View Full Version : [July,31] Enterprise Web 2.0 Adoption Still Growing

31.07.08, 20:27
A new McKinsey report found that many companies have adopted Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis, social networks and mashups during the past year, with companies on average adding three Web 2.0 tools to their companies technology offerings.

But most companies remain on the fence about whether or not they're happy with the new tools pervading their technology diets. Only 21 percent voiced overall satisfaction, according to the report, and 22 percent cited clear dissatisfaction.

The poll was conducted with 1,988 executives in June 2008 at enterprises located all around the world. The adoption by those companies of most Web 2.0 technologies has risen since the poll was conducted for the first time last year, according to the report.

Source :

PC World - Business Center: Enterprise Web 2.0 Adoption Still Growing (http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/149202/enterprise_web_20_adoption_still_growing.html)