View Full Version : Color Picker Concept Pen

13.10.10, 06:42
Color Picker Concept Pen – Let’s Make Draw Fun and Easy (http://www.desicolours.com/tech/color-picker-concept-pen-lets-make-draw-fun-and-easy/05/12/2009)



Have you ever dream of having like a Photoshop’s eyedropper tool in a real life, if so your dream came to be true with the new ‘Color Picker Pen’ concept designed by Korean designer Jinsu Park.

The Color Picker pen works just like the eyedropper tool in Photoshop. It allows user to scan any color from environment and instantly use it for drawing.

The sensor detects the color and matches it to the color display. The color is detected by RGB color sensor inside the pen, after detection RGB (Red, Green and Blue) cartridge mixed colors together to create a detected color.

Get one and let’s make draw fun and easy with a realistic color picker!

Multitude of colors at your disposal..