View Full Version : Azureus Hacked Shu Mod SB-Innovation

15.06.07, 21:09
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> Azureus Hacked Shu Mod SB-Innovation <<<<<<


Coded by:

>>>>>> Shu <<<<<<

Hacked by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<


>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

Hack Changelog:

-Add new splashscreens by Manas & Total Overdose (THX)
-You have admin access
-Removed login and password fields (stolen from 00de) ;)
-Add clientspoof plugin with utorrent 1.61 emulation by yeehaaz (THX)
-build singel Azureus.exe by Sarmin (THX)


-You need Java 1.6 JRE : Link (http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=22&PartDetailId=jre-6-oth-JPR&SiteId=JSC&TransactionId=noreg)


Singel EXE: You must only start the Azureus.exe. The file contains the hole programm + hack

Hacked JAR: Copy all files in your azureus folder and replace all files


Build 195
Change: Updated some languages files
Add: New splash
Change: Allowed 0 kb/sec speed for fake upload speed ratio mode++ (to allow a new option (stop torrent after ratio is reached without fake upload)(mix of several option))

build 194
fix: always enable update button
fix: Show you as a seeder(100% done and no download report) first announce bug
fix: can’t use show as seeder with download reduction mix
fix: can’t use show as a seeder with start fake upload when x% done

build 193
fix: per torrent : show as a seed wasn’t saved correctly

build 192
removed fake seeding mode (up & dl)
removed fake upload multi mixed with seeding mode
added : show me as a seed for Fake Upload Speed Ratio ++
change: console log now show under the “plug” checkbox so you are no longer annoyed by the spam in the console log ^^
fixed: completed flag was sent all the time when showing as a seed using no report

build 191
probably bugfix : I fixed the real received value



04.08.07, 20:34
besser als utorrent?

04.08.07, 21:00
Ja klar du hast viel mehr Einstellmöglichkeiten und somit ist es auch schwieriger für den Tracker Staff dich beim Faken zu erwischen. Allerdings ist Azureus ein wenig Systemlastig...

04.08.07, 21:28
Kann den Mod nur empfehlen! Bin überaus zufrieden damit :)

16.08.07, 12:29
ja ist wirklich ne gute mod! meiner meinung nach die beste die es zur zeit überhaupt gibt!
nur weiter so!

mfg XuS

03.10.07, 13:31
WinRar sagt "unerwartetes Dateiende" bei der Single Exe...

Fehlerhafter Download oder anderes Problem?

03.10.07, 13:34
WinRar sagt "unerwartetes Dateiende" bei der Single Exe...

Fehlerhafter Download oder anderes Problem?

Lad dir beide Rar´s von der Single nochmal neu und probiers erneut... Hab dir nen paar Credits gegeben. :wink:



14.10.07, 13:19
Funktioniert bei der Version eigentlich der Clientspoof?
Hatte mit dem Spoofen bereits diverse schwierigkeiten was gewisse Mods angeht...

14.10.07, 13:30
Funktioniert bei der Version eigentlich der Clientspoof?
Hatte mit dem Spoofen bereits diverse schwierigkeiten was gewisse Mods angeht...

Also hier ist ja das externe Spoofing von yeehaaz eingebaut, welches zumindest zu dem Tracker funktioniert. Der Spoof von Shu selbst ist weiterhin Fehlerhaft...

Allerdings hat es z.B. OiNK geschafft die Spoof Funktion zu enttarnen...

Aber auf billig Trackern, EFF, BF etc... kann man den Spoof von yeehaaz ohne Probleme benutzen. :wink:



14.10.07, 14:08
Darf ich fragen wo ich den bekommen könnt?

14.10.07, 14:14
Das Plugin ist schon bei dem Programm dabei.
Du must es nur noch aktivieren...

22.10.07, 09:10
HIlfe... mein Client übermittelt keinen Fake-Upload mehr zu den Trackern. Ich hab 0 Upload an und gebe nur FakeUpload ohne real-Upload. Ich habs bei TVr und TVFreaks ausprobiert, aber er sendet nur den downloadwert. Hilft nen clean und dann neuinstallieren?

22.10.07, 13:17
Wie genau sind den deine Einstellungen für den Shu Mod? Vielleicht liegt es auch daran. :smile:



22.10.07, 20:02
Ich denke mal das du bei "Fakeupload wird nur genutzt wenn mindestens zu ... peers connected ist ..." zu hohe Werte eingestellt hast. Trägt man bei diesen Feldern 0 ein sendet der client immer Fakeupload.

22.10.07, 22:36
Ich weis woran es lag. Ich hatte bei sicherer Fake Upload 0,0 stehen, deshalb hat er nix übertragen...alles läuft wieder bestenes.

Trotzdem Danke ;)

05.11.07, 09:11
why are there so many diff. shu hacks?

Isn't one enough?

05.11.07, 10:27
Normal one is enough but shu create a new hack for them most new azureus core versions and if someone has found a bug in a old version...

11.11.07, 17:28
Das ist bestimmt beste MOD die jemals gab :top:

22.11.07, 23:30
Ja der Mod ist wirklich super.
Meiner wird leider bei Quorks gebannd, daher muss ich meinen mal Updaten... naja noch ein Püncktchen und ich kann loslegen :-)

ohh nein, ich seh grad die Credits werden erst nach 12Stunden gutgeschrieben. Muss ich wohl bis morgen warten mit dem Update! :rolling_eyes:

23.11.07, 20:49
Hacked Shu Mod rockt total - ich benutze die Version für schon ne ganze Weile... wird Zeit zum updaten.

27.01.08, 13:52
Hi, habe das Problem, dass nach kopieren der gehackten azureus.jar Datei und den Plugins kein einziger Torrent mehr eine Verbindung zu einem Peer herstellt und der NAT Satus stetig auf unbekannt (grau) bleibt. Ohne SHU MOD läuft alles grün?!?
Eigenartig, vor der WinXP Neuinstallation ging alles erste Sahne, jetzt kann ich unter Konfig nicht mal das "no Upload" Häkchen setzten :eek13:

Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht?

27.01.08, 14:09
Ich kenne dieses Problem nicht. Vielleicht liegt es ja an der version die du verwendest. Wo hast du die her? Generell hilft meistens folgendes wenn man den Config Ordner unter C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\[Name]\Anwendungsdaten\Azureus löscht bevor man den Mod startet, vorallem wenn man davor andere azureus versionen installiert hatte. Ausserdem würde ich deine bereits gestarteten Torrents noch mal neuladen wenn du vom Orginal auf den Hack wechselst...

27.01.08, 16:04
danke button reicht mir nicht ^^" jetzt funktionierts!

Habe den kompletten Azureus Ordner in Butcho Pfadangabe gelöscht.

Danke danke danke ... :top::klatsch_3:

wenn der danke button nicht reicht dann drück bitte auf den stern bei butcho und gib ihn eine bewertung den ein danke spam ist ein klarer regelverstoss ob gut gemeint oder nicht regeln gelten für alle

hier nochmal zum nachlesen
SB-Innovation - Foren-Regeln (http://www.sb-innovation.de/misc.php?do=cfrules)

das ganze ist dafür gedacht um hier ordnung zu schaffen

10.05.08, 20:07
is clientspoof to peers implemented in this version?

10.05.08, 20:21
is clientspoof to peers implemented in this version?

there is no working cs to peers. the perfect spoof that is to spoof only other azureus versions was implemented in v207 this works to peers and to the tracker but only for azureus versions.

01.07.08, 04:44
i have a question. i use this version because the newer azureus 3.x+mod eat too much ram on my pc.

i use this to up my upload ratio on private sites. how safe is it to fake upload if you are not connected to any peers, but there are peers in a swarm.? it would be like ratiomaster, right?

01.07.08, 07:34
i have a question. i use this version because the newer azureus 3.x+mod eat too much ram on my pc.

i use this to up my upload ratio on private sites. how safe is it to fake upload if you are not connected to any peers, but there are peers in a swarm.? it would be like ratiomaster, right?

Use 3.x in Classic Mode.

It will use the same amount of RAM, or very close to.

01.07.08, 16:03
i'll try it. what about my other question? is it safe to fake upload if i am not connected to any peers?

EDIT: tested the ram usage between 2.x and 3.x.
2.x uses around 40-60MB while 3.x uses around 70-90MB. i'll stick to 2.x for now.

01.07.08, 19:27
i'll try it. what about my other question? is it safe to fake upload if i am not connected to any peers?

hard to say on tracker with poor cheat detection it should be no problem and on trackers without peerslist it should be ok. the problem is if someone can look into the peerslist and can see that you are the only leecher with upload :biggrin:

16.09.08, 11:19
Was ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen" Verteilen" und "Erzwungenes Verteilen"?
Habe schon gesucht, aber leider nichts gefunden....

16.09.08, 14:13
Do you mean "start" and "force start"?

When you right-click a torrent you can choose Queue or Force Start, among other choices. Force Start is used for starting a torrent manually. This torrent will be out of order from the queue and not adhere to Good settings.

Many newbies think Force Start helps to let them download 10 or even more torrents at once, because they don't like that some torrents are queued.

But Force Start only seems to allow this. Because it overrides your (hopefully) Good settings, using Force Start will spread out your upload capacity over too many upload slots - and your overall download speed will actually suffer.

Please use the Good settings page to calculate proper settings. Doing that and using Good Torrents, having a good Average Swarm Speed, is far better than using Force Start.

The Force Start setting is disabled in Beginner Mode. This is because frequent misuse caused confusion among naive users, and too many help requests. Therefore, only users who have set their Options Mode to Intermediate or Advanced will see Force Start when right clicking.

The setting is modified by Azureus > Tools > Options > Mode

18.09.08, 02:10

also irgendwie bekomme ich den Shu nicht zum Laufen.
Ich habe No Upload aktiviert und trotzdem lädt er fröhlich hoch (sofern ich eben nicht auf 1 KB/s begrenze).

Mache ich da was falsch ?

Hinweis: Ich möchte diesen Clienten wirklich nur benutzen, um jeglichen Upload zu blocken. Faken möchte ich nichts.

18.09.08, 12:07
Hast du die torrent files neu geladen nach dem du denn Mod installiert hast?
Was auch sein könnte das du die NoUpload Funktion erst aktiviert hast nachdem du die torrents geöffent hast, dann kannst du diese Einstellungen noch in den jeweiligen torrent details pro torrent selbst festlegen.

18.09.08, 16:15
Also um allen Probs aus dem Weg zu gehen, habe ich alle Torrents entfernt, den Azureus geschlossen, wieder neu aufgemacht und über die gespeicherten Torrent-Dateien wieder neu geladen (den Stand aus dem Downloadverzeichnis habe ich wieder verwendet).

Jetzt geht es super. Vielen vielen Dank für diese geile Version :)

14.02.09, 17:38

Allerdings hat es z.B. OiNK geschafft die Spoof Funktion zu enttarnen...

Aber auf billig Trackern, EFF, BF etc... kann man den Spoof von yeehaaz ohne Probleme benutzen. :wink:

Dein Post ist ja nun schon eine Weile her.
Weiß jemand, ob sich da etwas getan hat bzgl. "Spoof-Erkennung"?

Und wie genau enttarnen die die gespooften Clients?
Eigentlich doch unmöglich, oder?

Viele Grüße,


14.02.09, 17:40
Dein Post ist ja nun schon eine Weile her.
Weiß jemand, ob sich da etwas getan hat bzgl. "Spoof-Erkennung"?

The clientspoof by plugin is still detectable, as peers will see your real client.

The Azureus Perfect Spoof isn't, but you can only spoof other versions of Azureus with it.

14.02.09, 18:02
WOW. Eine so schnelle Antwort auf einen Thread aus 2007.
Das nenne ich mal eine geile Community.

The clientspoof by plugin is still detectable, as peers will see your real client.

Ok, das verstehe ich.
Ich hab schon bei einigen Trackern, bspw. BF, gesehen, daß Leechers über Tage bei 99,8% stehen bleiben.

Sind das dann welche von der Crew, die schauen, welche Clients sich zu ihnen connecten und Upload "vorgaukeln"?
Und bei Oink wurde da dann wohl ein Skript geschrieben, welche die IPs dann mit der Tracker-DB abgleicht und den an den Tracker gemeldeten Client-Strings?

The Azureus Perfect Spoof isn't, but you can only spoof other versions of Azureus with it.

Oops, just realised that you replied to me in English.
But you obviously understood my first German post, so you probably can understand my reply, too?
If not, let me know and I'll try to translate it.

Just lazy I am... :-)

14.02.09, 18:09
Ich hab schon bei einigen Trackern, bspw. BF, gesehen, daß Leechers über Tage bei 99,8% stehen bleiben.

Sind das dann welche von der Crew, die schauen, welche Clients sich zu ihnen connecten und Upload "vorgaukeln"?

If the file is very big, they could be partial seeders missing a bit they don't need. Otherwise, it may be some kind of anti-leech protection preventing them from reaching 100%, so that people leave their client open to get it ASAP, and share the 99.8% they have in the meantime. I'm not at BF so I couldn't give you an exact reply.

Oops, just realised that you replied to me in English.
But you obviously understood my first German post, so you probably can understand my reply, too?

Google translate ftw :biggrin: But could you rewrite this part in english?

Und bei Oink wurde da dann wohl ein Skript geschrieben, welche die IPs dann mit der Tracker-DB abgleicht und den an den Tracker gemeldeten Client-Strings?

13.11.09, 09:38
am new in Extreme mod i wonder why theres no fake upload although i did all option also for each torrent i did the same option but it just download and no fake upload is done i wonder why
http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/2298/96905005.th.png (http://img97.imageshack.us/i/96905005.png/)

13.11.09, 10:18
this might be a good start

13.11.09, 13:11
Use "Column Setup" to add the Fake Upload Speed and Fake Uploaded columns.

And if you don't like Vuze, you can still use the Classic UI on

13.11.09, 20:19
And if you don't like Vuze, you can still use the Classic UI on

which you can get via Tools -> Options -> Interface -> Start -> Display Vuze UI Chooser "Show"

14.11.09, 07:30
can anyone please tell whats the difference between this and extreme mod here


and why what ever i did i appear not connectable and when i run another client it appear connected using same port (i didn`t run both clinet is same time) and i don`t have fire wall i`m using windows 7 ??

14.11.09, 07:52
can anyone please tell whats the difference between this and extreme mod here


well, looking at the numbers i'd say this one is newer :wink:

and why what ever i did i appear not connectable and when i run another client it appear connected using same port (i didn`t run both clinet is same time) and i don`t have fire wall i`m using windows 7 ??

only one app can bind to a port. be sure nothing else is using the port.

14.11.09, 11:24

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3941/91903231.th.png (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/91903231.png/)

and i wonder why in the left it`s version and in the middle 4.2.07 is it wrong or is it okay is it danger for high level tracker


14.11.09, 13:02
The version left is the one that's reported (spoofed), the one in the middle is the actual version. :wink2:

14.11.09, 13:36
thanks shoulder i just got bitmeTV invite i wonder do you have some advise for me there i`v read that the staff is watching new user and my ratio is 0.4 can you tell me best setting for it


14.11.09, 16:45
1. There aren't any "best settings",
2. There's no need to crosspost either. You've already posted on the BitMeTV cheating thread. Edit your post there.

12.01.10, 16:25
this is my preferred mod as it just works for me. i have recently signed up to a new tracker, but does not allow only above

so what is the best spoofer to use with this mod? are there any updated versions to the ones already in this mod?


12.01.10, 16:26
you might wanna try a more current version

12.01.10, 16:30
i'm not aware of any update to shu-spoofs included with this mod.
i know of several cases of users getting banned when using shu-spoof.

on the other hand i'm not aware of any problems with new extreme mod and had personally tested it using ghostfucker spoof of azureus, vuze and (much less extensively) utorrent with no problems.

12.01.10, 17:18
so what is the best spoofer to use with this mod? are there any updated versions to the ones already in this mod?

Well, if I remember correctly, Shu's Azureus perfect spoof wasn't added until Build 207. And the client spoofs via plugin (that only spoof what's sent to the tracker) are detectable. :frown:

12.01.10, 21:52
well that's too bad. i am currently testing the latest extreme mod beta. runs good so far. have to wait until tonight to see if i get errors auto-downloading my shows from RSS feeds tonight. thats the only thing preventing me from upgrading.

12.01.10, 22:08
Is there any significant difference between this and the Extreme Mod (e.g. detectability)

12.01.10, 22:08
Well, this is old. And it lacks several options. But shouldn't be detectable itself, and doesn't have most of the Vuze crap.

13.01.10, 16:22
ok, left vuze extreme mod open overnight. auto-downloaded new American Idol ep at around 4am. "Error: missing files.." never downloaded!! AARRGGG!!

i guess there are errors when moving files. happens every time i use vuze v3+. never got this error in but whatever. plus, the status bar disappears sometimes so vuze is not for me.

now on to this client spoof plugin. is it detectable? what about the shu hack options for "fake report to peers system"? i remembered not to use that one, but i am not sure.

also is it possible to change the hardcoded version in the Azureus2.jar?

13.01.10, 16:41
May I ask why are you using this version??:confused2:
It's a lil bit outdated ya know?

13.01.10, 16:50
what about the shu hack options for "fake report to peers system"?
peer fake isn't implemented, shu has never finished this options...

also is it possible to change the hardcoded version in the Azureus2.jar?
yes, but its a lot of work...

13.01.10, 17:22
May I ask why are you using this version??:confused2:

It's the only one that for some reason doesn't have problems with his RSS auto-downloading.

13.01.10, 17:24
May I ask why are you using this version??:confused2:
It's a lil bit outdated ya know?

whenever i use vuze, sometimes it gives an error about missing files when auto-downloading from rss feeds, thus the downloads don't even start. very frustating! imagine going to sleep and waking up the next morning to check your downloads and see your rss downloaded torrents not even downloading. ugh!

i have not been able to find a solution. i have even emailed vuze support, but have not heard from them.

i have never gotten this error in i use the shu mod hack every time. for a couple of years, never gotten banned, so this version just works for me. the only thing is the clientspoof. if i can get an updated one to work with this version, to spoof it as the latest vuze., then that's all i need.

13.01.10, 17:50
whenever i use vuze, sometimes it gives an error about missing files when auto-downloading from rss feeds, thus the downloads don't even start. very frustating! imagine going to sleep and waking up the next morning to check your downloads and see your rss downloaded torrents not even downloading. ugh!
I never had these kinds of errors.I guess Ima lucky noob:biggrin:
i have not been able to find a solution. i have even emailed vuze support, but have not heard from them.
I don't think they'll ever answer.Did you try posting on their forums?
Vuze Forums: Forum Home (http://forum.vuze.com/index.jspa)

13.01.10, 19:22
yes i tried their forums, but never got a reply. plus i'm using a mod so....

---------- Post added at 13:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

went ahead and tried to hardcode this version into so far it's working. the tracker that wouldn't let me download is now working.


User-Agent: Azureus;Windows XP;Java 1.6.0_17
Connection: close
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Host: www.digitalhive.org
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2

13.01.10, 19:59
corrupt parameter is missing...and don't forget the handshake names.

13.01.10, 20:24
thanks! i knew there would be something missing. the corrupt flag is new so i have to find that.

by handshake names, you mean the client id that peers will see you in their peer list. as well as tracker website peer lists?

13.01.10, 20:25
thanks! i knew there would be something missing. the corrupt flag is new so i have to find that.

It's next to &left= in newer versions if that's what you're looking for. :smile:

14.01.10, 01:37
i'm getting my ass kicked trying to figure this out. i try to add the Corrupt flag, but alway get an error on startup. so maybe i can use the version string of azureus to not use the corrupt flag.

anyone know what version of Vuze started using the corrupt flag?

14.01.10, 10:26
I don't understand why are people still using shumod when Extreme Mod is already there?

14.01.10, 15:13
i posted my reason already.

but i think i might have fixed my issues with extreme mod. still testing.

14.01.10, 17:37
anyone know what version of Vuze started using the corrupt flag?

I tried looking in the Azureus changelog, but a search for "corrupt" didn't give me that information.

14.01.10, 19:36
If i remember correctly the corrupted flag was there since version 3.
It must be the same time like they insert it in utorrent.
I guess since version 1.7...

14.01.10, 19:37
Shu's perfect spoof won't send the corrupt parameter for 2.x.x.x versions, so I guess you're right. The question is which 3.x.x.x version :biggrin:

14.01.10, 19:57
Shu's perfect spoof won't send the corrupt parameter for 2.x.x.x versions
you're wrong with that...

GET /announce.php?passkey=*&info_hash=*&peer_id=*&supportcrypto=*&port=*&azudp=*&uploaded=*&downloaded=*&left=*&corrupt=*&event=*d&numwant=*&no_peer_id=*&compact=*&key=*&azver=* HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Azureus;Windows XP;Java 1.6.0_16
Connection: close
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Host: *
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2

14.01.10, 19:58
I got it from his changelog :confused:

-Fix azureus perfect spoof : &corrupt flag is no longer sent while spoofing Azureus v2.X.X.X

14.01.10, 20:53
this one particular tracker only supports Az/Vuze i downloaded the mod and sure enough the corrupt flag was present. so my reasons for hardcoding this mod to a later version fell flat because there is no way to add the corrupt flag to the announce. i've tried every way to hex edit, but to no avail.

i guess i'll stick with the latest extreme mod for now. the rss feed downloading seems to have been solved for now. but one thing that bothers me is that the status bar sometimes disappears. its blank and the only thing visible is the version number on the far left. right-clicking and unchecking/checking something brings it back. is it a bug?

14.01.10, 21:24
a hex editor and java byte code isn't a good combination ;) try it with a bytecode editor and take a look on:
org\gudy\azureus2\core3\tracker\client\impl\bt\TRT rackerBTAnnouncerImpl.class

14.01.10, 22:03
yep, that was the file i was editing before. i'll look into the bytecode editor and try again.

14.01.10, 22:46
But if i remember correctly you must insert the azureus2.jar path in the bytecode editor preferences that you can edit the files.

15.01.10, 00:57
ok, need some help here. i found the "&left=" string, but there are 2 of them. now how do i add the text string of "&corrupt=0" right after the "left" string? i've already added the '&corrupt=0" as a string_info to the class file itself, so i just need to know how to add the text string to the source. thanks!

getfield TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl.announce_data_provider
invokeinterface long TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider.getRemaining() 1
ifeq label_159
aload request
ldc_w String Constant "&left="
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(String)
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(long)
goto label_183
aload request
ldc_w String Constant "&left="
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(String)
aload_0 this
getfield TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl.announce_data_provider
invokeinterface long TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider.getRemaining() 1
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(long)
aload_0 this
getfield String TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl.tracker_id

15.01.10, 09:31
You should search after the numwant part and change it like


15.01.10, 15:23
but when an event is sent, the corrupt flag appears before it.


so it needs to be added after "&left=".

15.01.10, 15:35
You can't insert it there because the code says that it add the value after the text part (&left=).
If you add the corrupted flag there you will get a result like this...
Are you sure that your announce is correct?
I ask because i have a other example in my announce collection...


GET /***/announce?info_hash=***&peer_id=-AZ4000-Rr811DJrPnVl&requirecrypto=1&port=49871&azudp=49871&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=436814237&corrupt=0&numwant=200&event=stopped&no_peer_id=1&compact=1&key=fSfOpO HTTP/1.1

If your announce is correct you have to insert much more code to get a correct result.
Perhaps you can handle it then like the &compact=1 code part or you take a look how they resolved it in a newer azureus version...

15.01.10, 16:11
without guarantee :wink2:

getfield TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl.announce_data_provider
invokeinterface long TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider.getRemaining() 1
ifeq label_159
aload request
ldc_w String Constant "&left="
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(String)
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(long)
goto label_183
aload request
ldc_w String Constant "&left="
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(String)
aload_0 this
getfield TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl.announce_data_provider
invokeinterface long TRTrackerAnnouncerDataProvider.getRemaining() 1
invokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(long)
aload request
ldc_w String Constant "&corrupt=0"
iinvokevirtual StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(String)
aload_0 this
getfield String TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl.tracker_id

15.01.10, 18:54
tried it. got an error.

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Field "field1" in class org/gudy/azureus2/core3/tracker/client/impl/bt/TRTrackerBTAnnouncerImpl has illegal signature "V"

azueus loads, but the my torrents tab doesn't open.

21.01.10, 01:15
still working on this. any recommendations for another bytecode editor? i tried JBE and need to know if there is a better one.


EDIT: ok, tried a different editor and it seems to have worked. here's the announce with hardcoded


here's the real

heres hardcoded track update, no event sent,

and the User-Agent were the same ,

User-Agent: Azureus;Windows XP;Java 1.6.0_18

on the extreme mod, it doesn't send the OS and Java version,

User-Agent: Azureus

so i guess i was lucky to pick to hardcode since both and send the OS and Java version.

28.02.10, 20:11
Hi guys,

Does anyone know if there is a way to limit upload speed, but get FULL download speed?

I am having a problem where if I go to Tools -> Options -> Transfer and if I set "global max upload" to 1 KB/sec.. then my download speed drops dramatically.

Is there no way to limit your upload without without any affect on the download seed on any Azurues/Vuze hacked client??


~ Im2bz2p345 :)

28.02.10, 20:13
I am having a problem where if I go to Tools -> Options -> Transfer and if I set "global max upload" to 1 KB/sec.. then my download speed drops dramatically.

If you're such a leecher, you'd be better off enabling no upload for all your torrents. Needless to say, that'll decrease your download speed even more if you're downloading from other peers, rather than seeders.

28.02.10, 22:45
If you're such a leecher, you'd be better off enabling no upload for all your torrents. Needless to say, that'll decrease your download speed even more if you're downloading from other peers, rather than seeders.

Thanks for the response anon. So you're saying there is no way to limit upload without affecting my download speed when downloading from PEERS (no seeders)?

~ Im2bz2p345 :)

28.02.10, 22:47
Yes, that's what I meant.

16.03.10, 04:24
Anon, what do you think regarding the in-build client spoofing.
Is it safe to use, or is there a better seperate option available, maybe a additional tool ?

16.03.10, 04:33
Anon, what do you think regarding the in-build client spoofing.
Is it safe to use, or is there a better seperate option available, maybe a additional tool ?

there are no external tools for that afaik.
but you might wanna try a more current vuze mod

16.03.10, 05:06
I think Vuze would be a good alternative, but I still need the previous azureus client.
Could you recommend me a current vuze, which I can use as a portable one, so it wont mess up my database of my original azureus.

It would be even better if there would be something to run multible instances, for example azureus and vuze at the same time, but I dont think that this would be possible because they're both using the azureus.exe instance (As much as I remember).

Maybe there is some progess in newer build to solve this behaviour..

@butcho: I actually dont know what's the deal with the seb@14-mods, I just read that they're not his own mods. Could you tell me the difference between your mod and his mod.
Thx in Advance.

16.03.10, 05:11
I think Vuze would be a good alternative, but I still need the previous azureus client.

vuze = azureus
you know you can change the ui in vuze back to the azureus-look?

Could you recommend me a current vuze, which I can use as a portable one, so it wont mess up my database of my original azureus.

give the single-exe a try.

It would be even better if there would be something to run multible instances


Maybe there is some progess in newer build to solve this behaviour..

have a look my link above and be sure to read the resp. guides

16.03.10, 05:26
you know you can change the ui in vuze back to the azureus-look?
Yes I knew that, but i need the older version, because I'm still using a lots of trackers which works fine with the previous version.
I dont know how they would behave (detectable, allowed etc.) if I would change to the newer Vuze.

give the single-exe a try.
Vuze Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta
Thank you, I'll try it later on.

On the hand I still need the older version, but on the other hand there are few trackers which require at least the newer vuze mods.
So it would be good if I could use both of them at once (meaning multiple instances-->azureus & vuze).

I thought that this is not possible, as they're using the same instance *.exe-ressource.
(Shown in Windows Task manager)

16.03.10, 05:38
Yes I knew that, but i need the older version, because I'm still using a lots of trackers which works fine with the previous version.
I dont know how they would behave (detectable, allowed etc.) if I would change to the newer Vuze.

i'm not aware of anything that an old version would do better than the current one but as long as it's working fine for you ...

I thought that this is not possible, as they're using the same instance *.exe-ressource.
(Shown in Windows Task manager)

there's a tut here how to run multiple instances i think. tried the search?

16.03.10, 05:49
here's a tut here how to run multiple instances i think. tried the search?
I searched for it, but no luck, just found something regarding multiple instances of RM.

16.03.10, 17:33
Here you go:

-Dazureus.config.path= Sets the dir Azureus uses for config files and plugins. Default config path is OS-dependant: Under unix, this usually is ~/.azureus/; under Windows, this usually is %appdata%\Azureus\; Under Mac OS X, this usually is "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Azureus/".
combine with -DMULTI_INSTANCE=true to open multiple instances of Azureus.
Note: opening multiple instances of Azureus is generally a very bad idea, except in very special circumstances.
The multi-instance flag can be used to disable the instance-checking if some other application is listening on port 6880 and prevents Azureus from starting.

Source: Commandline options - VuzeWiki (http://wiki.vuze.com/w/Commandline_options)

Regarding the clientspoof by plugin this version includes, don't use that.

23.03.10, 21:33
Anon, if we could compare the built in Spoofing feature of the Vuze & Azureus Shu Mod.
Would you say that the Vuze Mod is much better than the Shu Mod regarding this feature ?

What would you say in general (compared both mods) ?

23.03.10, 21:34
The Shu Mod doesn't have a built-in spoofing feature, it relies on a plugin, and it's very detectable, so...

In general, given the fact you have the classic UI which doesn't load the Vuze code at all, I see no reason to stick with an old version.

23.03.10, 21:40
So the pros/cons between both version are overall the same... ?

23.03.10, 21:40
No, with ghostfucker's spoof and the latest CVS code, the Extreme Mod has a good edge :lol:

23.03.10, 21:46
Is this the latest above mentioned Mod ?
(with ghostfucker's spoof and the latest CVS code)

--> Vuze Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation

23.03.10, 21:46
The latest version for you (i.e. a non-Member) is this one :happy:

23.03.10, 21:56
Okay, thanks.
Would you personally prefer this mod instead of the vuze shu mod ?

23.03.10, 21:56
Yes! :biggrin:

23.03.10, 21:59
Cool. :smile:
Do you know, if the Extreme Mod also contain the option for 0%-Leecher/NoUpload-Cheating ?

23.03.10, 22:00
It does - as a matter of fact, the Extreme Mod contains all of the Shu Mod's settings plus the extended No Report (custom %, auto) and ghostfucker's spoof.

23.03.10, 22:04
Nice, so it seems to be that I've to say goodbye to the ShuMod.
The Ghostfucker script is a client spoof, or do I mixed up anything ?

23.03.10, 22:05
The Ghostfucker script is a client spoof, or do I mixed up anything ?

ghostfucker's spoof is a client spoof. :unsure:

22.07.10, 10:52
funktioniert die noch ?

22.07.10, 11:01
funktioniert die noch ?
Warum nicht?

Ist halt nur eine alte Version - funktioniert aber immernoch.


24.01.11, 04:03
thanks shoulder i just got bitmeTV invite i wonder do you have some advise for me there i`v read that the staff is watching new user and my ratio is 0.4 can you tell me best setting for it

24.01.11, 04:04
thanks shoulder i just got bitmeTV invite i wonder do you have some advise for me there

I'm not shoulder, but I do have some advice for you: update your mod, and search before you ask.

30.03.11, 11:21
hey guys could someone helps me
well i have used the mods for a long time and now i have some old PC that i want to install some mod that not eat all the memory
i notice the more new the more memory it takes

so what i really wanna know is...
those old mods still works? i mean i'm safe to fake the ratio?
which version you experts recomend me ^^
thanks in advance

30.03.11, 14:30
Well, it's always suggested to use the newest Mod, for mainly two reasons:

1) More features, i.e. more flexibility.
2) Bugfixes:

Mod: Not 100% working cheat functions which greatly worked in the past but won't anymore these days may have been fixed, ...

30.03.11, 18:07
first thanks for aswear
totally agree... my problem is just the memory.. well not problem but since i want to install it on a old PC(athlon 2.8 with 1,5 RAM) becomes a problem
my azureus consumes 500~700mb in a peak (win 7 x64)
i'm using a 32b version of the new MOD

do you some way to make azureus run with less memory?
i tried to mess with memory heap in java.vmoptions

do u think all that memory could be the fact i'm running 32b APP in a 64b system?

30.03.11, 18:10
i notice the more new the more memory it takes

Not true. Azureus 4.x.x.x with the classic UI uses just as much RAM as I hate the "Vuze" UI too, but that's the truth - its code isn't loaded if you don't use it.

---------- Post added at 13:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

do you some way to make azureus run with less memory?
i tried to mess with memory heap in java.vmoptions

do u think all that memory could be the fact i'm running 32b APP in a 64b system?

Try the tips here (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f59/reduce-memory-usage-azureus-vuze-sb-innovation-5310/) if you haven't done so already. Can't comment on the 32-bit thingy.

30.03.11, 18:59
thanks anon
i check the thread and yeah i did all that stuff and more... LOL
and i really thought the early versions could consume less memory...
good to know i was wrong so i can stay safe in a new version as shoulder mention...

azureus for me is the best client ever (i said for me) but if u have 5~10 torrents ON... this can eat a lot of RAM
and the AZUREUS MOD's well i never had problem cheating (carefully) so i trust 99999999999% and since i join this community i used a lot... a life saver for me
i know there is more mods with utorrent and other clients but u know i use this since forever and i like it so i have a special feeling for this

god dammit i would like speak german so i could participate more in comunity
what a shame my dad is german decendant
thanks guys

30.03.11, 19:03
azureus for me is the best client ever (i said for me) but if u have 5~10 torrents ON... this can eat a lot of RAM
and the AZUREUS MOD's well i never had problem cheating (carefully) so i trust 99999999999% and since i join this community i used a lot... a life saver for me
i know there is more mods with utorrent and other clients but u know i use this since forever and i like it so i have a special feeling for this

You found a mod you like and works for you, and you use that. Nothing wrong with it :gsmile:

god dammit i would like speak german so i could participate more in comunity
what a shame my dad is german decendant

I have 25657 posts, including this one. Only two of those are in German. :unsure:

30.03.11, 20:01
but that's the truth - its code isn't loaded if you don't use it.
nope...the new core is loaded on newer releases (after they updated the classic ui).

(therefore i'm still using the release)

30.03.11, 20:04
Is that so? Thanks for the correction. I thought classic UI equaled no Vuze code loaded, now and always. They shouldn't have changed that.

30.03.11, 21:25
yeah :/
it startet with the "new classic look": http://wiki.vuze.com/mediawiki/images/4/4f/Vuze45classicMyTorrents640.png

30.03.11, 21:44
so which version u recomend... for less memory usage?

30.03.11, 21:54
The one he's using, maybe :gtongue:

30.03.11, 22:14
the closest i found is SB-I_Hack_Azureus2_4.3.0.5_B01_DDJ
and he mention thats why i ask ^^

but since is close i guess is fine to stay with
thank guys

30.03.11, 23:25
Assuming the forced Vuze code loading takes place on versions above what ghostfucker is running, I'd say you try this one instead:

30.03.11, 23:34
i will try now...
can i use the same appdata/vuze settings? or is better delete to refresh all the settings or something left from

30.03.11, 23:37
If it's not a lot of work, I'd recommend a clean install.

31.03.11, 00:22
huge difference... really... i have 3 files 50GB 2UP and 1 DL and couple of 4GB files downloading
and guess what? not even close to the memory usage before change version

i hope the vuze team can see that and fix in future versions
maybe they need to learn more with SB coder's... hahahaha

i really appreciate the help guys
thanks for your time anon and ghostfucker ^^
no kidding i just have around 350MB more

now i can put azureus on my old Rig