View Full Version : Wanted

14.07.08, 04:27
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTIzMTQwMzEyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjc4MDU3MQ@@._ V1._SX94_SY140_.jpg

This movie was so very cool, i loved every minute of it! The storyline was nice and creative and it moved quite nicely together to make one nice action. The action sequences were done very nicely but some of them looked unrealistic but in a action film u could care less u just want to see blood and guts and action. This movie was packed with action, which i liked alot. Also angelina jolie looked hot in this movie, nothing better then a hot woman kicking ass. The whole movie was great in my opinion but some people may not like it because there the type of people that say stuff that cant happen, thats so fake. Its a movie just sit and enjoy which i did very much!

14.07.08, 11:49
To be honest I'm suprised how good ratings this movie received. When I watched the trailer I was thinking, just another stupid movie, but now, can't wait for the DVD to come out. :biggrin:

14.07.08, 21:07
Ive just watched it yesterday on my PC,for sure the current releases all suck,so cant judge the main movie frame since im a guy who loves Art Of Producing so much (actors,storyline & effects)

15.07.08, 05:29
who loves Art Of Producing so much (actors,storyline & effects)

they have some pretty amazing special effects on this movie and angelina's hot sexy body..she's a total babe

15.07.08, 16:27
they have some pretty amazing special effects on this movie and angelina's hot sexy body..she's a total babe

a Babe For all times dude !! :liebe_135:

09.08.08, 19:46
It's not a great movie, but is very watchable! AJ is a bonus

10.08.08, 08:21
it was so good i went to see it then the next day some other friends said they were seing it that night so i went again

27.12.08, 17:30
I watch this movie only for Angelina :D

04.01.09, 04:38
nice shooting (curve the bullet) not possible ??

04.01.09, 05:03
Hm, my oppinoin:
:liebe_135: --> :drool:

Acting --> :bash:

10.01.09, 14:37
scenes were very nice..seems like matrix.. :D

23.01.09, 13:36
I thought it was good, as long as you didn't take it too seriously. I think it was meant to be OTT. Plus Angelina was a bonus :biggrin:

01.02.09, 04:14
i think this movie is only about effects
dint have ny story or nything tht could impress ppl
wasnt as impressed with the movie as i was with the trailer