View Full Version : African Drug Cops to Go After Pirates

09.08.08, 22:12
In the past, parallels between narcotics enforcement and copyright enforcement may have been drawn, but in one country parallels are out of the window, as copyright and trademark enforcement will now be treated as drug trafficking.

African Drug Cops to Go After Pirates | TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com/african-drugs-cops-to-enforce-copyright-080809/)

Well, p2p is "addicting" :tongue:

10.08.08, 05:43
that is just ridiculous, and so what is the sentence then 50 years of solitary confinement..:rolleyes2:

10.08.08, 19:55
I wonder how sniffer dogs will be able to detect you're trafficking CDs with warez and music. :tongue:

Or can they? (http://torrentfreak.com/mpaas-anti-piracy-dogs-great-publicity-but-nothing-special/) :biggrin:

12.08.08, 17:28
LOL they will disable firewall restrictions & enable forwarded ports so that their allowed virtual server ips detect incoming connections (isnt that right anon?? :tongue:)

12.08.08, 18:25
LOL Reppy :D

Btw, there was this trick of covering something you didn't want sensors to "see" with a special kind of metallic paper, so that if that was the only thing they could pick-up, nothing would happen instead, and alarms wouldn't freak out... maybe someone comes up with a similar "solution" for these cases (would be like "firewalling" the pirated CDs not to accept incoming connections just like in your analogy :biggrin:)

12.08.08, 18:46
LOL I used to put hot spices when traveling while carrying some hash :biggrin: LOL no creature would ever detect such material with me :tongue: