View Full Version : [Ratio Tool] mRatio 3.4.1

13.02.11, 15:05

Added support to other type of encodings on language files
Corrected some buttons that cut out chars when translated string is bigger than original string
Added uTorrent Memory Reader feature

Special Thanks:
Yusuke Kamiyamane
Philip Piper

Portuguese - The248
Spanish - Anon
Italian - MacGyver
Deutsch - Pliplo
Arabic - Cheatos

Want to translate?

Included with this release there is a English.mRLng template file, it's inside mRatioLanguages folder.
Use this BEncode Editor (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f46/bencode-editor-4641/) to be able to open and modify the file.

Try to keep the translation size close to the original size or the program may cut some words out
Any text that ends with a few extra spaces, keep those spaces, for example "Details ", keep those extra spaces.
This {0} will be replaced by a word, keep it on the translation
If the new language uses special chars, you may need to add a new row "lngEncoding" with content "UTF-8", check Arabic language if you need an example


13.02.11, 18:38
hey, sorry to bother you but my version of mRatio doesnt come up with any emulators when i try adding a torrent... what should i do?

13.02.11, 18:40
Working here... try a clean install on a different directory.

13.02.11, 18:50
thanks, i just tried that and it worked, good work! :)

13.02.11, 18:50
Feel free to hit the Thanks button below my post.

13.02.11, 19:07
i am seeding a torrent but it is not changing the ratio on the site, also the bug log says this:
[13/02/2011 17:44:47][][Insertion index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than or equal to size.
Parameter name: index][ICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLkNvbGxlY3Rpb25zLkFycmF5TGlzdC5Jbn NlcnQoSW50MzIgaW5kZXgsIE9iamVjdCB2YWx1ZSkNCiAgIGF0 IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLlRvb2xTdHJpcEl0ZW1Db2 xsZWN0aW9uLkluc2VydChJbnQzMiBpbmRleCwgVG9vbFN0cmlw SXRlbSB2YWx1ZSkNCiAgIGF0ICM9cUhzV0E4eFpkayRfQ2FiZE NfM3JjX1E9PS4jPXFqZFljd09DOW0wWmpaN3RtWXphWFlRPT0o KQ0KICAgYXQgIz1xSHNXQTh4WmRrJF9DYWJkQ18zcmNfUT09Li M9cWFqSlZtU01SZXFSeXlQeVo2eGdIbWc9PShPYmplY3QgIz1x UEV6S041NzdPRCR4NFFnd2xBZ0lGQT09LCBFdmVudEFyZ3MgIz 1xUDNaVzhCaHlYJDdFOGhHbGJESDZUZz09KQ0KICAgYXQgU3lz dGVtLkV2ZW50SGFuZGxlci5JbnZva2UoT2JqZWN0IHNlbmRlci wgRXZlbnRBcmdzIGUpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5G b3Jtcy5Gb3JtLk9uTG9hZChFdmVudEFyZ3MgZSkNCiAgIGF0IF N5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLkZvcm0uT25DcmVhdGVDb250 cm9sKCkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLkNvbn Ryb2wuQ3JlYXRlQ29udHJvbChCb29sZWFuIGZJZ25vcmVWaXNp YmxlKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybXMuQ29udH JvbC5DcmVhdGVDb250cm9sKCkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5k b3dzLkZvcm1zLkNvbnRyb2wuV21TaG93V2luZG93KE1lc3NhZ2 UmIG0pDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Db250 cm9sLlduZFByb2MoTWVzc2FnZSYgbSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS 5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLlNjcm9sbGFibGVDb250cm9sLlduZFBy b2MoTWVzc2FnZSYgbSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLk Zvcm1zLkNvbnRhaW5lckNvbnRyb2wuV25kUHJvYyhNZXNzYWdl JiBtKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybXMuRm9ybS 5XbVNob3dXaW5kb3coTWVzc2FnZSYgbSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3Rl bS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLkZvcm0uV25kUHJvYyhNZXNzYWdlJi BtKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybXMuQ29udHJv bC5Db250cm9sTmF0aXZlV2luZG93Lk9uTWVzc2FnZShNZXNzYW dlJiBtKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybXMuQ29u dHJvbC5Db250cm9sTmF0aXZlV2luZG93LlduZFByb2MoTWVzc2 FnZSYgbSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLk5h dGl2ZVdpbmRvdy5DYWxsYmFjayhJbnRQdHIgaFduZCwgSW50Mz IgbXNnLCBJbnRQdHIgd3BhcmFtLCBJbnRQdHIgbHBhcmFtKQ==]
[13/02/2011 17:50:44][][Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.][GET /scrape.php?passkey=******************************* *&info_hash=%20%1e%fd%0e%cf%beI%0f%91MUw%26%c4%b6%7d %df%03%3c%f7 HTTP/1.1
Host: magicprop.com
User-Agent: uTorrent/2040(21586)
Accept-Encoding: gzip

][SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpEYXRlOiBTdW4sIDEzIEZlYiAyMD ExIDE3OjUwOjM0IEdNVA0KU2VydmVyOiBBcGFjaGUvMS4zLjM3 IChVbml4KSBtb2RfYXV0aF9wYXNzdGhyb3VnaC8xLjggbW9kX2 xvZ19ieXRlcy8xLjIgbW9kX2J3bGltaXRlZC8xLjQgUEhQLzQu NC43IEZyb250UGFnZS81LjAuMi4yNjM1LlNSMS4yIG1vZF9zc2 wvMi44LjI4IE9wZW5TU0wvMC45LjhiDQpYLVBvd2VyZWQtQnk6 IFBIUC80LjQuNw0KQ29udGVudC1FbmNvZGluZzogZ3ppcA0KVH JhbnNmZXItRW5jb2Rpbmc6IGNodW5rZWQNCkNvbnRlbnQtVHlw ZTogdGV4dC9wbGFpbg0KDQo1YyANCh+LCAAAAAAAAANLMbVKy8 xJLU4xMrBSkPvLd36fJ/9E39BytSPbau8z23xPsbBKzs8tyEktSc00SjU0sErJL8/LyU9MSU3JNADxM/Pg8oZGqUAAANPkwBlSAAAADQowDQoNCg==]
[13/02/2011 17:54:09][][Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.][GET /scrape.php?passkey=******************************* *&info_hash=%20%1e%fd%0e%cf%beI%0f%91MUw%26%c4%b6%7d %df%03%3c%f7 HTTP/1.1
Host: magicprop.com
User-Agent: uTorrent/2040(21586)
Accept-Encoding: gzip

][SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpEYXRlOiBTdW4sIDEzIEZlYiAyMD ExIDE3OjUzOjU3IEdNVA0KU2VydmVyOiBBcGFjaGUvMS4zLjM3 IChVbml4KSBtb2RfYXV0aF9wYXNzdGhyb3VnaC8xLjggbW9kX2 xvZ19ieXRlcy8xLjIgbW9kX2J3bGltaXRlZC8xLjQgUEhQLzQu NC43IEZyb250UGFnZS81LjAuMi4yNjM1LlNSMS4yIG1vZF9zc2 wvMi44LjI4IE9wZW5TU0wvMC45LjhiDQpYLVBvd2VyZWQtQnk6 IFBIUC80LjQuNw0KQ29udGVudC1FbmNvZGluZzogZ3ppcA0KVH JhbnNmZXItRW5jb2Rpbmc6IGNodW5rZWQNCkNvbnRlbnQtVHlw ZTogdGV4dC9wbGFpbg0KDQo1YyANCh+LCAAAAAAAAANLMbVKy8 xJLU4xMrBSkPvLd36fJ/9E39BytSPbau8z23xPsbBKzs8tyEktSc00SjU0sErJL8/LyU9MSU3JNADxM/Pg8obGqUAAAGPNoCRSAAAADQowDQoNCg==]
[13/02/2011 17:54:37][][Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed.][ICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybXMuQ2xpcGJvYXJkLl Rocm93SWZGYWlsZWQoSW50MzIgaHIpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0u V2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5DbGlwYm9hcmQuU2V0RGF0YU9iamVjdC hPYmplY3QgZGF0YSwgQm9vbGVhbiBjb3B5LCBJbnQzMiByZXRy eVRpbWVzLCBJbnQzMiByZXRyeURlbGF5KQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdG VtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybXMuQ2xpcGJvYXJkLlNldFRleHQoU3Ry aW5nIHRleHQsIFRleHREYXRhRm9ybWF0IGZvcm1hdCkNCiAgIG F0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLkNsaXBib2FyZC5TZXRU ZXh0KFN0cmluZyB0ZXh0KQ0KICAgYXQgIz1xSHNXQTh4WmRrJF 9DYWJkQ18zcmNfUT09LiM9cXViVFRLUzl1d1I4OEYkU1UxS0xz WlhmTGFxNlJlb1lqUHdxNHZhenl2bkk9KE9iamVjdCAjPXE1Sk JpWlJCRERqQ1NWNHloVzVzR01BPT0sIEV2ZW50QXJncyAjPXFf NDF2JFZaeUhITWtoT1ZHWmZjTjRnPT0pDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW 0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Ub29sU3RyaXBJdGVtLlJhaXNlRXZl bnQoT2JqZWN0IGtleSwgRXZlbnRBcmdzIGUpDQogICBhdCBTeX N0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Ub29sU3RyaXBNZW51SXRlbS5P bkNsaWNrKEV2ZW50QXJncyBlKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbm Rvd3MuRm9ybXMuVG9vbFN0cmlwSXRlbS5IYW5kbGVDbGljayhF dmVudEFyZ3MgZSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm 1zLlRvb2xTdHJpcEl0ZW0uSGFuZGxlTW91c2VVcChNb3VzZUV2 ZW50QXJncyBlKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbmRvd3MuRm9ybX MuVG9vbFN0cmlwSXRlbS5GaXJlRXZlbnRJbnRlcmFjdGl2ZShF dmVudEFyZ3MgZSwgVG9vbFN0cmlwSXRlbUV2ZW50VHlwZSBtZX QpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Ub29sU3Ry aXBJdGVtLkZpcmVFdmVudChFdmVudEFyZ3MgZSwgVG9vbFN0cm lwSXRlbUV2ZW50VHlwZSBtZXQpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2lu ZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Ub29sU3RyaXAuT25Nb3VzZVVwKE1vdXNlRX ZlbnRBcmdzIG1lYSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZv cm1zLlRvb2xTdHJpcERyb3BEb3duLk9uTW91c2VVcChNb3VzZU V2ZW50QXJncyBtZWEpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5G b3Jtcy5Db250cm9sLldtTW91c2VVcChNZXNzYWdlJiBtLCBNb3 VzZUJ1dHRvbnMgYnV0dG9uLCBJbnQzMiBjbGlja3MpDQogICBh dCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Db250cm9sLlduZFByb2 MoTWVzc2FnZSYgbSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZv cm1zLlNjcm9sbGFibGVDb250cm9sLlduZFByb2MoTWVzc2FnZS YgbSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLlRvb2xT dHJpcC5XbmRQcm9jKE1lc3NhZ2UmIG0pDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW 0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Ub29sU3RyaXBEcm9wRG93bi5XbmRQ cm9jKE1lc3NhZ2UmIG0pDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy 5Gb3Jtcy5Db250cm9sLkNvbnRyb2xOYXRpdmVXaW5kb3cuT25N ZXNzYWdlKE1lc3NhZ2UmIG0pDQogICBhdCBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG 93cy5Gb3Jtcy5Db250cm9sLkNvbnRyb2xOYXRpdmVXaW5kb3cu V25kUHJvYyhNZXNzYWdlJiBtKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLldpbm Rvd3MuRm9ybXMuTmF0aXZlV2luZG93LkNhbGxiYWNrKEludFB0 ciBoV25kLCBJbnQzMiBtc2csIEludFB0ciB3cGFyYW0sIEludF B0ciBscGFyYW0p]
[13/02/2011 17:56:19][][Timeout while waiting for data.][GET /announce.php?passkey=***************************** ***&info_hash=%20%1e%fd%0e%cf%beI%0f%91MUw%26%c4%b6%7d %df%03%3c%f7&peer_id=-UT2040-RT%3f%ccQq%27%c4%a6-N%e1&port=57053&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=0&corrupt=0&key=8C92ACA6&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: magicprop.com
User-Agent: uTorrent/2040(21586)
Accept-Encoding: gzip


13.02.11, 19:10
Remove your passkey from that post!

The problem here is a network timeout. They can be caused by network congestion or crappy routers, as well as other reasons. Do torrents from that tracker work fine in your client? How about trying to restart it in mRatio?

14.02.11, 00:51
ok removed it, yeah the torrents work fine from utorrent, i have tried restarting mRatio a few times and still nothing :/ it says its seeding and connected in the log, but it says there is some sort of timeout when ever i tell it to "scrape" the torrent....

14.02.11, 03:49
A bit crappy for language support.

14.02.11, 11:31
language file for Chinese(simplified) .

How to use :
Unrar the file and put it in mRatioLanguages .

14.02.11, 15:48
Thanks for the language file. As for the image, I suppose mRatio isn't parsing the strings inside the .torrent file with the right encoding.

14.02.11, 19:39
I know, thats something i need to work on, can you send me that torrent file? so i can can work with it

And thanks for the translation.

15.02.11, 03:13
I know, thats something i need to work on, can you send me that torrent file? so i can can work with it

And thanks for the translation.

The language on screenshot is russian.torrent example (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/K1WZRM8T/russian.torrent_links)

There's not only one case like that,every language will be a mess other than english in mratio .

mRatio should support unicode by default like utorrent .

15.02.11, 21:32
It doesn't work like that because if you set it to unicode it messes up portuguese for example, to make it look always good it needs to be decoded with the specific type of encoding that the language needs.
Anyway, it will be fixed next member version, thats 2 versions away for the public version.

17.02.11, 22:52
can sumone plz put up the new password as this one *************** dont work. thanks

17.02.11, 23:15
The pass is working - I've tested it.
Just do copy&paste and use a good rar-archiver. (like Winrar, IZArc,...)

- v6ph1

17.02.11, 23:52
Or you can try reading the FAQ:
vBulletin FAQ (http://www.sb-innovation.de/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_downloaden)

18.02.11, 00:00
working very nice for my i tried it for more then three of my fav trackers and it works nice, one weird problem is in SCC i could only upload but the download didnt show in my status

18.02.11, 00:02
one weird problem is in SCC i could only upload but the download didnt show in my status

Freeleech? :eyebrows:

18.02.11, 03:34
no anon i picked up new torrents and started as 0%. all other fake upload went fine for other sites eccept SCC.

im gonna give a try later and see if its gonna be any deferens

18.02.11, 08:42
but please add latest utorrent stable

18.02.11, 11:15
as far as i know, the newest client versions are not going to be publicly released.

18.02.11, 13:30
Please, I would like to know if uTorrent 2.2 build 23703 is still for members only, thank you!

18.02.11, 16:29
no anon

I suppose that means you didn't pick any torrents from the archive or MP3 sections. Just want to be sure as otherwise that's a pretty weird issue.

but please add latest utorrent stable

You don't appear to know client files for the latest build will never become public.

Please, I would like to know if uTorrent 2.2 build 23703 is still for members only, thank you!

23703 is no longer the latest build, so you may get lucky. :wgrin:

18.02.11, 16:42
Could someone of mods or coders post uTorrent 2.2 build 23703 client for mRatio 3.4.1, please?

18.02.11, 17:33
About Memory Reader:
When uTorrent restarts, torrents added early using MR need to set peerid again, but there is no way to use MR on torrents in mRatio, except deleting and re-adding each torrent.
So any solution? And is it possible making "Memory Reader" on right-click menu like Waffles Method.

2.2 (build 24683) is the latest, so give out 24402 aswell.http://www.sb-innovation.de/images/smilies/anon/grin.gif

18.02.11, 23:14
Working nice! Good job! I think upload/download speed at drop-down menu can be increase. It would be more comfortable in using. Is necessary to stop a torrent during the change of speed?

19.02.11, 15:13
next version will have more memory reader options

Working nice! Good job! I think upload/download speed at drop-down menu can be increase. It would be more comfortable in using. Is necessary to stop a torrent during the change of speed?

19.02.11, 15:29
is good tools with MR? Or still better use RM + MR??

19.02.11, 17:52
is good tools with MR? Or still better use RM + MR??


20.02.11, 01:08
I understand it's a risk to use utorrent and mratio together in the same private tracker.
But what if they were the same version - 2.0.4 (22967). Would that be OK?

20.02.11, 01:10
Yes, if you don't load the same torrent in both... :wsleep:

Don't forget the memory reader, either.

20.02.11, 10:57
i wonder if there is anyway i can make the fake upload value be changed/mixed during the fake time, i can see that it allready do that with "grade" botton but when i see my tracker profile, the torrents i fake seed got allmost same upload size and this looks very suspect

20.02.11, 12:58
great app. cheating since years. successfull. works on SCC too with incr. speeds - @mammamia11 - you must be doing something wrong.

1 question The248: does rM generate randomly a new peerID/key at every start? (emu: 2.0.4 22967)

20.02.11, 16:08
and one more think, on every torrent i must load MR ? or just once?

20.02.11, 16:34
and one more think, on every torrent i must load MR ? or just once?

just onece, press open and choose multiple torrents. im ipressed how stable this tools is, i tried to rund over 20 torrents the past 3 days and no memory leak or crash. GJ

20.02.11, 17:54
1 question The248: does rM generate randomly a new peerID/key at every start? (emu: 2.0.4 22967)

rM? :unsure:

I'm guessing it does if with "start" you mean starting the program, but I haven't checked... not something you can't do with a test torrent and SmartSniff, though.

20.02.11, 19:32
next version will have more memory reader options

mRatio 3.5 or the next one?

21.02.11, 02:10
So is uTorrent 2.2 build 23703 emulated in mratio 3.5? I normally run that build of uTorrent so I am reluctant to run the 2.0.4 emulation as I have heard it can be detected. If it is in 3.5 I can just get myself to wait, if it is not I might adopt either another client or another tool. Though it comes to mind that while normally running say uTorrent and a different version of emulation off the same tracker is bad, what about keeping a version of a different torrent client for spoofing (having the actual client around so you can memory read it) and basically keep that as your mRatio slave where you only use it for the memory read stuff, as then wouldn't it look like you are just using a different client entirely which seems a tad less suspect than a different version of the client but the same client.

21.02.11, 22:29
So is uTorrent 2.2 build 23703 emulated in mratio 3.5?

Yes, if you have the Member title. :gninja:

I normally run that build of uTorrent so I am reluctant to run the 2.0.4 emulation as I have heard it can be detected.

Who told you that? :wermm:

what about keeping a version of a different torrent client for spoofing (having the actual client around so you can memory read it) and basically keep that as your mRatio slave where you only use it for the memory read stuff, as then wouldn't it look like you are just using a different client entirely

Yes, it would, if you're still using a newer build for "serious" downloads/uploads. Otherwise, yes, you can always downgrade to a build mRatio supports and use that plus the memory reader, and won't have that issue. Not much magic on that. :wgrin:

22.02.11, 19:55
what does the waffles method actually do? i tried the setting and it stops it before updating i guess then it sets upload to 0 which is the correct method but then you have to manually reset it to get the upload again? there anyway to get it to automatically start the upload again?

22.02.11, 19:57
i tried the setting and it stops it before updating i guess then it sets upload to 0 which is the correct method but then you have to manually reset it to get the upload again? there anyway to get it to automatically start the upload again?

Don't want to put words on The248's mouth, but I think that's being worked on. Basically, it acts like that because we forgot that step when telling him the mechanic behind the method.

23.02.11, 09:08
Maybe not very good question, but how often mratio will be updated for public (because I saw that some people are waiting for utorrent client update)? When The248 was in specialmods he updated his software every month or so, can we expect the same or it will be quicker?

P.S. I never thought that The248 will change his mind and he will add utorrent version.

23.02.11, 10:26
@dzius: When the member version gets updated, the public version gets updated too.
The member version is usually one version ahead of the public version.
From the way I see it, some emulations that are supported in the member version will never be available to the public version.
So, we'll probably have to stick with utorrent 2.0.4 emulation. :(

23.02.11, 11:46
For me utorrent emulation isnt priority I have enough time to wait for utorrent 2.2 emulation, since there are new builds of utorrent 2.2 it should be soon, but maybe they don't want to give out 2.2 client emulation and will wait for utorrent 2.3 or somethin. For now , rtorrent 0.8.6 does the trick as it's almost the same and reliable client, the only problem there can be, that someone can see logging to web from windows and then using linux torrent client, but as excuse it can be, that you are using cygwin.

23.02.11, 16:28
From the way I see it, some emulations that are supported in the member version will never be available to the public version.
So, we'll probably have to stick with utorrent 2.0.4 emulation. :(

Nope. You can request a client file for 2.2 and it may also get posted. It's the latest build that won't be public.

the only problem there can be, that someone can see logging to web from windows and then using linux torrent client, but as excuse it can be, that you are using cygwin.

You can always edit your User-Agent string to make it look like you're on Linux.

23.02.11, 18:24
Found few tutorials about that user-agent, I'll try them out and see if it works.

23.02.11, 19:22
I don't see why it shouldn't. Go here (http://whatsmyuseragent.com/) to check what string your browser is sending.

23.02.11, 21:55

Have fun :top:

24.02.11, 00:20
Thanks, mmmmm. Will go check it out.
Would be strange if I suddenly changed from 2.0,4 to 2.2, no?
I should finish my torrents first. >_<

24.02.11, 02:56
Would be strange if I suddenly changed from 2.0,4 to 2.2, no?

Would you be suspicious of someone who changes his old and ruined t-shirt to a new one? :wtongue:

24.02.11, 03:21
I wonder. Would you be able to use userenity together with mratio?
After completely downloading the files in userenity,
move and cheat them with mratio. Hmmm.

24.02.11, 03:40
Hmmm. mRatio has uTorrent emulation support. And a memory reader. :yup:

24.02.11, 07:55
Would be great, if mratio had a function to actually download the files and then simulate seeding. But I guess this won't be done in nearest future.

24.02.11, 07:56
Would be great, if mratio had a function to actually download the files and then simulate seeding. But I guess this won't be done in nearest future.


why don't you download the files from your bittorrent client and then load that torrent on mratio as 100% completed?

24.02.11, 17:27
Would be great, if mratio had a function to actually download the files and then simulate seeding.

May want to read on the definition of "ratio tool".

25.02.11, 06:01
mRatio is giving me a warning for asiandvdclub:
"Incorrect bencode data"

[2/25/2011 12:05:24 PM][][Incorrect bencode data][SFRUUC8xLjEgMzAyIE1vdmVkIFRlbXBvcmFyaWx5DQpTZXJ2ZX I6IG5naW54DQpEYXRlOiBGcmksIDI1IEZlYiAyMDExIDAzOjU5 OjIxIEdNVA0KQ29udGVudC1UeXBlOiB0ZXh0L2h0bWwNCkxvY2 F0aW9uOiBodHRwOi8vYW5ub3VuY2UuYXNpYW5kdmRjbHViLm9y Zy9hbm5vdW5jZS5waHA/cGFzc2tleT1kNzQxNTYxOGZiMWZjZGRiNDY4MWMyMTYxZWQ1Nj lmNCZpbmZvX2hhc2g9bSVlY0klZmIlMTUlMThKJWVhJThkJWEx JTFlJTAwJWE1aGslZTJkJTVjJWRkQiZwZWVyX2lkPS1VVDIwND AtJWI3WSUxNiVjMiVkMUJUJWExJWQyJTE2bCU4OCZwb3J0PTUy OTU3JnVwbG9hZGVkPTY1MDExNzEyJmRvd25sb2FkZWQ9MTg0NT Q5Mzc2JmxlZnQ9Nzk3NjIzNDE2MCZjb3JydXB0PTAma2V5PTZF OEU4ODQ5Jm51bXdhbnQ9MjAwJmNvbXBhY3Q9MSZub19wZWVyX2 lkPTENCkNvbnRlbnQtTGVuZ3RoOiAxNTQNCkNvbm5lY3Rpb246 IEtlZXAtQWxpdmUNCg0KPGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD48dGl0bGU+Mz AyIEZvdW5kPC90aXRsZT48L2hlYWQ+DQo8Ym9keSBiZ2NvbG9y PSJ3aGl0ZSI+DQo8Y2VudGVyPjxoMT4zMDIgRm91bmQ8L2gxPj wvY2VudGVyPg0KPGhyPjxjZW50ZXI+bmdpbng8L2NlbnRlcj4N CjwvYm9keT4NCjwvaHRtbD4NCg==]

26.02.11, 03:03

Have fun :top:

Any chance to have 2.0.4 build 22450 & 22150 ?

26.02.11, 10:33
Any chance to have 2.0.4 build 22450 & 22150 ?

Isn't uTorrent204_build22967 enough?
If no then send me link for download those builds.

26.02.11, 14:45
Isn't uTorrent204_build22967 enough?
If no then send me link for download those builds.

22450 & 22150 are much widespread than 22967 as my experience of those trackers.
I've pm you the links .

26.02.11, 19:48


27.02.11, 03:21
How do you create these emulations?
Any tutorials? :)

27.02.11, 03:22
Any tutorials? :)

Not for non-Members, sorry.

27.02.11, 04:27
Oh.. :(

Anyway, does anybody know what is causing this "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream" error?
It appears in the torrent tab of the Wizard, when I'm adding a new torrent.

27.02.11, 05:07
The .torrent file is corrupted/incomplete, maybe? Does adding it to your client work?

27.02.11, 06:31
Can't remember what torrent it was for since I already deleted it. >_<
The torrent downloaded completely, though (torrent only).

27.02.11, 13:50
Not for non-Members, sorry.

then How to become title member ?:D Is any chance ? :)

27.02.11, 14:28

the forum search would have lead you to this topic:

27.02.11, 17:33

the forum search would have lead you to this topic:

Thank you. We're currently working on something that will prevent the same questions from being asked all the time.

28.02.11, 07:53
Promblem about translations

No matter what I've changed in line 337(I even deleted all language file), mRatio always display english for it :
"The selected emulation doesn't match the running uTorrent version.
This makes you detectable! "

Any idea ?

28.02.11, 19:34
My bad, will be fixed 2 versions from now or next version if you have member title.

28.02.11, 21:08
well, where is faq on mratio? can't find.
when i click on "emulation" tab, I see no emulations to choose from. :(
although I see "mRatioClients" folder. it doesnt.

28.02.11, 21:09
Well, that obviously shouldn't happen. Make sure you've extracted the whole RAR.

28.02.11, 21:19
redownloaded, re-extracted, now fine)
another problem lol. it sais I may be detectable cos utorrent version doesn't match. (after memory reading) Here and there 2.0.4. 215856 . bug?

01.03.11, 09:03
What utorrent versions are you using?

There are some other emulations here:


http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=24557index4.html#post25483 7

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 ----------

If I set a waffle torrent to use "Waffles method", is the process or automatic? (Can I just leave it alone?)
Or do I set to set the values manually?

01.03.11, 16:48
If I set a waffle torrent to use "Waffles method", is the process or automatic? (Can I just leave it alone?)
Or do I set to set the values manually?

Would put my money on "automatic"...

02.03.11, 13:43
How does the "Waffles Method" work in mratio?

So, here's my understanding.
I-add a torrent, select emulation, and make sure not to start it automatically.
After it's added, I click the Waffles Method menuitem in the right-click-menu,
then accept the warning.
The torrent starts uploading and downloading.
THEN, it automatically reduces its download and upload speed to 0,
but the torrent's still running.

So, is that it? Am I supposed to anything else?
Am I supposed to stop it, and then click the "Waffles Method" menuitem again?

02.03.11, 13:46
THEN, it automatically reduces its download and upload speed to 0,
but the torrent's still running.

So, is that it? Am I supposed to anything else?

The implementation has that problem at the moment, and it's not even a bug - The248 based its behavior on the feedback he received, which apparently missed that point. He's working to fix that.

02.03.11, 14:03
On a side note, I wish we had better FAQs/documentation for mratio and the other tools.

It also be nice to have a changelog included in each release.
Or a separate thread here for the changelog. :)

02.03.11, 14:32
There is a changelog in every release thread. mRatio's interface should also be straightforward enough, but I can't say a tutorial for it wouldn't be nice. The RM has one... :wtongue:

02.03.11, 14:58
(1) Maybe the correct term would be "Version History",
so that we wouldn't have to visit different threads.
Anyway, this is not a big deal. :)

(2) mRatio is a simple tool, and anybody could easily understand what it does without needing a help file.
But some "dangerous" option, as the tool describes it, should have an explanation of what it does or what is expected.
I had to wonder why the "Waffles Method" menuitem was disabled for a torrent that was running.
(but all other options like Update or Scrape were enabled)
Later, I found out the "Waffles Method" is only enabled for a non-running torrent.
It would have been nice to have this behavior documented somewhere.

(3) In addition, it would be also nice to have a thread where we could collate the emulations,
in case some versions were not included in the release.

02.03.11, 17:10
1 & 2. agreed.
3. there's such a thread for Members. Those without the title can use the search engine to find client files posted in the mRatio threads.

02.03.11, 19:19
If i could write the faq/manual in portuguese, it would be available months ago, but it needs to be in english cause the majority doesn't understand portuguese and thats the problem, it takes me like forever to write anything in english

03.03.11, 03:11
(1) @The248: Hey, thanks for all your effort! I had no idea English wasn't your first language.
Well, you could always make a Portuguese documentation. Then, somebody else could translate.
However, it might be a little difficult to manage once the document gets updated every now and then.
Anyway, keep up the good work!

(2) @The248: I have a feature request. (something to consider in the future).
Can we have a function that lets us update the client emulation for existing torrents?
Here's what could be done:
* User clicks "Update Emulation" button/menuitem
* Dialog is displayed: "Are you sure you want to Update the emulation of all torrents? This will stop all torrents."
* Use clicks "Yes" button
* Emulation window (like Emulation tab in the Window) is displayed.
* User selects new emulation from list.
* User clicks Finish/OK button.
* Information in torrents are updated.
PROGRESS of torrent is maintained. If it was previously at 30%, it remains at 30%.
* Torrents are started automatically.
* Dialog is displayed: "Emulation for all torrents are updated".
~~ Do you think this could be done? Or, are they any possible problems?

(3) Could somebody please make an emulation for utorrent 2.2 build 24683?
I just updated the utorrent client in my desktop. >_<

03.03.11, 03:17
(2) Could somebody please make an emulation for utorrent 2.2 build 24683?

That's the latest build, and you already know our stance on that. You can, however, get an older one from Filehippo.

03.03.11, 03:20
Will check for an older version then.
In a little while, I could check my status with BCG. :)

04.03.11, 13:12
It seems "%complete" only accept integer while I'm trying to customize it with decimal.
Anyone has this problem?

04.03.11, 13:30
It seems "%complete" only accept integer while I'm trying to customize it with decimal.
Anyone has this problem?

Decimals are not supported in mratio.
Just drop off the decimal.
Instead of 37.5%, just use 37%.
I don't think that's going to be a problem.

04.03.11, 17:09
As the torrent's size increases, it could be a problem.

04.03.11, 17:19
As the torrent's size increases, it could be a problem.

I suppose The248 could consider this as a FEATURE REQUEST. :)

04.03.11, 17:22
Hmmm..,experienced some problems with utorrent 2.0.4. 21586 - neither MR nor RM were able to read the memory! usually it takes 1 sec or less to do that but they searched, like, for 10 seconds and reported an error. I couldn't redownload 21586 version of utorrent - when I double-clicked setup .exe file not setup but utorrent continued to work. Well, I downloaded a 22967 version and memory reader works just perfectly! ... ohohoh strange weird and odd things happening to me :rolling_eyes:

04.03.11, 17:24
HI couldn't redownload 21586 version of utorrent - when I double-clicked setup .exe file not setup but utorrent continued to work.

Just copy its EXE where the old one was. It should then work.

I think that installer gives more trouble than it's worth.

04.03.11, 17:29
Even with 2.2 b 23774, I would get some weird errors using the memory reader.
mRatio would say I got invalid peer ID, making me detectable.
So, I'd cancel the operation, and just add the torrent back later (after a day or two).

This is rather rare, though I'd still like to know the reason.
I'll look into it more closely next time I encounter it; I had disabled the logs that time.

04.03.11, 18:45
It seems "%complete" only accept integer while I'm trying to customize it with decimal.
Anyone has this problem?
Already requested, it's on the todo list.

Even with 2.2 b 23774, I would get some weird errors using the memory reader.
mRatio would say I got invalid peer ID, making me detectable.
So, I'd cancel the operation, and just add the torrent back later (after a day or two).

This is rather rare, though I'd still like to know the reason.
I'll look into it more closely next time I encounter it; I had disabled the logs that time.
The utorrent emulation selected on mRatio it's NOT the same build version of the running uTorrent process. For example, selecting uTorrent 2.2 Build 23703 emulation on mR and using a peerid from uTorrent 2.2 Build 23774, NEVER do that.
That's why mRatio warns you to not do that.

05.03.11, 01:09
The utorrent emulation selected on mRatio it's NOT the same build version of the running uTorrent process. For example, selecting uTorrent 2.2 Build 23703 emulation on mR and using a peerid from uTorrent 2.2 Build 23774, NEVER do that.
That's why mRatio warns you to not do that.

But in my case I made sure that the utorrent version, and the emulation version I selected are the same.

I think these are the probable causes of the problem:
(1) uTorrent gave incorrect values, OR
(2) mRatio read/parsed incorrect values. (MOST LIKELY SITUATION)

I think this is worth looking into, but this is probably a rare bug.

06.03.11, 12:16
Feature Request:
500M/s download speed, 40MB/s takes too much time for flashing.:redface:

It seems v3.5 would stay in member area like forever with next version's long todo list.:biggrin:

06.03.11, 12:44
Feature Request:
500M/s download speed, 40MB/s takes too much time for flashing.:redface:

It seems v3.5 would stay in member area like forever with next version's long todo list.:biggrin:

Isn't that a bit too greedy?

06.03.11, 17:14
Isn't that a bit too greedy?

40MB/s down is kinda too slow, compared with 1GB/s up, is it ;)
I guess 1G/s down is more reasonable, same as upload:biggrin:

06.03.11, 17:20
It seems v3.5 would stay in member area like forever with next version's long todo list.:biggrin:

It'll be public when it's made public. :eyebrows:

40MB/s down is kinda too slow, compared with 1GB/s up, is it ;)

I want 1TB/s. 1GB is too slow, compared with that.

I can't speak for The248 but if you want to flash use the RM.

06.03.11, 17:25
40MB/s down is kinda too slow, compared with 1GB/s up, is it ;)
I guess 1G/s down is more reasonable, same as upload:biggrin:

It's for you own good.

06.03.11, 18:02
It'll be public when it's made public. :eyebrows:

Sure, it will be out when it's ready. No push at all. :smile:

I want 1TB/s. 1GB is too slow, compared with that.

I can't speak for The248 but if you want to flash use the RM.
That's what I'm doing right now, thanks for tips.;)
mRatio could replace RM in near future with The248's awesome work.

It's for you own good.

Got it, thanks for reminding.:biggrin:

07.03.11, 11:22
So, here's a bug (I think); check the video below.

The upload speeds are not moving,
but the Uploaded values change.
If it matters, I have 81 torrents on the list.


07.03.11, 12:22
If the uploaded values are updating means theres nothing to worry about
If you change the speed from torrent (2) and input the same speed that torrent (1) have, does it became the same 32.4KB/s?
When did you notice that for the first time? or after you did what does it started to behave like that?
If you restart mR does it still do that?

07.03.11, 12:59
If the uploaded values are updating means theres nothing to worry about
If you change the speed from torrent (2) and input the same speed that torrent (1) have, does it became the same 32.4KB/s?
When did you notice that for the first time? or after you did what does it started to behave like that?
If you restart mR does it still do that?

I haven't really tried to change the speed values.
So I'll let you know when it happens again.

I just left it alone, and it started acting up like that.

There's probably some exceptions going on.
I want to ask: Will exceptions appear in "mRatio > Options > Bugs > Logging"?
(I disabled logging, and now I've checked it)

AND, mRatio goes back to normal after I restart it. ^_^

07.03.11, 13:29
Log errors is probably a good idea if you plan on giving feedback.
The data that appears on "Log File Data" is a really helper to track down some bugs, and once you report it you can just press "Clean" so you always know if you already reported the data or not.

09.03.11, 14:19

Added 2 two torrents, and mRatio crashed.

Found this in mRLog.txt

[3/9/2011 9:13:19 PM][][Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.][ICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocm93SGVscGVyLlRocm93SW52YWxpZE 9wZXJhdGlvbkV4Y2VwdGlvbihFeGNlcHRpb25SZXNvdXJjZSBy ZXNvdXJjZSkNCiAgIGF0ICM9cUhzV0E4eFpkayRfQ2FiZENfM3 JjX1E9PS4jPXFUQ0pGY0dXJEwza2tIV2lFNDFZcEN3PT0oKQ0K ICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5UaHJlYWRIZWxwZXIuVG hyZWFkU3RhcnRfQ29udGV4dChPYmplY3Qgc3RhdGUpDQogICBh dCBTeXN0ZW0uVGhyZWFkaW5nLkV4ZWN1dGlvbkNvbnRleHQucn VuVHJ5Q29kZShPYmplY3QgdXNlckRhdGEpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0 ZW0uUnVudGltZS5Db21waWxlclNlcnZpY2VzLlJ1bnRpbWVIZW xwZXJzLkV4ZWN1dGVDb2RlV2l0aEd1YXJhbnRlZWRDbGVhbnVw KFRyeUNvZGUgY29kZSwgQ2xlYW51cENvZGUgYmFja291dENvZG UsIE9iamVjdCB1c2VyRGF0YSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5UaHJl YWRpbmcuRXhlY3V0aW9uQ29udGV4dC5SdW5JbnRlcm5hbChFeG VjdXRpb25Db250ZXh0IGV4ZWN1dGlvbkNvbnRleHQsIENvbnRl eHRDYWxsYmFjayBjYWxsYmFjaywgT2JqZWN0IHN0YXRlKQ0KIC AgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5FeGVjdXRpb25Db250ZXh0 LlJ1bihFeGVjdXRpb25Db250ZXh0IGV4ZWN1dGlvbkNvbnRleH QsIENvbnRleHRDYWxsYmFjayBjYWxsYmFjaywgT2JqZWN0IHN0 YXRlKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5UaHJlYWRIZW xwZXIuVGhyZWFkU3RhcnQoKQ==]

Opened mRatio again, and those 2 torrents were already in the list.

(2) Still haven't replicated the frozen bug.

09.03.11, 19:14
^^^^ Thanks, it's related with the Favicon option, if it get's annoying just disable the Favicon option in the program options temporarily until it's fixed.
ps: don't forget to clean the log, so you don't send the same bug again :top:

10.03.11, 13:33
With 95 torrents in the list, mRatio runs at 220+MB of memory.
Just saying. But no issues so far. :D

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

I've come across the frozen bug again.
But this time it's different. Only the ratio column is updating.


I didn't see anything in the logs, just some timeout issues.

[3/10/2011 7:06:04 PM][][Timeout while waiting for data.]

You probably need to add more debugging statements.
Are you handling some exceptions silently? (i.e. No logs for some exceptions?)

10.03.11, 18:50
mRatio saves to log's if you allow it and only if it crashes or it doesn't know how to parse the response from tracker.
That didn't crash mRatio, so theres no exception to handle.
I'm pretty sure it's objectlistview related, to confirm this, when it happens again on the detail of the torrent (you may need to enable it, "Layout -> Details Panel") see if it updates normally, if it works fine on the panel then it's for sure objectlistview related

The 220Mb memory, do you have "Options -> Performance -> Reduce memory consumption" enabled?

On a side note, if you increase "Options -> Performance -> Interface refresh frequency", mRatio will go easier on the cpu, since you alway run allot of torrent at once that may be good for you (be aware it will update mRatio interface less often) that way you have more cpu clear to other tasks.

11.03.11, 02:12
(1) Reduce memory consumption was checked.
(2) Refresh rate: 1

I'll try to show/hide the Details panel the next time it freezes,
and I'll give a feedback here.

11.03.11, 21:07
hey, im using this, works great... but ive ban on PTM, plz have any topic that explain how cheat on each tracker? or a tuto of how cheat without a ban? every tracker is cheatable?

12.03.11, 01:46
hey, im using this, works great... but ive ban on PTM, plz have any topic that explain how cheat on each tracker? or a tuto of how cheat without a ban? every tracker is cheatable?

Are you not using the search function of this board in purpose, or simply out of laziness?

12.03.11, 02:43
hey, im using this, works great... but ive ban on PTM, plz have any topic that explain how cheat on each tracker? or a tuto of how cheat without a ban? every tracker is cheatable?

PTM? I had no problems cheating there, using low speeds.
But you don't need to cheat in PTM. It's a ratioless tracker.

Every tracker is cheatable, but you need to be very smart/careful.
Some trackers watch for excessive cheating. Others do not care at all.
Use the search function and look for cheating on specific trackers.

12.03.11, 11:54
Will Deluge 1.3.1 memory reader available on future updates?

12.03.11, 18:59
Will Deluge 1.3.1 memory reader available on future updates?

If someone feels like creating a Deluge 1.3.1 emulation and making it public, then why not.

13.03.11, 09:28
If someone feels like creating a Deluge 1.3.1 emulation and making it public, then why not.

Its already added into public version.

13.03.11, 10:19
Will Deluge 1.3.1 memory reader available on future updates?

why does the deluge emulation need a memory reader?
deluge is an open source client and therefore the emulation should be safe in my opinion.

13.03.11, 10:51
so you can use mR at the same time with deluge at the same tracker (different torrents).

13.03.11, 17:10
Its already added into public version.

Sorry, I didn't notice kon said "memory reader", not "emulation". :gredface: