View Full Version : iNstall your own rutorrent seedbox on a based Linux vps [noob's friendly]

The Shutter
30.03.11, 11:11
how to install your own seedbox on a based linux vps

since seedboxes may cost more , i've tried a vps from santrex (https://clients.santrex.net/aff.php?aff=1824) [30gb hdd ,unmetered bandwidth,512mb ram] price = 9$ ...:cool:

so what you need to start this is a cheap vps with linux preferable ubuntu :top:

before install rutorrent you need to update ubuntu so follow the instructions carefully (any question add a reply here)

apt-get update


apt-get upgrade

after that you need to install wget & sudo

apt-get install wget


apt-get install sudo

other's may need yum

apt-get install yum


last step is to install rutorrent with this automatic installing script

for Ubuntu and Ubuntu clones:

wget --no-check-certificate -O autodl-setup http://sourceforge.net/projects/autodl-irssi/files/autodl-setup/download
sudo sh autodl-setup

for Any other OS
Log in as root:

su -

Then install it:

wget --no-check-certificate -O autodl-setup http://sourceforge.net/projects/autodl-irssi/files/autodl-setup/download
sh autodl-setup

If you already have another web server installed, you may need to disable it or uninstall it. If you don't, the web server this script installs (*) might not work.

What it will do:

Install a web server (*)
Install ruTorrent with multi-user support (http and https)
Install 1st party ruTorrent plugins
Install an encrypted FTP server (vsftpd)
Install rtorrent with xmlrpc-c support
Install the IRC auto downloader plugin (autodl-irssi) (http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=517.0)
Install Webmin
Install a startup script for rtorrent and Irssi

You can disable any of the above by answering no when you run the installer.

* Apache, nginx, or lighttpd.

I've tested the following OSes (clean installs):

Arch Linux 2010.05
ArchBang 2010.10
CentOS 4.8
CentOS 5.5
ClearOS 5.2
Debian 4.0r7
Debian 5.0.3
Debian 5.0.7
Debian 6.0.0
Fedora 13
Fedora 14
Frugalware 1.3
Gentoo 1.12.14
Linux Mint 8
Linux Mint 9
Linux Mint 10
Mandriva Linux release 2008.0
Mandriva Linux release 2010.1
openSUSE 11.1
openSUSE 11.3
Pardus 2009.2
Pardus 2011
PCLinuxOS 2010
Peppermint OS
RHEL 5.5
RHEL 6.0
Sabayon 5
Scientific Linux 5.5
Scientific Linux 6.0
Ubuntu Server 6.06.2 LTS
Ubuntu Server 8.04.4 LTS
Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 LTS
Ubuntu 10.10
Unity release 2010

If your OS isn't listed, but is derived from one of the above OSes, then the installer could still work. Eg., all Ubuntu and Debian derived OSes should work.


If you have SELinux enabled, it's possible Apache or vsftpd won't work.


The script doesn't open any ports in your firewall. If your firewall is enabled, you may need to open a few ports.

Ubuntu Server 6:

You need to enable the universe repository

RHEL/CentOS/Scientific 4 & 5:

You may need to add and enable a 3rd party repository, eg. EPEL, and another one for PHP 5.3, eg. remi (English : Repository Configuration - Les RPM de Remi - Blog (http://blog.famillecollet.com/pages/Config-en))

geoip plugin:

Some OSes don't have the PHP geoip module (thus disabling the ruTorrent geoip plugin).


any questions add a reply here ;)

always add sources and quote properly!
source: http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=608.0

enhanced version provided by TheShutter: http://www.sb-innovation.de/attachments/f59/14294d1378547597-install-your-own-rutorrent-seedbox-based-linux-vps-noobs-friendly-client.rar
password: theshutter

The Shutter
07.09.13, 11:57
wget --no-check-certificate -O autodl-setup http://sourceforge.net/projects/autodl-irssi/files/autodl-setup/download
sudo sh autodl-setup

remove the link in red , upload the following attachment to any free file uploading services (ex:archive.org) & replace the link.

I've edited & tweaked some errors in the original script

Credit goes to the original coder (who's thread was deleted from Rutorrent Webui - Index (http://forums.rutorrent.org) , so i can't get his name)

