View Full Version : [Proxy Ratio Tool] UNI-Leech universal Leechtool

28.04.08, 15:54
SB-Innovation Presents

>>> UNI-Leech Universal Leechtool <<<


Coded by:

>>>>>> neon2 <<<<<<

Supplied by:

>>>>>> neon2 <<<<<<

With this tool it's to convert nearly every torrent client into an leecher client.

Among other things, it's possible to:

Fake the useragent and peerid
Define an fake port which simulates an connectable client
Manipulate all important announce parameter
Block specific types of requests
Send an auto stop after the peerlist is received (you are not very long in the peerlist which this feature)

All things are defined manualy, so you can do nearly everything whith this tool.

New in

Small bugfixes
Gui changes
"Request workbench", here you can analize all requests

Longer description

Password to unpack

28.04.08, 22:09
Danke erstmal für das Tool. :top:

Hab aber leider ein Problem. Bei mir unter Vista x64 läuft es nicht, in der VM unter XP x32 funktioniert es jedoch. Wie sieht es bei euch aus, hat jemand Vista bei dem es läuft, und wenn ja, welche Bitversion?

Fehlermeldung (http://img3.imagebanana.com/view/turcizzz/Untitled.jpg)

29.04.08, 15:30
Kann sein das das am Packer liegt... Habe leider kein Vista um das zu testen, ich frag mal den Superbums, ob er´s mal testen kann und berichten kann obs läuft.



29.04.08, 17:12
lass mal die Problemdetails anzeigen und poste die.

29.04.08, 21:43

so, hab hier mal 2 Screens von den Details.

Bild 1 (http://img3.imagebanana.com/view/s7wrn9cz/Untitled.jpg)
Bild 2 (http://img3.imagebanana.com/view/fnrjnx5r/Untitled.jpg)

30.04.08, 12:09
das problem liegt an themida ! dieser exe packer funktioniert nicht unter VISTA. versteh eh nicht warum, man solche packer verwendet, da sie eh mit diversen tools entpackt werden können.

30.04.08, 12:37
Ganz einfach, da es wenige Packer mit .net unterstüzung gibt und da die ersten ungeschützen exe files gleich von seba&co verändert wurden. Ausserdem findest du für diese Thermida Version kein passendes unpack tool. Das mit Vista ist wirklich ein Problem aber da werden wir auch noch eine Lösung finden.

30.04.08, 18:55
Kann einer mal ne ausfürlichere Anleitung machen(deutsch)
Wie wär's mit ner deutschen Oberfläche.

30.04.08, 20:07
Kann einer mal ne ausfürlichere Anleitung machen(deutsch)
Wie wär's mit ner deutschen Oberfläche.

Steht alles hier: http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=3261+



30.04.08, 20:10
was heißt denn
Fake the useragent and peerid genau?

30.04.08, 20:15
Du kannst zum Tracker einen anderen Clienten senden falls deiner dort gebannt wird.

30.04.08, 21:12
Ok, dann bedank ich mich bei Allen für die Antworten! :top:

30.04.08, 21:51
Du kannst zum Tracker einen anderen Clienten senden falls deiner dort gebannt wird.

peer id funzt auch korrekt???

30.04.08, 23:17
peer id funzt auch korrekt???

Sonst würde das hier ja wohl kaum im Public sein, wenn es falsche Daten senden würde...

30.04.08, 23:31
Bugs gibts immer,ist ja kein Vorwurf.
Man denke nur an andere Spoofs.

01.05.08, 12:27
Bugs gibts immer,ist ja kein Vorwurf.
Man denke nur an andere Spoofs.

Welche andere Spoofs meinst du? Ich wette du kannst mir nicht einen Spoof nennen der falsche Daten sendet, den dann wäre der Spoof sinnlos.



01.05.08, 13:53
Ich denke er denkt an den Standard Clientspoof im Shu... der hat ja nicht wirklich sauber gearbeitet.

01.05.08, 22:25
Genau das meinte ich!
So genau kenne ich mich nun nicht aus mit der Materie

04.05.08, 21:15
Mit der Funktion "Request Workbench" kann man auch sehr gut selbst kontrollieren was genau raus geschickt wird.

Im endeffekt muss man selbst dafür sorgen was genau rausgesendet wird.

04.05.08, 21:57
Ich denke er denkt an den Standard Clientspoof im Shu... der hat ja nicht wirklich sauber gearbeitet.

Naja, der Clientspoof arbeitet nur nicht zu den Peers. Das was an den Tracker gesendet wird ist aber 100% korrekt. :wink:

Hierbei ist aber sicher klar, das dieses Tool auch nur zum Tracker sendet und nicht zu den Peers. :smile:



05.05.08, 22:02
Wie kann es sein,das trotzt Unileech mit Fake port anderePeers bei mir ziehen können.
ich dachte das geht dann nicht.

05.05.08, 22:12
Wie kann es sein,das trotzt Unileech mit Fake port anderePeers bei mir ziehen können.
ich dachte das geht dann nicht.

Klar geht das. Es wird ja nur die Announce manipuliert. Du musst ja trotzdem die Verbindunge zu den Peers aufbauen um downloaden zu können. Und wenn du downloaden kannst, kannst du auch uploaden. :wink:



14.06.08, 05:00
looks like a great tool, but i thnk it needs a guide/tutorial so i can test this out.


14.06.08, 09:26
if i can find a little bit of free time i can make one at least a german one maybe a english too

14.06.08, 17:02
i used the default settings and tried it on demonoid trackers and the tracker status said, "Failed: Blocked by UNI-Leech".

is that normal? also, no url's appeared in the window or workbench.

14.06.08, 17:32
hm if the announce is not in the workbench somenthing could be wrong is the port that is in uni leech the same as the port in your utorrent for example?

14.06.08, 17:52
a-day, please post a picture of your unileech config so that we can find out what the problem could be if it isn't what hitman said :smile:

14.06.08, 17:56
well maybe they have banned the default port from uni-leech :D i would use a reandom one and copy it into utorrent dont forget to forwarding the port if all works uni-leech shoud catch every annouce

14.06.08, 23:22
here are my settings for uni-leech and UT.

14.06.08, 23:27
uncheck the "leech stats", "periodical status" and "stopped" checkboxes, and see if the problem persists. if not, re-check them one by one to see which one's causing the problem

15.06.08, 04:48
ok, i know the problem. i was using a stealth mod of UT and i got that error. i unchecked 'stopped' and i get the url's in the window now.

one request, could you allow the workbench to always capture the url's even if the workbench window is closed.? maybe in the next version.

btw, what private trackers does this work on? i've only tested demonoid which is public because i don't want to test it on my private accounts yet.

15.06.08, 14:17
btw, what private trackers does this work on? i've only tested demonoid which is public because i don't want to test it on my private accounts yet.

depending on the options that you choose it should work on nearly every tracker since you send the right fake combination

15.06.08, 18:28
i tested with a torrent from TPB and although i can get how many peers are in the swarm, i can't connect to any of them to start a download. if i disable the proxy in UT, then i can download, then stop the torrent, re-enable proxy, and then it works. do some trackers not like http proxies? my settings are, leech stats, completed, and fake port are checked. everything else is unchecked.

also, when block infos-leech stats are enabled, it sends the correct 'left' stat. could you add an option block the correct 'left' from being sent.? and only send the total 'left' from when the torrent first started?

15.06.08, 18:35
do some trackers not like http proxies?

maybe some don't, but i think unileech sends no clue that you're using it as proxy... :confused2:

my settings are, leech stats, completed, and fake port are checked. everything else is unchecked.

please see if it works without the fake port enabled.

the behavior you have talked about is typical of "stealth" uT mods, but this doesn't have anything to do with that (unless you're using one of those mods). anyway UniL's stealth is perfect, it sends &event=started and then =stopped, unlike those mods which send both in the same announce :smile:

15.06.08, 22:33
ok, i think i am getting the hang of this.

what does periodical status mean? i check it, but get the 'Block by UNI-Leech' error.

what exactly does 'send stopped after started' mean? when you start, it sends the started, and then after the finished download it sends the stopped.? like it normally would, except it blocks the leech stats, too? if so, thats great!

my favorite UT mod is the steath mod. the one where it sends the 'stopped' command on the first announce/every announce, and you are not on the peerlist at all, but you can still download from some trackers. what settings do i use to stay stealth or off the peerlist in uni-leech?

btw, is it ok to use this app with UT 1.8 betas.?

15.06.08, 22:44
ok, i think i am getting the hang of this.

what does periodical status mean? i check it, but get the 'Block by UNI-Leech' error.

what exactly does 'send stopped after started' mean? when you start, it sends the started, and then after the finished download it sends the stopped.? like it normally would, except it blocks the leech stats, too? if so, thats great!

my favorite UT mod is the steath mod. the one where it sends the 'stopped' command on the first announce/every announce, and you are not on the peerlist at all, but you can still download from some trackers. what settings do i use to stay stealth or off the peerlist in uni-leech?

btw, is it ok to use this app with UT 1.8 betas.?

send stop after started is something like a stealth mod

if you set the periodical update it will block your utorrent to send every 15 minutes the regular update to the tracker. in combination with send stop after started it would be a stealth mod well depending on the tracker

depending on the options that you use you can build you own mod for example a stealth mod. if it would be possible to make fields like uploaded or downloaded it would be an even greater app

16.06.08, 16:16
the demonoid tracker doesn't like this app much. even with everything unchecked, it can get the peers in the swarm, but can't connect to any peers.

disabling the proxy, getting peer connections, then re-enable the proxy works. i wonder why it doesn't work right from the start.

16.06.08, 18:33
the demonoid tracker doesn't like this app much. even with everything unchecked, it can get the peers in the swarm, but can't connect to any peers.

i.e. it just gets d8:completei*e*:incompletei*e*:... but you actually don't receive any peer ips at all, that's why you can't connect to any :frown:

disabling the proxy, getting peer connections, then re-enable the proxy works. i wonder why it doesn't work right from the start.

i think i found why... have a look:

http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4641/unileechnoky2.gif http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/8291/unileechyesvq5.gif

the first image is how a raw uT 1.6.1 announce looks. the second one is a uT 1.6.1 announce using unileech (settings: block leech stats). notice the padding full of NULs (00 00 00 00 00...) which appear as dots in the ascii view. it couldn't be more easily detected :confused2: most likely that's why it doesn't work.

16.06.08, 21:35
i guess i'll keep using that workaround on demonoid. what app did you use to get that announce info?

16.06.08, 22:26
i guess i'll keep using that workaround on demonoid. what app did you use to get that announce info?

you can use nealy every ethernet sniffer like wireshark or smsniff

17.06.08, 00:13
like wireshark or smsniff

used smsniff :biggrin:

which is to packet sniffing what uT is to BT clients: small, simple, does what it has to and does it fast. :biggrin:

20.07.08, 09:14
I have a query with this tool, I posted it here (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f56/socks-proxy-setting-4611/)

11.08.09, 10:32
how i can see the passwords?

11.08.09, 12:42
Click the http://www.sb-innovation.de/enlighten/buttons_eng_10/thanks.gif button below the first post. The password will be then displayed in the "Hidden Content" area.

06.09.09, 14:01
can i use this with vuze

06.09.09, 14:08
You can use this tool with every client where you can set a proxy.

09.09.10, 01:57
Is it safe to use it on Freshon.tv? (TvTorrents.ro)

09.09.10, 13:13
Yeah, sure. FreshOn's scripts aren't very bright.

23.07.12, 13:01
Why avast detect it as a virus .. if it's a false positive you have to send an email to avast so they can analysis it manually .

23.07.12, 19:23
I believe the first version of this tool was released without a packer, hence seba claimed it as his own and such.

The coder's last activity date: 10.05.09 04:24

So I doubt he'll see your post.

09.07.13, 06:29
hi is this software is still working ?

10.07.13, 18:42
hi is this software is still working ?

You can read the post just above yours !

10.07.13, 21:52
It worked last time I checked*, it just was easy to detect since it sent a bunch of garbage data along tracker announces

* = this was a long time ago.

27.01.14, 10:29
interesting app, I will play around with it and see.