View Full Version : eMule 0.50a SBI Leecher v2.31

17.06.11, 20:24
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> eMule 0.50a SBI Leecher v2.31 <<<<<<

Coded by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Coding Support:

>>>>>> gentil_monsieur & sarutobi <<<<<<

Beta Testing (thx) :

>>>>>> Renk, Vation, Soldier, cheatos, <<<<<<
>>>>>> eMuLeecheR, Sagittarius, tunayx, <<<<<<
>>>>>> saebrtooth, Instab, hitman <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add upload/queue only after x mb download [sbi security]
-add auto add to friends after x kb download [sbi mod]
-add endless upload for single client
-add manual add client to ipfilter [transferwindow]
-add static ipfilter (ipfilterstatic.dat)[security options]
-add auto add banned leecher to ipfilterstatic.dat [sbi protection]
-add dazzle credit system [sbi mod]
-add no server adds (fix coded)
-add file backup [sbi backup]
-add boost friends/boost faktor [sbi mod]
-add manual establish friendslot [waitingqueue/uploadqueue]
-add automatic friend slot [connection options]
-add manual remove all friendslots [uploadqueue/waitingqueue/friendlist]
-add show empty disk space on title (fix coded) {thx B4n$h33}
-add fake alyzer [sbi protection]
-add extra download priorities [transferwindow]
-add second preview player possibility [transferwindow/files menu]
-add 70% score for non SI clients (fix coded)
-add dazzle faster endgame (fix coded)
-add total up/down column [transferwindow]
-add weekly file updates [sbi update]
-add ipfilter update all x hours [sbi update / sbi time]
-add kick/ban/clear-bans button [known clients/ downloading clients]
-add exclude friends from no upload/no queue settings [sbi security]
-add disable kick (t/mb) for single file [sharedfiles]
-add boost system for useful clients (fix coded)
-add stulle advanced transfer window layout (fix coded)
-changed server&kad search to global&kad search [search window]
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

* you must restart emule that settings take effect...

Please delete your old preferences.ini file!

[U]Ältere Änderungen: / Older Changes:

-add upload/queue only for complete files [sbi security]*
-add upload/queue only for incomplete files [sbi security]*
-add kick client after x minutes upload [sbi mod | sbi control]
-add kick client after x kilobytes upload [sbi mod | sbi control]
-add manual remove kad contact [kad window]
-add auto more searches button [searchwindow]
-add auto more searches time [sbi time]
-add update eMuLeecheR server.met each startup [sbi mod]
-add update eMuLeecheR server.met button [transferwindow]
-add no upload/queue for other client software [sbi security]*
-add no queue for leecher [sbi protection]*
-add move to waitingqueue button [upload queue]
-add push all friends to uploadqueue button [waiting queue]
-add drop low id clients buttons [transferwindow]
-add auto drop low id clients [sbi mod]
-add auto drop low id clients time [sbi time]
-add only disconnect server on spooky mode [sbi control]
-add automatic shared files updater (fix coded)
-add request shared files column in known clients list {thx morph4u}
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes
-update code to 0.50a

-add server & kad search method [search window]
-add no upload/queue for low id clients [switchable]*
-add update function for nodes.dat [updatemenue]
-changed now you can unshare all files[sharedfiles window]
-add push all clients to uploadqueue button [waiting queue]
-add kick all clients from queue button [waiting queue]
-add anti leech stuff [sbi protection]
-no upload for leecher [switchable]*
-add anti leecher log [serverwindow]
-add auto drop leechers [switchable]*
-add auto drop leecher time [switchable]*
-add drop leecher buttons [transferwindow]
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

Anti Leech:
-antileech.dll version 44 (xtreme mod)
-Detect Wrong Hello-Tag
-Detect Bad Tags
-Anti Ghost-Mod
-Detect Leecher by Modstring
-Detect Leecher by UserName
-Detect Nick / Modthiefs
-Detect Spammers
-Detect XS-Exploiter
-Detect emcrypt
-Detect bad userhashes
-Detect Community Mods
-Anti Upload Protection

-add spooky mode [serverwindow/sbi controll]
-show users ip [transferwindow]
-add reconnect on low id [switchable]*
-add fake rank start value [switchable]*
-add fake rank update time [switchable]*
-add auto drop ranking QR>x [switchable]*
-add auto drop ranking time [switchable]*
-add ranking value for button & auto drop [switchable]*
-add file reask time [switchable]*
-add auto load/save sources[switchable]*
-add sources to save/load value [switchable]*
-add reload sources before save [switchable]*
-add show downloads in bold [switchable]*
-changed download in color code [switchable]*
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add multi server connect and reask [switchable]* {thx sarutobi}
-add auto ask after sources [switchable]*
-add auto drop NNS/FQ/TM sources [switchable]*
-add ask after sources time [switchable]*
-add NNS/FQ/TM drop times [switchable]*
-add no queue [switchable]*
-add queue only for friends [switchable]*
-set default upload rule to hidden/friends [switchable]*
-set default queue rule to hidden/friends [switchable]*
-add upload rules per file [transferwindow | sharedfiles]
-add queue rules per file [transferwindow | sharedfiles]
-add hide emule[switchable]
-add filename disparity check[switchable]*
-some other code changes
-update code to 0.49c

-add "generate new rsa key" button [transferwindow | downloadlist] {thx sarutobi}
-add auto generate new rsa key [switchable]* {thx sarutobi}
-add emulate community nick addons [switchable]*
-add no share partfiles [switchable]*
-add shut down emule when downloads complete [switchable]*
-add shut down pc when downloads complete [switchable]*
-add fake check (searchwindow)
-add update function for fakes.dat [updatemenue]
-add ban/server rotation/rsa key generate time [switchable]*
-add xs/kad/srv/srv-udp reask times [switchable]*
-changed max queue / max filebuffer size [advanced options]*
-changed some icons
-some other code changes

-add auto server rotation [swichable]* {thx g_m}
-add uploadslotcontrol [connection preferences]
-add "drop ranking QR > x" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "drop NNS/FQ/TM sources" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "push client" button (Waitingqueue)
-add download in color and bold[switchable]*
-show Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics [transferwindow]
-show NNS/FQ/TM source statistics [transferwindow]
-changed sidebanner {thx Manas}
-some other code changes
-updated code to 0.49b

v 1.6
-upload only to friends [switchable] *
-disable [XS] send [switchable] *
-add "load/save sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "ask after new sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "Update" menue for ipfilter and ip2country (options)
-add ip2country (fix coded)
-add sidebannder [options]
-show cpu/mem/server [transferwindow]
-show splash on exit (fix coded)
-changed fake rank code {thx g_m}
-some other code changes...

v 1.5
-emulate other clientsoftware (switchable) *
-don't send complete file status (switchable)*
-fake rank (switchable)* {thx g_m}
-auto reload shared files if download is complete (fix coded) {thx g_m}
-no upload (switchable)*
-no share any files (switchable)*
-no share the incoming folder (switchable)*
-don't send filelist to server (switchable)*
-don't publish filelist in KAD (switchable)*
-add no ratio (fix coded)
-add unlimited search results (fix coded)
-reask client for download (downloadqueue)
-kick all Peers Button (uploadqueue)
-kick & bann buttons (uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-clear banlist buttons (Uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-add forum link button (maincontrollbar)
-add new splashscreen {thx Manas}
-changed min queue size(advanced options)
-based on emule 0.49a

Erklärung: / Explanation:

spooky mode
Ihr könnt die Verbindung zu beiden Netzwerken trennen und trotzdem weiter herunter laden. eMule findet inzwischen genug Quellen über Source Exchange so das ihr die Quellen die ihr neu von einem Server bzw Kademlia erhalten würdet nicht benötigt.
You can disconnect from both networks and still continue your downloads. eMule will find sources through Source Exchange without the need for a server or Kad connection.

generate new rsa key
Ihr könnt eure eMule Identifikation ändern. Dadurch verliert ihr alle Credits bei anderen Clienten!
Deshalb ist diese Funktion nur zu empfehlen wenn ihr den Mod eh mit No Share oder No Upload laufen last. Durch das ändern des rsa keys seit ihr besser vor "eMule Network Scans" und auch gegen die ein oder andere "Static Banlist" geschützt.
This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

emulate community nick addons
Euer Client emuliert die Community Erweiterungen im Nickname von anderen Clients, da man so teilweise im download bevorzugt wird.
Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

don't share partfiles
Es werden nur eure Downloads versteckt. Andere Ordner könnt ihr normal zum Upload anbieten.
Only the files you're downloading will be hidden. You can still offer all your other folder to upload.

upload only to friends
Es gelangen nur Clients in eure Uploadwarteschlange die ihr davor zum Freund gemacht habt.
Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

disable [XS] send
Ihr gebt eure Quellen nicht an andere Clients weiter.
you don´t give your sources to other clients

ask after new sources
Ihr könnt jederzeit für ein File den Server und Kademilla nach neuen Quellen fragen.
you can ask the Server and Kademilla anytime for new sources for a file

emulate other clientsoftware
Ihr emuliert ander Client Software wie z.B. edonkey, Shareaza usw. falls sich ein solcher Client zu euch verbindet, da sich diese Programme untereinander bevorzugen.
you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

don't send complete file status
Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet wenn ihr ein File komplett habt.
if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

fake rank
Ihr sendet einen gefälschten Warteschlangen Rank zu anderen Usern, da manche Mods diesen berücksichtigen.
you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

no upload
Andere Clients können von euch nichts laden.
other clients can´t download from you

no share any files
Alle Dateien werden versteckt auch die ihr gerade ladet. Dadurch kann es zu schlechteren Speed Ergebnissen kommen.
all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

no share the incoming folder
Euer Incoming Ordner wird nicht im Netz Freigegeben. Dadurch werden nur Files veröffentlicht die ihr gerade Ladet oder manuel frei gegeben habt.
your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

don't send filelist to server
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht an die Server gesendet. Somit taucht ihr nicht bei den Suchergebnissen auf.
your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

don't publish filelist in KAD
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht in Kademilla veröffentlicht. Dadurch kann es zu weniger KAD Verbindungen kommen.
your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

no ratio
Ihr könnt den Upload begrenzen wie ihr wollt. Euer Download wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt.
you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

unlimited search results
Die Anzahl der Treffer bei der Suchfunktion wird nicht begrenzt.
the number of searchresults is unlimited

reask client for download
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients nach Download fragen. Aber benutz denn Button nicht öfter hinter einander da ihr sonst gebannt werdet.
you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

kick all peers
Damit leert ihr alle Uploadslots.
you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

kick & bann
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients aus denn Warteschlangen entfernen bzw bannen.
you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

clear banlist
Damit leert ihr eure Bannliste.
you can clean your banlist with that

queuezise changing
Die Warteschlangen Grösse kann beliebig verändert werden.
the size of the queue can be change like you want with that

server rotation
ihr verbindet euch nach 20 Minuten zum nächsten Server in der Liste.
makes you connect to the next server in the list every 20 mins

upload slot control
dadurch könnt ihr Regeln wie viele Leute gleichzeitig von euch was laden dürfen.
controls how many people you can upload to at the same time

drop ranking QR > x
dadurch entfernt ihr alle Clients aus den einzelnen Downloads die einen Rank über x haben.
removes sources whose queue rank is higher than x from your downloads

drop NNS/FQ/TM sources
damit könnt ihr clients die nur nicht benötigte Teile, die eine volle Warteschlange haben oder zu viele Verbindungen entfernen.
removes nns (non needed source), full queue and tm (too many connections) sources from your downloads

push client
ihr könnt clients aus der Warteschlange manuell einen Uploadslot zuteilen.
throws clients in your upload queue

Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics
euch wird angezeigt mit wie viele Quellen ihr verbunden seit.
shows you the source total and how many of them have been received through ed2k, kad or xs

NNS/FQ/TM source statistics
dadurch könnt ihr erkennen ob ihr im Moment mit überflüssigen Quellen verbunden seit
shows you how many of your downloads' sources aren't needed or in "full queue" or "too many connections" status

multi server connect and reask
Ihr könnt euch zu beliebig vielen Server verbinden und erhaltet auch von allen die vorhandenen Quellen.
You can connect to any number of servers and also regularly ask them for new sources.

no queue / queue only for friends
Damit könnt ihr eure Upload Warteschlange komplett sperren bzw. nur Freunde in die Queue lassen
Lets you prevent anyone from entering your queue, or letting only your friends inside accordingly.

upload rule/queue rule per file
Ihr könnt für jeden eurer Shares einzeln entscheiden ob andere Clients/Friends in eure Warteschlange dürfen bzw. ob andere User/Friends überhaupt Upload ab bekommen.
You can decide whether to upload to other clients/friends or let them enter your queue in an individual basis.



18.06.11, 04:09
when i downloaded it was still 2.3 not 2.31

18.06.11, 15:18
I only called this version v2.31 here that everybody can see that a new version is out. It's only the fixed v2.3 version of the member section.

18.06.11, 15:58
Webserver don't work, missing emule.tmpl in the main emule directory (where is the exe).

---------- Post added at 15:58 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

Before use this mod, I've used a Tombstone Xtended, and I with criptkey.dat, preferences.dat and clients.met, I've moved to this mod also the know and know_64 met files, because I won't do again hash of shared files (I moved also sharedfiles and shareddir dat). And now in the details of the shared files I see that:
How I can remove ZZUL POWERSHARE, withuot do the rehash of all my shared files ?

18.06.11, 15:58
I've never used a webserver before. I only insert these files because i thought that is enough.
I will check it for the next version.

18.06.11, 16:03
That's not a problem, now I need help for remove that ZZUL POWERSHARE...the webserver work just add this file from original emule's downloadable from the emule-project site :D
So you don't need to check nothing, just add this in next archive !

I will try right now if work

21.06.11, 19:12

- I have a concern with the uss that launches every time you start a series of ICMP / IGMP is disabled while in the extended properties.

My firewall is configured to block ICMP / IGMP as a rule low-level system, I find myself forced to create an Allow rule for ICMP eMule can connect to kad/ed2k.

The 2.21 did not cause this.

- The multi server seems not work properly this is maybe linked to my first concern.

How to specify a number greater than 9 in the "multi / server to connect max"?
I can not get 10, I was 12 as memory config anvant in the latest version.

see yu .

22.06.11, 21:58
eMule v0.50a SBI Leecher v2.3 Statistics [mskvorc1]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 4.78
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 4.78
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 4.78
Uploaded Data: 847.87 MB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 5
Total Uploads: 5
Waiting Uploads: 299
Upload Sessions: 112
Total successful upload sessions: 106 (94.64%)
Total failed upload sessions: 6 (5.36%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 8.00 MB
Average upload time: 37:13 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 13.87 MB (232.23 k)
Downloaded Data: 3.96 GB
Completed Downloads: 4
Active Downloads (chunks): 11
Found Sources: 465
Download Sessions: 704
Successful Download Sessions: 608 (86.4%)
Failed Download Sessions: 96 (13.6%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 6.66 MB
Average Download Time: 17:33 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 19.64 MB (0.5%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 27.75 MB (518.92 k)
Upload-Speed: 19.95 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 19.68 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 20.10 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 19.77 KB/s
Download-Speed: 58.69 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 94.00 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 372.65 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 94.03 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 22.6.2011. 9:44:47
Time Since Last Reset: 12:13 Hours
Runtime: 12:15 Hours
Transfer Time: 12:15 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 7:29 Hours (61.1%)
Total Server Duration: 12:15 Hours (100.0%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 477
Firewalled (Kad)
Low ID: 106 (22.2%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 464 (99.6%) : 2 (0.4%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 79
Filtered: 330
Leecher-Hits: 787
Shared Files
Disk Space

23.06.11, 10:25
eMule v0.50a SBI Leecher v2.3 Statistics [mskvorc1]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 4.16
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 4.16
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 4.16
Uploaded Data: 1.67 GB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 5
Total Uploads: 5
Waiting Uploads: 311
Upload Sessions: 223
Total successful upload sessions: 215 (96.41%)
Total failed upload sessions: 8 (3.59%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 7.96 MB
Average upload time: 36:25 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 27.33 MB (457.41 k)
Downloaded Data: 6.96 GB
Completed Downloads: 14
Active Downloads (chunks): 13
Found Sources: 313
Download Sessions: 1193
Successful Download Sessions: 1061 (88.9%)
Failed Download Sessions: 132 (11.1%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 6.71 MB
Average Download Time: 19:45 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 46.33 MB (0.7%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 56.44 MB (943.21 k)
Upload-Speed: 20.02 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 19.69 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 20.10 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 19.77 KB/s
Download-Speed: 89.63 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 82.00 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 441.19 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 94.03 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 22.6.2011. 9:44:47
Time Since Last Reset: 1 Days 40 Minutes
Runtime: 1 Days 42 Minutes
Transfer Time: 1 Days 42 Minutes (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 19:56 Hours (80.7%)
Total Server Duration: 1 Days 42 Minutes (100.0%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 344
Firewalled (Kad)
Low ID: 94 (27.3%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 336 (99.4%) : 2 (0.6%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 80
Filtered: 1057
Leecher-Hits: 1260
Shared Files
Disk Space

25.06.11, 18:01
Hi Butcho, I'm glad to see you continue to develop SBI Mod. I've found what exactly causes a bug I reported before: When I ask for new sources via button or timed mode, (often) global search becomes disabled. When I exit Emule and reconnect the same server I see it's still disabled. If I connect different server or change my ip then global search becomes enabled again. Looks ask for new sources makes ip banned by the connected server. I remember another user in the forum experienced the same problem.

25.06.11, 20:33
I never noticed that. I will try to fix it in the next version.
Please remember me in the next beta threat...

How to specify a number greater than 9 in the "multi / server to connect max"?
I can not get 10, I was 12 as memory config anvant in the latest version.

I will change the field, that you can insert a larger value in the next version.
Until then go to Preferences/Extended/"Edit preference.ini" and search after MultiServerConnectV and insert there your value.

25.06.11, 21:07
Why you should use 10 or more server ? 2 or 3 with rotation is enough, with a lot of server you've only less security and more hoverhead and RAM usage too maybe because emule manage more connections.

happy killer
26.06.11, 16:32
eMule v0.50a SBI Leecher v2.3 Statistiques [http://emule-project.net]

Taux E:R pour la session: 1 : 1.#J
Taux de session E:R (hors slots amis): Attente...
Taux E:R cumulé: 1 : 9.73
Données envoyées: 0 Octets
Données envoyées aux slots amis (session): 0 Octets
Nombre de slots nécessaires pour remplir la bande passante: 0
Nombre de slots d'envois: 0
Clients en file d'attente: 0
Sessions d'envois: 0
Total en surplus de bande passante (Paquets): 12.82 Mo (247.37 K)
Données envoyées: 401.92 Go
Sessions d'envois: 79560
Total en surplus de bande passante (Paquets): 11.42 Go (175.57 M)
Données reçues: 7.27 Go
Fichiers terminés: 0
Réceptions en cours (parties): 62
Sources trouvées: 2385
Sessions de réception: 901
Gagné grâce à la compression: 271.47 Mo (3.6%)
Perdu à cause de la corruption: 47.99 Mo (0.6%)
Parties sauvées grâce à l'I.C.H.: 2
Total en surplus de bande passante (Paquets): 32.09 Mo (888.79 K)
Statistiques temporelles
Dernière réinitialisation des statistiques le : 02/03/2008 14:56:44
Temps depuis la dernière réinitialisation : 1210 jours 23:35 Heures
Temps d'exécution: 4:45 Heures
Temps de transfert: 4:45 Heures (99.9%)
Temps sur le serveur actuel: 2:35 Minutes (0.9%)
Temps total connecté aux serveurs: 3:27 Heures (72.6%)
Moyennes prévues
Clients connus: 2670
Logiciel client
Derrière un pare-feu (Kad )
Low ID: 411 (15.4%)
Identification sécurisée (OK : Echec): 2360 (90.6%) : 246 (9.4%)
Problématiques: 0 (0.0%)
Banni(s): 75
Filtrés: 59
Leecher-Hits: 233
Serveurs actifs: 11
Serveurs injoignables: 1
Serveurs supprimés: 1
Total: 12
Total utilisateurs: 1.41 M
Total fichiers: 192.82 M
Max. serveurs en ligne: 37
Max. utilisateurs en ligne: 5.04 M
Max. fichiers dispo: 436.35 M
Espace Disque
Nombre de réceptions: 57
Taille totale des réceptions: 227.39 Go
Taille totale déjà reçue: 23.66 Go (10%)
Taille totale restant à transférer: 203.74 Go
Espace libre sur le disque Temp: 1707.71 Go
Espace total nécessaire aux réceptions: 38.70 Go

http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/982/sbleech.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/199/sbleech.jpg/)

29.06.11, 08:25
down-speed in tray is missing

http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6718/muleerror.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/muleerror.png/)

28.07.11, 15:46
To: gentil_monsieur & sarutobi

Hello. I want to ask gentil_monsieur & sarutobi if you guys can create the "Specify Parts To Get" feauture since Butcho seems to be unavailabe to do so. I see that +++++++ asked for it over a year ago and even put it in detail how to go about it and still no action has been taken so far therefore I am asking this. Others like myself are also waiting for this feature because we find it to be very useful. Links where it is proposed... ( http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=18734&page=18 )


happy killer
01.08.11, 20:22
Hello, is it possible to have a cleaning function of multiple filenames? Basically the main window you can select all or multiple files at once and the right to clear the names of these files. thankx

02.08.11, 10:11
You mean like MorphXT mod ? If not please explain better, my english is very bad. Or wait another answer...

30.08.11, 22:36
Schade ich dachte er wollte in dieser version upload feedback mit einbauen???

04.09.11, 15:17
How do I disable this log?:confused:

http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9360/86396606.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/198/86396606.png/)


06.09.11, 15:41
Options/Advanced: Here in the list there are log option that you can turn on/off.

08.09.11, 13:02
Guys, is there any guide around how to use that mod?

All files I try to download are downloading with 10-15 kb/s :( Ports are okay, no dl limit is set up

08.09.11, 15:52
Options/Advanced: Here in the list there are log option that you can turn on/off.
Advanced? Perhaps - Extended? But there is nothing - All logs off.

http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/3170/76726033.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/819/76726033.png/)

08.09.11, 17:35
Guys, is there any guide around how to use that mod?

All files I try to download are downloading with 10-15 kb/s :( Ports are okay, no dl limit is set up

First post has an explanation of all the settings.

Note this won't magically pump your speeds through the roof for being a leecher mod. You still need good settings and patience, because it's eMule after all.

08.09.11, 18:02
there is a guide ;-)

11.09.11, 15:39
there is a guide ;-)

Yes :biggrin:

28.10.11, 21:40
I just loved this mod, is very frendly and have a lot of good options (if you can configure it and get the advantages)

i will try to upload some stats after some usage... tks for this excellent mod :shockkk!:

12.12.11, 19:23
can't connect to KAD, i've tried several nodes.dat and ports are open.

any suggestions?

21.01.12, 19:52
awesome mod, best one 'round, its wonderful bout how it could download a rare file in a bunch of secs just setting up in right way its options :cool:

04.03.12, 16:40
concurrent downloads is only 1-5.
how to get more ?
if i market more after save jumpt to default 1-5 ?!

07.03.12, 20:33
concurrent downloads is only 1-5.
how to get more ?
if i market more after save jumpt to default 1-5 ?!

Can you explain better your problem?

08.03.12, 01:54
iam sorry my english is not good but i try.

i want download more then 5 files in time but didnt work. limit are 5.
i go into option -> connection -> wizard
i market concurrent downloads 6-15 -> apply
but if i go again into wizard is the concurrent downloads again 1-5 .
i cant go higher.

in german :

wenn ich unter option -> connection -> wizard die anzahl downloads 1-5 erhöhe auf 6-15 dann wird diese einstellung nicht gespeichert.
ich weiss nicht warum ..

13.03.12, 16:49
can help set this mod with a guide???
because there is a post to a guide but I don't have permission to access this page!!!

thanks for the answer
greetings from italy

13.03.12, 18:35
There's no guide on that post as far as I can see... but there is an explanation of what each setting does in the first one, here :wwink:

By the way, I've noticed Butcho's eMule threads have a destroyed layout, there must be a problem with the BBcode formatting.

15.03.12, 15:25
I'm working on a guide, I started it but I've not enough free time for finish... so you must be patient.

In any case, i'm italian too, so if you have any question can ask me with an Mp ;)

21.03.12, 02:16
Hello Neo26,
I can not send pm I hope I shall say here! """To be able to send PMs your post count must be 10 or greater."""
Kindly could you explain how to set eMule SBI Leecher, because a file when I add fast part but then hangs! + + + download and also comparing with the classical installation eMule is known that many + sources for the same file

thanks for the answer

21.03.12, 20:04
Can you explain better your problem with some examples please? Maybe is not related to mod setting.

The sources are more with official eMule or with SBI Leecher mod?

Sorry but my english is not really good ;)

22.03.12, 19:40
ciao Neo26

I'd rather answer in pm!
I can not write to you! "To be able to send PMs your post count must be 10 or greater."""
If you send me a pm I think I can answer!
my English is worst of your!!!

23.03.12, 06:48
MP Sent...

24.03.12, 17:29
for a clean install are these files?


thanks for the answer

25.03.12, 08:05
for a clean install are these files?


thanks for the answer

For a clean install copy only Criptkey.dat|Clients.met|Preferences.dat (NB: .dat not .ini).

25.03.12, 18:06
but when leaves the new version v2.4? I saw that is already present on the homepage!

25.03.12, 18:11
but when leaves the new version v2.4? I saw that is already present on the homepage!

Usually Butcho move the Member version public when a new Member version is ready.

So when you see v2.5 [Member Title] you will have the v2.41 public I think.

28.03.12, 18:01
Hi there,

-add upload/queue only after x mb download [sbi security]

When using it on a clean install and clean clients.met (no client with more than 0 bytes transfered) the mule get stuck after some minutes of runtime. However, the interface, scolling changing buttons, entering menus etc. is still working. Just the statistics graph and the speed display in download/upload window get stuck and freeze as well. After releasing the checkbox all get normal and upload starts as usual. May be its some kind of upload-slot calculating error?

Is it going to be fixed?

Thanks, kind regards

09.04.12, 18:12
i want download more then 5 in same time, how to config it ?

13.04.12, 18:10
iam sorry my english is not good but i try.

i want download more then 5 files in time but didnt work. limit are 5.
i go into option -> connection -> wizard
i market concurrent downloads 6-15 -> apply
but if i go again into wizard is the concurrent downloads again 1-5 .
i cant go higher.

in german :

wenn ich unter option -> connection -> wizard die anzahl downloads 1-5 erhöhe auf 6-15 dann wird diese einstellung nicht gespeichert.
ich weiss nicht warum ..

Mit dem Wizard lassen sich lediglch vordefinierte Werte für das Register "option -> connection" einstellen. Die Werte werden dabei je nach individueller Auswahl des Betriebssystems, der geünschten gleichzeitigen Downloads und der Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit eingestellt.

D.h. wenn ich das Wizard durchführe, mit den Optionen Win2k/XP/Vista, Concurrent Downloads = 16+ und bspw. T-DSL 1000, dann werden die Werte unter "option -> connection" entsprechend der Auswahl eingestellt. Diese Werte können jedoch weiterhin manuell angepasst werden. Das Wizard slbst wird jedesmal mit den selben vordefinierten Werten gestartet. Darum zeigt es jedesmal 1-5 Concurrent Downloas an.

Grundsätzlich startet der Esel soviele Downloads und ggf. Uploads gleichzeitig wie es die Verbindung (Stichwort Slotspeed) zulässt. Inwieweit das Wizard Auswirkungen auf den MOD hat, kann nur Butcho beantworten. Das Wizard selbst ist eine Entwicklung aus dem Original eMule.


---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

Hi there,

-add upload/queue only after x mb download [sbi security]

When using it on a clean install and clean clients.met (no client with more than 0 bytes transfered) the mule get stuck after some minutes of runtime. However, the interface, scrolling changing buttons, entering menus etc. is still working. Just the statistics graph and the speed display in download/upload window get stuck and freeze as well. After releasing the checkbox all get normal and upload starts as usual. May be its some kind of upload-slot calculating error?

Is it going to be fixed?

Thanks, kind regards

Did somebody experience the same problems? Or is it just me? SBI Leecher V2.31 is still not working properly to me with activated upload/queue only after x mb download. I adjusted it to 10 MB for some testing purposes. No additional options were changed from standard clean eMule install.

Hope there will be a workaround available soon.

Anybody an idea what else i could do? Any additional informations required? Plz let me know.


kind regards

14.04.12, 14:23

gibt es für die Einstellungen eine dll

in deutsch/german?

07.05.12, 07:04
You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here.

how do i fix this?
whats the password>?

07.05.12, 09:02
You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here.

how do i fix this?
whats the password>?

You press the [Thanks] button

31.05.12, 18:27
What's the best mod for you?

This or darksky?

02.06.12, 09:05
DarkSky I think is no more updated... but depends, for some things is better darsky for other is better this one.


02.06.12, 14:13
I'm using darksky and is very good... In the future i'll try sbi leecher, to test it.

13.07.12, 10:43
ich habe immer nur das normale emule benutzt aber es kriecht nur vor sich hin mit meiner 1000er Leitung.
Binja mal auf das BSI Mod gespannt!!
Danke im voraus!!

14.07.12, 23:45
Having trouble getting the 2.4 version cant access member page anymore have 90 posts

14.07.12, 23:47
have 90 posts

The last one of which was made in 2011.

08.08.12, 22:09
theres some servers that wont connect starting with number 77 and 85 its like this client is banning them. i removed all numbers from security ip filters. and still wont connect to the server number 77 and 85. how do i fix

09.08.12, 07:26
theres some servers that wont connect starting with number 77 and 85 its like this client is banning them. i removed all numbers from security ip filters. and still wont connect to the server number 77 and 85. how do i fix

U don't have to fix nothing, update again your ipfilter from the SBI's default link, it's for ur security (also if there are some controversies about ipfiltering efficacy, I think is better use it, also losing some useful source), then update your list (delete ALL server first) always with sbi default one and u should be able to connect to all servers.

Probably the server ur trying connecting to (can u tell us name/ip ?) is offline.

18.08.12, 20:05
I have SBI Leecher v2.31
When trying to load the Anti Leecher I get A "failed to load antiLeech.dll". I download a new one, and installed it in the config folder. But when I try to load it, all I get is the same thing, plus "Error code 0",
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the help in advance.

20.08.12, 22:38
I have SBI Leecher v2.31
When trying to load the Anti Leecher I get A "failed to load antiLeech.dll". I download a new one, and installed it in the config folder. But when I try to load it, all I get is the same thing, plus "Error code 0",
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the help in advance.

Download latest .dll, replace it (remove .new extension) and restart the mod. You get error message now ?

04.11.12, 00:41
Hello. I´ve got the same problem:
04/11/2012 0:37:12: failed to load the antiLeech.dll
04/11/2012 0:37:12: ErrorCode: 126
Where i could find this file?


04.11.12, 09:30
It's included in the mod archive if I remember rifht, btw you can get it here Download emule Xtreme Mod from SourceForge.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulextreme/files/DLP/AntiLeech44/antiLeech.dll.new/download)

Remove the .new extension and put it in your config folder.

24.11.12, 20:47
Hey, ich hab leider immer noch minimalen Upload, obwohl ich ihn in den Optionen ausgestellt hab. Zudem sind "dont share downloads" bzw. "dont share incoming folder" aus. "No Queue" und "dont send filelist" sind ebenfalls deaktiviert.

24.11.12, 21:07
irgendwie schräg, mein beitrag von eben scheint weg zu sein. ich musste auch zum zweiten mal die forumregeln akzeptieren.. :eek13: naja, was solls.
Ich hab die neuste version von emule SBI ausprobiert um den upload zu vermeiden. leider ist dies bis jetzt nicht ganz möglich, es bleibt immer zumindest ein wert von 1kb/s.
Afaik sind alle relevanten optionen so eingestellt, dass es eigentlich funktionieren müsste. So etwa "no Upload" oder "dont share your download". Hat jemand ne Ahnung, woran das liegen könnte?


edit: um das nochmal zu präzisieren: es gibt keine tatsächlichen upload-transfers, sondern lediglich diese geringe rate. ist das normal?

25.11.12, 08:25
Das ist normal...Overhead entsteht durch Anfragen/Antworten an/von Servern/Kad/Clienten,Pingen (Kommunikation/Quellenfindung)usw....aber der tatsächliche Upload findet nicht statt...

08.12.12, 18:48
Das ist normal...Overhead entsteht durch Anfragen/Antworten an/von Servern/Kad/Clienten,Pingen (Kommunikation/Quellenfindung)usw....aber der tatsächliche Upload findet nicht statt...

not all people understand deutsh. English please. :-)

30.12.12, 13:57
Guys what sites do you use for links to emule ?

30.12.12, 21:38
Depends from the country, in Italy there are a lot of forums, I can't helpfor other countries...

The foreign site that I used in past and the most popular is (actually) Index page &bull; sharethefiles.com (http://sharethefiles.com/forum/index.php) (because sharevirus got offline since months ago without advise...)

17.03.13, 19:31
Download latest .dll, replace it (remove .new extension) and restart the mod. You get error message now ?

I just re-installed this software and now I get a code 126, after I installed the .dll a couple of times from SF. Removed the "new" and I still get the error, and the DLP greyed out.

I know it's been a while since asking before, but I haven't had my very "own" computer since my last one was destroyed. Now I'm getting back into the swing of things...if you may.


24.03.13, 12:42

Is there Zzz Ratio in that mod? The Zzz Ration stopped down me, when I used normal client.

24.03.13, 17:16

Is there Zzz Ratio in that mod?

Nope, no ratios.

03.04.13, 00:24

Hi everybody
the development of this mod is still active? I'm an enthusiast of SBI :klatsch_3: and would like to know if there will be a version 2.5.
Thank's in advance.


03.04.13, 20:22

Hi everybody
the development of this mod is still active? I'm an enthusiast of SBI :klatsch_3: and would like to know if there will be a version 2.5.
Thank's in advance.


There is a 2.5 with a lot of news but is still in private beta and since some months Butcho have no time for work on it but he say he'll be back and update it.

03.04.13, 22:51
There is a 2.5 with a lot of news but is still in private beta and since some months Butcho have no time for work on it but he say he'll be back and update it.

This is a good news!
I would be interested to know the new features, can you give me a preview?
It 'sa bit of time waiting for this new release :biggrin:

25.05.13, 01:02
I have issues with Kad searching, it only gives 300 (or sometimes 400) results, even though I'm using the same search term.

Is this a massive coincidence?

The buttons More and Auto More are always greyed out, does that matter in any way?

Thanks for any input :)

Edit: Sorry, forgot to add: Great work! this mod is very stable, and seems very fast. I can add 1000+ Files and download them concurrently without any issues, and fast speeds, awesome job!

19.08.15, 16:34
Yes I will follow this one :)

06.03.16, 16:44
I've looked through the options and I can't find a place to see "Country" in uploads.
It's always writen "disabled", is there a way to see the Countries for people I'm uploading to ?

Thank you !

07.03.16, 02:18
From memory (I don't have the mod installed on this computer), you can double-click a client to see their IP and country in the details window. If it says "unknown", make sure the country database is updated.

Updating the ip-to-country database for eMule mods. - eMule Security (http://emule-security.org/news.php?item.267)

08.05.16, 22:01
Hi there,

here I running emule 0.5a SBI Leecher v2.31 since years. before it was on win7, now its on win 10. I’m not sure, if I hava all my settings to the new system.

If the server connection is broken, emule do not reconnect automaticly. Same on kad.

If I connect one (ore more) servers manually, the connection is stable for hours. Sometime the connection is broken, emule cant connect again.

My settings:


Safe connect – off
Autoconnect to servers in static list only – off
Set manually added servers to high priority – on

SBI Control
Spooky mode
only disconnect servers – off
reconnect on connection lost – on
enable after server connection error – on – max 10

Serverlists are new.

What can be the reason for that. Anyone any ideas for a solution?

Many thanks for support in advance.


06.06.16, 17:30
Why am I not in the credits - I betatested this mod like crazy on 2008, including marathon sessions with verbose logging enabled :wtinfoil:

On a serious note, Butcho hasn't visited the forum since November 2014. I wonder what became of him, and what will become of this masterpiece. A version 2.5 with lots of new features was on the works, but it never went past a private beta...

06.06.16, 19:54
would be nice to test that 2.5 version with lots of new features
lets hope all is good with Butcho and he returns safely

12.06.16, 23:06
Are there any emule 50b mods available?

16.06.16, 11:57
Is there a way to make this to work on a Emule v0.50a Xtreme 8.1?

16.06.16, 21:25
Are there any emule 50b mods available?

morph4u's Apex 0.50b is the only one I've heard of.

Is there a way to make this to work on a Emule v0.50a Xtreme 8.1?

No, this is a modded version of the official eMule, so you can't use it "on" a different client.

31.07.16, 12:42
Does this program have a ~1.50 MB/s download limit? I can't manage to obtain download speeds more than that. I setup my download speed limit at 7MB/s and my bandwidth capacity is far beyond 1.5.
With Emule v0.50a Xtreme 8.1 I can achieve the desirable speeds, but not with this.
What can I do?

31.07.16, 21:37
I don't recall any such limit being in place. You may need to review/tweak your settings. Remember this mod is based on the official eMule, so you may want to run any comparisons against that instead.

18.09.16, 21:40
Why not using V2.4?

24.04.17, 18:26
I know somebody who used this software. The authorities catched him some weeks before and said that they received fragments from his upload. You think they are right?

25.04.17, 03:38
I know somebody who used this software. The authorities catched him some weeks before and said that they received fragments from his upload. You think they are right?

Well, Butcho has shared the code he uses for the no upload feature in private, and it's as flawless as it is simple (when deciding if a client is eligible for uploading, immediately return "no").

08.08.17, 12:52
i have been using this version for years now without any "problems"

only thing i am wondering is why the new 2.4 is not available to the public

08.08.17, 16:30
only thing i am wondering is why the new 2.4 is not available to the public

Test versions of this mod were always limited to people with the member title or above.


The "new" version 2.4 was released on October 2011. Since Butcho is missing, he was never able to fix some things that were reported and make a public release.

01.07.18, 13:11
I can't manage to find the unlimited search results option. Can someone help me to find it? Where it is?

01.07.18, 13:17
That feature isn't configurable, it's hardcoded. Normally, eMule stops a search if it returns more than a certain number of results (I think it was 200), but this mod never stops it and thus always shows all available results.

29.07.18, 11:54

How can i remove the green line for already downloaded files ?
I've readen that i can delete the known.met file, but there is no known.met file.
Can someone help me ?


[EDIT] OK i've found the known.met

30.07.18, 21:14
You can prevent them from being stored in the first place by unticking "Remember downloaded files" in the settings. This also slightly reduces resource usage.

29.11.20, 08:32
is this 2.31 the last ..??..i ear about a 2.4 vers..where to dl it..?
thxs so much in adv

---------- Post Merged on 29.11.20 at 08:32 ---------- Previous Post was on 28.11.20 at 22:32 ----------

in events i see:
failed to load the antiLeech.dll
ErrorCode: 126

...whta's the problem..??
how to solve..?
thxs so much in adv

29.11.20, 11:28
is this 2.31 the last ..??..i ear about a 2.4 vers..where to dl it..?

Version 2.4 is only available to those who have the Member title.


in events i see:
failed to load the antiLeech.dll
ErrorCode: 126

antiLeech.dll is part of the Dynamic Leecher Protection system. It's a library that you have to find online, download, rename and place in your "config" directory to enable that feature. If you still get the error, you may be missing a dependency or need to run the mod as administrator... in any case, don't worry too much if you can't get it to work. I was one of the original betatesters for this mod, and we had lots of fun getting it to fool leecher detection, particularly anti-nickthief :happy:

29.11.20, 20:15
thxs so much for yr kind reply!
so i'll try to gain this title!
is there also a 2.5 vers , or the 2.4 is the latest?
thxs so much again

29.11.20, 21:27

you dont need antiLeech.dll anymore

30.11.20, 08:18
is there also a 2.5 vers , or the 2.4 is the latest?

Version 2.5 was made available to select testers (see credits in the first post) on late 2011, but given Butcho's inactivity, it will likely remain a private beta forever. :gfrown:

30.11.20, 09:09
thxs to you all for yr kind and fast reply!
so we have only to hope about a re-activity of the mitic Butcho!!
hats off to him and his great work!

01.12.20, 19:58

you dont need antiLeech.dll anymore

..forgive my curiosity...why...??
apologize my poor skills...

02.12.20, 14:38
Because it's very old (last updated on April 2011) and as stated in my previous post, its effectiveness was never too high. It catches the most obvious mods, which of course is better than nothing, but that's about it.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Applejuice is still a thing...

02.12.20, 15:43
thxs so much anon for yr prompt and kind reply!
..you still trill my curiosity...what you mean with:
"I wonder if Applejuice is still a thing... "...?
pls explain me as i were a little child..cause i'm really not too much skilled at all..!!
thxs again for yr kindness

02.12.20, 20:30
"I wonder if Applejuice is still a thing... "...?
pls explain me as i were a little child..cause i'm really not too much skilled at all..!!

Well, let's see. A community mod for eMule is one that favors others who use that same mod and/or has exclusive features that only work between two users of it. This behavior is considered undesirable, as clients are generally expected to treat each other equally.

Applejuice was the most well-known community mod. It included several proprietary features like AES-256 encryption, bzip2 compression, a super search system and the ability to "buy" instant upload slots from others. It also had many bad features like no upload, hiding files or client emulation that only applied to those that didn't use it. This made it a very attractive target for both anti-leech protections (to detect and ban it) and leecher mod coders (to take advantage of its community for their own purposes), but as I recall, the only thing that was successfully reverse-engineered was a quirk in its user hash generation algorithm.

Anyway, I have no idea what became of Applejuice: whether development was abandoned, still continues somewhere, or even if the last version still works nowadays. Hence my question...

04.12.20, 09:11
thxs so much again for yr prompt and clear reply!
yes it should be wonderful if someone could indicated if and where this sw is still going on...
thxs again!

07.12.20, 08:46
applejuice is dead. the last updates crashing all 10min.
Xanatos and ekliptor made neoloader...

07.12.20, 10:47
neoloader is the upgrade of applejuice..??

07.12.20, 15:07
Xanatos and ekliptor made neoloader...

I know NeoLoader, but I wasn't aware those two are behind it :ninja:

In any case, I'm skeptical of programs that attempt to integrate several ways of downloading. Either they don't get everything right or they aren't as advanced as a separate client for each protocol.

07.12.20, 15:39
i agree to 100%.

and its ugly :shockkk!:

no update of eMule applejuice

07.12.20, 19:35
i agree to 100%.

and its ugly :shockkk!:

no update of eMule applejuice

..so what is...??..explain in simple words as i were a little child..

07.12.20, 19:38
it is an independent software.
but the emule area has nice features from david xanatos neomule.

20.04.21, 12:43
What exactly is fake alyzer (analyzer?) function?
I see that it shows me different colours for different files. Does every colour has a meaning?

20.04.21, 22:52
What exactly is fake alyzer (analyzer?) function?


21.04.21, 15:23

and what the numbers aside the colours means:
ex: (RGB: 216, 255, 216) (HEX: D8FFD8)...??

24.04.21, 11:00
"(RGB: x, y, z)" is a combination of three values ranging from 0 to 255 that describe the levels of red, green and blue that make up a color. "(HEX: xxyyzz)" is the concatenation of the hexadecimal representation of those values. The use of either allows distinguishing between 16,777,216 different colors without ambiguity (see https://colornames.org/).

07.05.21, 17:03
Is there a way, a setup, to make this program to mask what I'm downloading. No to be tracked?

08.05.21, 11:05
useing a vpn?

09.05.21, 12:54
Is there a way, a setup, to make this program to mask what I'm downloading. No to be tracked?

Whenever you ask this sort of question, you need to define your adversary: whom do you want to hide this information from? Your ISP? Copyright agencies? Global surveillance programs?

And remember that having 100% anonymity and privacy online is impossible. Even if you use double VPN through Tor via satellite Internet, whoever has the files you want will know someone is downloading them, and get metadata like date and time, client version, speed and others.

04.09.21, 14:41
an amule version of this would be interesting, i tested another day amule last version and it works with full speed

05.09.21, 08:34
Unfortunately, given Butcho's inactivity, it's unlikely that we'll get any new version of this mod, let alone a port to a different codebase. eMule works remarkably well under Wine, however.

13.06.22, 09:36
what difference is version 2.4?

13.06.22, 19:15
Unfortunately we don't publish changelogs for class-restricted programs as a matter of policy.

25.07.22, 17:30
nice i hope this will not crash and work 100%

26.07.22, 06:48
As one of the original testers for this mod, I can assure you it's super stable :gsmile:

04.03.23, 05:17
may i ask if there is updated version of 2.4 ? or i have to use 2.31 ?

for a near decade i had been using 2.4 :)))

04.03.23, 16:13
Read page 7 of this thread...

16.03.23, 20:25
Do we have source codes of SBI mode, even older versions?
If not, do we have any other source codes of the modes which is close to this mode, especially including "auto search more" and "Search Global+KAD" features?

17.03.23, 01:54
Do we have source codes of SBI mode, even older versions?

That depends on who "we" are =] Very few leecher mods were open-source, with Dazzle's being the canonical exception. The continuous battle to evade detection by anti-leech features in official mods was already difficult that way.

17.03.23, 20:04
That depends on who "we" are =] Very few leecher mods were open-source, with Dazzle's being the canonical exception. The continuous battle to evade detection by anti-leech features in official mods was already difficult that way.

Thank you for the response. I used the word "we" to refer the open source community, nothing special. To be honest, I'm after the code delta of search improvements, extra security features, etc. Is there any feature packed and open source emule mode even without leecher features?

17.03.23, 21:04
Is there any feature packed and open source emule mode even without leecher features?

The official eMule is released under the GPL, which means any "good" mods must also publish their sources. If you do a quick search, you'll find many meeting your requirements... Xtreme, MorphXT, StulleMule and NeoMule are just a few all-time favorites.

tapka dog
07.10.23, 17:18
can you explain what a "fake rank" is and what it is used for?

SBI Mod - fake rank/start value:

08.10.23, 01:51
The first post has an explanation for all settings.

tapka dog
27.01.24, 12:44
good day
can you explain what to do:

entering spooky-mode
spooky-mode failed: no static server available!

27.01.24, 21:23
Spooky mode requires that you have a high ID and mark at least one server as static.