View Full Version : Automize torent downloads

07.10.08, 03:53
Lets say i am sleeping at the time a torrent for prison break is available on a tracker. So i would like to automize its download and start it in my bittorrent client.
How can i do it?

07.10.08, 14:23
hm maybe it works with rss feeds. as far as i know you can use in utorrent for example rss feeds and you can add from them it directly in your download but i dont know if you can automatize this operation

07.10.08, 14:38
Yes, like hitman said, you can use RSS if the tracker supports RSS download links.

I suggest uT if you want to use this feature.
Here's a detailed TUT (http://utorrent.com/rsstutorial.php) how to configurate a RSS feed.

07.10.08, 20:32
@divlord: if you're using uTorrent, the tutorial shoulded has linked to should be of enough help. :smile: You can also google "bigredbrent settings" - BigRedBrent is a user that has posted his uTorrent setting .dat's, including the RSS one he uses. Maybe you find it helpful.

If you're using Azureus (SB-I Hack or not), I've reposted a tutorial in the FAQ & Tutorials section (I didn't make it, it's just a repost) that will also help you. Here (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f59/tutorial-automating-azureus-bittorrent-downloads-rss-6107/) it is. :top:

07.10.08, 21:30
I always wondered what the use of RSS is.

07.10.08, 22:09
RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works – such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video – in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a "feed", "web feed", or "channel") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content quickly and automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator", which can be web-based or desktop-based.

Any RSS-capable Internet device can receive news and even multimedia content (podcasting) through it.
The usage Azureus and uTorrent give it when using this method is more specifically called broadcatching.

08.10.08, 18:14
Well,you might find RSS extremely useful especially if you are into 0day scene stuff in trackers like SCC/ScT & TT...there where it comes handy providing you with the most updated added new files constantly right after their main pre-times...:top:

09.10.08, 01:04
Yes, it's very handy. :biggrin: But of course the tracker must support RSS for it to work. :wink:

Do the ones you've mentioned support it, by the way? :smile:

09.10.08, 18:40
yeah TT & SCC,for ScT I don't know that since I'm not a member there yet (hopefully will be soon :biggrin:)