View Full Version : ShadowMule 0.0.3 *Public Beta*

14.11.11, 18:14
>>>>>> ShadowMule 0.0.3 *Public Beta* <<<<<<

Coded by:

>>>>>> Tr0nYx <<<<<<


>>>>>> Tr0nYx <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

So here is my first mod after my huge break developing eMule Mods :)

BugFix release and some little Changes:
ADDED: ManualSourceDrop [Xanatos]
ADDED: NodeDatUpdate [pP]
ADDED: Server.metUpdateURL [pP]
FIXED: Bug in CommunityListCtrl[Tr0nYx]

ADDED: SmartReleaseSharing [Xanatos]
ADDED: ManualSourceRequest [Xanatos]
ADDED: ModLog [Xanatos]
ADDED: QuickStart [TPT/Stulle/taz]
ADDED: SpeedMeter [eFMod]
ADDED: Intelligent SOTN [Wizard]
ADDED: SaveUploadQueue [Xanatos]
ADDED: Met Credits [Xanatos]
ADDED: NeoCreditSystem [Xanatos]
ADDED: NeoScoreSystem [Xanatos]
ADDED: ExtenedCreditTableArrangement [Xman]
ADDED: ConnectionCollisionFix [Xanatos]
ADDED: ExtendedUdpCache [Xanatos]
ADDED: CleanUploadTiming [Xanatos]
ADDED: AutoHL [Wizard]
ADDED: easy ModVersion [Wizard]
ADDED: added MOD_VERSION_BUILD number to Wizard“s easy ModVersion[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Uploadmanagment [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Uploadkick [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: AvgQR [Xman]
ADDED: Changed some Icons [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Random Modstring [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Resourcebars[Wizard]
ADDED: Sysinfo [Wizard]
ADDED: Show LowID“s[Xman]
ADDED: Client Percentage [Xman]
ADDED: Show Complete up/down in queuelist[Xman]
ADDED: Show RQR in Uploadlist & Queuelist[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Bugfixes from eMF Mod and Xtreme
ADDED: ModIconMapper [Wizard]
ADDED: IP2Country [Eastshare/Wizard]
ADDED: IP2Country File Origin [Wizard]
ADDED: IPFilter Update [Morph]
ADDED: ed2k updates [Wizard]
ADDED: SlotFocus [Wizard]
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
ADDED: Tabbed Prefs [TPT]
CHANGED: Made Preferences a little bit wider [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Automatic Firewalled Retries [Wizard]
ADDED: BetterClientAttaching [Xanatos]
ADDED: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike2]
ADDED: QRETA [shadow2004]
ADDED: ShowQDifference [itsonlyme]
ADDED: Copy Clipstats [Wizard]
ADDED: FileFeedBack [Wizard]
ADDED: Prefer Community for SlotFocus [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: European Community [UmeK/Tr0nYx]

Changelog for European Community v1.2.2:
ADDED: Open UploadSlot for CommunityClients ASAP [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Show Active/Downloading Community Clients per File
ADDED: CommunityClientList [Tr0nYx]

19.11.11, 12:14
Basic System Infos:
|--> Nick: [WwW.SoLoDvDr.CoM]-X-GoRdiE[Tusseries][MMT]
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | ShadowMule 0.0.3
|--> Modversion: ShadowMule 0.0.3
|--> OS: Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (9%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 3.25 GB (136.13 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 324.62 GB


Emule Settings:
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 340.00 KB/s (Limit: 270.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 3.13 MB/s (Limit: 2.64 MB/s)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 1200
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 100
|--> Max. half open connections: 100
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 16850 UDP: 16690
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

Mod Settings:
|--> SOTN: Adjustable per file
|--> UPnP: Enabled
ClientAnalyzer Stats:
|--> Nickthieveries: 2
|--> Modthieveries: 0
|--> File fakes: 143
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 1
|--> Fast asks: 29
|--> Spams: 1
|--> FastXS: 351
|--> Mod fakes: 288

Upload Stats:
|--> Upload Time: 11:44 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 188.55 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 205.86 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 274.17 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 265.53 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 8.26 GB
|--> Active uploads: 5
|--> Waiting Uploads: 215

Download Stats:
|--> Download Time: 11:38 Hours (99.2%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 16
|--> Download-Speed: 57.52 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 106.60 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 307.71 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 145.55 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 4.28 GB
|--> Found Sources: 336
|--> Too many connections: 0
|--> On Queue: 212
|--> Asking: 0
|--> Connecting: 0
|--> No needed parts: 100
|--> Asked for another file: 318
|--> Queue Full: 3
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 17

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1.93 : 1
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 884.06 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1647
|--> Number of Downloads: 97
|--> Completed Downloads: 16
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 585 (96.9%) : 10 (1.7%) : 9 (1.5%)
|--> Download Sessions: 837
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 755 (90.20%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 82 (9.80%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 2941
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 2861 (97.28%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 80 (2.72%)

|--> *** Modded by Tr0nYx ***

Looks good, can you add up/down in upload list?:klatsch_3:

23.11.11, 23:15
the next few days i release the next public beta with much more features ;)

02.12.11, 09:53
Hi guys, sorry for the little break but a Betatester has some little bugs with this Mod and i fix“em atm. I Think it should not take too long :)

02.12.11, 18:22
Hi guys, sorry for the little break but a Betatester has some little bugs with this Mod and i fix“em atm. I Think it should not take too long :)

Little bugs... hmmmm...

I hope too that it should not take too long ! ;)

09.12.11, 18:13
you know it“s not really long to a public final ;)