View Full Version : eMule 0.49a SBI Leecher v1.6

09.07.08, 20:38
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> eMule 0.49a SBI Leecher v1.6 <<<<<<


Coded by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Codding Support:

>>>>>> g_m <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

-upload only to friends [switchable] * ***
-disable [XS] send [switchable] *
-add "load/save sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "ask after new sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "Update" menue for ipfilter and ip2country (options)
-add ip2country (fix coded)
-add sidebannder [options]
-show cpu/mem/server [transferwindow]
-show splash on exit (fix coded)
-fixed tool button [maincontrollbar]
-changed fake rank code
-some other code changes...

-emulate other clientsoftware (switchable) *
-don't send complete file status (switchable)*
-fake rank (switchable)*
-block spammers (switchable)*
-auto reload shared files if download is complete (fix coded)
-no upload (switchable)*
-no share any files (switchable)*
-no share the incoming folder (switchable)*
-don't send filelist to server (switchable)*
-don't publish filelist in KAD (switchable)*
-add no ratio (fix coded)
-add unlimited search results (fix coded)
-reask client for download (downloadqueue)
-kick all peers button (Uploadqueue)**
-kick & bann buttons (Uploadqueue | Downloadqueue | Waitingqueue)
-clear banlist buttons (Uploadqueue | Downloadqueue | Waitingqueue)
-queuezise changing [0-10000] (advanced Options)
-add SBI Menue (Settings)
-add forum link button (maincontrollbar)
-add new splashscreen [thx Manas]
-updated code to emule 0.49a

* you must restart emule that settings take effect...
** you must mark one client that this function works...
*** you must deactivate no share and no upload that this function works...

Erklärung: / Explanation:

upload only to friends
Es gelangen nur Clients in eure Uploadwarteschlange die ihr davor zum Freund gemacht habt.
Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

disable [XS] send
Ihr gebt eure Quellen nicht an andere Clients weiter.
you don´t give your sources to other clients

load/save sources
Mit dieser Funktion könnt ihr eure Quellen Speichern und Laden.
you can load/save your sources with that function

ask after new sources
Ihr könnt jederzeit für ein File den Server, Kademilla und die anderen Clients nach neuen Quellen fragen.
you can ask the Server, Kademilla and the other clients anytime for new sources for a file

Es werden dieFlaggen der jeweiligen Herkunftsländer bei den Clients und den Servern angezeigt.
flags of the country of origin will be shown on the clients and the server

emulate other clientsoftware
Ihr emuliert ander Client Software wie z.B. edonkey, Shareaza usw. falls sich ein solcher Client zu euch verbindet, da sich diese Programme untereinander bevorzugen.
you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

don't send complete file status
Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet wenn ihr ein File komplett habt.
if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

fake rank
Ihr sendet einen gefälschten Warteschlangen Rank zu anderen Usern, da manche Mods diesen berücksichtigen.
you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

block spammers
Clients die uns Spam Nachrichten schicken werden geblockt.
clients sending spam will be blocked

no upload
Andere Clients können von euch nichts laden.
other clients can´t download from you

no share any files
Alle Dateien werden versteckt auch die ihr gerade ladet. Dadurch kann es zu schlechteren Speed Ergebnissen kommen.
all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

no share the incoming folder
Euer Incoming Ordner wird nicht im Netz Freigegeben. Dadurch werden nur Files veröffentlicht die ihr gerade Ladet oder manuel frei gegeben habt.
your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

autoreload shared files
Die Liste der Freigegebenen Dateien wird neu geladen wenn ein Download beendet ist. Die Funktion wird für "no share the incoming folder" benötigt.
the list of your shared files will be reloaded if a download has finished. this function is needed for the function "no share the incoming folder"

don't send filelist to server
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht an die Server gesendet. Somit taucht ihr nicht bei den Suchergebnissen auf.
your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

don't publish filelist in KAD
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht in Kademilla veröffentlicht. Dadurch kann es zu weniger KAD Verbindungen kommen.
your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

no ratio
Ihr könnt den Upload begrenzen wie ihr wollt. Euer Download wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt.
you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

unlimited search results
Die Anzahl der Treffer bei der Suchfunktion wird nicht begrenzt.
the number of searchresults is unlimited

reask client for download
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients nach Download fragen. Aber benutz denn Button nicht öfter hinter einander da ihr sonst gebannt werdet.
you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

kick all peers
Damit leert ihr alle Uploadslots.
you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

kick & bann
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients aus denn Warteschlangen entfernen bzw bannen.
you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

clear banlist
Damit leert ihr eure Bannliste.
you can clean your banlist with that

queuezise changing
Die Warteschlangen Grösse kann beliebig verändert werden.
the size of the queue can be change like you want with that



09.07.08, 20:40
nice work, butcho. not for nothing this was your 1337th post :top:

edit: nice titlebar :wink:

09.07.08, 21:00
woow,congratz Butcho for the this next Explsoive Release !! :top: Guys you are really talented inventors,Keep Up The Good Work

09.07.08, 21:03
its a great improvement to 1.5 especially the "ask after new sorces" works great

09.07.08, 22:25
great update, been using 1.5 and loving it..appreciate all your hard work and time for putting another update ..emule live oN..

09.07.08, 23:08
hello to all, I do not see in cancelog the opportunity to connect to 2 servers, and been adapted this option or not?

09.07.08, 23:09
it's not in the mod yet. may be implemented later...

10.07.08, 09:00
thanks for the new version and for implementing several suggestions.:biggrin:

I am going to test the update immediately.


10.07.08, 14:34
danke das problem mit der lowid hab ich jetzt auch nicht mehr :)

10.07.08, 16:34
danke für die neue version butcho. Wie stelle ich eigentlich den ip-filter an bzw. ein?

noch was, also ich bekomme bei der alten version bei jedem server HI id, bei der neuen version bei nur sehr wenigen, er sagt mir immer ich sollte meinen port prüfen und er sagt fast bei jedem server das er voll ist, obwohl ich den gleichen eingestellt habe wie bei der alten version und da klappts ja perfekt.

10.07.08, 19:18
im moment scheinen viele server irgendwie probleme zu haben viele sind auch noch down usw. hat eigentlich nichts mit der mod zu tun

und ip-filter lädt man über einstellungen, sicherheit

10.07.08, 20:06
mit der alten version klappt das connect wunderbar, auch mit HI id zu allen servern. Nur die neue macht probleme. Da sagt er mir bei fast allen servern Your 63546 port is not reachable. nur wenige gehen mit HI id.

10.07.08, 20:31
Da sagt er mir bei fast allen servern Your 63546 port is not reachable.

what servers do you have that problem with? i have just connected to several servers instantly with no lowid problem... tcp port 63774 and udp 65099, safe connect enabled.

10.07.08, 20:44
mit der alten version klappt das connect wunderbar, auch mit HI id zu allen servern. Nur die neue macht probleme. Da sagt er mir bei fast allen servern Your 63546 port is not reachable. nur wenige gehen mit HI id.

habs grad bei mir getestet also ich kriege ohne probleme überall eine hi id. vielleicht neue configs erstellen lassen falls du deine alten in die neue version reinkopiert hast wobei das bei mir so immer funktioniert hat

10.07.08, 21:59
Ich habe auch kein Problem mit dem Verbinden. Ist der Port auch in deinem Router frei geschaltet?
Starte am besten auch mal den Router und den PC neu oft sind solche Problem danach verschwunden.

11.07.08, 06:09
na klar hab ich die ports frei geschaltet :wink:. Sollte ich safe connect anmachen?

er sagt mir auch immer 11.07.2008 06:11:20: Keine weiteren Server zum Verbinden verfügbar. Beginne von vorne...
11.07.2008 06:11:20: Automatischer Verbindungsversuch wird in 30 Sekunden gestartet...

wenn ich aber rechtsklick auf einen server machen und verbindung mit gewähltem server herstellen drück spuckt er mir immer sowas aus

11.07.2008 06:14:52: Verbinde zu Mules Donkeys and Blue Monkeys (
11.07.2008 06:14:52: Verbunden mit Mules Donkeys and Blue Monkeys (, sende Login Anforderung
11.07.2008 06:14:53: Warnung Mules Donkeys and Blue Monkeys ( - Your 63546 port is not reachable. Please review your network config.
11.07.2008 06:14:56: Verbinde zu www.UseNeXT.to (
11.07.2008 06:14:56: Verbunden mit www.UseNeXT.to (, sende Login Anforderung
11.07.2008 06:14:59: Warnung www.UseNeXT.to ( - Your 63546 port is not reachable. Please review your network config.
11.07.2008 06:14:59: Verbinde zu Ascii Art (
11.07.2008 06:14:59: Verbunden mit Ascii Art (, sende Login Anforderung
11.07.2008 06:15:04: Verbindung hergestellt zu: Ascii Art (

vielleicht hilft ja auch ein neuer port.
danke schon mal für die fleißige Hilfe ;).

11.07.08, 09:37
Hi, Erstmal Danke für diesen geilen leecher der wird immer besser, ich bin begeistert von den Esel, vielleicht kannst du beim nächsten mal, auto Verbindungslimits mit einbauen, das wäre genial, aber sonst bin ich sehr begeistert von den Leecher. Großen dank und macht weiter so...
MFG Spanier

11.07.08, 14:52
er sgt mir zwar ads ich eine Niedrige ID, aber emule hat im tray keine schwarze Binde um. Was hat das zu bedeuten?

11.07.08, 19:06
ist das überhaupt heutzutage noch ein problem mit der lowid? wenn ich mein port wieder blocke und ich eine lowid habe verbindet sich der esel zu der gleichen anzahl an user wie vorher. der esel wird auch von den anderen nicht runtergestuft sonst steht da ja immer verweigert wegen lowid oder sowas ähnliches

btw. ja bei mir hat der auch bei einer lowid in der der eine binde

11.07.08, 23:52
Hmm mache am besten echt noch ein mal einen Clean Install unter einem neuen Pfad das auch die Firewallregel neu erstellt wird und lade dir vielleicht mal eine aktuelle Server.met. Nimm auch am besten den Port der bei der älteren Version eingestellt ist wo du keine Probleme hast. Ich habe echt sofort High Id wenn ich auf verbinden klicke. Razorback 3.3 und die edonkey Server müssten auf jedenfall funktionieren, bei andren kleineren bekomme ich auch manchmal Probleme.

12.07.08, 00:00
und lade dir vielleicht mal eine aktuelle Server.met.

i could recommend gruk.org's:

(type this in the textfield below "update server.met from url" in the servers tab and press ENTER)

too bad it has those fake ultrauploader servers (DELETE them!!) at the time of this post. :/ i advice you add the following to your IP range blocker:

in peerguardian format just append this to your blocklists (i don't know if PG's lists block these already, i use another list)

new mediadefender ips:
new mediadefender ips:
fake ultrauploader servers:
fake ultrauploader servers:

12.07.08, 11:53

i really miss "Show active downloads bold" and "Upload only files prioritized as 'release' " features from eMule 0.47c - Flux C:HD 07/06.

Is there any way you could add this features in newer versions?

I'd be really grateful :)


12.07.08, 13:10
Very nice, 1.5 didn't really worked like I wanted, let's try this one.

12.07.08, 16:02
this is nice mod thanks for changing reask client time to 19 minutes

12.07.08, 16:13
I don't remember if I asked this here one, but can someone give me real good link to great servers?

12.07.08, 16:45
I don't remember if I asked this here one, but can someone give me real good link to great servers?

try the server.mets from this site

server.met server met server-met server list edonkey server emule (http://www.server-met.de/)

or you can read the post from anon

12.07.08, 18:49

i really miss "Show active downloads bold" and "Upload only files prioritized as 'release' " features from eMule 0.47c - Flux C:HD 07/06.

to show active downloads in bold you can add this somewhere between the first lines of your emule preferences.ini file:


13.07.08, 08:01
Kann mir jemand sagen welche Häkchen ich setzen muß unter SBI wenn ich den Esel als leecher laufen lassen will und trotzdem noch guten speed haben will, da sind so viele Häckchen die ich machen kann, welche soll man machen und welche kann man weg lassen.
Welche erfahrung habt ihr!!! MFG spanier

13.07.08, 11:28
Kann mir jemand sagen welche Häkchen ich setzen muß unter SBI wenn ich den Esel als leecher laufen lassen will und trotzdem noch guten speed haben will, da sind so viele Häckchen die ich machen kann, welche soll man machen und welche kann man weg lassen.
Welche erfahrung habt ihr!!! MFG spanier

bin mir da jetzt auch nicht sicher aber denke mal das du den other settings block durchaus aktiviert lassen kannst. oben musst du wohl noupload, und die zwei noshare optionen denke ich mal deaktivieren. kommt auch immer drauf an wieviel sicherheit du opfern willst

13.07.08, 13:43
würde ja auch gerne den neuen Leecher ausprobieren aber leider habe ich noch nicht das password und bin neu hier

finde es aber gut das es mit password geschützt ist so kann nicht jeder an den Leecher.
belohnung muss sein

13.07.08, 13:46
Du musst auf den Thx Button im ersten Post klicken, dann kannst du das Passwort lesen. :wink:

Edit:// Keine Doppelposts, benutze bitte den Edit Button!

13.07.08, 14:15
richtig mal den router neu starten

:confused2: was willst du uns damit mitteilen? den halben satz mitten in den thread zu werfen ist leider nicht hilfreich

13.07.08, 14:17
KAD shows as "firewalled", but I don't have any firewall, only Nod32.

13.07.08, 14:18
Do you have a router?

13.07.08, 14:23
No, nothing. Only Nod and PeerGuardian

13.07.08, 14:27
what happen if you connect to a server did you get i high id ? do you have the windows firewall activated? maybe is peerguardian blocking

13.07.08, 14:29
I have High ID, Obfuscated connection. Firewall is off.

13.07.08, 14:38
I have High ID, Obfuscated connection. Firewall is off.

try to use a different nodes.dat maybe it works after that.

here you can find a nodes.dat
nodes.dat - nodes for emule kademlia net (http://www.nodes-dat.com/)

13.07.08, 14:46
Works ok for now.
Why can't I get over 20KB/s?? I'm downloading Californication season 1, every episode has over 20 sources, but the speed is this low. :mad2:

13.07.08, 17:37
every episode has over 20 sources

20 sources uploading to you or just 20 sources? in the ed2k network you spent a good part of your time in queues you know

13.07.08, 22:54
Works ok for now.
Why can't I get over 20KB/s?? I'm downloading Californication season 1, every episode has over 20 sources, but the speed is this low. :mad2:

For better speed you should deactivate the leecher settings "no share complete" , "don't publish filelist in KAD" and perhaps "no upload".
I've created this emule version for maximum possible security. If you want to have the best speed results you should try any normal mod with a big community behind it.
But in my test with this version i've always very good speed results so i think every thing is alright...

14.07.08, 11:46
Speed is better now, close to 100KB/s or a little higher.
One more question. What does "disable [XS] send" means?

14.07.08, 11:55
It disables the passing of your sources to other clients.

14.07.08, 21:39
Thank you a lot Butcho.
Your mod leechs well like your older one also did. And the new optional automatic Ip Filter-Update function is veeery useful.

But you have again, like in version 1.5 with the little bug of the Settings-button, introduced a little bug. Your added three buttons don't stay on their place in the little toolbar, on my system (Vista x86 SP1) they do fly down to the download list and then they disappera totally, if I minimize the windows and reopen it happens the same again.
First I thought it was because I resized the standard window. But after I reloaded the original size, again the buttons began "to fly".

I would be very thankful if you could me explain how I can disable them until you haven't fixed it, because I don't even use those buttons. Thanks.

14.07.08, 22:16
Sorry you can't disable them.
That's strange we had this bug one time at the beta time of the mod, but then i've changed the code and it never happened again. I've tried to simulate this bug a very long time but i didn't get this problem. Perhaps it's a problem specially with vista.
You can fix it if you delete the emule config file. After that the buttons should be on the right place again.
The stupid thing is that i can't find the fault so perhaps i'll remove these three buttons the next release.
But i'll wait until they've finish the new 0.49b version...

14.07.08, 22:44
I see. I have already deleted the preferences.ini and so when I restarted the app it seemed to be ok, but after I minimized the window and reopened it came back. When I start the application in compatibility mode for XP SP2 it happens the same, with admin rights too.

I wait for your next mod-release based von 0.49b:smile:

14.07.08, 23:12
The stupid thing is that i can't find the fault so perhaps i'll remove these three buttons the next release.

if you are unable to solve the problem well the buttons could be removed and we can use the rightclick menu to use those functions :smile:

separate choices for the different places you can ask for sources from could also be implemented in the next version (suggestion), for example:

ask for new sources ► from server
from KAD
from XS
from all of them
(in transfer window context menu)

this can save some network traffic if you want sources from just one place, and to make it behave like it does now you just choose "from all of them" :top:

14.07.08, 23:18
is it possible to have screens of the bugs i dont have any problem with the 3 aks buttons

14.07.08, 23:33
here you are hitman

http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/75/emulebugxt0.th.gif (http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=emulebugxt0.gif)

damn imageshack, it took me like 10 tries to upload this image... :/

14.07.08, 23:38
hm i cant reproduce this error on my winxp it must be a vista problem. i tried to minimize, reopen, resize, minimize and reopen but i have no problem with it

14.07.08, 23:41
i'm using xp... :/ as the problem seems to depend on the preferences.ini file (deleting it temporarily solves the prob), do you want me to PM you my .ini to see if you can reproduce the bug in your system?

15.07.08, 10:35
I'll change the code after work and send you the changed version anon and granatapfel. I want to know if you get the same problem again then. I can't test it my self because i never had this bug...
I can't understand why not everybody have that problem. I must be any combination with something else....

15.07.08, 11:48
some kad or ed2k sources freeze at 0 sec and when i reask frozen also

15.07.08, 16:37
gibt es eigentlich eine möglichkeit ips aus bestimmten ländern zu blocken? z.b. alle ips aus deutschland.

15.07.08, 16:41
Ja, die gibt es.
TehConnection blockt zum Beispiel auch alle IPs aus bestimmten Ländern.

15.07.08, 16:45
was ist denn "TehConnection"?

15.07.08, 16:47
Ein englischsprachiger, auf Filme spezialisierter Torrent Tracker.

15.07.08, 16:55
gitb es auch eine möglichkeite das ich sowas für z.b. emuel anwenden kann, also alle ips aus einem bestimmt land zu blocken?

15.07.08, 22:46
Hi Butcho, your version with changed code does the same.
But I found out an important point: it is only if I have before clicked on "Show downloads" or another alternative option, if I work with the standard splitted window showing downloads and uploads there's no problem. Maybe this is the reason why we are only 2 guys with this problem, because we don't upload :biggrin:
Take a look at my screenshots.

http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/5579/splitwindowrg0.th.jpg (http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=splitwindowrg0.jpg)

http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/6485/showdownloadsdf5.th.jpg (http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=showdownloadsdf5.jpg)

15.07.08, 22:56
thought i had tried every toolbar/ui combination possible and the bug wasn't here today with the recoded version, seems i was wrong.. sorry butcho, i really hoped the bug would be fixed :frown:

@ granatapfel: do the buttons re-appear where they should after you cycle through all views (start at "downloads" with the papersheet and two green arrows pointing down icon, and click the button until you're at "downloads" again) for you? and if you toggle "show additional toolbar in transfer window" (options -> display) off and then on?

15.07.08, 23:51
anon, I have tried what you told me but it remains the same.

I have also retried again with a fresh config-folder and the new .exe but it's still the same.

16.07.08, 16:49
sorry das ich nochmals frage.

ist es denn jetzt möglich ips von bestimmt ländern zu blocken?

16.07.08, 19:23
sorry das ich nochmals frage.

ist es denn jetzt möglich ips von bestimmt ländern zu blocken?

hm müsste eventuell durch den ipfilter möglich sein man müsste nur die provider und deren ranges dort aufnehmen :biggrin:

17.07.08, 02:57
Hey thx für die version Butcho :)

Aber bevor ich sie verwende hab ich nen paar fragen:

Und zwar Emule benutzt doch dieses "Credits" System... um so mehr ich uploade um so mehr kann ich downloaden. Und da wollt ich wissen ist das bei dieser version auch so? Und kann ich da eventuell nen fakeupload einstellen? Und wenn ja geht das auch wenn ich einstelle keinen upload zu geben?

Wie sieht s jetzt eigentlich bei emule aus... ist das ding immernoch so unsicher? ich meine wenn ich mir darüber musik lade hab ich dann die staatsanwaltschaft im nacken x)?

Jedenfalls danke euch :D

17.07.08, 05:09
i am having my ip filter show 0 ip,s when i use the auto update option.when i read the log on startup it says loaded 246,000 ip's then after ip updater has run it shows 0 ip's.have checked ip filter.dat in config folder and it is empty.any help on this will be appreciated

17.07.08, 12:59
Hey thx für die version Butcho :)

Aber bevor ich sie verwende hab ich nen paar fragen:

Und zwar Emule benutzt doch dieses "Credits" System... um so mehr ich uploade um so mehr kann ich downloaden. Und da wollt ich wissen ist das bei dieser version auch so? Und kann ich da eventuell nen fakeupload einstellen? Und wenn ja geht das auch wenn ich einstelle keinen upload zu geben?

Wie sieht s jetzt eigentlich bei emule aus... ist das ding immernoch so unsicher? ich meine wenn ich mir darüber musik lade hab ich dann die staatsanwaltschaft im nacken x)?

Jedenfalls danke euch :D

Das Creditsystem funktioniert ein wenig anders deshalb würde ein fakeupload nichts bringen. Wenn ein anderer client von dir uploadf bekommt bekomst du credits in seinem client und wirst dort bevorzugt. Ein Fakeup würde nichts bringen, da ja bei den anderen clienten nichts ankommt.
Das edonkey Netzwerk ist wirklich nicht mehr das sicherste, aber mit diesem Mod hast du wenigstens ein wenig mehr sicherheit, da du ihn so konfigurieren kannst das du selber nichts verteilst und auch nicht bei den Suchanfragen auftauchst. Download ist zwar auch starfbar aber in der Regel wird nach Leuten gesucht die das ganze Zeug im Netzwerk verteilen, da dadurch ja der ganze Schaden für die Firmen entsteht.

I'll check your problem with the ipfilter. Normal it should work correctly but i'll test it...

18.07.08, 03:52
im gonna try it because my emule razorback isnt workin(razorback 3 is down R.I.P)

19.07.08, 10:54
Was ist den heutzutage noch sicher, wenn du was sicheres haben willst, dann las dein Esel aus, so ist es halt...

21.07.08, 17:07
please fix many sources dont reask at zero countdown

21.07.08, 17:40
many sources dont reask at zero countdown

the countdown to reasking starts after a source is first contacted and you get your QR. they aren't all first asked at the same: as you gather more sources, they'll have different countdowns

21.07.08, 21:46
i know but some freeze at zero cant even reask

23.07.08, 03:35
Hmm i think it happen if you use the reask sources button because then the counter start again.
The other thing what could be that they are only death sources which are still in your queue list or sources which have banned us because they get nothing from us.
Or what do you mean with freeze can you explain it because normal that mod connect to many sources and i've never heard that anybody had a problem like this?

24.07.08, 04:49
when source gets to zero it doesnt restart at 19 min .it stays zero cant even reask

24.07.08, 16:07
@Butcho , kannst du in der nächsten Version im Transfersfenster die "minQr" anzeigen lassen? Es ist eine sehr schöne Erweiterung und man braucht nicht immer nachschauen,wann man ran kommt. :wink:

26.07.08, 13:52
hey guys;

i have just registered. i downloaded "eMule 0.49a SBI Leecher v1.6.rar"...but it asks password? what's the password....and why can't i see "hidden content" while pressing the thanks button....?

26.07.08, 14:31
You need credits! You get credits by posting new posts.
Check the FAQ!

26.07.08, 15:19
You need credits! You get credits by posting new posts.
Check the FAQ!

he doesnt need creedits the credit system doesnt exist anymore

he must hit only in the first post the thanks button to see the password

26.07.08, 15:40
he doesnt need creedits the credit system doesnt exist anymore

he must hit only in the first post the thanks button to see the password

I thought the credits are back by now.
I guess I better download some stuff now :klatsch_3:

26.07.08, 15:42

I thought the credits are back by now.
I guess I better download some stuff now :klatsch_3:

no we deactivated the system since a few weeks we have to refresh only our rules about this.

26.07.08, 19:13
i understood nothing...what's the credit.... if i dont need the credit why cant i see the password and unhidden content.....could someone explain how to do it ( bok var sanki ).....

26.07.08, 19:19
what's the credit....

the credit system is deactivated atm so don't worry about it :wink:

if i dont need the credit why cant i see the password and unhidden content.....

just click the http://www.sb-innovation.de/enlighten/buttons_eng_10/thanks.gif button under Butcho's first post, and you should see the password where the hidden content box was before. If you still don't, refresh the page

26.07.08, 22:00
thanks @anon... i worked out..... i use 1 mbit cablenet, is this mod suitable for cable...should i activate a special setting for better performance or i should use default settings ??.... what do you think....

26.07.08, 22:25
1 megabit... that's (approximately) 128kB/s of download speed and 16kB/s of upload, right? I think you should do well with the following connection settings:

And any TCP & UDP port betwen 49152 and 65535.

When it comes to security settings, these are the safest (but the slowest):


As I wrote in this post (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f44/emule-0-49a-sbi-leecher-v1-5-a-3651-post27413/#post27431):

* you will not upload anything (= you'll receive no credits)
* you will not share any files
* kad clients will think you have nothing to share = less connections
* the server will think you have nothing to share = less connections
* ("don't send complete file status" only applies if "no upload" is deactivated) if someone needs a chunk you're hiding because of this option, that's another connection you won't receive


the fake rank is undetectable and can speed up your downloads because some clients will give you a QR boost if you tell them you'll be uploading to them soon (which is what FR does) :wink:
* "block spammer clients" bans clients that send you spam through messages (like "download emule *** fastest emule ever", "emulemasrapido", etc.)

To make it a bit faster you could untick "no upload", "no share the incoming folder" and possibly "don't publish filelist in KAD" from there...

But, with the new update, I should add that it's your choice to tick "disable [XS] sending" or not. I don't think it'll make your downloads either any faster or slower - that option is just for added security IMO, so it's your choice on whether you want extra security or not: by the way, the only eMule anti-leecher protection regarding XS I know of is that you'll get banned if you ask for sources through that system very often, so (as far as I know), disabling XS sending in your settings would not be detected by other clients.

Even if you don't need any of these security settings, I still recommend you enable FakeRank. It can speed up your downloads because some mods other users may be using react positively (for example: give you a QR boost) when you send them smaller QRs than the real ones, which is what fake rank does. :wink:

Happy downloading :top:

26.07.08, 23:42
thank you so much @anon....since i need more speed than security İ'll take into consideration your advise

29.07.08, 21:49
Hello, I'm new to your mod and I just can say it seems to work very well(very stable).
But I'm used to some other mods and I think it miss some functions(like auto hard limit or an upload slot control or aut drop and SLS) but the thing that surprised me the most is the Gui.
I explain can you please make active download in bold (like in nearly every mod).
I think that with more advanced design settings your mod will look more attractive(like a unique toolbar or a special mod icon).
So to resume Your mod work great but (if you have the time) can you please make some design enhancements?? It will make your mod one if not the best one.
Anyway thanks for your work:top:

29.07.08, 21:53
I explain can you please make active download in bold (like in nearly every mod).

In the meantime, you can add:


between the first lines of preferences.ini :top:

30.07.08, 23:05
Yes i can try to update the design in my next versions. My problem is that i'm not very good with graphical works and that were my first attempts to work with the emule source code. But i can copy and then change some things from other mods, that we get a better visual style in the next versions
Please tell me if you've other special wishes... (sls is already included in this version)

to do:
-change icons
-download and upload in color
-auto hardlimit
-uploadslot control
-source management (auto drop...)
-server rotation
-dual server connect
-button for transferwindow buttons or fix the problem

31.07.08, 00:25
But i can copy and then change some things from other mods, that we get a better visual style in the next versions

Xtreme and Morph mods have code for bolded active downloads and some other eye candy, you can take it from those :biggrin:

Please tell me if you've other special wishes...

The official emule.exe has a lot of (mostly) unused/unneeded resources, like for example 64x64 and 72x72 icons in all possible color depths, and cursors (!? are these ever used?) which make up a considerable chunk of the EXE's size. Maybe for the next version you can remove them to have a smaller executable and save RAM? I can help you with what can be deleted and what not :smile:

31.07.08, 13:15
it would be perfect for me

01.08.08, 19:32
i've tried to run 1.6. but it freezes at startup. can someone help?


01.08.08, 19:38
Any error messages?

Do a clean install, and if it now works, copy your CryptKey.dat & preferences.dat files from your previous set-up.

06.08.08, 16:08
hello just a small over feature request .It is the file name disparity check of beba and emulefuture mod or the fakecheck of spike mod .I find this features usefull for detecting fake files.Everybody doesn't agree with me so no problem if you don't want but I think it will be great. Regards:smile:

08.08.08, 21:34
eMule v0.49a SBI Leecher v1.6 Statistics [http://emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 5.94
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 5.94
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 5.35
Uploaded Data: 535.99 MB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 6
Total Uploads: 6
Waiting Uploads: 357
Upload Sessions: 100
Total successful upload sessions: 95 (95.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 5 (5.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 5.64 MB
Average upload time: 34:43 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 10.46 MB (229.99 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 3.81 MB (125.89 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 773.23 KB (2.61 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 224.05 KB (5.58 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 3.18 MB (48.47 k)
Downloaded Data: 3.11 GB
Completed Downloads: 1
Active Downloads (chunks): 30
Found Sources: 678
On Queue: 553
Queue Full: 37
No needed parts: 39
Asking: 0
Receiving hashset: 0
Connecting: 18
Connecting via server: 1
Too many connections: 0
Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
Problematic: 0
Banned: 0
Asked for another file: 3127
Unknown: 0
via eD2K Server: 54
via Kad: 111
via Source Exchange: 282
via Passive: 231
eD2K: 634 (93.5%)
Kad: 606 (89.4%)
eD2K/Kad: 565 (83.3%)
UDP File Reasks: 12.33 k, Failed: 3.52 k (28.6%)
Dead Sources: 256 (208 + 48)
Download Sessions: 1027
Successful Download Sessions: 740 (72.1%)
Failed Download Sessions: 287 (27.9%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 4.30 MB
Average Download Time: 22:33 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 30.51 MB (1.0%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 15.52 MB (432.72 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 9.18 MB (368.42 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 1.47 MB (3.82 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 186.08 KB (2.02 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 2.83 MB (35.22 k)
Reconnects: 0
Active Connections (estimate): 75 (Half:3 | Compl:21 | Other:51)
Average Connections (estimate): 72
Peak Connections (estimate): 207
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 18.00 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 15.71 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 18.11 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 15.71 KB/s
Download-Speed: 96.06 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 93.28 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 189.41 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 93.28 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 07.08.2008 19:14:50
Time Since Last Reset: 1 Days 3:13 Hours
Runtime: 9:43 Hours
Transfer Time: 9:42 Hours (99.8%)
Upload Time: 9:42 Hours (99.8%)
Download Time: 9:41 Hours (99.7%)
Current Server Duration: 9:42 Hours (99.8%)
Total Server Duration: 9:42 Hours (99.8%)
Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space

16.08.08, 06:10
There will be an updating to the version 49b ?

16.08.08, 11:12
There will be an updating to the version 49b ?

Of course.

16.08.08, 18:42
Of course.
When approximately ?

16.08.08, 19:25
When it's done and tested. Butcho is quite busy atm :wink:

16.08.08, 22:14
I think we release the new version in our public section in 3-4 weeks (time edited).
Because i haven't much free time at the moment.
But perhaps i post the 1.7 a little bit earlier with not all planed and requested functions and than i continue the work on the 1.8 build.
We will see...

18.08.08, 20:06
Is it possible to have a preview of the changelog please:tongue:

18.08.08, 22:54
Yes i can post a preview changelog.
But there is nothing fix until now.
Since i was ready with editing all the old functions in the new emule code.
I had only time to test and insert some features of my to do list until now....

-add server rotation all 12 minutes [swichable]*
-add "push client" button (Waitingqueue)
-add some GUI settings [switchable]*
-show source statistics ED2K/KAD/XS [transferwindow]
-changed sidebanner (thx Manas)
-some other code changes
-updated code to 0.49b

20.08.08, 10:02
Hello Butcho I have just a small thing to had to your mod.I think it is fast to do:Can you increase the max file buffer size please for the next release .Thanks

23.08.08, 10:01
hello butcho just a little question:
Is the credit system the original one or do you have change it?

And sorry I didn't find an edit button

23.08.08, 18:15
And sorry I didn't find an edit button

You can't edit a post anymore if more than 48hrs have passed since you made it :top:

24.08.08, 06:36
I look forward to more features~~ like faster endgame or super sources finders always on( then it means no wait time,u can find super sources at once )

as far as i know,of all the mods,the feature "faster endgame" is pretty good in CN mod( a mod made by Chinese)

here is its SRC link

ed2k://|file|eMule_0.48a_CN-6_Build_189_UE-src.rar|3948817|72F5E51B517F69FCAF11699807D4746B|h =HDN2OA6PSSCTI5A24M4ASGMRE2SFBRPU|/
this is its last stable version

and the latest beta version
ed2k://|file|CN-191-beta1-src.rar|7587853|4A2992618BB2BF5349FEC6755576304E|h =A5PQV3ODNL2IIHPJV4XMHASDBY4IXV5Z|/

maybe we can find how this feature works and realizes through the SRC. a really useful feature!:wink:

maybe we can get some good features from XDP or other mod.

last but not least,we should be careful not to be banned.be careful with "anti-leech"or"Dynamic Leecher Protection ".

:smile: thank you Butcho. just make a super leecher.:top:

24.08.08, 06:43
sorry for double posting.but there is something that should be paid attention to

the "fake rank" seems to be have no use to most mods.

my friends and I have had a test. the CN mod i've mentioned before, "fake rank"is no use to it.

24.08.08, 08:43
faster endgame iss now called dynamic block requests and this feature are in all official mods like Xtreme,X-Ray,NetF and many other...its only to speed up file completion at the end...and with a "supersourcefinder always on" you get high cpu and mem usage + from many mods jo gets a ban.So its not a good idea.

24.08.08, 09:30
then what about ip2country diaplay flags and country name :smile:

do you think automatic hard limit is a good idea?
for example,last time i download three films at the same time. the speed of 1st and 2nd is about 100kB,the 3rd is only 8kB/s
then 1st and 2nd are finished.but the 3rd's speed is still that little.so i try to stop and resume,but it is no use. then i found that i turned "automatic hard limit"to on,so i shut it. try again, the speed is rising~~

maybe we should find how to have priority in super source or big uploaders:wink:

24.08.08, 22:15
or super sources finders always on( then it means no wait time,u can find super sources at once )

As far as I know, you don't have to wait before being able to re-click the "ask for sources" button :top:
But as umeK (and Butcho, in his original post) said, you'll be banned if you abuse it.

last but not least,we should be careful not to be banned.be careful with "anti-leech"or"Dynamic Leecher Protection ".

As in Xtreme's (and other mod's) DLP, right? This is my "analysis" on the subject (another 'Argos' anti-leecher system exists, and it's coded differently, so I'll check it out later).

- Detect wrong Hello-Tag:
some community-mods change the socalled Hello-Tag to identify eachother with the help of this change. Activate this option and this method will be detected.
- Detect bad Tags:
this method (also called SNAFU) detects typical Opcodes sent by Leechermods

This isn't a community mod :smile:

- Detect Ghost-Mods:
Anti-Ghost-Mod bans clients, who use typical mod-functions, like e.g. webcache, but do not send a modstring. Assuming that those client possibly got a good reason for not showing their modstring, they are banned with this option.

Are no-upload, fake rank or don't publish file list "typical mod-functions"? :biggrin:
I doubt this option can ban you for sending the original string...

- Detect Leecher by Modstring:
with this Leechers will be detected by their sent Modstring
- Detect Leecher by UserName:
some Leechers use very typical usernames or at least typical symbols and signs in their username, which will be detected, too.

As far as I know, this mod sends the original string and doesn't alter your nick.

- Detect Nick-/Modthiefs:
Activate this option and clients who pretend to be the Xtreme-Mod, but really aren't, will be banned. Also clients who steal your nickname are detected and banned.

No nick/Mod-thief option.

- Detect Spammers:
clients who are aiming to send spam news to make publicity are banned.

Not a spammer mod :wink: We have this option too, by the way.

- Detect XS-Explioter:
Activate this and clients that do not answer to source-exchange requests are detected. Those clients won't get any answers to their XS-requests, too.

OK, this can be detected if you enable "disable [XS] sending"...

- Detect emcrypt:
emcrypt is a commercial eMule-mod which is highly infected with spyware and damages the network. Activate this option to detect these clients and reduce their score. In their nickname a little remark will be transmitted to show that they are infected with spyware.

Nothing to do with our mod.


the "fake rank" seems to be have no use to most mods.

my friends and I have had a test. the CN mod i've mentioned before, "fake rank"is no use to it.

Mhm, I don't know... it is true that not always all mods react differently and give you QR-bonuses and the such, but it does happen. So, as this mod's FR code is undetectable, I recommend you enable this option. Even in a normal usage scenario, it makes your downloads proportionally faster in the long run...

25.08.08, 23:17
Good and fast 1.6 version but on my pc it crashes always when I add a category.

With 1.5 version no crash.

25.08.08, 23:23
No crashes here...
Does the problem persist for you after doing a clean install?

25.08.08, 23:34
I try now to add a category: it crashes only when I add a new category and a new folder in Incoming folder.

If I add a category but I doesn't make a new folder it doesn't crash. :confused2:

How can I make a "clean installation"?

I have imported some files from the basic version:
- cancelled.met
- clients.met
- cryptkey.dat
- emfriends.met
- ipfilter.dat
- preferences.dat
- server.met


25.08.08, 23:39
A clean install should keep only these files from your previous setup:


I tried what you said (creating a category, then a new folder inside the Incoming one), but didn't get any crashes either.

27.08.08, 22:49

speed ist gut, allerdings crasht er ca alle 3 tage mal eben so!

das war bei der v1.5 besser.... naja ich bleib bei der alten version!

27.08.08, 23:18
@penner: what firewall and antivirus software are you using?

28.08.08, 00:13
at the moment: none ^^

my kaspersky key expiered, so i removed it from my PC to try another one, but i was too lazy and busy to get a new one!^^

28.08.08, 00:17
A clean install should keep only these files from your previous setup:


I tried what you said (creating a category, then a new folder inside the Incoming one), but didn't get any crashes either.

Thanks anon.

I tried clean install but it crashes always.

It's the first time that happens to me with a version of emule and with the SBI 1.5 it didn't crash. :confused2:

Never mind :tongue:

31.08.08, 18:19
Hey guys! I use this mod for my Emule downloads. Now can someone tell how can I make it that when I click on a link in the browser, it would open?

31.08.08, 18:23
You want to load an ed2k link into this mod when clicking it in your browser?

Which browser do you use?

31.08.08, 18:26

Lets say I paste an emule link here, you click on it, it should open emule, but this isn't working for me.

31.08.08, 18:39
I just tested it.

With IE it's working, but not with the Firefox.
So, this a problem of the Firefox, not of the mod.

I'll look if there is a solution for this problem.

31.08.08, 18:42
Hi. I'm italian and I don't speack well english..
I'm new of this forum. I have downloaded Lancher 1.6 zip file, but I need password... How I can use this file?

31.08.08, 18:43
Is update to version 49b ?

31.08.08, 18:44
The password shoes when you click Thank you button.

31.08.08, 18:46
The password shoes when you click Thank you button.

Sorry but I don't see Thank You button... can You help me?:frown:

I see only this text: "You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here."

31.08.08, 18:51
@Andyoldfox: don't double post.
The button looks like this: http://www.sb-innovation.de/enlighten/buttons_eng_10/thanks.gif and is located just below Butcho's userbars in his 1st post. After clicking it, you'll see the password in the hidden content area.

31.08.08, 18:54
Yes, but it's not public yet.

It's below the first post.

I found a way.
Will post it in a few minutes, will edit this post. :wink:

This is for Firefox 3, don't know if it works with Firefox 2.

Type "about:config" into your address bar.

Now you have to create several (8) new strings, therefore rightclick --> new --> string

(Name | Value)

gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.0.name | ed2k
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.0.uriTemplate |
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.1.name | chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.1.uriTemplate | chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.2.name | chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.2.uriTemplate | chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.3.name | chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties
gecko.handlerService.schemes.ed2k.3.uriTemplate | chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties

Afterwards you have to create 3 booleans.

(Name | Value)

network.protocol-handler.expose.ed2k | false
network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k | true
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.ed2k | false

Finally restart your browser.
If you now klick on a ed2k link a window should appear asking you which application you want to load the link.
Now select the mod and check "remember my choice for ed2k links" if you always want this mod to load the ed2k links.

Source (http://board.gulli.com/thread/1147308-vista-64bit-firefox-3-und-ed2k-emule-gelst/)

31.08.08, 19:21
Isn't working :mad2: Not in Firefox or IE.

31.08.08, 19:28
* In eMule, go to Options -> Extended, and untick "Autotake eD2K links only during runtime".

* Open REGEDIT, go to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ed2k\shell\open\command key, and make sure the Default value (in the right side) is set correctly, for example:

S:\eMule SBI Leecher is where I have installed eMule, the path will differ for you. Just make sure the value's structure is

"(eMule path)emule.exe" "%1"

Then try again.

31.08.08, 19:37
For me this method is working, in Vista and in XP.

Are you sure you created the strings and booleans correctly?

31.08.08, 19:50
Thank you, it's working now :biggrin:
So I guess I'll have to change this every time when a new version comes out?

31.08.08, 19:55
NP :wink:

So I guess I'll have to change this every time when a new version comes out?

The first setting is stored in preferences.ini, so should carry on between upgrades.
And as long as you keep eMule in the same path with the same EXE name, there should be no need to change the registry value again. I think it automatically checks whether it points to the current path and "refreshes" it if it doesn't anyway.

03.09.08, 22:17
hello I have another feature request but no hurry.It is the upload only to uploaders(if guys send us something I think we don't have to worry about them so we can send them something in return):biggrin:
Please tell me what you think about this one please.(and the others if you have the time)

03.09.08, 22:58
hello I have another feature request but no hurry.It is the upload only to uploaders(if guys send us something I think we don't have to worry about them so we can send them something in return):biggrin:
Please tell me what you think about this one please.(and the others if you have the time)
with this option called up4up your downloadspeed will suffer at startup and after a while u will upload many data 2 leechers because they give you data faster than official clients. After some hours u get something from official clients, which are usefull because they´re trying to give uu a fullchunk or nearly a fullchunk. I think a good antileech class(i´d prefer argos:cool2:) and a good creditsystem is more powerfull. But its only my opinion
Anmerk. d. Red.: Geile smilies :D

04.09.08, 03:55
I see what you mean but wich credit system could be good for you?

04.09.08, 07:58
the one from Xman its leeching :D

04.09.08, 22:26
the one from Xman


Xman improved Credit System

This feature is an enhancement of the existing credit system. It rewards clients which gives you a high download. This clients gets a bonus factor.

On the other side, clients you upload much data and they don't give something back to you will get a penalty for the current emule session.

[Formula for positive bonus:

* Bonus = (download - upload)/10485760 - 1.0/(download/10485760)

The max scoreratio is 10. (like official)

Example (with ~ 1 Chunk difference): Download Upload Official version Xman improved 10MB 1MB 3,46 3,46 + bonus:0 20MB 11MB 3,63 3,63 + bonus:0 30MB 21MB 2,86 2,86 + bonus:0,2 90MB 81MB 2,22 2,22 + bonus:0,7 50MB 20MB 5,0 5,0 + bonus:2,2 90MB 50MB 3,6 3,6 + bonus:3,7 120MB 80MB 3,0 3,0 + bonus:3,8

a client can get a negative bonus of 0,1 if you gave him 1 chunk(9,28MB) more this session and also at complete comparison of download/upload without geting something back.

a client can get a negative bonus of 0,2 if you gave him more than 2 chunk(9,28MB) this session and also at complete comparison of download/upload without geting something back

It's a bit leechy IMO since it stops sharing with those it has uploaded "[too] much data" to, but don't return anything... even if they're unable to do so?
Anyway I'd like to have your analysis on the subject :wink: (not attacking your opinion, just would like to know your views :smile:)

04.09.08, 23:56
i think you can use client analyser from emulefuture wich is a credit system and an antileech security (i had use it with some mod and it is working well)

05.09.08, 00:15
i think you can use client analyser from emulefuture

Just in case someone wants to know how it works :smile:...


Start value:1

Assigns a score to clients based upon analysis of their behaviour, such as:

how long one knows someone (bonus for every week that a client keeps his hash)
upload/download ratio
kind of up/download (complete/partial/rare)
anti leecher options; nickthieves, modthieves, filefakers, spammers, xs exploiter or hammerer are taken into account
avg reask time

07.09.08, 11:07
Maybe in a later version you could insert some fake things like nickthief ,community faker...I was thinking at the xdp ones or maybe at the off+ fakers features

09.09.08, 15:13
does somebody know some mod containing this feature. ban client according to the country.
not use Ipfilter,but a feature in the mod
you can set some countries,then clients from those ones are banned.

if there is ,please tell me~~~

09.09.08, 15:40
No other mods apart from Applejuice and its derivates have that option as far as I know.

09.09.08, 16:37
dynamic Leecher Protection verson 33 releases...

you can learn more at forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=137509

Many more chinese leechers
Some more Applejuice clients
Some more bad guys

the last one,some more bad guys.:tongue: i'm afraid whether we'll be banned~~~

09.09.08, 20:08
the last one,some more bad guys.:tongue: i'm afraid whether we'll be banned~~~

They could only detect us through heuristic analysis, which is unreliable due to its nature, and can also ban good clients.
This isn't a community mod, neither it sends a flashy modstring.
The "disable [XS] sending" option is the only possible "assured" detection vector; if you're concerned about this don't enable it :smile:

09.09.08, 20:21
Comodo hat in der .exe Datei ein Trojaner/Malware entdeckt !!! Das nette Teil nennt sich: BKDR-POISON.SAP ---------- Bitte mal um Aufklärung! :icon_angry[1]:

09.09.08, 20:46
There's no kind of malware in any of the mods & tools from here!
False positive :wink:

09.09.08, 22:58
Comodo hat in der .exe Datei ein Trojaner/Malware entdeckt !!! Das nette Teil nennt sich: BKDR-POISON.SAP ---------- Bitte mal um Aufklärung! :icon_angry[1]:

der packer für die exe wird einfach falsch vom antiviren scanner erkannt kannst zugreifen es befindet sich kein trojaner oder ähnliches im emule

09.09.08, 23:40
Any news or new changelog of next version?
Isn't the country feature in ZZ-R mod?

10.09.08, 00:00
Isn't the country feature in ZZ-R mod?

Is it? I can't find it...

10.09.08, 09:57
Ok sorry my mistake

24.09.08, 04:57
eMule v0.49a SBI Leecher v1.6 Statistics [mskvorc1]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 3.78
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 3.78
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 3.78
Uploaded Data: 515.40 MB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 5
Total Uploads: 5
Waiting Uploads: 3018
Upload Sessions: 99
Total successful upload sessions: 87 (87.88%)
Total failed upload sessions: 12 (12.12%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 5.92 MB
Average upload time: 35:35 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 20.48 MB (318.89 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.90 GB
Completed Downloads: 7
Active Downloads (chunks): 3
Found Sources: 400
Download Sessions: 734
Successful Download Sessions: 403 (54.9%)
Failed Download Sessions: 331 (45.1%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 4.83 MB
Average Download Time: 13:47 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 131.81 MB (6.8%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 17.07 MB (435.32 k)
Upload-Speed: 16.02 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 15.36 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 16.09 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 15.38 KB/s
Download-Speed: 12.39 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 58.04 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 152.44 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 58.42 KB/s
Reconnects: 0
Average Connections (estimate): 32
Peak Connections (estimate): 152
Max Connection Limit Reached: 255
Average Downloadrate: 29.02 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 152.44 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 36.42 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 23.9.2008 19:29:10
Time Since Last Reset: 9:30 Hours
Runtime: 9:32 Hours
Transfer Time: 9:32 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 9:32 Hours (100.0%)
Total Server Duration: 9:32 Hours (100.0%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 3090
Low ID: 1050 (34.0%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 2940 (99.3%) : 20 (0.7%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 71
Filtered: 583
Shared Files
Disk Space

24.09.08, 09:10
in the beta version from the ZZ-R is the country filter i think. The Clientanalyzer is good thing. If i would do a official mod it would contains the clientanalyzer, but for a leecher mod with UpKick its not really good because you have to upload full chunks, but with xtreme´s creditsystem you can also punish bad UL/DL ratios, but i think the push for good clients is too small. And because of that i´ve added some things too the creditsystem;)

25.09.08, 00:25
Thanks Tr0nYx for the detailed explanations :wink:
Weill you publish the next version of ZZ-R here when it goes final? If so, will be able to block any country with its country-block function, or just a handful like in Applejuice mods?