View Full Version : RIAA’s Anti-Piracy Trade Agreement Wishlist

27.08.08, 22:09
It might not come as a surprise when we tell you that the RIAA wants to turn the Internet into a virtual police state. Still, it’s quite scary to see what their “future Internet” would look like. Let’s take a closer look at the RIAA’s suggestions for the Anti-Piracy Trade Agreement Wishlist (ACTA).

RIAA’s Anti-Piracy Trade Agreement Wishlist | TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com/riaas-anti-piracy-trade-agreement-wishlist-08082/)

I suggest you take some time to read the full article, it says everything that needs to be said ;)

27.08.08, 22:12
Freeze this is the virtual arrestation team.
We gonna lock you up in a cyber cell.
You have the right to not IM'ing to us.

27.08.08, 22:16
That's a nice adaption of the Miranda warning to the current situation...
"anything you IM will be misquoted, then can and will be used against you in a court of law"

27.08.08, 22:18
Sorry officer don't Buzzer me again.

Corrupted cop: I will plant some evidence with MSGdiscovery :PC-Freak::baeh:

27.08.08, 23:30
Corrupted cop: I will plant some evidence with MSGdiscovery :PC-Freak::baeh:

You never know, they may... after all, the RIAA themselves have stated they don't need evidence to jail someone :rolleyes2:

28.08.08, 02:18
Just to play their underground game they would afford locking you up in a digital internet cell just for fun seeing you scared shitless while begging for a bunch of extra KBs :redface: