):tongue:

02.01.09, 02:08
my antivirus program picks the exe up as a virus. im using nod32 v3.0.684.0.i cant unrap rar folder without it getting deleted,,,someone please help me

02.01.09, 09:21
You can restore it from your quarantaine folder and then just add it to exeptions.When it is done nod32 will not analyse it anymore.
@moderators and administrators:
This problem is a major one and can really deserve your site in front off other ones(you know who I am talking about).Now a lot of antivirus programms see your rar files as trojan.:frown:

02.01.09, 09:21
what about not using this packer in the next version?

02.01.09, 09:22
I agree with xixifrank

02.01.09, 13:33
it doesnt delete the rar file.it deletes the exe i extract to program files folder.

02.01.09, 13:44
Yeah restore the .exe from your quarantaine folder and then add emule.exe to your exeptions.It worked for me.

02.01.09, 13:49
eMule v0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Statistics [http://emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 1
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 0
Upload Sessions: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 43.78 MB (777.52 k)
Downloaded Data: 12.34 GB
Completed Downloads: 12
Active Downloads (chunks): 104
Found Sources: 2090
Download Sessions: 4827
Gained Due To Compression: 55.01 MB (0.4%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 19.89 MB (0.2%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 13
Total Overhead (Packets): 73.45 MB (1.97 M)
Reconnects: 48
Active Connections (estimate): 183 (Half:3 | Compl:45 | Other:135)
Average Connections (estimate): 179
Peak Connections (estimate): 326
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 666 B/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 2.13 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 151.28 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 148.85 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 174.08 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 148.85 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 14.11.2008 23:11:55
Time Since Last Reset: 45 Days 8:02 Hours
Runtime: 1 Days 9 Minutes
Transfer Time: 1 Days 9 Minutes (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 7:55 Minutes (0.5%)
Total Server Duration: 1 Days 6 Minutes (99.8%)
Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space

02.01.09, 14:58
what about not using this packer in the next version?

read please this


there are reasons. we are not packing and securing the files for fun its like with the post restriction we would love to allow everybody to dowload the files but .......

02.01.09, 15:23
i see..

it's strange because Kaspersky never alarmed before. something like "kill the .exe" happened since last week.. and I update every day


thank you for your advice. i have read something about Nod32, people think it's a "detect virus" software more than a "kill virus" software. can you tell me your use experience?

another anti-virus is also good, i forget its name,only remind it's from Germany,and its logo is a red umbrella.

02.01.09, 16:34
@dmt: another thing you can try is disabling NOD32 before unpacking the RAR, extracting the archive, adding emule.exe to NOD's exceptions, and then re-enabling it.

@rom08 & xixifrank: we're aware of that - it's been discussed at the hot iron thread. And not using a packer will only make things worse.

@post #132: I guess that with the latest Kaspersky virus definitions it now detects the packer's EXE signature as a threat.

If I understood the difference between "detect virus" and "kill virus" correctly, NOD32 is the latter. Depending on your settings, it won't allow access to the infected files at all until you choose whether to rename, delete, quarantine or disinfect them (often not possible).

And I think the another AV you mention (the one with the red umbrella icon) is Avira's AntiVir. I have used it back when it was owned by HBEDV and I had a K6-2 with a 128Kbit connection, and it was a good piece of software.

02.01.09, 19:15
There is no kill or detect virus softwares.All depends on how you configure it.Personnally I always choose to disinfect and if not possible to delete.But NOD32 let you had exeptions files that will not be analysed and Kaspersky doesn't.So I prefer NOD32 for that 'cause I have more control than Kaspersky.

03.01.09, 09:02
Ich benutze AVG Anti-Virus v8 und der meldet auch ein Virus/Trojaner in der .exe !

03.01.09, 11:18

Du wurdest doch bereits in diesem Thread aufgeklärt. Wenn du uns nicht traust, verlasse das Board doch einfach. Ein letztes Mal: In unseren Mods befinden sich keine Trojaner oder Viren!!!! Es liegt am Packer, wenn der Virenscanner Fehlalarm schlägt.

In Zukunft werden solche Posts nicht mehr geduldet.

03.01.09, 17:47
Ich benutze AVG Anti-Virus v8 und der meldet auch ein Virus/Trojaner in der .exe !

Yesterday i used the Mod. I too have AVG Anti-Virus and not see any Trojan ! Perhaps you are using the Mod from seba ? Or make a mess on the site ...

04.01.09, 09:22
Die Mod ist von hier. Ich beschuldige hier Keinen , es sind nur Tatsachen!
schönen Sonntag

04.01.09, 10:38
IS there any difference from this sbi lecher 1.8 and the one tagged seba14?


04.01.09, 16:33
IS there any difference from this sbi lecher 1.8 and the one tagged seba14?


sure seba filled it with uknown crap. download the version from here if you want to have the native product that has been build from our coder

i would never use sebas ones

Die Mod ist von hier. Ich beschuldige hier Keinen , es sind nur Tatsachen!
schönen Sonntag

nun eine av software zeigt einen nicht immer das richtige an. die erklärung liegt dafür an den packer den wir für die exe verwenden. dieser wird einfach falsch erkannt. es liegt auch an der jeweiligen av software, viele haben kein problem mit unseren mods. meine av software zeigt mir z.b. kein virus in unsere mods an.

nur weil die av software ein virus anzeigt muss auch einer drin sein :wink:

04.01.09, 17:48
After using this mod since some months, Kaspersky 7.0 has found a trojan-downloader on it...any other have the same problem perhaps?

thx :)

04.01.09, 17:49
Kaspersky's virus definitions have recently started to pick up this mod's packer signature. It's a false positive.

04.01.09, 19:19
looks like nobody is as usual reading the informations in the first post

05.01.09, 22:18
bei mir startet der emule, nachdem ich die warnung weggeklickt habe, aber dann bricht der mit ner "application error" ab die 1.7er version läuft gut

coded die 1.8er doch mit nen anderen packer der nicht als trojaner erkannt wird

06.01.09, 15:31
I've uploaded an unpacked version for people which get problems with there av products and that you can see that there is no virus in it. I hope that all can start the exe now.

07.01.09, 03:06
by the way, the .exe in config is back_up?? is it necessary, i wanna del it.

07.01.09, 16:33
is it necessary, i wanna del it.

Yes, you can delete it, and also rename ipfilter.dat.tmp to ipfilter.dat.

07.01.09, 18:10
Hey guys, sorry for this question, but what servers are best right now? I keep getting connect with usenext. No donkeyservers are visible.

07.01.09, 18:14
As far as I know only the eDonkeyServer No2 ( is working at the moment. Sharing Kingdoms are also in PEERATES.NET's checked server list, but PeerGuardian blocks them - you may want to take this in consideration.

Other remaining good servers are TVU (; lots of content) and PEERATES.NET (; small and for Free stuff).

07.01.09, 18:16
eDonkeyServer No2 is not visible. How can I add these IPs? :redface:

07.01.09, 18:22
In the right side of the Servers panel:

08.01.09, 10:58

these are the servers i have selected in my emule. all of them are safe and good, you can take a look~:top:


08.01.09, 11:06
Good to know. I allready put some in as anon told me. :top:

08.01.09, 13:45
for some reason my antivirous app find that the EXE file is infected

i hope that you apps arent torjans or someting; any why i dont thing i will run it on my machine

08.01.09, 13:53
for some reason my antivirous app find that the EXE file is infected

i hope that you apps arent torjans or someting; any why i dont thing i will run it on my machine

download the attachement that is called unpacked

08.01.09, 16:01
@bboy: no releases from here are infected with anything - this is written in red, bold letters at the end of every release post. Use the unpacked version.

08.01.09, 23:01
the incredible number of sources that this mod is on a file share from 48 sources this mod I found over 250 for the same source file :confused:

09.01.09, 00:04
Yes, in this version source finding has been greatly improved.

09.01.09, 03:32
any news about 1.9??? i'm looking forward to it~:smile:

10.01.09, 14:17
Yes, in this version source finding has been greatly improved.

have shown very well that the good work done in support of this side :top:

pity that this conect by the name of com and not more

10.01.09, 16:42
pity that this conect by the name of com and not more

What do you mean?

11.01.09, 13:35
Can anyone help me If this is the emule or is one addon?

And what he do? Increase the download speed?

11.01.09, 14:47
This is an eMule Mod

For features check the first post or the spoiler


generate new rsa key
This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

emulate community nick addons
Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

don't share partfiles
Only the files you're downloading will be hidden. You can still offer all your other folder to upload.

fake check
In the search window you will be shown whether there is a known fake entry for a certain file.

upload only to friends
Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

disable [XS] send
you don´t give your sources to other clients

load/save sources
you can load/save your sources with that function

ask after new sources
you can ask the Server, Kademilla and the other clients anytime for new sources for a file

flags of the country of origin will be shown on the clients and the server

emulate other clientsoftware
you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

don't send complete file status
if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

fake rank
you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

block spammers
clients sending spam will be blocked

no upload
other clients can´t download from you

no share any files
all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

no share the incoming folder
your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

autoreload shared files
the list of your shared files will be reloaded if a download has finished. this function is needed for the function "no share the incoming folder"

don't send filelist to server
your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

don't publish filelist in KAD
your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

no ratio
you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

unlimited search results
the number of searchresults is unlimited

reask client for download
you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

kick all peers
you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

kick & bann
you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

clear banlist
you can clean your banlist with that

queuezise changing
the size of the queue can be change like you want with that

server rotation
makes you connect to the next server in the list every 20 mins

upload slot control
controls how many people you can upload to at the same time

drop ranking QR > 2500
removes sources whose queue rank is higher than 2500 from your downloads

drop NNS/FQ/TM sources
removes nns (non needed source), full queue and tm (too many connections) sources from your downloads

push client
throws clients in your upload queue

downloads in color
colors your downloads green

Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics
shows you the source total and how many of them have been received through ed2k, kad or xs

NNS/FQ/TM source statistics
shows you how many of your downloads' sources aren't needed or in "full queue" or "too many connections" status

11.01.09, 16:23
Can anyone help me If this is the emule or is one addon?

It's a mod.

And what he do? Increase the download speed?

And a bunch of other things. Read the descriptions for the settings. It's very fast for a no-upload mod. It also has security settings like fake check and RSA key autogeneration.

11.01.09, 21:25
What do you mean?

emulate community nick addons
Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

11.01.09, 21:26
Yes, but it does so only for community mods. The official eMule or its mods will see you as a normal client.

16.01.09, 13:44
but why Comodo & Kaspersky find Trojan? :frown:

16.01.09, 13:57
Because the exe is protected...
But you can download the second archiv with the comment unpacked and you don't get this problem...

25.01.09, 18:46
Is it possible to make upload slot limit to 1 in next version of mod?

29.01.09, 20:08
Kaspersky 7.0.125 show up a massage that emule.exe has Trojan Downloader... Is it ok??

29.01.09, 20:09
It's a false positive caused by the packer used to protect the mod.

Use the unpacked version.

29.01.09, 20:36
Is it possible to make upload slot limit to 1 in next version of mod?

I'll try to insert your request. Normal it should be enough if i change the uploadslot control that you can select only 1 slot or?

30.01.09, 17:38
Ich hab 2 probleme

einmal kann ich keine server adden, er sagt mir immer

Failed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server
30.01.2009 17:34:55: Failed to download the server list from http://esel-paradies.de/server/server.met

und ich kann ihn nicht auf deutsch umstellen. Das kann er auch nicht runterladen.

30.01.09, 17:46
Try this server list:


Regarding the language problem, close eMule, get de_DE.dll from here (http://langmirror2.emule-project.org/lang/049127/de_DE.dll), place it in the lang directory, and open eMule again. Go to Options -> General -> Language, choose "german (Germany)" and press OK. eMule should now be in german.

31.01.09, 10:46
I have a problem.
When I'm trying to extract this my Kaspersky Internet Security deletes it, what should I do?

Thanks in advance.

31.01.09, 11:38
Give it an exception in Kaspersky.

It's known that some anti-virus software detects it as a Virus because of the Exe packer, but that's a false positive.

Or download the second attachment, it's unpacked and therefore shouldn't be blocked, deleted, ... by Kaspersky. :wink2:

31.01.09, 13:54


but the list doesent work

31.01.2009 13:53:38: Failed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server
31.01.2009 13:53:38: Failed to download the server list from http://www.server-met.de/dl.php?load=gz&trace=34259413.8889

31.01.09, 16:18
When I'm trying to extract this my Kaspersky Internet Security deletes it, what should I do?

Download the unpacked version and you will not get any false positives like this.



but the list doesent work

I have attached the server list, decompress the ZIP and put the file inside eMule's config folder.

But if you can't access the site normally, you may have malware/spyware running in your PC, specially the kind that hijacks the HOSTS file.
Go to %windir%\system32\drivers\etc and open it in Notepad. Ideally its sole contents should be: localhost
If there are other entries, delete everything, type the aforementioned line, and save the file. Restart your computer and router (if you have one). I'd say you run an antispyware scan just in case...

02.02.09, 01:05
As far as I know only the eDonkeyServer No2 ( is working at the moment. Sharing Kingdoms are also in PEERATES.NET's checked server list, but PeerGuardian blocks them - you may want to take this in consideration.

The Sharing kingdom servers are belonging to the Peerate's "fully functionnal servers" list , but not to its "referenced servers" list.

It seems that Peerate's admin will soon eliminate these servers from the first list.

02.02.09, 16:24
You're right, just noticed that. There are every time less good servers in the eD2K network. :frown:

xixifrank has posted the server list he's currently using, and it doesn't look fake to me, have a look:


these are the servers i have selected in my emule. all of them are safe and good, you can take a look~:top:


If you want to copy and paste the IPs and ports: : 4242 : 4242 : 6543 : 8080 : 4661 : 4242 : 4242 : 4661 : 4242 : 6981 : 4661 : 14382 : 14382 : 5011 : 1111 : 9500

03.02.09, 12:54
@ Butcho:
Can we have a preview of the changelog of next version?

03.02.09, 15:56
just write some notice in the first page,in color ,big size and bold.

"If someone's anti-virus thinks it's a trojan,use the unpacked one please"

i see many people ask the same question...

03.02.09, 20:08
@ Butcho:
Can we have a preview of the changelog of next version?

Hello rom08,

i don't want post it in public because then some users will ask the hole time when the next version is ready. My problem is at moment i have to much trouble in my work and so i haven't much free time to continue this project.
I've still insert some new functions i'll wright you a pm about that but i think you must wait some weeks for the next update.
I hope you understand it, because you must know i'm still young and have much more interests like working and my hobby coding and internet... :wink:

03.02.09, 23:01
No problem take the time you want v1.8 works really fine.I'm sure everybody can wait I understand your concerns.:top:

04.02.09, 03:58
will there be a problem or conflict if I have many emule mods at the same time in my PC?
because I am intersted in Aspace mod and ZZ-R 1.9 beta, wanna have a try. but I dont want to del the SBI leecher. just use for a while for a test and then decide which one to use

04.02.09, 12:44
No it's no problem because every emule version writes his config in his own program folder and so your system handles each version as a separate program.

10.02.09, 12:24
It's something wrong with this mod. I had problems with a KAD connection. I have UPnP enabled and all ports thats emule is needed will be just open. So KAD was not working for me. It stay alltime in "connecting" and status of KAD saing "lookup stoping". eD2K Server was just fine, green port. But now it's happening something and KAD working but it's Firewalled and now eD2K Server firewalled too. I have just checked ports and nothing seems to be wrong with them. Both are green. Ports are green but emule staing firewalled. :)

10.02.09, 16:33
It's something wrong with this mod. I had problems with a KAD connection. I have UPnP enabled and all ports thats emule is needed will be just open.

Better forward your ports manually if you're able to - UPnP is a bit shaky.

23.02.09, 20:24
Hi Butcho, sehr schöner Mod, fühlt sich besser programmiert an als andere die ich bisher probiert hab. Ein Problem ist mir aufgefallen: Wenn man Kategorien erstellt wird der Zielordner für die Kategorie automatisch geshared (wäre gut wenn man das ausmachen könnte). Wenn Kategorieordner = Incoming Ordner wird dieser geshared auch wenn Downloads sharen aus ist, was diese Funktion quasi aushebelt.
Was ich mich noch frage ist ob es Sinn machen würde die reask Zeiten sogar länger einstellen zu können als Emule-Standard um die zahl der parallelen connections zu reduzieren (?)

27.02.09, 22:40

Do I appear on people's queue list even if I don't upload anything ?


27.02.09, 22:40
Yes, you'll still appear in others' queues.

28.02.09, 23:08

I had try some mods and i ever come back to SBI Leecher v1.8 .
My new priority is security on p2p and i think it's a best mod.
May you for the next v1.9 do a most agressive fakerank and more
emulate other clientsoftware and community nick addons.

A very very good work :klatsch_3:

sorry for my english

28.02.09, 23:10
What do you mean with aggressive?

And believe me, the current version can already emulate a lot of client softwares and community nicks. :wink:

28.02.09, 23:16
The most agressive mod i have try is emule 0.47c TazZ 3.3
You should try it to understand what i think about agressive mod



06.03.09, 18:15
hab auch Probleme mit virenscannern.

06.03.09, 18:16
If you aren't using the unpacked version, redownload the archive from the main post.

09.03.09, 10:11
Just a question.Will the next release be based on 0.49c

09.03.09, 14:35
Just a question.Will the next release be based on 0.49c

yes it will

24.03.09, 11:42
Hi, I just signed up and downloaded this mod and its working great so far. Keep up the good work :top:

28.03.09, 20:09
Mich würden auch mal die besten Einstellungen für den Mod interessieren, danke !

28.03.09, 20:16

With these settings you won't share (and therefore upload) anything - your queue will be empty all the time. Despite this, it's still fast for a no upload mod.

The client software and community nick emulation can't be detected, and will give you a better chance to download from others.

Server rotation will automatically connect to the next server on the list, this can help you gather more sources. You can set the interval at "Time settings" - I'd recommend something between 30 and 60 minutes.

The Time settings come tweaked by default. Don't set the reask times too low or you may be banned. You can use the ones between brackets (i.e. the official reask times) to decrease your overhead.

31.03.09, 04:16

Why don't you select "fake rank" and "dont send file complete status"?

According to the PIC, can "no upload"replace those "three dont"??
no upload's result is 0 upload . those three dont 's result is also 0 upload..

any difference??

31.03.09, 06:33
Fake rank and don t send complete status are for client in your queue so no interest if you have noone in your queue. The difference with no up is that with no up you still can have an upload queue and clients can see some of your shared files . With no share files nobody can enter your queue because you don t share anything . No share is safer in my opinion

31.03.09, 09:15

warum kann keiner runterladen von mir.

31.03.09, 13:10
Warscheinlich weil du NoShare oder NoUpload aktiviert hast.
Welche settings hast du denn unter SBI Security aktioviert?

31.03.09, 22:17

Why don't you select "fake rank" and "dont send file complete status"?

Fake rank = useless as your queue will always be empty

Don't send complete file status = the same

Don't share all files = you can't upload what you aren't sharing...

warum kann keiner runterladen von mir.

Make sure you have a high ID and haven't enabled any security settings.

01.04.09, 08:06
das wass hir ist hab ich auch nicht mehr und nicht weniger...

auf dem bild von
#201 (permalink)

01.04.09, 18:20
My settings won't upload anything, that's why. Untick "don't share all files", "don't publish filelist to Kad" and "don't send filelist to server", and restart the mod.

Also, v1.9 is out.