View Full Version : kPad (lightweight text editor)

23.09.08, 21:49
Brief Overview

kPad, a lightweight text editor loosely based on the MTPad sample from the Microsoft SDK (12/1/99) allows you to read and manipulate RTF and TXT files using a RichEdit control. However, kPad's main focus is as an example of what you can do using the WTL.


Sheets control
Find and Replace custom dialogues
Small size


This project was created with the help ATL\WTL AppWizard as a "Multiple Threads SDI" application with a generic view window.
The class SheetsCtrl is view window for the MainFrame and a container for the SheetView child windows.
SheetView is a superclass of the RichEdit control
The small size of 105 kilobytes is achieved due to the WTL's non-usage of the CRT library (_ATL_MIN_CRT) and use the project options /OPT:REF, /OPT:ICF, /OPT:NOWIN98.

DOWNLOAD PAGE (http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/com-tech/atl/wtl/article.php/c79)

A really small rich text editor with lots of functions. It can open RTF and TXT files, and is really portable as an EXE that's just 100KB in size.

24.09.08, 15:32
as i wrote to you already, its a very good alternative to commercial programs and comes pretty handy if you youre working on a "clean" PC/laptop without MS Office or others but dont want to miss various functions of it!:top:

24.09.08, 20:24
Yes, it's a lot more lighter than Microsoft Office. If it supported .doc files, I'd use it instead of Word :wink:

24.09.08, 21:23
If it supported .doc files, I'd use it instead of Word

yeah that function would be really great! :top: googled it too, if some add-in or add-on (is this the same???:biggrin:) is existing, but without any success...

24.09.08, 21:50
add-in or add-on (is this the same???:biggrin:)

Hey, now you say it, I wonder the same too...
Add-"in" sounds more like modifying a program's code to open other stuff too, etc. to me, while add-"on", like making a new layer of code sit on top the other one to achieve this. :tongue:
But they're basically the same :biggrin:

I did some search too but the most I could find was KPAD, the Windows Mobile app... :redface: So I'll have to keep on using Word viewer to view .doc's and a sandboxed portable MS Office to create and edit them, like I do now. :wink:

24.09.08, 21:54
Add-In - Plugin, very small update with a few more options.

Add-On - An expansion, bigger update, mostly updates the version number.

But I'm not sure, just a guess.

24.09.08, 21:59
Wikipedia says add-in and add-on are synonyms ("a plugin (plug-in, addin, add-in, addon, or add-on) is a computer program that interacts with a host application -a web browser or an email client, for example- to provide a certain, usually very specific, function"), but defines the latter separately as "optional computer hardware or software modules that supplement or enhance the original unit they are adding on to"! :tongue: