View Full Version : The Happening "Review"

24.07.08, 05:19
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTc2MjcwNjI0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjM4NjM3MQ@@._ V1._SX94_SY140_.jpg

Well this movie is definitely different then most movies and its plot is just WEIRD! By the end of the movie ur not even sure if thats wht was happening through out the whole movie. The whole surprize of this movie was just plain stupid in my opinion. Dont get me wrong, hes powerful enough in hollywood now to make vocal points about certain things but dont do in a feature film like this save that for other media forms. The way he made it happened i liked and what it was doing i enjoyed i just didnt like the whole surpize of the movie about who was doing it that could of been done so much better and way more creative then that. Plus the acting was ok, but not great! I could see why they had costars like they did in this movie, because Mark walhberg took the whole budget.

The Happening (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0949731/trailers-screenplay-vi3001418009)

24.07.08, 12:12
The movie sucked. So did the actors, especially Walhberg.

24.07.08, 20:08
saw lots of "hits/downloads" in many trackers for this movie,I didnt watch it since im waiting for a better release than the R5