View Full Version : [Multi OS] BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

02.02.23, 14:43
SB-Innovation Presents

BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta


Coded by:

>>>>>> DigitalDJ & ghostfucker <<<<<<


>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<
>>>>>> Rebound <<<<<<
>>>>>> hitman <<<<<<
>>>>>> Manas <<<<<<
>>>>>> eudora <<<<<<
>>>>>> ghostfucker <<<<<<
>>>>>> anon <<<<<<
>>>>>> Instab <<<<<<
>>>>>> cloud99 <<<<<<
>>>>>> illusive <<<<<<
>>>>>> molosse <<<<<<
>>>>>> --->HDBD<--- <<<<<<

Supplied by:

>>>>>> SB-Innovation <<<<<<

Original Mod by:

>>>>>> Shu <<<<<<

Change Log:

+ Fix PerfectSpoof sending User-Agent to tracker

+ Integrated Peer Injector 0.3 by anon

+ Perfect Spoof 2 by ghostfucker

+ uTorrent ID Generator

+ Modifiable Client Files

+ Ghostleech

+ LTEP Fixes

+ Multiple peerlist entries fixed

+ More No Report Options

+ (Fake Upload) Stop faking when swarm speed is zero

+ Upload Kicker

+ Ratio Tool

+ Synced with latest LegitBly Mod

+ (Upload Multiplier) Show as seeder

+ (SBI-Hack Torrentview) Scrollbars added

+ Fix Tracker Update Interval Divider

+ Use Swarm Peers fixed

+ Updated core to BiglyBT

BiglyBT Change Log:
BiglyBT Change Log (https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT/blob/master/ChangeLog.txt)
Vuze Change Log (https://svn.vuze.com/public/client/trunk/azureus2/src/ChangeLog.txt)



1. Download the latest OpenJDK Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release (http://jdk.java.net/15/)).
2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download (https://www.biglybt.com/download/)). Do not open BiglyBT after installation.
3. BACK UP YOUR TORRENT LIST! IT IS LIKELY YOU WILL LOSE IT! You must export your torrents. Copying or exporting / importing old configurations will not work.
4. Extract the hack files using 7-Zip (7-Zip Download (http://www.7-zip.org/download.html)) or equivalent to %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT) and overwrite ALL files.
5. Delete the "jre" folder in %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
6. Open the OpenJDK archive downloaded in step 1 and extract the "jdk-XX" folder to the BiglyBT folder %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
7. Rename the extracted "jdk-XX" folder to "jre".
8. Run Notepad and open %APPDATA%\BiglyBT\java.vmoptions (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\BiglyBT\java. vmoptions), append the following lines:

-Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailo r.noOptimize=true

9. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

1. Download and install the latest Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release (http://jdk.java.net/15/)). Note the path to the OpenJDK archive downloaded. You will need it for step 5.
2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download (https://www.biglybt.com/download/)).
4. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to /Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt and overwrite ALL files.

NOTE: To see the folder in Finder, you may need to perform the following steps:
4a. Open Terminal
4b. Run the following command:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES

4c. Hold the "Option/Alt" key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch
4d. Once you have copied the files, you can revert to hiding folders with:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO

5. Open up a Terminal and run the following commands. NOTE: You need to replace "PATH_TO_OPENJDK_ARCHIVE" in the first command to the path to the OpenJDK archive from step 1.

sudo rm -r "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle"
sudo tar -xzf "$OPENJDK_ARCHIVE" -C "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/"
sudo mv "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jdk-"* "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle"
echo -e "\n--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
echo "--add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
echo "-Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailo r.noOptimize=true" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"

6. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

NOTE: Based on Ubuntu 20.04
1. Install the latest OpenJDK and libjna package from your distro's package repository. On Ubuntu 20.04 this is openjdk-15-jre and libjna-java.
NOTE: Some distros do not have an OpenJDK of version 9 or greater available. In which case, you will need to download and extract the tar.gz package supplied by OpenJDK (JDK GA Release (http://jdk.java.net/15/)).

sudo apt install openjdk-15-jre libjna-java

2. Download the latest non-beta BiglyBT release and make it executable (BiglyBT - Download (https://www.biglybt.com/download/)).

wget https://files.biglybt.com/installer/BiglyBT_Installer.sh
chmod +x BiglyBT_Installer.sh

4. Run the installer, specifying app_java_home variable to your JRE folder. On Ubuntu, this is: /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/

app_java_home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/" ./BiglyBT_Installer.sh

5. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to "~/biglybt" (/home/<username>/biglybt)

unzip -o BiglyBT_*.zip -d ~/biglybt

6. Append the following VM options:

echo "--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
echo "--add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
echo "-Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailo r.noOptimize=true" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions

7. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

Before posting problems please make sure:
1. You have updated Java in the "jre" folder to the latest version (must be Java 15 or higher) (JDK GA Release (http://jdk.java.net/15/)]).
2. You have uninstalled BiglyBT using the uninstaller.
3. You have removed the BiglyBT Application folder:

C:\Program Files\BiglyBT (Windows x64)
C:\Program Files (x86)\BiglyBT (Windows x86)
/Applications/BiglyBT (macOS)
~/biglybt / /home/<username>/biglybt (Linux)

4. You have removed the BiglyBT Settings folder:

%APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\BiglyBT (Windows XP - Application Data may be Hidden)
%APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BiglyBT (Windows Vista - AppData may be Hidden)
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BiglyBT (macOS)
~/.biglybt / /home/<username>/.biglybt (Linux)

5. Reinstalled BiglyBT using the package from BiglyBT - Download (https://www.biglybt.com/download/).
6. Re-applied the hack by following the installation instructions above.

Portable Mode:
Portable mode is now built into BiglyBT / Vuze. See wiki article: Portable Vuze (https://wiki.vuze.com/w/Portable_Vuze).


17.02.23, 14:18
ive found with those newer version 3.x.x.x
when uploading a torrent of your own. if choose a client and choose block upload. due to them not share part files.
some clients will still get data. i think some thing to do with ipv4 & ipv6
one of those is slipping though the net i reckon ipv6

if you try and kick+ban a client some times it will show ipv4 + ipv6
wonder if there maybe some way of implementing a way of block upload that shows ipv4 + ipv6

17.02.23, 14:31
some clients will still get data. i think some thing to do with ipv4 & ipv6
one of those is slipping though the net i reckon ipv6

Well, you can confirm that by running the mod in IPv4-only mode with the appropriate advanced network settings, -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true or both (and maybe do a second test with IPv6 only and -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true).

20.03.23, 13:24
Hi all,

can anyone please help me to fix the error with Java?

I tried so many things but nothing helps. I already get

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/biglybt/ui/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 53.0..........


20.03.23, 15:26
block upload user seen with tick but they still getting data
can see in kick + ban they have ipv4 + ipv6 just in this particular user

other users that have block upload user dont have the choice of kick + ban & ipv4 + ipv6
and they dont get any data at all.

so it confirms ipv6 leaks data even when upload block is used
upload block seems to only block ipv4 users and not ipv6

would be nice to have a right click menu Block Upload ipv4 + ipv6


22.03.23, 00:33
I tried so many things

For instance...

As a last resort, the following method is guaranteed to work assuming you have followed all installation steps in the first post correctly.

...create a batch file with the following contents in the same directory as BiglyBT.jar and run it. This ignores install4j and passes the options from step 8 directly to Java, so it has to work (and will be 100% portable, unlike running BiglyBT.exe which stores settings under %AppData%).

@echo off
cd /d "%~dp0"
echo Starting BiglyBT Extreme Mod...
start "" "%CD%\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -cp "BiglyBT.jar;swt.jar" -Djava.library.path="%CD%" -Dazureus.portable.enable=true -Dazureus.config.path="%CD%" -Duser.dir="%CD%" --patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED -Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailo r.noOptimize=true com.biglybt.ui.Main

The downside is that the program will run under javaw.exe, so you'll have to set up firewall rules accordingly and will see no fancy process name and icon in the task manager... [but] it potentially allows reusing the same runtime for any other Java application you run like this.

22.03.23, 13:42
Many many thanks. Its great, but......

I can only open the torrent files manually. When I click on a torrent, bigly starts wrong again and the error is back! Is there a workaround for this?

23.03.23, 08:36
When I click on a torrent, bigly starts wrong again and the error is back! Is there a workaround for this?

Edit the batch file to add a space and %1 at the end of the last line, then run the following commands as administrator after reading the comment lines and editing the red parts.

rem Path to BiglyBT's directory, without trailing backslashes
set BBTPATH=T:\whatever\BiglyBT
rem Name you gave to the script, extension included
set SCRIPT=start.bat

reg delete "HKCR\.torrent" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent" /ve /d "BitTorrent Metadata" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent" /v "Content Type" /d "application/x-bittorrent" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\DefaultIcon" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\DefaultIcon" /ve /d "\"%BBTPATH%\BiglyBT.exe\",0" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\shell" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\shell" /ve /d "open" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\shell\open" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\shell\open" /ve /d "Open with BiglyBT Extreme Mod" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\shell\open\command" /f
reg add "HKCR\.torrent\shell\open\command" /ve /d "\"%BBTPATH%\%SCRIPT%\" \"%1\"" /f

25.03.23, 10:00
i think i'm doing something wrong. It doesn't work for me and I keep getting the error. does your code have to be in a separate batch file or does it all have to be in the start file?

25.03.23, 23:33
You don't need to create any additional batch files. Just open a command prompt as administrator and paste the above commands after editing them. Also turn off any options to create or verify associations in BiglyBT, as they will revert the change.

27.03.23, 09:54
And this. Where should this be written?

Edit the batch file to add a space and %1 at the end of the last line,

I have created a start.bat (Shortcut-Link with administrator right) on the Desktop. If i start the batch Datei, BiglyBT runs korrekt. If i start a torrent File, BiglyBT gives the Error on the Picture! And BiglyBT stop


28.03.23, 03:51
And this. Where should this be written?

Edit the batch file to add a space and %1 at the end of the last line,

That's for the batch file in post #6.

with administrator right

Looks like you're mixing things up; only the commands in post #8 require administrator privileges, and you have to run them manually and only once.

If i start a torrent File, BiglyBT gives the Error on the Picture!

BiglyBT has a special provision for detecting and passing torrents and links to an existing instance, which is what we're trying to do here. Once you add the %1 as per above and run the other commands to create the file association (my guess is that you've only done the latter so far), this error should be fixed.

28.03.23, 09:46
@echo off
cd /d "%~dp0"
echo Starting BiglyBT Extreme Mod...
start "" "%CD%\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -cp "BiglyBT.jar;swt.jar" -Djava.library.path="%CD%" -Dazureus.portable.enable=true -Dazureus.config.path="%CD%" -Duser.dir="%CD%" --patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED -Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailo r.noOptimize=true com.biglybt.ui.Main %1


28.03.23, 09:52
Correct :richter:

28.03.23, 09:58
It works.

Many many thanks. You are great........

30.03.23, 02:10

Not the right please to post but im a shu mod user since the beginning but now need a ghostleech mode for amnis android

30.03.23, 02:22
Any client can be used to ghostleech, just stop communication with the tracker past the first announce. You can remove the URL, set a nonfunctional HTTP proxy, use the hosts file or a local DNS server, etc.

10.04.23, 16:25
With this version on MacOS using spoofing gives the following error on tracker status

Error: Offline (sun/net/ProgressMonitor)

With spoofing disabled, all cool

12.04.23, 14:16
Did you follow the instructions in step 5 (for Mac) and ensure ghostfucker_utils.jar is in the right location? If so, can anyone else running Mac OS confirm this?

13.04.23, 13:47
Yes that is confirmed. I will reconfirm again and test again. However, in Windows, everything is cool :D

19.04.23, 11:43
Confirmed the issue on mac only and ghostfucker_utils.jar is in the right location

21.04.23, 14:07
I have the same Error: Offline (sun/net/ProgressMonitor) on windows and only when spoofing, if I disable the spoof I get a banned client error.

22.04.23, 08:44
Okay, I took some time to check this. The Perfect Spoof relies on classes that were removed in Java 20 (see https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/11474), and therefore will only work with versions 15 to 19 of the JRE.

If you absolutely must use version 20, please try replacing ghostfucker_utils.jar with the copy attached to this post, but note that it's a hack and stability is not guaranteed. Downgrading to Java 19 is the recommended solution.

22.04.23, 14:53
Thanks for looking into it. Looks like you're right. I forgot to bump the JDK checkout and rebase against version 20 when compiling. Next release will compile against it.

29.04.23, 00:30
is this normal?

29.04.23, 09:09
Yes. The local peer is an abstraction and represents you; everyone else sees the client version displayed in the status bar. You can turn this off unticking the aptly-named "Show local peer" checkbox at the top of the list.

01.05.23, 19:20
I was also having Error: Offline (sun/net/ProgressMonitor) issues with a previous build, probably the java thing, idk, either way it seems to be working like a charm now (openjdk-18), nice work :top:

03.05.23, 07:34
funktioniert nicht.
Mac OS 13.3.1 M121514

03.05.23, 12:06
Apparently that error message is a holdover from when Oracle wasn't yet building Java for M1 processors. If you grab and install the aarch64 version of JDK 19, the BiglyBT installer should be smart enough to detect it, and then you can proceed as usual.


04.05.23, 19:49
How to reset UI? Leave all settings untouched, just restore default user interface.

05.05.23, 18:25
Use BEncode Editor to delete all related values from the .config files =]

11.05.23, 15:22

The application seems really nice. After using uTorrent Expansion SBI Leecher Pack for many years, I am looking for a new application due to the HDD 100% load issue and low download speed. BiglyBT Extreme Mod has a lot of detailed options, which is great.

Some settings are very clear and understandable, but there are some parts that I don't understand, such as what the Proleech section is for.

Is there an article or user manual available that explains the features of the application's settings?

11.05.23, 15:27

14.05.23, 17:44
hi @everyone,

i have an issue with the fake upload "speed mode++"

after activating "fake report to tracker systems" and the mentioned "speed mode++" i am not able to set the fake upload speed. the whole line to change the fake upload speed simply stays greyed out and i can't enter anything and hence i am stuck with a fake upload of 15 - 20 kb.

even weirder is the fact when i activate "use the swarm's average speed as fake upload speed" the line that stayed greyed out before - the one to set fake up speed - all of a sudden becomes active and i can enter stuff in there but it does have no effect, since the swarm speed is zero and so no fake upload is happening.

i find it kinda weird that the line concerning fake upload speed even becomes active after picking swarm speed, because those two options together don't seem to make much sense...

so any ideas why i can't set the fake upload speed when i activate fake report to tracker?
and is there any settings.cfg or something where i could try to set the speed instead of trying to set it via the UI in case there is no other solution?

i used the mod a couple of years ago ( and never had an issue, hence i also think i am not overlooking any settings but one can never know...

14.05.23, 21:23
If you enable Speed Mode++, the two text fields that define the minimum and maximum fake upload speed become editable.
If you enable "Use the swarm's average speed as fake upload speed", only the second field will be editable, as it's used to set a cap on the swarm speed.

This is the expected behavior and I'm observing it correctly, on both global and per-torrent Extreme Mod settings, with Java 15 and 19 (version 20 breaks the Perfect Spoof as mentioned in page 2 and should currently be avoided). The problem you describe used to be a known bug, but was fixed several versions ago. I can only recommend a clean install.

15.05.23, 02:10
This is the expected behavior and I'm observing it correctly, on both global and per-torrent Extreme Mod settings, with Java 15 and 19 (version 20 breaks the Perfect Spoof as mentioned in page 2 and should currently be avoided). The problem you describe used to be a known bug, but was fixed several versions ago. I can only recommend a clean install.

thx, i did a clean install and while doing so i also found some leftover files and registry entries of an older java install and deleted them as well... as of right now everything seems to work as it should

15.05.23, 13:07
Hello, I'm still exploring the application and in the learning phase.

I have a question that's been bothering me. I understand that BiglyBT should not be updated (ever) for Extreme Mode to work properly, is that correct? How should I handle the update for BiglyBT when it becomes available?

Also, regarding the screenshots below, is it an application update or a plugin update? Should I apply the update?



15.05.23, 17:07
I understand that BiglyBT should not be updated (ever) for Extreme Mode to work properly, is that correct? How should I handle the update for BiglyBT when it becomes available?

Just wait until a new version of the mod is posted here and then update manually.

Also, regarding the screenshots below

Looks like you'll have to reupload those.

29.05.23, 03:51
Biglybt constantly goes from 0 to 2~3% cpu usage, there are ~100 torrents added but they are all in the "stopped" state, not a single one active (nor fake seeding), is this a Biglybt thing or something to do with the mod? Anyone with a similar issue?

29.05.23, 04:15
It's likely the Java garbage collector or some plugin that is always active (Distributed DB, mlDHT, LAN Peer Finder, UPnP). If this is a pressing issue for you, you can enable console logging to know exactly what's going on when the mod is doing "nothing".

29.05.23, 13:27
Didn't knew about the log thing, after disabling most plugins what remained was StartStopRules, it periodically checks all torrents to re-calculate seeding priority or something, anyway thanks for the heads up :biggrin:

29.05.23, 20:39
I killed all plugins other than Peer Injector and the mandatory ones. Start/Stop Rules can be configured to leave your torrents alone by setting absurdly high minimum seeding times and ratios and disabling all automatic actions.