View Full Version : eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11

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09.02.10, 21:06
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11 <<<<<<


Coded by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Coding Support (thx) :

>>>>>> gentil_monsieur & sarutobi <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add server & kad search method [search window]
-add no upload/queue for low id clients [switchable] *
-add update function for nodes.dat
-changed now you can unshare all files[sharedfiles window]
-add push all clients to uploadqueue button [waiting queue]
-add kick all clients from queue button [waiting queue]
-add anti leech stuff [sbi protection]
-no upload for leecher [switchable]
-add anti leecher log [serverwindow]
-add auto drop leechers [switchable]
-add auto drop leecher time [switchable]
-add drop leecher buttons [transferwindow]
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add spooky mode [serverwindow/sbi controll]
-show users ip [transferwindow]
-add reconnect on low id [switchable]
-add fake rank start value [switchable]
-add fake rank update time [switchable]
-add auto drop ranking QR>x [switchable]
-add auto drop ranking time [switchable]
-add ranking value for button & auto drop [switchable]
-add file reask time [switchable]
-add auto load/save sources[switchable]
-add sources to save/load value [switchable]
-add reload sources before save [switchable]
-add show downloads in bold [switchable]
-changed download in color code [switchable]
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add multi server connect and reask [switchable] {thx sarutobi}
-add auto ask after sources [switchable]
-add auto drop NNS/FQ/TM sources [switchable]
-add ask after sources time [switchable]
-add NNS/FQ/TM drop times [switchable]
-add no queue [switchable]*
-add queue only for friends [switchable]*
-set default upload rule to hidden/friends [switchable]*
-set default queue rule to hidden/friends [switchable]*
-add upload rules per file [transferwindow | sharedfiles]
-add queue rules per file [transferwindow | sharedfiles]
-add hide emule[switchable]
-add filename disparity check[switchable]
-some other code changes
-update code to 0.49c

-add "generate new rsa key" button [transferwindow | downloadlist] {thx sarutobi}
-add auto generate new rsa key [switchable] {thx sarutobi}
-add emulate community nick addons [switchable]
-add no share partfiles [switchable]*
-add shut down emule when downloads complete [switchable]
-add shut down pc when downloads complete [switchable]
-add fake check (searchwindow)
-add update function for fakes.dat [updatemenue]
-add ban/server rotation/rsa key generate time [switchable]
-add xs/kad/srv/srv-udp reask times [switchable]
-changed max queue / max filebuffer size [advanced options]
-changed some icons
-some other code changes

-add auto server rotation [swichable] {thx g_m}
-add uploadslotcontrol [connection preferences]
-add "drop ranking QR > x" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "drop NNS/FQ/TM sources" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "push client" button (Waitingqueue)
-add download in color and bold[switchable]
-show Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics [transferwindow]
-show NNS/FQ/TM source statistics [transferwindow]
-changed sidebanner {thx Manas}
-some other code changes
-updated code to 0.49b

v 1.6
-upload only to friends [switchable] *
-disable [XS] send [switchable]
-add "load/save sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "ask after new sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "Update" menue for ipfilter and ip2country (options)
-add ip2country (fix coded)
-add sidebannder [options]
-show cpu/mem/server [transferwindow]
-show splash on exit (fix coded)
-changed fake rank code {thx g_m}
-some other code changes...

v 1.5
-emulate other clientsoftware (switchable)
-don't send complete file status (switchable)*
-fake rank (switchable) {thx g_m}
-auto reload shared files if download is complete (fix coded) {thx g_m}
-no upload (switchable)*
-no share any files (switchable)*
-no share the incoming folder (switchable)*
-don't send filelist to server (switchable)*
-don't publish filelist in KAD (switchable) *
-add no ratio (fix coded)
-add unlimited search results (fix coded)
-reask client for download (downloadqueue)
-kick all Peers Button (uploadqueue)
-kick & bann buttons (uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-clear banlist buttons (Uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-add forum link button (maincontrollbar)
-add new splashscreen {thx Manas}
-changed min queue size(advanced options)
-based on emule 0.49a

* you must restart emule that settings take effect...

Anti Leech (xtreme mod):
-antileech.dll version 39
-Detect Wrong Hello-Tag
-Detect Bad Tags
-Anti Ghost-Mod
-Detect Leecher by Modstring
-Detect Leecher by UserName
-Detect Nick / Modthiefs
-Detect Spammers
-Detect XS-Exploiter
-Detect emcrypt
-Detect bad userhashes
-Detect Community Mods
-Anti Upload Protection

[U]Erklärung: / Explanation:

spooky mode
Ihr könnt die Verbindung zu beiden Netzwerken trennen und trotzdem weiter herunter laden. eMule findet inzwischen genug Quellen über Source Exchange so das ihr die Quellen die ihr neu von einem Server bzw Kademlia erhalten würdet nicht benötigt.
You can disconnect from both networks and still continue your downloads. eMule will find sources through Source Exchange without the need for a server or Kad connection.

generate new rsa key
Ihr könnt eure eMule Identifikation ändern. Dadurch verliert ihr alle Credits bei anderen Clienten!
Deshalb ist diese Funktion nur zu empfehlen wenn ihr den Mod eh mit No Share oder No Upload laufen last. Durch das ändern des rsa keys seit ihr besser vor "eMule Network Scans" und auch gegen die ein oder andere "Static Banlist" geschützt.
This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

emulate community nick addons
Euer Client emuliert die Community Erweiterungen im Nickname von anderen Clients, da man so teilweise im download bevorzugt wird.
Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

don't share partfiles
Es werden nur eure Downloads versteckt. Andere Ordner könnt ihr normal zum Upload anbieten.
Only the files you're downloading will be hidden. You can still offer all your other folder to upload.

upload only to friends
Es gelangen nur Clients in eure Uploadwarteschlange die ihr davor zum Freund gemacht habt.
Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

disable [XS] send
Ihr gebt eure Quellen nicht an andere Clients weiter.
you don´t give your sources to other clients

ask after new sources
Ihr könnt jederzeit für ein File den Server, Kademilla und die anderen Clients nach neuen Quellen fragen.
you can ask the Server, Kademilla and the other clients anytime for new sources for a file

emulate other clientsoftware
Ihr emuliert ander Client Software wie z.B. edonkey, Shareaza usw. falls sich ein solcher Client zu euch verbindet, da sich diese Programme untereinander bevorzugen.
you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

don't send complete file status
Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet wenn ihr ein File komplett habt.
if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

fake rank
Ihr sendet einen gefälschten Warteschlangen Rank zu anderen Usern, da manche Mods diesen berücksichtigen.
you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

no upload
Andere Clients können von euch nichts laden.
other clients can´t download from you

no share any files
Alle Dateien werden versteckt auch die ihr gerade ladet. Dadurch kann es zu schlechteren Speed Ergebnissen kommen.
all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

no share the incoming folder
Euer Incoming Ordner wird nicht im Netz Freigegeben. Dadurch werden nur Files veröffentlicht die ihr gerade Ladet oder manuel frei gegeben habt.
your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

don't send filelist to server
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht an die Server gesendet. Somit taucht ihr nicht bei den Suchergebnissen auf.
your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

don't publish filelist in KAD
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht in Kademilla veröffentlicht. Dadurch kann es zu weniger KAD Verbindungen kommen.
your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

no ratio
Ihr könnt den Upload begrenzen wie ihr wollt. Euer Download wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt.
you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

unlimited search results
Die Anzahl der Treffer bei der Suchfunktion wird nicht begrenzt.
the number of searchresults is unlimited

reask client for download
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients nach Download fragen. Aber benutz denn Button nicht öfter hinter einander da ihr sonst gebannt werdet.
you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

kick all peers
Damit leert ihr alle Uploadslots.
you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

kick & bann
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients aus denn Warteschlangen entfernen bzw bannen.
you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

clear banlist
Damit leert ihr eure Bannliste.
you can clean your banlist with that

queuezise changing
Die Warteschlangen Grösse kann beliebig verändert werden.
the size of the queue can be change like you want with that

server rotation
ihr verbindet euch nach 20 Minuten zum nächsten Server in der Liste.
makes you connect to the next server in the list every 20 mins

upload slot control
dadurch könnt ihr Regeln wie viele Leute gleichzeitig von euch was laden dürfen.
controls how many people you can upload to at the same time

drop ranking QR > x
dadurch entfernt ihr alle Clients aus den einzelnen Downloads die einen Rank über x haben.
removes sources whose queue rank is higher than x from your downloads

drop NNS/FQ/TM sources
damit könnt ihr clients die nur nicht benötigte Teile, die eine volle Warteschlange haben oder zu viele Verbindungen entfernen.
removes nns (non needed source), full queue and tm (too many connections) sources from your downloads

push client
ihr könnt clients aus der Warteschlange manuell einen Uploadslot zuteilen.
throws clients in your upload queue

Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics
euch wird angezeigt mit wie viele Quellen ihr verbunden seit.
shows you the source total and how many of them have been received through ed2k, kad or xs

NNS/FQ/TM source statistics
dadurch könnt ihr erkennen ob ihr im Moment mit überflüssigen Quellen verbunden seit
shows you how many of your downloads' sources aren't needed or in "full queue" or "too many connections" status

multi server connect and reask
Ihr könnt euch zu beliebig vielen Server verbinden und erhaltet auch von allen die vorhandenen Quellen.
You can connect to any number of servers and also regularly ask them for new sources.

no queue / queue only for friends
Damit könnt ihr eure Upload Warteschlange komplett sperren bzw. nur Freunde in die Queue lassen
Lets you prevent anyone from entering your queue, or letting only your friends inside accordingly.

upload rule/queue rule per file
Ihr könnt für jeden eurer Shares einzeln entscheiden ob andere Clients/Friends in eure Warteschlange dürfen bzw. ob andere User/Friends überhaupt Upload ab bekommen.
You can decide whether to upload to other clients/friends or let them enter your queue in an individual basis.

In all versions are no viruses or trojans! Some virus scanners hit alarm because we use a packer who is also often used for viruses or trojans. All versions are free to 100% of viruses and Trojans, with it we guarantee with our name SB-Innovation!

In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!

Virus Total Check (http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/8149e84380057a05ca345c17d2ca4870c28f2ff0d55f72f80a f9d596e233aae8-1265745334)



09.02.10, 21:46
Connections and KAD issue from 2.01 seems to be fixed!

10.02.10, 05:30


2010/2/10 12:26:04


C:\Users\well\Desktop\eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11\emule.exe

10.02.10, 05:43


2010/2/10 12:26:04


C:\Users\well\Desktop\eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11\emule.exe

kaspersky sucks hard,
my avira didn't detect anything,

besides this is a false positive

10.02.10, 06:39
@franki, If you scan the open source official you'll get the same. Its the packers the coders use because they are the same or similar to the ones virus makers use. But of couse SBI emule is no virus.

10.02.10, 10:54
I was begining to wonder if we're gonna see a new version! :wink:

10.02.10, 11:17
v2.2 for the member section is also nearly ready.
But i will wait some days, if there are bug reports...


which version you have installed of kaspersky?

Kaspersky 2010.02.10 -

VirusTotal 10.2.2010 (http://www.virustotal.com/de/analisis/b7aec5bd3f1e997e5a9f344c1043fcdb2c6b628cbde5b33015 19b558c7ce74ae-1265796697)

10.02.10, 11:29
There is again the @*$* bug I spoke on an other thread; When no "sharing incoming", "no sharing Temp", and "sent incomplete status" are set, it is impossible for me to send to my upload windows some of my friends that are waiting in my queue.

But, I observed this phenomenon arrives especially when I thick "don't send complete file status"

So the bug seems originate in some side effects of the option "don't send complete file status".

Maybe it could help !

10.02.10, 11:59
I've tested it yesterday and it works for me if i restart emule after i had add a custom shared folder and after i had activated the no share options.
Or where is your shared file placed? Not in the temp and incoming directory or?

10.02.10, 12:07
I've tested it yesterday and it works for me if i restart emule after i had add a custom shared folder.
Or where is your shared file placed? Not in the temp and incoming directory or?

Temp and Incoming are in same the external HD where emule.exe already is (but these files are not in the emule 0.49c SBI 2.1 directory). Concerning my custom Shared Directory, it is on an other external HD

10.02.10, 12:13
Renk why dont you send in the "preferences.ini" file for Butcho. If it works for him and not you, maybe you forgot to tell him about some custom, non default setting you made.

10.02.10, 12:40
I will test it again.
Did you use the upload only for friends per file or the other option in sbi security?
If you use the one in sbi security, your upload rules per files are on public or?

10.02.10, 12:54
I will test it again.
Did you use the upload only for friends per file or the other option in sbi security?
If you use the one in sbi security, your upload rules per files are on public or?

In SBI Security, I only thicked "don't share incoming" + "don't share downloads" + "don't send complete file status". All the other are unthicked.

And in my custom shared directory, most of the files are "public". I have set "release" those for witch I have select "upload only to friend".

But it will surely be better I send you my Preferences.ini file.

10.02.10, 15:01


I have installed Win7,only KIS 9 can support the new OS. Older version don't work.

10.02.10, 17:26
It really doesn't matter, because as said in the description:

In all versions are no viruses or trojans! Some virus scanners hit alarm because we use a packer who is also often used for viruses or trojans. All versions are free to 100% of viruses and Trojans, with it we guarantee with our name SB-Innovation!

But I guess that as long as we keep on using packers to protect the mods there'll be "my antivirus cried" posts.

11.02.10, 09:04
Bug found. This version of Emule detects servers as
[Bad MODSTRING](reduce score)- Client ***.**.***.*** 'eserver' (eMule,None/None/None)

11.02.10, 09:57
i have an older download and it says Status: Waiting ... Sources: 10/11

:) started

11.02.10, 10:40

If ur getting an error with an older version of this mod then dont you think its time to upgrade to the latest avaliable to you emule SBI v2.11? Maybe the problem has been fixed already?

11.02.10, 22:39
I guess he talking about an old temp file and not about an old emule version... :wink:

Bug found. This version of Emule detects servers as
[Bad MODSTRING](reduce score)- Client ***.**.***.*** 'eserver' (eMule,None/None/None)

Can you please send me the complete log via pm?
I don't think that it is a real bug, your emule reduce the score of a other client and not of the server...

12.02.10, 01:11
ipfilter.dat is an HTML file.

I added an html extension and opened it with Firefox and it shows a Sourceforge emule Pawcio mod page.

Thought you may like to know. :wink:

12.02.10, 01:45
You're right i have copied the file out of my beta config folder. :confused2:
But the real ipfilter should be the file with the extension .tmp.
If you use the emule ipfilter update function you get the correct one...

12.02.10, 01:58
But the real ipfilter should be the file with the extension .tmp.
If you use the emule ipfilter update function you get the correct one...

So Butcho what you are saying your mod doesnt use the "ipfilter.dat" file. But uses "ipfilter.dat.tmp".

So if we use an external program such as Block List Manager (http://www.bluetack.co.uk/) and not the built in ip filter list in your mod, we have to name the file "ipfilter.dat.tmp"?

Why the change? But I remember many earlier version ago (before I came to SBI forums), whenever I updated the "ipfilter.dat" with the built-in updator in your mod, emule hung. I that the reason?


12.02.10, 02:05
So Butcho what you are saying your mod doesnt use the "ipfilter.dat" file. But uses "ipfilter.dat.tmp"

Embedded Ipfilter.dat is HTML file with just.dat extension, rest should be fine.
So another ipfilter.dat file you will place at config folder or newly downloaded(via update) would work properly.

12.02.10, 02:29
Thank Vation :wink:

My question was rather, does Butcho's emule mod's filter function point to the file "ipfilter.dat.tmp" and not "ipfilter.dat" as is the default in the official. From his post I assume it is but I just wanted clarificaion.

12.02.10, 02:33
Thank Vation :wink:

My question was rather, does Butcho's emule mod's filter function point to the file "ipfilter.dat.tmp" and not "ipfilter.dat" as is the default in the official. From his post I assume it is but I just wanted clarificaion.

Deleted ipfilter.dat.tmp, and replaced that old ipfilter.dat with proper.

Clicked Reload in service tab of settings. At the left bottom of the screen XXXXXXXXX Ip Filters Loaded appeared - so that is the answer.(XXXXXXXXX for the number)

12.02.10, 02:43
You're right i have copied the file out of my beta config folder. :confused2:
But the real ipfilter should be the file with the extension .tmp.
If you use the emule ipfilter update function you get the correct one...

Actually it's a bit messier than that...

The ipfilter.dat.tmp is actually a zip file containing the real ipfilter.dat.

How did you manage that one? :smile:

EDIT: Hmm... perhaps the zip format is OK. I only mentioned it because my current, manually downloaded, ipfilter.dat is plain text (XML?) and not a zip archive.

12.02.10, 03:08
Actually it's a bit messier than that...

If you update the filter from any site like:
file while being downloaded is named ipfilter.dat.tmp(and it is .zip archive), when the process of downloading is finished. ipfilter.dat.tmp is extracted and its content(ipfilter.dat) overwrites/replaces previous ipfilter.dat.

It is usually recommended to update ipfilter.dat after installation
Options/SBI Updates/IP Filter Updates press UPDATE button.

OR if you are more advaced user dwownload from bluetac.co.uk:
nipfilter.dat.gz for regular protection
pipfilter.dat.gz for maximum protection - this list is paranoid so can make some sources blocked.

Ipfilter.dat(called .dat or DONK, donkey ip ranges blacklist) is juts format for ipranges, filtering level and names

Example: - , 112 , BadBigBrother
IPv4 range start - IPv4 range end , filter level , IP range name

IN eMule Options/Security you have Filter level <127. If you would change Filter level to 111 this ip range would not be blocked, if Filter levelis set to 113 or more the range is blocked. Setting Filter level to 0 will disable filtering. (Filter level <127 allows ranges with filter over 127 and blocks every any below 127)

Usually filter level in IPfilter.dat file is set to 000 or 100 for block, may be some higher values if someone is not sure if to block some ranges.

IPfilter.dat gives many possibilities that are usually not used (Filtering levels), it can contain ip ranges with different filtering level values to be blocked or not if ser will wish. S

If you find my example not clear it is here too:

12.02.10, 03:13
I have confirmed that "ipfilter.dat" is the file being used for ip filtering by emule SBI and not "ipfilter.dat.tmp". So I have been properly filtering with the Blocklist manager, phew, relief. Butcho must have put it there so we have some protection straight away without extra download.

"ipfilter.dat.tmp" is the compressed zip file downloaded by the auto ip filter updator. emule SBI is supposed to auto unzip into "ipfilter.dat"after download and reload the "ipfilter.dat". So the "ipfilter.dat.tmp" is like a temp file, a normal process but left there maybe as a backup.

Many versions back when Butcho first released this feature it always crashed emule so I never used it even till now. But I havent tested if it works yet as i have since always relied on the more customiseable ip filters from bluetak.co

12.02.10, 07:08
Thanks guys... I wasn't aware of eMule's auto unzipping.

For ever, I've been manually updating it, downloading and doing the unzipping myself. It's not exactly obvious that a file with a .tmp extension is a zip archive. :-)

Thanks for setting me straight.

12.02.10, 07:41
Thanks guys... I wasn't aware of eMule's auto unzipping.

For ever, I've been manually updating it, downloading and doing the unzipping myself. It's not exactly obvious that a file with a .tmp extension is a zip archive. :-)

Thanks for setting me straight.

Hey dude, sory when I said "should" I meant it as a suggestion (sory my bad lol)
I just tested it out and indeed you need to unzip the contents yourself.

12.02.10, 10:32
Hi guys!

First I want to congratulate Butcho for this great mod. Superb Job!
Also, thank you guys for making this a great Forum.

Since the "slot focus" bug was fixed I'm now running this mod and not anymore the Flux. Much grateful. Farewell Flux and welcome SBI.

Now to some questions:

- When I want to update my ipfilter through the SBI update it says:

"Downloaded IP filter file "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\eMule\config\ipfilter.d at.tmp" is a ZIP file with unexpected content."

I have to change, in the SBI update, the URL .zip termination to .dat, then it works perfectly.

Why is this so? I'm doing something wrong?

- In the transfer window when I expand a download, the country flags of all users are over that "mini pc" icon. Is this wanted?

- As I'm more into security than speed, can someone post the securest configuration?

Thank you and keep up the good work Butcho.


12.02.10, 11:37
- When I want to update my ipfilter through the SBI update it says:

"Downloaded IP filter file "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\eMule\config\ipfilter.d at.tmp" is a ZIP file with unexpected content."

I have to change, in the SBI update, the URL .zip termination to .dat, then it works perfectly.

Why is this so? I'm doing something wrong?

What size is the "ifilter.dat" file that you downloaded. Its a zilp file about 4mb but when expanded it should be almost 19mb.
Roughly 8 lines down in the LOG tab it should report "x IP filters loaded". If you dont find this line then ur not ip filtering.

- In the transfer window when I expand a download, the country flags of all users are over that "mini pc" icon. Is this wanted?
If the icons are bothering you or your computer is slow then you can remove countryflag.dll, countryflag32.dll from the config dir.

- As I'm more into security than speed, can someone post the securest configuration?

Butcho has made it really easy to config the security.

In SBI Security minimum requirements would be to not share any folders and files (2nd group down). Moderate would be as before but add "no upload". Max would be to select everything.

However moderate and maximum might prove to slow a download for some people's needs. Even min settings will have a some impact on dl speed.


12.02.10, 12:27
Thx for the answers.

What size is the "ifilter.dat" file that you downloaded. Its a zilp file about 4mb but when expanded it should be almost 19mb.
Roughly 8 lines down in the LOG tab it should report "x IP filters loaded". If you dont find this line then ur not ip filtering.

It's almost 19Mb. As I said the URL is the same, I only changed the .zip termination of the URL to .dat and then it works fine (log says: xxxxxx IP filters loaded).
I just wanted to know why it seems not to work for me. Updating ip-to-country.csv.zip and fakes.zip works perfectly.

If the icons are bothering you or your computer is slow then you can remove countryflag.dll, countryflag32.dll from the config dir.

It’s not bothering me, and my PC isn't slow on the contrary! :). I just wanted to know if this is wanted. The country flags are OVER the icons when you expand a download in the transfer window. It seems to me like a graphical bug.

However moderate and maximum might prove to slow a download for some people's needs. Even min settings will have a some impact on dl speed.

As I said, I don't care about speed I just want to know the securest configuration possible.

I'm now using:

I think the securest configuration is to also select "auto generate new rsa key"

I'm right?


12.02.10, 13:34
As far as i know RSA key is about secure identification, communication and storing Credits. Changing it may decrease chance of being banned(due to leeching) and and may slightly slower download.
In terms of successful full blown leeching(as you do when i look at the options set) files enabling "auto generate new rsa key" might be right choice to prevent anti-leech user ban(in this situation i recommend it).

To help you understand these options and some file issues that were ment earlier in the thread:

eMule -Project official files info:

anon's guide to eMule files written ages ago:
There http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=7284

More on secure identification:


More about security settings in eMule:

12.02.10, 14:03
the rsa key show you as a new user to other emulers

in the top post

This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

But companies associate your files with your ip not your credits. So the minimum way to protect urself is by using ip filters. But even that is no sure way.

12.02.10, 14:41
But companies associate your files with your ip not your credits. So the minimum way to protect urself is by using ip filters. But even that is no sure way.

I guess they watch both, because the most users have a new ip after 24 hours and it's easier for them to check their credit file...

12.02.10, 16:00
Hi guys!

- As I'm more into security than speed, can someone post the securest configuration?

Thank you and keep up the good work Butcho.


The securest configuration (after not using internet at all) is in my opinion:

1) Connection to the Internet

Use a double vpn (Openvpn over a PPTP)

2) eMule SBI 2.11:

In Connection
* Unthick ed2k network

In Security:
* See my Shared files: Nobody
* allow obfuscated connections only
* use secure identification
* Run emule as unprivileged user

In SBI Security:
* No share all files (don't send to kad + no queue + no upload + set default queue rule to hide + set default upload rule to hide, a little redundant, but it's in order to be entirely sure)
* Autogenerate new RSA Key

In SBI Mod

* Fake rank
* emulate others clients
* emulate community nick
* disable XS send

In SBI Protection

* All feature thicked (with "ban" rather than "reduce score")

In SBI Time

* Client ban time: 24h
* RSA Key Reset: 1h

In IpFilter
* Filter all IPs in the world except those of people you consider as friends.

For added security, you can use an encrypted partition, and/or run the VPNs and eMule SBI inside a VM.

But he best would be that Butcho or some other elite SBI coders make an iMule (eMule on I2P) or a FreeMule (emule on Freenet) version of SBI 2.11.

A small decrease in the number of sources and in download speed has to be expected, however.

12.02.10, 16:03
Smarty pants...

I know nothing is secure. I just want to know what I can do in the SBI mod settings to archive its maximum security. I already did that by myself, I only want to know if I'm right and/or spread my knowledge about the mods features.

Do you treat all new people here like this? I'm new here but no newbie in Software/Hardware. I just want some simple answers and no smarty pants answers.

This again proves there are no stupid questions only answers.


12.02.10, 16:42
@ daredevil_666 just simple way yes use auto generate new rsa key(note it is by default 2 hours time, eventually you can alter it in Options/SBI Time)

About security levels if anyone was willing to dig deeper - text about Filter levels extracted from the beginning of emulepawcio.sourceforge.net/nieuwe_site/Ipfilter_fakes/ipfilter

#Ipfilter v140 (19-12-2009) by R3Qu13M
#>> [based on Meuh6879's ipfilter format]
#>> Updated all lists (18-12-2009)
#>> Parsed lines/entries:269088 Found IP ranges:269088 Duplicate:0 Merged:0
#> 060 Unallocated Address Space on IPv4 1.345.751.872 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 31,33323%)
#> 070 Bogus AS Advertisements 970.016 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02258%)
#> 080 Possible Bogus Routes 336.888.836 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 07,84380%)
#> 090 Level1 774.680.400 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 18,03693%)
#> 095 Fake Server 1.237.564 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02881%)
#> 097 Microsoft 1.101.427 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02564%)
#> 107 Tor, proxy list 2.230 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,00005%)
#> 109 Level2 319.977.414 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 07,45005%)
#> 111 Spyware 272.237 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,00634%)
#> 113 Ad Trackers 468.211 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,01090%)
#> 115 Spider 1.064.962 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02480%)
#> 119 TempList 152.559 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,00355%)
#> 160 Lan range 302.055.193 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 07,03277%)
# Total IP Count = 2.456.490.595 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 57,19463%)
#>> Builded to be used with eMule & a private ISP. Fight the Future.
#> Last ipfilter releases [thx Da GuRu]
# File: IPFilter for eMule - [Hostex.de] (http://www.hostex.de/emule/ipfilter)

12.02.10, 17:12
Smarty pants...

I know nothing is secure. I just want to know what I can do in the SBI mod settings to archive its maximum security. I already did that by myself, I only want to know if I'm right and/or spread my knowledge about the mods features.

Do you treat all new people here like this? I'm new here but no newbie in Software/Hardware. I just want some simple answers and no smarty pants answers.

This again proves there are no stupid questions only answers.


My answer as only humorous because of its exaggeration, and not intend to shock you in any way.

Moreover, some of its elements have to be seriously considered in a security point of view, e.g. using Kad only, with "no share all file" + "auto generate RSA Key". Anyway changing RSA key is good with extreme leecher feature as "no share all files". And VPN usage is a good thing too, in my opinion.

In the settings you showed, I think that "don't send to server" + "don't publish to kad" + "don't send complete status" is redundant with your other setting "no share all files".

Personally, I use "don't share incoming" + "don't share your donwnloads" + "dont' send complete file status", with only good ed2k servers. Speed is good.

12.02.10, 17:50

That's the answer I wanted. :) Case rested. Thx!

In fact I only use KAD, about 5 years now I think.
I have added "auto generate rsa key" to my settings.


12.02.10, 21:28
Hey dude, sory when I said "should" I meant it as a suggestion (sory my bad lol)
I just tested it out and indeed you need to unzip the contents yourself.

No worries... am used to doing that. :smile:

Thanks too to Vation for the comprehensive explanation.

12.02.10, 21:29
Thanks too to Vation for the comprehensive explanation.

Don't forget to click the button for that purpose under his post -> http://www.sb-innovation.de/enlighten/buttons_eng_10/thanks.gif

13.02.10, 01:54
As in the case of the "FileBufferSize=" string in the preferences.ini file emule loads that value once at start up. However Butcho's rsa key auto regen feature, since we can set it to a custom time setting, how can we actually verify that emule is using the new rsa key?

The rsa auto regen feature is a blessing. If a new rsa key is loaded each time Butcho's mod regenerates a new one, doesnt that give cause for concern to other clients? if the id as changed when still connected?

Or is it the case that the new rsa key is sent to other clients only upon a reconnection to that client, regardless of the auto regenerate time interval? If this is the case if we leave the emule on for days at a time and we are dl large files we could be connected to those clients for hours or a day perhaps without a new rsa key, even with the auto regen enabled at short intervals.

Im not entriely sure how this works but if what i said above is true then wouldnt we need a reconnect everytime upon rsa regen?

On another note of security

How do we confirm for sure that a process such as emule is truely using a limited mode. This is a great feature that no BT client has when the user is running in admin mode.

13.02.10, 04:50
Thanks for this great mod, i have a question, do you know why I get a "failed to load antileech.dll; error code:126" message?, could you help me to fix it?, also i would like to know a config for extreme leeching (download as fast as possible and dont upload anything), thans in advance

13.02.10, 12:24
hi maniak see my post (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f230/emule-0-49c-sbi-leecher-v2-1-a-14676/index4.html#post163660) at v2.1

13.02.10, 15:23
hi guys,

first TAHNKS very much for your work and version...! :-)

may i ask - is it really true that there is no upload of the files that i

i have some trouble with lawyers right now because of the upload of some
music files..... - i am with the donkey since it was invented and with mule since it came out - but i have to stopp to share for a while becaus of the legal problems....

can i go on downloading with the leecher version without danger to get more trouble for "uploading"....??

i had to analyze my known.met with the "emule met viewer" - and saw that files i already downloaded with the 2.01 version of your mod had times in the known.met with "last shared"-date and time....

thanx,best regards

13.02.10, 15:57
I am no expert nor will I attempt to parlay any legal advice, however the secu section gives options to limit your contact with the networks emule uses. for max security turn on eveything and enable auto rsa regen at short intervals, also use an ip filter.

Now having said that there is simply no fool proof way of protecting yourself from prying eyes if you use p2p to dl illegal stuff if they are very determined.

13.02.10, 17:18
Now having said that there is simply no fool proof way of protecting yourself from prying eyes if you use p2p to dl illegal stuff if they are very determined.

Sure, as long as you're downloading you can be spotted. But not sharing or uploading anything can minimize the risks.

Regarding your other post, you can check the RSA key thing by looking at the log - you'll be told every time eMule changes to the new one. But using it totally wipes your credits. And I think Process Explorer will tell you if the program is running as a limited user or not.

13.02.10, 19:50

thanx - here the (expensive) problem is, lawyers aiming in on the UPload - no word about the download to send expensive written warnings....
they make a lot of money with some glibbery-laws....
by law there should be a max-limit of cost about 100,- but they found a way to go up to about 800,- per file.....!

so it is vital to be shure - IF i should download the one or other file, that there is no upload in the background....

there accomplices firms just simply "download" there own files and log who is delivering... and bingo - they have your ip..... they mustn`t share there files and look for downloaders, otherwise they would be in conflict with law themself....

so the point is, if there is no upload, there is almost no danger to get ripped by those "so called" lawyers...

thats why i asked if there is from technical view no upload if i activate the sec-options...? :)

greetings and thanx

13.02.10, 19:52
Just tick "no upload", "no share all files" and "no queue", and restart. You shouldn't upload a single byte afterwards.

13.02.10, 20:41
thanx - some bytes do upload.....

guess that ist for administrativ data header requests and stuff..? :)

13.02.10, 20:42
It's protocol overhead, if you've ticked the settings I mentioned there's no need to worry.

13.02.10, 21:12
I have a searching problem. If an ongoing search, for example "Wishes The Boomtang" and during this if I start a new search for "Boomtang" then I get a message that says "there's already ongoing search..." could you add an option like "allow similar searches at the same time" Since different name combinations give different results, I' like to do such searches at parallel (at the same time).

13.02.10, 23:04
I have a searching problem. If an ongoing search, for example "Wishes The Boomtang" and during this if I start a new search for "Boomtang" then I get a message that says "there's already ongoing search..." could you add an option like "allow similar searches at the same time" Since different name combinations give different results, I' like to do such searches at parallel (at the same time).

Not all parallel searches are blocked only KADemlia. Server search allows multi search.
As a workaround(that you may be aweare of) sometimes it may be better to search for single words in KAD search and add Filter to each single word search.(Filter in right side of screen).

And multi KAD search is up to modder - Butcho.

13.02.10, 23:22

thanx - here the (expensive) problem is, lawyers aiming in on the UPload - no word about the download to send expensive written warnings....
they make a lot of money with some glibbery-laws....
by law there should be a max-limit of cost about 100,- but they found a way to go up to about 800,- per file.....!

so it is vital to be shure - IF i should download the one or other file, that there is no upload in the background....

there accomplices firms just simply "download" there own files and log who is delivering... and bingo - they have your ip..... they mustn`t share there files and look for downloaders, otherwise they would be in conflict with law themself....

so the point is, if there is no upload, there is almost no danger to get ripped by those "so called" lawyers...

thats why i asked if there is from technical view no upload if i activate the sec-options...? :)

greetings and thanx

As Anon said, you could use "no share" + "no upload" + "no queue". With in my opinion "auto generate RSA key". An only Kad usage. The price to be paid is the number of sources you can get with these extreme leecher features. You can use this solution for the short/middle term, but for the long term, I advice you to manually add (as often as possible) as friend every people you see sending to you non faked data (witch is the case when you use ed2k links from ed2k sites): If someone send to you some non faked parts of "TheLastBlockBuster.avi", it is very unlikely that this person could belongs to some anti P2P group. So, in the long term, you construct a set of good peers. Then, when this set is big enough (says, at least 10,000 people) you can switch to less extreme leecher feature, such as "upload only to friend", "queue only for friends", etc.

So your security level will remains the same, but you will be able to find more sources... And what is important too, you will be able to participate to the wealth of the network. I think we have to protect ourselves, but in hurting the network as least as possible.

The boring part of the process obviously consists in manually adding the peers to friend list, and the time required to obtain a big list of friends. :frown:

To Butcho:
As experimental, I have tried to use a modified IPFilter in witch I inserted the IP of one of the ed2k server I use. Then, in Options/security, I have unthicked "filter servers too". Normally, the server would not have been filtered. But it did.

14.02.10, 00:40
As a workaround(that you may be aweare of) sometimes it may be better to search for single words in KAD search and add Filter to each single word search.(Filter in right side of screen).
But I mean different keyword combination, adding and removing some words to my search really helps.

I use kad + server search (thanks for global + kad addition by the way) Previously I was using dreamule and I can use parallel kad + server searching without any trouble, I hope Butcho consider it.

14.02.10, 11:19
thanx for your tips - i hope this need to leech is just a short/middle term thing....

but right now i mustn`t get caught for the forth time.... ;)

14.02.10, 12:58
Regarding your other post, you can check the RSA key thing by looking at the log - you'll be told every time eMule changes to the new one. But using it totally wipes your credits. And I think Process Explorer will tell you if the program is running as a limited user or not.

Thanks anon

Im not a programer just an inquisitive person lol :biggrin: I wanted to know more about how emule SBI functions and protects us :biggrin: more Knowledge is always good hehe

In W7 it seems that there is no choice but to run emule as admin when the logged on user is in admin mode, I even tried the runas.exe and created a limited account and run emule but wouldnt let me whilst in admin mode.

If I remember correctly when I used XP the process manager revealed the 'user name' of emule as something like "emule_Secure". But in W7 it shows emule as "[x (user that emule started in)]. And in W7 emule has the "run eMule as unprivilleged user" unselectable.

However in WinXP emule does allow to run in "unprivilleged mode". In WindowsXP task manager under the tab "user name" it shows the user's Windows Login name but it doesnt reveal the secuity level (admin, limited, guest) assigned to the "user name" running emule. Is there any way to reveal this user access level of a username?

14.02.10, 17:17
However in WinXP emule does allow to run in "unprivilleged mode". In WindowsXP task manager under the tab "user name" it shows the user's Windows Login name but it doesnt reveal the secuity level (admin, limited, guest) assigned to the "user name" running emule. Is there any way to reveal this user access level of a username?

Don't ask me, I run all my programs as admin. :unsure:

A quick look at the Task Manager's column setup would say there isn't...

14.02.10, 23:28
As experimental, I have tried to use a modified IPFilter in witch I inserted the IP of one of the ed2k server I use. Then, in Options/security, I have unthicked "filter servers too". Normally, the server would not have been filtered. But it did.

Then it must be the same with the original emule.
I will check it...

Not all parallel searches are blocked only KADemlia. Server search allows multi search.

I never noticed that before. I've only changed the kad search method that the program automatically removes forbidden strings. But i will also insert kad multi search.

15.02.10, 13:12
I never noticed that before. I've only changed the kad search method that the program automatically removes forbidden strings. But i will also insert kad multi search.

Should be easy to do, sarutobi implemented in in his mode and you are closely cooperating.

15.02.10, 13:27
I have noticed this for at least 2 (I think) mod versions already that emule will download a zero (0) byte file and I cant delete it using explorer. The common thing with all 5 of the undeletable files is the names are all over 159 chars each and without an extension ie "123 abc."

Has anyone else experienced this?

nor can I move or rename those files

15.02.10, 18:45
@saebrtooth: So far I downloaded 100+ files no such thing happened. For fix them try tools unlocker (freeware) or much better but trial DelinvFile.

16.02.10, 03:43
cos I like to download ebooks and there are many hundreds of thousands on emule, but myself ive downloaded 1000s but only 5 has occured this way.

16.02.10, 03:57
hi maniak see my post (http://www.sb-innovation.de/f230/emule-0-49c-sbi-leecher-v2-1-a-14676/index4.html#post163660) at v2.1

Hi I downloaded that new DLL but i still get that error, another idea :confused:

PS: still hopping somebody could share a config for xtreme leeching :biggrin:

16.02.10, 04:29
re: the DLL, i had the exact same problem, and thats how i fixed it. make sure your downloading the latest one. its usually listed near the bottom of the page.

17.02.10, 22:55
I have few request that few mods has some of them but most mods not.

1- On transfers pane, can you place "download button" and "close all search results button" next to the "search results" drop down button so more results space can be gained. Also can you put the find box at the same place (next to the "search results") so results tab can have more space too.

2- Can you assign a f key for preview function.

3- On transfers pane, integrated search box would be great, it would filter file names as you type just like search pane has.

4- Another search panel related request. On finished search, I scroll down a long result list and when I'm on the middle of the list, if use search filter (right side written file name box) and clear search results using x button then list goes to the top, not where I was before using search (filter) results.

5- On transfer pane, never seen completed files and on search pane, %0 completed file names should be marked with red. Currently on search, only "completed" column's font is red, sometimes I download such items by accident, so full row red for %0 would be good and also a warning message would be helpful like "this file %0 completed, are you sure to download"

6. On search pane, both cancelled and completed downloads marked green, I wish cancelled marked with orange or brown so I disguise them much easier.

19.02.10, 14:50
eMule v0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11 Statistics [http://emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 1
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 0
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: Waiting...
Average upload time: 0 Seconds
Total Overhead (Packets): 7.56 MB (171.66 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 2.07 MB (50.61 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 1.24 KB (74)
Server Overhead (Packets): 321.66 KB (1.00 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 2.89 MB (86.40 k)
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: Waiting...
Average upload time: 0 Seconds
Total Overhead (Packets): 8.31 MB (187.58 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 2.25 MB (55.41 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 1.48 KB (88)
Server Overhead (Packets): 385.62 KB (1.26 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 3.05 MB (91.61 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.35 GB
eMule: 1.24 GB (99.2%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 370.00 KB (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 9.36 MB (0.7%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 460.00 KB (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 142.23 MB (10.3%)
Other: 1.21 GB (89.7%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 6
Active Downloads (chunks): 26
Found Sources: 1183
On Queue: 1105
Queue Full: 18
No needed parts: 14
Asking: 0
Receiving hashset: 0
Connecting: 0
Connecting via server: 0
Too many connections: 0
Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
Problematic: 0
Banned: 0
Asked for another file: 1880
Unknown: 21
via eD2K Server: 23
via Kad: 254
via Source Exchange: 501
via Passive: 406
eD2K: 1056 (89.3%)
Kad: 1083 (91.5%)
eD2K/Kad: 956 (80.8%)
UDP File Reasks: 6.59 k, Failed: 876 (13.3%)
Dead Sources: 315 (290 + 25)
Download Sessions: 268
Successful Download Sessions: 228 (85.1%)
Failed Download Sessions: 40 (14.9%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 6.07 MB
Average Download Time: 16:04 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 16.75 MB (1.2%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 13.32 MB (276.06 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 4.77 MB (182.26 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 451.86 KB (1.60 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 49.24 KB (748)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 5.76 MB (60.40 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.37 GB
eMule: 1.26 GB (99.2%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 370.00 KB (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 9.36 MB (0.7%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 460.00 KB (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 142.23 MB (10.1%)
Other: 1.23 GB (89.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 6
Download Sessions: 320
Successful Download Sessions: 263 (82.2%)
Failed Download Sessions: 57 (17.8%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 5.34 MB
Average Download Time: 8:41 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 16.82 MB (1.2%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 14.33 MB (292.32 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 5.01 MB (189.10 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 556.83 KB (1.80 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 58.11 KB (900)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 6.10 MB (64.20 k)
Reconnects: 22
Active Connections (estimate): 95 (Half:0 | Compl:32 | Other:63)
Average Connections (estimate): 100
Peak Connections (estimate): 251
Upload-Speed: 640 B/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 2.85 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 168.36 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 96.68 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 315.30 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 96.68 KB/s
Reconnects: 22
Average Connections (estimate): 64
Peak Connections (estimate): 251
Max Connection Limit Reached: 7
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 2.85 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Average Downloadrate: 50.76 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 315.30 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 50.76 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 2010-02-15 18:10:02
Time Since Last Reset: 3 Days 20:38 Hours
Runtime: 4:05 Hours
Transfer Time: 4:04 Hours (99.6%)
Upload Time: 4:04 Hours (99.6%)
Download Time: 4:02 Hours (98.6%)
Current Server Duration: 1:22 Hours (33.4%)
Total Server Duration: 4:00 Hours (97.9%)
Runtime: 5:00 Hours
Transfer Time: 4:38 Hours (92.6%)
Upload Time: 4:38 Hours (92.6%)
Download Time: 4:34 Hours (91.3%)
Total Server Duration: 4:34 Hours (91.2%)
Projected Averages
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total Overhead (Packets): 2.15 MB (48.60 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 595.73 KB (14.36 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 392 Bytes (23)
Server Overhead (Packets): 99.91 KB (326)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 809.03 KB (23.73 k)
Downloaded Data: 363.71 MB
eMule: 333.46 MB (99.2%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 95.86 KB (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 2.42 MB (0.7%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 119.18 KB (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 36.85 MB (10.1%)
Other: 326.87 MB (89.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 1
Download Sessions: 82
Successful Download Sessions: 68 (82.9%)
Failed Download Sessions: 14 (17.1%)
Gained Due To Compression: 4.36 MB
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 3.71 MB (75.73 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 1.30 MB (48.99 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 144.26 KB (466)
Server Overhead (Packets): 15.05 KB (233)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 1.58 MB (16.63 k)
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total Overhead (Packets): 65.46 MB (1.48 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 17.70 MB (436.64 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 11.64 KB (693)
Server Overhead (Packets): 2.97 MB (9.91 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 24.03 MB (721.92 k)
Downloaded Data: 10.80 GB
eMule: 9.91 GB (99.2%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 2.85 MB (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 73.72 MB (0.7%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 3.54 MB (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 1.09 GB (10.1%)
Other: 9.71 GB (89.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 47
Download Sessions: 2521
Successful Download Sessions: 2072 (82.2%)
Failed Download Sessions: 449 (17.8%)
Gained Due To Compression: 132.53 MB
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 112.96 MB (2.30 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 39.50 MB (1.49 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 4.29 MB (14.18 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 457.90 KB (7.09 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 48.09 MB (505.89 k)
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total Overhead (Packets): 785.57 MB (17.74 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 212.35 MB (5.24 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 139.72 KB (8.32 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 35.61 MB (118.96 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 288.38 MB (8.66 M)
Downloaded Data: 129.64 GB
eMule: 118.86 GB (99.2%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 34.17 MB (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 884.69 MB (0.7%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 42.48 MB (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 13.13 GB (10.1%)
Other: 116.51 GB (89.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 567
Download Sessions: 30260
Successful Download Sessions: 24870 (82.2%)
Failed Download Sessions: 5390 (17.8%)
Gained Due To Compression: 1.55 GB
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 1.32 GB (27.64 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 473.97 MB (17.88 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 51.42 MB (170.21 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 5.37 MB (85.11 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 577.06 MB (6.07 M)
Known Clients: 1496
eMule: 1449 (96.9%)
v0.49c: 1001 (69.1%)
v0.49b: 199 (13.7%)
v0.48a: 109 (7.5%)
v0.49a: 66 (4.6%)
Minor: 72 (5.0%)
v0.47c: 53 (3.7%)
v0.47a: 12 (0.8%)
v0.46c: 6 (0.4%)
v0.47b: 1 (0.1%)
eD Hybrid: 0 (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 (0.0%)
aMule: 16 (1.1%)
v2.2.6: 5 (31.3%)
v2.2.4: 5 (31.3%)
v2.2.2: 3 (18.8%)
v2.3.0: 1 (6.3%)
Minor: 2 (12.5%)
v2.2.5: 1 (6.3%)
v2.2.3: 1 (6.3%)
MLdonkey: 5 (0.3%)
Shareaza: 2 (0.1%)
eM Compat: 24 (1.6%)
Unknown: 0 (0.0%)
eD2K: 1332 (89.0%)
Kad: 1358 (90.8%)
eD2K/Kad: 1195 (79.9%)
Unknown: 1 (0.1%)
Default: 270 (18.0%)
Other: 1226 (82.0%)
Firewalled (Kad)
UDP: 14.1%
TCP: 19.8%
Low ID: 492 (32.9%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 1437 (96.9%) : 46 (3.1%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 1
Filtered: 731
Leecher-Hits: 2075
Working Servers: 23
Users on Working Servers: 1.95 M; Low ID: 1.16 M (59.7%)
Files on Working Servers: 222.11 M
Server Occupation: 22.90%
Failed Servers: 0
Deleted Servers: 62
Total: 23
Total Users: 1.95 M
Total Files: 222.11 M
Max. Working Servers: 24
Max. Users Online: 2.24 M
Max. Files Available: 297.12 M
Shared Files
Number of Shared Files: 0
Average file size: 0 Bytes
Largest Shared File: 0 Bytes
Total size of Shared Files: 0 Bytes
Max. Files Ever Shared: 0
Largest Average File Size: 0 Bytes
Largest Shared File: 0 Bytes
Largest Share Size: 0 Bytes
Disk Space
Number of Downloads: 330
Total Size of Downloads: 69.01 GB
Total Completed Size: 14.16 GB (21%)
Total Size Left to Transfer: 54.84 GB
Free Space on Tempdrive: 43.19 GB
Additional Space Needed for Downloads: 29.67 GB

23.02.10, 06:19
eMule v0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11 Statistics [mskvorc1]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.92
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 2.92
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.92
Uploaded Data: 1.98 GB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 5
Total Uploads: 5
Waiting Uploads: 2765
Upload Sessions: 303
Total successful upload sessions: 259 (85.48%)
Total failed upload sessions: 44 (14.52%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 7.81 MB
Average upload time: 36:50 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 82.54 MB (1.24 M)
Downloaded Data: 5.78 GB
Completed Downloads: 3
Active Downloads (chunks): 12
Found Sources: 1955
Download Sessions: 1331
Successful Download Sessions: 1137 (85.4%)
Failed Download Sessions: 194 (14.6%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 5.20 MB
Average Download Time: 17:36 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 9.91 MB (0.2%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 1.58 MB (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 92.85 MB (1.58 M)
Upload-Speed: 20.01 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 19.15 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 20.15 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 19.32 KB/s
Download-Speed: 53.08 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 56.00 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 182.36 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 74.06 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 22.2.2010 0:18:44
Time Since Last Reset: 1 Days 6:01 Hours
Runtime: 1 Days 6:03 Hours
Transfer Time: 1 Days 6:02 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 9:01 Hours (30.0%)
Total Server Duration: 1 Days 6:00 Hours (99.8%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 2978
Firewalled (Kad)
Low ID: 954 (32.0%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 2920 (99.5%) : 15 (0.5%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 382
Filtered: 1623
Leecher-Hits: 7017
Shared Files
Disk Space

24.02.10, 16:09
I am not sure how this works? But I am in waiting list for download in numbers like 1000 with spooky mode..Is something I am missing to do differently for fast downloads.?

24.02.10, 16:25
Spooky mode won't magically make you hop to the beginning of others' queues... if you aren't familiar with leecher mods you should do a search for the post where I explained the settings.

25.02.10, 04:10
No one wants to wait - No One. What is this world coming to C'mon people!!
nah joking

Just have a 1000 or more to be qued in Download window. If the files have few sources then que more. Just a simple matter of statistics. You might have like 15-20 files downloading at like xkb/ or xxkb/s but you will fill your bandwidth to the brim.

01.03.10, 13:47
About fake rank

What the value to make good download speed ?
The smaller, the better (i.e: 1)
or, the bigger, the better (999999...)

01.03.10, 14:12
A smaller value is better, but you should insert a larger number like 1.
If you send a to good ranking at once the fake rank is easy to detect.
g_m created the fake rank feature that you start with the start value and the program recuce it after the fake rank time (sbi time) expired.
Perhaps i change it in the future that you also could insert the fake rank step value...

01.03.10, 17:08
What the value to make good download speed ?
The smaller, the better (i.e: 1)
or, the bigger, the better (999999...)

If you aren't familiar with the setting it's better to leave it on its default, optimal value.

06.03.10, 06:33
Will Butcho release a VM friendly version? :smile:

06.03.10, 06:48
How is the current one not VM friendly?

06.03.10, 10:57
How is the current one not VM friendly?

I'm sorry,my KIS2010 cries. Not only this one, the one from Seba also cries. so i'm still using version 2.1 :frown:

06.03.10, 11:24
try to put an exception for emule

06.03.10, 11:54
try to put an exception for emule

It doesn't work. As soon as I download 2.11 and extract it, KIS kills the "trojan" at once. There is only changelog and config in the file,emule.exe has been killed.:eek13:

06.03.10, 12:13
i don't know how KIS works
but i got a stupid solution :biggrin:

disable KIS, Run eMule, reactivate KIS,

now KIS will cry but will not delete emule becuase its in use!


search more in KIS settings,
i remember there are multiple places to put an exception

06.03.10, 12:25
It doesn't work. As soon as I download 2.11 and extract it, KIS kills the "trojan" at once. There is only changelog and config in the file,emule.exe has been killed.:eek13:

Put an exception or exclusion in the AV and Malware section in the install-directory then directly extract, not "pull and let go" in winrar into that install-directory. This will allow "all" files in that dir an exception and not just one file

06.03.10, 13:21
Finish it ! It can be used now :biggrin: thank you everyone!

06.03.10, 17:02
Will Butcho release a VM friendly version? :smile:

VM-friendly means you can run it in virtual machines, not that your antivirus won't notice a false positive.

08.03.10, 00:39
On long file names tool tips truncated for both search & transfer windows. Especially on search panel tool tips are useful to see complete name of the files, currently I have to expand file name column then contract it again.

08.03.10, 01:21
Do you mean by "tool tips" a mouse-over?

08.03.10, 12:55
Yes mouse-over tool tips.

Another little issue on transfers pane, downloads number (on left upper tab like area) contains also completed downloads, can this number show downloads number without completed, stopped, paused files? Or can you add something like "all/without the things above" example "100/76" so we can see how many inactive downloads easily.

08.03.10, 13:15
Mouse-over name expansion to see a filename within a small sized column already works, maybe you can try again.

It gives 10 pieces of info about the file whether or not the column can reveal the whole filename or not. :smile:

08.03.10, 13:30
But on long long names tooltips doesn't show the whole name.

Search for archive using "90's dance music hits" then try on one of the long name, tool tip will show truncated not the whole name.

08.03.10, 13:47
Ah yes the name doesnt show completely, maybe it can be word-wraped instead? But I think when burning to dics ur burner software will most likely truncate it and not be able to use such a long file name anyway.

08.03.10, 14:00
Word-wrap can be good. You're right about burning but why I asked this is I would like to see the complete name when I searching because I want to see the all artists names & details in compilations, videos etc (in this example you can't see some of the artists)

08.03.10, 15:33
A smaller value is better, but you should insert a larger number like 1.
If you send a to good ranking at once the fake rank is easy to detect.
g_m created the fake rank feature that you start with the start value and the program recuce it after the fake rank time (sbi time) expired.
Perhaps i change it in the future that you also could insert the fake rank step value...

Maybe the user could define an interval of time (stepmin, stepmax) in witch the client would (after each sbi time expiration) randomly chose the step used ?

11.03.10, 13:08
The mod already don't reduce the ranking with exact the same value at every update.
But we could also insert a second value like you wrote it.

13.03.10, 18:42
Can similar settings as given by Anon used in this version?


One noob question, if i select the option to upload the files, won't my download speed increase in due course. ?

13.03.10, 18:43
Can similar settings as given by Anon used in this version?

Yes, although the new version has more features that aren't documented in that post.

One noob question, if i select the option to upload the files, won't my download speed increase in due course. ?

It will (assuming you cap it to 80% of your max upload speed to avoid saturating the connection), since you'll get credits with others. :smile:

14.03.10, 02:59
There is countryflag,countryflag32 and IP-to Country in config,but why can't I show the flags? How to realize it?

14.03.10, 05:45
Have you placed Countryflag32 in emule's appdata directory?
It worked when I had the same problem.

14.03.10, 08:25
Yes, It works. :biggrin:

14.03.10, 20:42
Have you placed Countryflag32 in emule's appdata directory?
It worked when I had the same problem.

??? Normal the emule config directory is the correct place.
Which os did you use?

14.03.10, 23:52
The mod already don't reduce the ranking with exact the same value at every update.
But we could also insert a second value like you wrote it.

Thanks for this precision. Maybe the fake rank update time itself could be randomly chosen by the client inside some given interval (eg (10mn, 20mn), defined by the user), or in an interval of time +/- X min around the mean uptade time M, with X and M defined by the client's user, at the end of each updating period ?

15.03.10, 02:43
??? Normal the emule config directory is the correct place.
Which os did you use?

Maybe Win 7.

15.03.10, 11:01
let's talk about that if we start with v2.3

Maybe Win 7.

Yes you right i saw that i never changed he country flag code since they released win7.
Now emule checks if your os is newer like win xp but the country flag part don't know win7 until now.
I'll fix it in v2.2.

18.03.10, 15:46
I use kad & servers search. If I search back to back then sometimes results becomes mixed. Say search for "elvis presley" then another search for "madonna" now in "madonna" search tab there's lots of "elvis presley" files and "elvis presley" search tab lack of some results because these search results went into "madonna" search tab.

19.03.10, 02:14
I think the offical has also the same problem if you search immediately after the other without allowing all the searched results to appear first

19.03.10, 15:23
Right. I hope Butcho find a work-around. Like pausing another search process for few seconds etc.

20.03.10, 01:48
It would be better if you go to the official eMule forum and ask for a fix cos then it will benefit all emule and emule mod users.

20.03.10, 10:30
SBI time settings. If I set every time to its min number,will I be banned by the server or will I get more sources and speed? a little greedy :rolleyes2:

20.03.10, 11:45
You wont be banned and it will increase the possiblilty of more sources

20.03.10, 16:55
SBI time settings. If I set every time to its min number,will I be banned by the server or will I get more sources and speed? a little greedy :rolleyes2:

The defaults are already optimized for extra speeds. Using wrong settings will get you banned by other clients and maybe the server, so don't touch them.

21.03.10, 03:18
But Ive tried lower update speeds before and havnt been banned fro servers, however i havnt noticed with clients tho

21.03.10, 12:03
??? Normal the emule config directory is the correct place.
Which os did you use?

I use Vista.
Config is in appdata\local

21.03.10, 16:39
But Ive tried lower update speeds before ... however i havnt noticed with clients tho

Official mods will notice the faster reask speed :happy:

26.03.10, 18:28
SBI time settings. If I set every time to its min number,will I be banned by the server or will I get more sources and speed? a little greedy

Yes, but some client will ban you, right ?

26.03.10, 18:29
Look at post #110 :closedeyes:

28.03.10, 17:08
Hi. I have some request. Why you don't add the "share only the need", the "client analyzer" and the "fakerank only to blocked client" ? :top:

28.03.10, 17:42
I thought about client analyzer in my first 0.50a version.
hide os and share only the need is already in my to do list. for one of my next versions.

thx for your requests... :wink:

28.03.10, 17:50
Help please. At me eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.11 gives failures in work. Completely fades for time (more often for 20-30 seconds), then there is a loading further, but some clients are thus disconnected. Such failures frequent with repetition from 1 till 10 minutes. Happens emule it is disconnected for a long time or for ever fades. Normal work is impossible. Tried other versions v2.01 and v1.9 - the same case - do not work as it is necessary. But v1.8 perfectly works, no failures. I will not understand, why three following gives failures in work.
The such I meet for the first time. Has tried set of changes in options - helps nothing. Anti-virus programs are not guilty - completely disconnected. Licence Windows XP-SP2 tried to update - has not helped. Help, the program remarkable.
Thankful in advance for the help.

28.03.10, 18:03
@Aleksay: did you do a clean install ?
@butcho: for me hide os is not useful because if i upload the chunk 1 to the client A, and the chunk 2 to the client B, i hide this. But when client A is disconnected and come the client C, with the hide os, he cant have the chunk 1. But with the share only the need the problem not exist because he analyze the client of your queque :top:

P.S. : there also many feature who can be added in future for do a perfect mod... always if you want it butcho.

28.03.10, 18:28
@Aleksay: did you do a clean install ?

Yes. Has loaded from this site, has unpacked, has sent in folder Program Files, has added old cryptkey.dat, preferences.dat, clients.met and has referred on eMule.exe. Tried to repeat installation without addition of a key and clients - has not helped.

28.03.10, 20:19
Mmm.... If i set "don't send complete files staus" the "don't send" at who ? At the server ? At the other clients ?

28.03.10, 20:19
I'm not sure it was to other clients or both.

28.03.10, 20:41
No problem... I wait Butcho. He know that, sure :top:

28.03.10, 21:53
If in v1.8 there was a loading and unloading maximum, in v2.11 such:

28.03.10, 21:54
I'm not sure of what you mean, but the mod doesn't hard-cap your speeds. Check your Connection settings.

28.03.10, 22:02
Mmm.... If i set "don't send complete files staus" the "don't send" at who ? At the server ? At the other clients ?

It's only for the connected server.
We think at the moment about to insert something similar for other clients.

28.03.10, 22:11
I'm not sure of what you mean, but the mod doesn't hard-cap your speeds. Check your Connection settings.

I 15 different mods put also such was not. Restrictions do not influence in any way work though as expose.

Start of the program begins with a half-minute of work and 1-2 minute stops.

28.03.10, 22:34
We think at the moment about to insert something similar for other clients.

Maybe a separate feature for clients is better :top:
Now work ok :top:
When final 0.50a i will send you a pm about some feature for your mod butcho :klatsch_3:

ps: thx for the help

29.03.10, 01:46
Hi Butcho and thank you for the excellent work!

Would it be possible to get a full list of the features that removes hash info from the known.met and known2_64.met hash tables?

This way for those whom want a complete history of downloaded files can retain it like in the original even if it means less secuity.

Thanks :top:

29.03.10, 07:49
Has found! If I mark "no upload" no failures are present, remarkably works. Only I include upload - at once stops!!! Again I mark "no upload" - eMule has earned.
Here a problem. If I can give, it is necessary to do it and it strongly increases speed of an exchange.
Help please. Can in the new version will work normally?

29.03.10, 14:49
Would it be possible to get a full list of the features that removes hash info from the known.met and known2_64.met hash tables?

I think "no share all files" is enough to blank those. Last time I checked your shares had to be rehashed after disabling that option.

29.03.10, 15:19
From what I see I think it is
"Don't share the incoming"
"Don't share all files"

But Butcho might have added some more secuity features using this de-hash feature. I wonder what else?

31.03.10, 15:48
Ich habe mal eine Frage an die deutschen User, da das mit dem Abmahnen bei uns ja am akutesten ist:

Ist es mit diesem Mod bei eingestelltem "don't share all files" unmöglich, geloggt zu werden? Ist es richtig, dass die einzigen, die überhaupt noch die Chance haben, zu sehen dass man überhaupt existiert diejenigen sind, bei denen man gerade in der Warteschlange ist und die selbst uploaden?


31.03.10, 15:53
I'm not familiar with the specific details of German downloading laws, but from what I've heard, not sharing or uploading anything not queueing anyone should suffice. Still, wait for more feedback if you want to be safe. This thread may be of some interest:


31.03.10, 17:20
Explanation list is very useful but could you add cons & pros for each (or important) features?

31.03.10, 19:32
I could write a text wall about that, but it's easier if you tell me which features are "important" for you. :happy:

01.04.10, 02:50
tuneyx, most people are just worried about speed and security. So i guess he is asking about those

01.04.10, 15:03
Cons & pros of the features that effects sources & speed would be great. Security is not important, so far nothing happened insecure :wink:

01.04.10, 16:27
Has tried many variants. Helps nothing. If I expose in Connektion - Upload Slots = 3 then there are no problems. If it is more 3, then full failure Upload and Download.
But at 3 slots I lose much. Official emule automatically holds norm 12 slots and the channel is completely loaded.
If Upload Slots = Focus, then too full stop.
Really only at me such problems and only with last versions - v0.49c SBI Leecher?
The best emule for me, and such troubles.

01.04.10, 18:34
Can you post me your exact settings that i can try to simulate it?
-Upload Limit Value
-Upload Limit Yes/No
-Uploadslot Control - slot focus or?
-Upload to Friends Yes/No
-Upload Rule per File Yes/No/Which
-Any No Share Feature Yes/No/Which

01.04.10, 19:23
Cons & pros of the features that effects sources & speed would be great. Security is not important, so far nothing happened insecure :wink:

OK, let's see:

SBI Security

No upload
Advantage: doesn't upload anything to anyone. Useful if your country's laws prohibit uploading while downloading is allowed.
Disadvantage: decreases speeds in the long run, due to lack of credits.

Upload only to friends
Advantage(?): self-explanatory
Disadvantage: same as above, decrease varies according how many friends you have

Don't upload to low ID clients
Advantage: doesn't upload to low ID clients. Useful if you're releasing a file and don't want to waste upload on firewalled peers that will have a harder time spreading it afterwards.
Disadvantage: they could otherwise be good uploaders, same as with "no upload".

Don't share the incoming folder
Advantage: finished downloads won't be shared, less exposure of shared files
Disadvantage: speed decrease (credits) caused by the lack of sharing and minimized upload

Don't share your downloads
Advantage: ongoing downloads won't be shared, they aren't exposed
Disadvantage: same as above (smaller decrease)

Don't share all files
Advantage: finished and partial downloads won't be shared, minimal exposure
Disadvantage: possible large speed decrease

Note that if I remember correctly, custom folders will always be shared.

No queue
Advantage: people won't be queued. If you can't upload to them when they ask, they're dropped.
Disadvantage: possible speed decrease since others won't even enter the queue if all your upload slots are already being used.

Queue only for friends
Advantage(?): self-explanatory
Disadvantage: same as above, decrease varies according how many friends you have

No queue for low ID clients
Advantage: doesn't queue low ID clients. Useful if you're releasing a file and don't want to waste bandwidth on firewalled peers that will have a harder time spreading it afterwards.
Disadvantage: they could otherwise be good uploaders, same as with "no queue".

Don't publish filelist in Kad
Advantage: your list of shared files won't be passed to Kad nodes. They won't know what you're sharing, and you won't appear as a source when others use Search.
Disadvantage: you may have a harder time uploading for those same reasons.

Don't send filelist to server
Advantage/disadvantage: same as above

Don't send complete file status
Advantage: the server doesn't see you as having a full copy of files. Possible security benefit?
Disadvantage: you won't appear as a full source for any file when others use Search. But others should realize you are one when they connect to you.

Auto generate new RSA key
Advantage: automatically totally resets your unique identity in the eD2K network, thus evading bans placed on your ID.
Disadvantage: credits associated with your previous ID are lost forever.


Fake rank
Advantage: gives others a fake queue rank, making them believe we'll eventually upload to them, even if it isn't the case. Certain clients like being told that and give you boost.
Disadvantage: none? Other mods' fake rank feature can be detected by anti-leech, but as far as I know this one can't.

Emulate other client software/community nick addons
Advantage: if some using a community nick or mod is found, eMule will make you pose as using the same one, which may give you a boost.
Disadvantage: none? The mod knows what to copy and what not.

Disable [XS] send
Advantage: saves bandwidth by not sending your known sources to others.
Disadvantage: others may detect you as an "XS exploiter" and treat you accordingly.

Auto server rotation
Advantage: connects to another server every X minutes (settable via SBI Time settings), which can get more sources for your downloads.
Disadvantage: none, unless you set a very low rotation interval, which could end up with servers banning your IP.

Multi server connection
Advantage: connects to more than one server, increasing your simultaneous source horizon.
Disadvantage: every server connection increases your overhead. More than 3 is not recommended.

Auto drop NNS/FQ/TMC/QR>x/leechers
Advantage: saves RAM and bandwidth by deleting sources you can afford to lose at the time of the dropping (NNS: doesn't have any of the file parts you want, FQ: queue full, TMC: too many connections open, QR>x: QR is higher than x, presumably a big enough number, leechers: other leecher clients).
Disadvantage: those clients could end up being good sources later.

Auto ask for new sources
Advantage: self-explanatory
Disadvantage: a low interval could cause other clients to ban you.

Auto load/save sources
Advantage: automatically saves the source list upon closing eMule, and loads it when restarted. Helps getting out of a "cold start" faster. Saved sources expire after some days.
Disadvantages: eMule may take a few more seconds to close.

SBI Time

These come optimized by default. Don't touch them unless you know what you're doing.

SBI Protection

These come optimized by default. Don't touch them unless you know what you're doing.

The only thing I would change here is unticking "detect ghost mods" and/or "no upload for leecher clients".

01.04.10, 19:31
-Upload Limit Value - 55-90 - has no value (Really channel upload nearby 60)
-Upload Limit Yes/No - Yes (55-90) - has no value
-Uploadslot Control - slot focus or? From Full to a maximum. It turns out only 3.
-Upload to Friends Yes/No - There are no restrictions
-Upload Rule per File Yes/No/Which - where it?
-Any No Share Feature Yes/No/Which - Don't share the incoming folder.

Has made pictures:
1 //i070.radikal.ru/1004/48/6b9843ce1e1f.jpg
2 //i072.radikal.ru/1004/a3/35524570ed48.jpg
3 //s50.radikal.ru/i129/1004/1f/927164136922.jpg
4 //s57.radikal.ru/i157/1004/97/fa160eacbd0d.jpg
5 //i073.radikal.ru/1004/36/5b9481a9afb5.jpg
6 //s45.radikal.ru/i108/1004/81/fd40bec29e4a.jpg


02.04.10, 02:05
Thank you very much Anon.
Multi server connection has some bad effect on me by the way. I connect two servers but often server disconnected out of the blue, sometimes even I see have no connection to any server. While multi server option is disabled I've no such trouble (my connected server never lost connection)
Is this normal so a disadvantage of this feature?

02.04.10, 02:06
Sure, edit your post afterwards so that mine is useless... :dry:

I'm able to maintain two stable server connections without such problems, just make sure you're using a good server list, for example:

02.04.10, 13:10
I don't think it's server.met (I have gruk's only) because if I disable multi connection, the single server never disconnects.

P.S. Sorry I had to edit it because the answer was already there.

02.04.10, 14:13
Already at three slots does not work. On the move I disconnect upolad - the schedule goes, I switch on - stops. Earlier it left with increase and reduction of quantity of slots.
If in Windows Task Manager/Processes/emule.exe/Set Priority = Realtime then works normally at any quantity of slots (The truth the first time, then all the same is necessary 3 slots). But if I start µTorrent small problems begin even if µTorrent I will expose Low in Task Manager and the Internet channel works twice smaller possibilities.
Why such with it eMule and how to make normal job?
Well here, in half an hour has stopped eMule. Has closed µTorrent - eMule has not moved. Has cleaned Upload - job has gone. Attempt to switch on Upload stops job. Already both Priority Realtime does not help and µTorrent it is switched off.

02.04.10, 17:45
I don't think it's server.met (I have gruk's only) because if I disable multi connection, the single server never disconnects.

Perhaps your connection simply can't handle the extra load? What are your download and upload speeds?

02.04.10, 20:29
100 kb dl 20 kb up, my total bandwith 100 kb too. (what Turkish Telekom gives for 30$ monthly)

02.04.10, 20:30
Then if you're already uploading a lot to others (as it's often the case with eMule), it's no wonder multiple servers disconnect with 20kB/s of upload. Unless you've enabled no upload, no share all files, no queue, etc.

04.04.10, 02:14
...bis jetzt der beste Mod für Linux !!!

06.04.10, 12:52
I posted this message over the other thread [ http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=14118&page=14 ] which had originally this spoken feature request, however, apparently this is a newer thread so here is my recent greeting...

I hope everyone at SB-Innovation is doing well.:)

I wish to further say something concerning the “Specify Chunks To Get” feature/option, as to give even more of a clear idea of how it functions.

When all parts which are specified are downloaded the file will be as stated before placed on “Paused” if the user indicate SBI Leecher to do so or continue to download normally if the “Pause” checkbox in the Specify Chunks To Get screen/window is not selected.

Something important; also when all specified parts/chunks are downloaded; SBI Leecher would, in “Specify Chunks To Get” window, clear the specified chunks which were placed by the user. If the user wishes to get more parts/chunks in this way for a particular file; he or she would have to select the “Specify Chunks To Get” option once again and specify the new parts/chunks to get just like how he/she did previously.

A hypothetical file has 60 parts/chunks total.
-A person, using the “Specify Chunks To Get” option, set in its window 0+20-25+60
-SBI Leecher will download “0,20,21,22,23,24,25,60” parts/chunks and clear its window of “0+20-25+60” when they are all downloaded.

If that person wished to get say(i.e) 30-40 parts/chunks after SBI Leecher has download the above then he or she has to select the “Specify Chunks To Get” option once more and place 30-40. (Since, as said above, “Specify Chunks To Get” window is cleared after the first specified group of parts/chunks the user would see a blank screen to place the 30-40. He or she will NOT see “0+20-25+60”). Hopefully you understand what I am saying.

Of course IF SBI Leecher has not downloaded all of the first group, “0+20-25+60”, and a person wants to add “30-40” then when he or she selects the “Specify Chunks To Get” option its screen will still have “0+20-25+60” and he or she would add to that amount making it “0+20-25+30-40+60”.

Additionally, which I forgot to mention when I first posted this message in the other tread; When using this feature, "Specify Chunks To Get", a file will be created for each(or you could just make it one file containing the data) of the files that a person specify so when SBI Leecher closes and opens it remembers the chunks of a certain/particular file the user wish to download.

…just wanted to add that much to what I said before, giving you as much understanding of what I am thinking.

Take care for now all you guys.:)

06.04.10, 18:44
I posted this message over the other thread [ http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=14118&page=14 ] which had originally this spoken feature request, however, apparently this is a newer thread so here is my recent greeting...

Relax, your post was still seen... posting on the 2.01 or 2.11 thread doesn't make too much of a difference.

06.04.10, 19:19
The super program. As has disconnected Upload, Queue and has exposed on a maximum of reserve and program possibilities so has loaded files which 20-30 days nobody gave me though full sources constantly were.
And in general in this mode perfectly works, in any way did not expect such good results. The winchester too has calmed down, means will longer serve. Little bit more files on reception the channel download also is completely loaded. All problems have disappeared now.
My gratitude to founders of the program.

07.04.10, 05:10
Apologies for the above post then:), well except for the further information about how to deal with SBI Leecher remembering what chunks/parts were specified by way of a file that contains such information.

On to something else...
I downloaded SBI Leecher 2.11 yesterday and am using it from that time and must say that it works perfectly.:) No bugs and such are detected. I love the new features which were implemented.:)

08.04.10, 17:31
cant activate no upload option. what is wrong?


08.04.10, 17:53
Is "no share all files" already ticked?

08.04.10, 18:27
Is a new Release based on eMule 0.50a in development?

08.04.10, 19:06
Maybe... :biggrin:

09.04.10, 16:14
I use multi server connection, (2 server) after about 30 minutes both server lost connection (server rotation disabled) and reconnect then server search doesn't work, only kad search works. If I disconnect from servers and reconnect nothing changes. Only relaunch emule fix it till another 30 minutes. If I disable multi server connection no such problem. Even I disable upload completely no help. Any suggestion?

09.04.10, 19:09
Tunayx i don't uderstand what is your problem. :frown:

09.04.10, 19:48
He can't connect to servers when they disconnect after a 30 minutes runtime if multi server connection is enabled.

09.04.10, 21:46
I don't understand. The multi server don't work and is a king of "Auto server disconnect" ? I have a problem like this in -LPE-. The multi server don't work and with server rotation i have "Connection failed" to all server :frown:

P.S. i don't have this problem with other mod like zz-r 3.4. I'm using that now and i have multi server (3) and rotation (15) and it work ok :top:

09.04.10, 22:07
When I connected to multi server, 30-40 mins later servers disconnect (without my demand) then connect again but after this server search doesn't work though I still connected to servers. I'm not using spooky mod or server rotation.

09.04.10, 23:07
Mmm.... try to enable secure connection in options/server. I have no other idea at the moment. Do you use protocol obfuscation ?:confused:

10.04.10, 02:55
If u turn off safe connect it may stop the discons fron multi server feature

Connecting to multi servers giv u more search results I think. If its giving u problems just connect to 1 server and also use kad.

10.04.10, 18:11
Connecting to multi servers giv u more search results I think.

Indeed, more search results and sources for your downloads. :smile:

12.04.10, 17:00
I tried lots of settings, finally I found what cause the search problem I mentioned above. It's "auto ask for new sources" in sbi mod settings.

After first or second time "auto ask for new sources" (especially while emule uses %100 of my bandwidth) runs, the search function acting problematic. Problem showing itself in two ways:

1-When I use global search, searching starts 40 sec later.
2-When I use kad + server search, kad search runs first, 40 sec later server search runs but in this mode server search gives no results.

I disabled multi-search, try safe connect, change sbi timings, on/off auto drop sources etc... none helped. I don't use protocol obsfucation, no firewall. Please someone test this on their system.

13.04.10, 02:13
u really should turn ur firewall on

15.04.10, 12:47
When I use kad + server search, kad search runs first, 40 sec later server

The server+kad function search only on the connected server. eMule don't start also a global search. Perhaps i will change it in the next version based on emule 0.50a.
But you should get better results if you connect your emule to a server with more files. Or did i understand anything wrong?

When I connected to multi server, 30-40 mins later servers disconnect (without my demand) then connect again but after this server search doesn't work though I still connected to servers. I'm not using spooky mod or server rotation.

I must check it...

15.04.10, 22:21
I Butcho. I have a suggestion for you mod.
Your mod use the "Fakelist", and when i search a file, I can see with this list if is a fake. Maybe is useful add a feature who filter the fake result on search window.
For example in SBI Control "Filter Fake from search result". What do you think about this feature ?

Respect :top:

PS: There is a bug in server rotation. For example if I set 30 min but I disable ed2k in connection setting, after 30 min eMnule connect the server and rotate normal it. Maybe is better fix it in the next release.

PS2: About drop system I think is better add this oprions "Use drop (NNP,HQR,FQR) only if 1 file have more than X sources" when X is the minimun number of source who 1 file need to have for drop the sources.

I expect your answer and a 0.50a based release. I'm sure you will considerate my suggestion... Thank you.

16.04.10, 15:31
The server+kad function search only on the connected server.
If I two server in my server list then server+kad search takes short and find less results, if I have 20 server in my list then search takes longer and more results come, looks it makes some kind of global search? On the other hand global search mode gives some results that server+kad couldn't give.

About this search problem I realized another thing: When this trouble happens if I disable multi server option then disconnect & connect, search trouble gone. Also after this point if I re-enable multi server and connect multi servers then I can do search without that problem (of course till this happens again).

Can you guys try this with use multi server connect + auto ask resources + download using whole your bandwidth + using server+kad search every hour or so. After 3-4 hours you should see this: Searching will show no progress bar for 40 sec. and only kad results will come.

17.04.10, 19:36
I've found what cause the searching problem exactly. To reproduce the bug fallow these steps:

Add 10 servers to your server list. Start global or server+kad search, while search is going, disconnect then connect to servers (or ask new sources via cyan colored button). After connected successfully try new global or kad+server search and see no progress bar appears and no results come. You would need to try 2-3 times to reproduce bug.

Multi server or single server connection doesn't take part on this trouble.

19.04.10, 15:03
I Butcho. I have a suggestion for you mod.
Your mod use the "Fakelist", and when i search a file, I can see with this list if is a fake. Maybe is useful add a feature who filter the fake result on search window.
For example in SBI Control "Filter Fake from search result". What do you think about this feature ?

Respect :top:

PS: There is a bug in server rotation. For example if I set 30 min but I disable ed2k in connection setting, after 30 min eMnule connect the server and rotate normal it. Maybe is better fix it in the next release.

PS2: About drop system I think is better add this oprions "Use drop (NNP,HQR,FQR) only if 1 file have more than X sources" when X is the minimun number of source who 1 file need to have for drop the sources.

I expect your answer and a 0.50a based release. I'm sure you will considerate my suggestion... Thank you.

The features for the next sbi mod are ready, i only must insert all the sbi mod features in the new official version. I will try to handle your request in one of my next versions if it's possible.
The server rotation bug is already fixed, renk told me about that issue some weeks ago.
But thanks for the info...
__________________________________________________ ____________

I've found what cause the searching problem exactly. To reproduce the bug fallow these steps:

Add 10 servers to your server list. Start global or server+kad search, while search is going, disconnect then connect to servers (or ask new sources via cyan colored button). After connected successfully try new global or kad+server search and see no progress bar appears and no results come. You would need to try 2-3 times to reproduce bug.

Multi server or single server connection doesn't take part on this trouble.

Thanks for your instruction. I will try to reproduce it after the update to 0.50a is ready...

07.05.10, 01:57
I have given up on trying to hash everything from both emle and BT. This is really ticking me off.

It doesnt matter if I use the original unmodded emule, Butcho's emule SBI, Sarutobi's eMule ToXiC or other ones from SBI my hash tables always shrink, known2_64.met is always deleted. If I try to rehash some older (already hashed files from a few weeks back) the info is gone.

The only thing I can think of is whenever a hash table grows to a certain size (300MB +-20MB) it decides to conserve resources by culling.

Originally Ii wanted to hash everything so i didnt have to waste time and bandwidth redownloading stuff from emule and also hopefully, one day when some genius was able to integate the hash tables from emule to use with BT, but fk I cant do it.

07.05.10, 13:17
You don't happen to be sharing uTorrent's partial downloads, do you?

07.05.10, 13:23
i only get emule to hash completed BT stuff and emule automatically only hashes completed stuff

07.05.10, 13:24
But eMule can't tell the difference between a partial BitTorrent file and a full one, it'll hash it anyway, that's why I was asking :happy:

07.05.10, 13:44
thats true. When the download is finished I move it to another directory to hash there.

emule has the option to track a dir but i dont point it to the clients downloading dir

19.05.10, 15:33
hi, nice work...

is there a way to include an option (button) to show all users that have shared files on?

when i load an movie, i would look what files the users share (view shared files) but there is an hard work to cklick over 120 user to see if they share or not.

mfg pyte

19.05.10, 16:20
You mean like Swarm Discovery (SD) on Vuze but for eMule? This idea I dont know, I sort of have cautious feelings about this feature due to security concerns. I know the info its avaliable with one click but this SD makes it easier to get info on others.

Maybe Im just being too cautious

19.05.10, 16:39
I think he means adding some sort of column in the Traffic panel to see if users are allowing others to browse their shared files list. Shouldn't be too hard to achieve...

19.05.10, 20:59
I think he means adding some sort of column in the Traffic panel to see if users are allowing others to browse their shared files list.

yes, thats right, an extra column or window :top:

20.05.10, 04:36
pyte apart from the "extra column or window" you want to be able to easily see every shared file from the user connected to u right if their share file list is enabled right?

I think as long as it doesnt make it easier for entities like anti-pirate companies to use Butcho's mod to spy then it might be a good feature to have as it give you some download suggestions. As long as this info does not "more (more than what emule currently has)" easily expose people.

20.05.10, 16:24
I think as long as it doesnt make it easier for entities like anti-pirate companies to use Butcho's mod to spy then it might be a good feature to have as it give you some download suggestions.

It only makes it easy to use a feature that already exists in the official eMule (and this isn't an euphemism :happy:).

21.05.10, 11:42
euphemism for what? :)

21.05.10, 12:33
For making a feature that hurts the network pass as a "softer" one. :happy:

28.05.10, 13:29
It only makes it easy to use a feature that already exists in the official eMule

i think it to, and users that will not share there files, can deactivate it in options ;)

28.05.10, 14:22
My next version is already in beta status, but perhaps i can insert your request in v2.3 if it is not to much work...

28.05.10, 15:43
i think it to, and users that will not share there files, can deactivate it in options ;)

I find this idea interesting. But would it really work ? By default, in options->security, the "see my shared files" feature is set to "nobody". I think that very few peoples have modified this default option.

28.05.10, 16:32
hi butcho,

is very easy to add. here a example code:

make a column in lists

case 14:
_tcsncpy(pszText, (client->GetUserName() && client->GetViewSharedFilesSupport()) ? GetResString(IDS_YES) : _T(""), cchTextMax);

or add a icon

if (client->GetUserName() && client->GetViewSharedFilesSupport())
iImage = 4;

or add a color

if (client->GetUserName() && client->GetViewSharedFilesSupport())

28.05.10, 17:40
thx morph4u,

i thought he wants that emule automatically request the sharedfiles of such users and list them in a extra window.
But i read only the last posts of his request.
If he only wants a column, i can add one in the known clients list in my next version..

28.05.10, 19:09
I find this idea interesting. But would it really work ? By default, in options->security, the "see my shared files" feature is set to "nobody". I think that very few peoples have modified this default option.

Well, it'd work for those that have modified it :biggrin:

Butcho, automatically requesting the share list of everyone allowing theirs to be browsed would be wasting some bandwidth... I'd prefer to have just a column saying whether they've enabled that or not, which looks like an easy task.

30.05.10, 10:11
30/05/2010 10:07:17: Downloaded IP filter file "C:\...\eMule SBI Leecher\config\ipfilter.dat.tmp" is a ZIP file with unexpected content.

I'm using the default link and don't work. I need to change link ?

30.05.10, 10:27
u need to unzip it n use the contents ipfilter.dat

30.05.10, 11:19
Ah ok... sorry... in ToXiC it is auto-updated and you don't need to unzip, you have the ipfilter.dat ready... i hope this will be possible also with this mod in next version.

THX ! :top:

30.05.10, 13:31
If u ask Butcho nicely the coder for this mod he may consider it

30.05.10, 13:56
Yes sure ! I think he will read this... or I will send a private message to him in next days, where I will explain it. :klatsch_3::top:

30.05.10, 15:08
I've also a auto unpacking function in it.
I will check the code what's the problem, but if i remember correctly i've already fixed it in v2.2.

thx for the info...

30.05.10, 15:15
Hi Butcho, I think I know the problem.
When the .zip begin unpacked, the file ipfilter.dat (in the zip normally) when extracted be ipfilter.dat.tmp.

Sorry for my english (i know this sucks...). I think this is the problem.

Bye and Thx.... :top:

but if i remember correctly i've already fixed it in v2.2.

Ok good ! When we can see this new version ?

30.05.10, 15:29
Yes normal the program should automatically unpack the zip file into .tmp, remove the old .dat file, rename the .dat.tmp file into .dat and reload the filters.

I think that problem has the same reason like Karlston wrote on page 2 of the threat.

But i will check it again...

30.05.10, 16:26
Yes Butcho, is this the problem, the .tmp will not removed, but is simple to fix.

Waiting new version i will remove .tmp manually. :klatsch_3::top:

31.05.10, 20:33
Auto ask for new sources
Advantage: self-explanatory
Disadvantage: a low interval could cause other clients to ban you.

1 question... if I use that feature, the standard reask time (srv/xs/kad/srv-udp/new srcs) will be ignored ?


PS: I think the fakerank doesn't work ok ! I setted start to 1850 but the mod send often fakerank = 0 or = 65872 !!! Why ? A bug ? My problem ?

01/06/2010 21:09:02: FakeRank to {http://emule-project.net} = 64565

01/06/2010 21:09:16: FakeRank to {http://emule-project.net} = 0

PS2: Butcho, what do you think about the feature "Drop Leecher Sources" ? I think is better "Drop (or Ban) Leecher sources if they don't send to you X data every Y minutes" where X are the data in MB, and Y the time in minutes, for example 1 Chunk every 360 minutes (6 hours), if the leecher don't do that, will be dropped (or banned, is better).


02.06.10, 14:23
About reask SBI time... if i use also "Auto ask for new sources" in SBI Mod, i become an aggressive client ?

02.06.10, 15:48
apparently emule SBI's default settings are already tweak by Butcho, presumably lowered already, if u lower it any further then yes, if other mods detect the shorter reask then u may be classified as aggressive

02.06.10, 15:57
No, I talk about the option in Sbi Mod...
The default reask setting, are detectable by some antileech, but not with normal client wich you get better result. Personally I use the original setting for not get banned, because the advantage for me are only marginal, and I'm waiting an answer about fakerank, because maybe don't work corrent, the rank is much high !


02.06.10, 16:18
No, I talk about the option in Sbi Mod...

I was talking about emule sbi's settings too

apparently emule SBI's default settings are already tweak by Butcho

02.06.10, 21:06
PS: I think the fakerank doesn't work ok ! I setted start to 1850 but the mod send often fakerank = 0 or = 65872 !!! Why ? A bug ? My problem ?

01/06/2010 21:09:02: FakeRank to {http://emule-project.net} = 64565

01/06/2010 21:09:16: FakeRank to {http://emule-project.net} = 0

That is strange, and you really started with a value of 1850 or?
In my log there are steps like...

00.00 FakeRank to {x} 1802
00.15 FakeRank to {x} 1572

I will check the fake rank code again and tell you the result...

02.06.10, 21:47
Yes, I tried with 1850...
This morning I setted 500 but the result is the same :frown:
Also fakerank = 0 :rolling_eyes:
Yes, there is also normal values... full random I think from the log.
Thx for the check.

Bye :top:

PS: The start value for 1850 is for example the 1900st client receive fakerank right ? And for example the 500st not right ? If right the is a problem because with 1850 all client receive fakerank !


02.06.10, 21:58
PS: The start value for 1850 is for example the 1900st client receive fakerank right ? And for example the 500st not right ? If right the is a problem because with 1850 all client receive fakerank !

As far as I know, a start value of 1850 means all clients will be sent a fake queue rank above that.

02.06.10, 22:19
Yes, and this is another problem because also with 1850, send to all... and send really strange rank :rolling_eyes:

Goodnight... see you tomorrow :top::klatsch_3:

03.06.10, 14:27
You don't send exactly 1850.
My mod always send randomize values which decrease after some time...
You can see it in the log window.


I can't belive how you could get such strange values, but i will check it...

03.06.10, 14:50
No, at me don't work like you.
In your log appear to work ok...
Now i'm not using it because the value are too much strange !

Byeee :top:

06.06.10, 22:14
Yes after a longer run time i noticed that there are some not correct values.
I can't find the problem, because the code looks ok.
I guess the problem comes with my randomize code.
I've insert some extra code to prevent such issues.
Normal in the next version it should be ok...

17.06.10, 12:55
thx morph4u,

i thought he wants that emule automatically request the sharedfiles of such users and list them in a extra window.
But i read only the last posts of his request.
If he only wants a column, i can add one in the known clients list in my next version..

i need only the collum to see if user share or not, when i will see the files i can request it by hand ;)

reply to: http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=18734&page=13

17.06.10, 13:03
I've insert your request in my 0.50a version...

22.06.10, 02:27
ich habe am Wochende meinen PC von Windows XP Pro auf Windows 7 umgestellt.
Emule 0.49c SBI Leecher V2.11 habe ich beibehalten.

Jetzt sind mir ein paar sachen aufgefallen:

Die sparse Funktion läßt sich nicht aktivieren. -> Habe allerdings durch suche festgestellt das diese ab eMule 0.50a unter Win7 wieder funktionieren soll.:rolling_eyes:

Die Funktion ist aktiviert und die Known.met / known2_64.met gedeien prächtig und werden größer und größer:top:, aber....
wenn ich eine Datei hinzufüge, welche ich bereits komplett runtergeladen habe, kommt nicht das Hinweis Fenster:baeh:, welches mir mitteilt das ich diese schon runtergeladen habe, sondern er fügt den link einfach hinzu und lädt die Datei fröhlich runter.:shockkk!:
Gibt es da was dran zu machen?

Beschädigte Teile:
Hiermit hatte ich bisher keine Probleme. Doch seid Win7 kommt in meinen log eine Meldung nach der anderen.:eek:
Auch hatte ich einige Dateien per DDL runtergeladen während emule im Hintergrund lief. Von diesen waren einige defekt. Ich habe sie nochmals von der gleichen Quellen gesogen und da gingen sie dann doch.:stupid:

Möglicherweise hat das was damit zu tun das in Windows 7 die halboffenen Verbindung nicht mehr limitiert sind?:confused:

Kann mir da jemand helfen?

30.06.10, 15:52
hi there,

i just wanted to download your new version eMule 0.50a SBI Leecher v2.2, but i don't have the member status, anything i can do?

30.06.10, 16:27
hi there,

i just wanted to download your new version eMule 0.50a SBI Leecher v2.2, but i don't have the member status, anything i can do?

Yes, try becoming a member (http://www.sb-innovation.de/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_member_title).

30.06.10, 18:48
Yes, try becoming a member (http://www.sb-innovation.de/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_member_title).

Better advice is unheard of.

Read this:

03.07.10, 01:06

die Funktion "No upload" lässt sich bei mir nicht aktivieren. Sobald ich auf "übernehmen" klicke (bzw. ok), ist das häckchen wieder weg.

Auch Windows zeigt im LAN-Status, dass upgeloaded wird.

Was mache ich falsch?

03.07.10, 17:50

die Funktion "No upload" lässt sich bei mir nicht aktivieren. Sobald ich auf "übernehmen" klicke (bzw. ok), ist das häckchen wieder weg.

Hey there,

if you have "no share all files" ticked, enabling no upload is pointless, so the mod doesn't allow you to do so.

03.07.10, 19:30
anon is right, if there is no shareable file you can't upload anything.
Perhaps i will insert a little pop up in the future...

04.07.10, 21:32
Auch Windows zeigt im LAN-Status, dass upgeloaded wird.

Auch wenn Du Noupload aktiviert hast macht der muli ein bischen Upload (Overheat?).
Allerdings werden von deine dateien keine mehr zum upload freigegeben.
Guck mal in das upload Fenster ob der da irgendwelche dateien anzeigt, wenn nicht -> findet auch kein upload statt.

04.07.10, 21:33
Auch wenn Du Noupload aktiviert hast macht der muli ein bischen Upload (Overheat?).

Yes, a small amount of overhead that is displayed as data traffic instead of what it really is.

As for the rest, Google Translate wasn't so helpful. If you don't want your files to show up in the Shares panel, just tick "no share all files" and restart the mod.

04.07.10, 21:34
If you want know the real hoverhead you need to try mod Xtreme or their derivates. This king of mod calculate the real hoverhead.
No Upload not include hoverhead. It work ok you can be sure :top:

13.07.10, 10:02
After forum changing i can not find a new version of this Mod SBI 2.2. Where is it ?

13.07.10, 10:10
Who said that we release a new version after the forum update?

13.07.10, 11:59
I found it. This version SBI Leecher v2.2 in Member Area

13.07.10, 12:03
The v2.2 in Member area... where is the problem ?

13.07.10, 15:41
@jerri just to make things plain and simple ;)
forum update is forum update and has nothing to do with eMule SBI update, they are two separate things :top:

13.07.10, 18:28
forum update is forum update and has nothing to do with eMule SBI update, they are two separate things :top:

Absolutely, and as of this writing the forum update hasn't even been finished. So don't get your hopes up :tongue:

27.07.10, 19:05
why I cannot see the hidden password? I have to became a member?

27.07.10, 19:06
If you click the Thanks button below sarutobi's post...

27.07.10, 19:14
ah ok...sorry I don't really want to spam but I have to post to became member right? XD

27.07.10, 19:15
Read this:

I fail to see what's so "XD" about the matter.

27.07.10, 19:50
Small Off Topic: For become member you don't need to do posts and posts... you need to help other users, answer to their questions, make tutorial and other useful things to the SBI community... If you will continue to ask, we can help you, but you will not become member for that. Byeee

27.07.10, 22:31
I know...sorry for the off-topic and the trouble but I'm a noob, so how can I help someone XD

27.07.10, 22:47
For now, for exaple don't span around the forum, if you want ask to me in MP. Learn something, study, and then try to help other.... bye....

28.07.10, 16:58
I've tried this version but I have an error:

failed to load the antiLeech.dll
ErrorCode: 126
and if I reload manually I get this ErrorCode: 0

Anyone knows the reason?

28.07.10, 18:03
Did you try getting the official antileech DLL and dropping it in eMule's config folder?

28.07.10, 22:39
well...no, should I?
but I saw that in the config folder there is such .dll so I have to get an official one? and in which mod can I find it?
thk for the support

28.07.10, 22:40
well...no, should I?

Just thought it may fix the issue.

but I saw that in the config folder there is such .dll so I have to get an official one? and in which mod can I find it?


Remove the .new from the filename, put it in the config folder, and run eMule.

07.08.10, 15:20
Hi. I'm new of this site. I'm interesting about emule leecher 2.11. what's about this? thanks :smile:

07.08.10, 15:58
What you would know about this mod Pessimo ?

07.08.10, 17:39
what's about this?

What's about that? :lol:

This is a leecher mod for eMule. It can also work as a good uploader, also, although I recommend a mod like ZZ-R for that. TheDeathless has posted a few tutorials, check them out.

10.08.10, 20:36

Ist die Virenwarnung wirklich nur ein Fehlalarm?
Es soll der Packer sein, aber warum wird dann so ein Packer verwendet.
Ist der Virenalarm nach dem ersten starten der emule.exe Datei dann weg

Hoffe Ihr könnt mich beruhigen.

PS Noch eine frage ist dieser Client besser als die Flux Version?

10.08.10, 20:46
The firus is false positive, the problem is the packer used. (why use that pack) ??? In any case my avira don't detect anything.

Yes that is better than Flux version because Flux is not developed from long time ago.

10.08.10, 23:45
Ist die Virenwarnung wirklich nur ein Fehlalarm?
Es soll der Packer sein, aber warum wird dann so ein Packer verwendet.
Ist der Virenalarm nach dem ersten starten der emule.exe Datei dann weg

In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!

And yes, this is better than Flux. At least for me (and TheDeathless).

12.08.10, 11:05
Hello guys.:) I am sure everyone here at SBI is having a fine week.:)

This is, as with all that I have said before concerning the below feature, directed at Butcho...

In an attempt to foresee and prevent any bugs from happening with the proposed, “Specify Parts To Get”; I will, respectfully asking for your attention, say the following Butcho...

When dealing with multiple video file selection(Only when 2 or more video type files are selected) using the “Specify Parts To Get” Feature:

Nothing will show in the “Specify Parts To Get” screen regardless if one or more of the selected video files already has chunks/parts specified previously using this feature. I will explain in bullet form; i.e.
- 2 video files are selected
- “Specify Parts To Get” is then selected bringing the user to its screen/window
- Nothing in the bar where the numbers(“0”,”1”, so on) and symbols(i.e. “–“,”+”) are inputted shows up even if one of these video files has had the “Specify Parts To Get” feature applied to it before.
- However IF the user selects a video file by itself/alone, which has had the “Specify Parts To Get” option applied to it in the past, they will see those chunks/parts which they already specified providing that they went back and selected the “Specify Parts To Get” feature. The user, in this way(selecting one file at a time and then selecting this feature), can always add more chunks/parts. Saying something further; the user can also take away/clear what was inputted/entered prior which would result in the file returning to download normally.

Going back to if two(2) or more video files are selected and then “Specify Parts To Get” feature is selected; the user can still input new information and this new information will overwrite/take over what was specified before on all the video files selected. i.e.
- 2 video files are selected(one of the video files has chunks/parts already specified by the “Specify Parts To Get” feature)
-“Specify Parts To Get” is then selected
- The user sees a blank bar in its screen/window, since it is not a single file selected, but can still specify chunk/parts to get and does.
-The new specified chunks/parts is applied to both files selected, discarding what was specified before with the file that had chunks/parts specified.

Allowing “Specify Parts To Get” to get full control over a video file when dealing with “Download Parts Needed For Preview First”:

Please make sure, as it may cause a bug of some sort, that it does get full control. Say “Download Parts Needed For Preview First” already downloaded one of the chunks/parts for preview(either first or last chunk/parts) and a person starts using the “Specify Chunks To Get” it may cause problems. So please make sure the “Download Parts Needed For Preview First” feature relinquishes control to “Specify Chunks To Get” feature in cases like these.

Making the “Specify Chunks To Get” feature intelligent to notice a chunk/part is already downloaded though it may be specified by the user:

Say chunk/part “5” is already downloaded in a file and the user place in the bar “0-10” or “0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10”; the program will see, when that part is ready to be downloaded, that it is already present.

Having to do with the creation and management of temporary files or file to remember each specified file’s chunks/parts:

I suppose there are different approaches, ways, to deal with this circumstance as spoken in a prior post. Either a file will be created for each of the specified files(Option 1) or you make it that one file(Option 2) contains such information for all specified files. This allows SBI Leecher to remember, when the program closes and opens/runs another time, to recall the chunks/parts of each files that a user specified also the checkbox options under “Abilities:” which the user specified if he/she checked one or more of those options in the “Specify Parts To Get” screen/window will be remembered by the program in this way.

Talking about option 1(each specified file has a file created for it), which is my preference out of the two proposed options; i.e.
- chunks/parts are specified for multiple files in SBI Leecher
- A file is created for each of these specified files in a directory(whatever name you want to call the directory, also whatever names you want to call the files that are contain in it)
- SBI Leecher will be smart enough to delete these temporary files, located in the requested directory, when all specified parts are downloaded/”Get Chunks For Preview” feature is not being applied to them.

Changing the name of the asked feature from, “Specify Chunks To Get” to “Specify Parts To Get”, so people may identify more to what is meant since they already know of, are familiar, with the word “Parts” from “Download Parts Needed For Preview First”:

Perhaps it is best, since this is the case, to name it “Specify Parts To Get” Butcho, therefore I ask you, if you are ok with this name, name it as such.

Thank you so much Butcho.:)

Later for now all you guys.:)

What I had in mind for its window/screen...

Specify Parts To Get (FAQ)

“Specify Parts To Get:” Bar: This bar is where the user enters the numbers and symbols, telling the program what Parts are to be downloaded.

“-“: The “-“ symbol makes it faster to indicate, when Three(3) or more Parts are adjacent to each other and wanted by the user, that those Parts are needed. i.e. “0-2” can be used in place of “0+1+2”. (Note: Emphatically; any of these two ways will yield the same results. Using “-“, as said above in these kinds of circumstances, is just easier, allowing less input from the user.)

“+”: The “+”, shows separation of individual Parts and/or groups of Parts(when “-“ is used). i.e. “0+1+2+3+4+8+9+10+20” or “0-4+8-10+20” means the same thing.

(Note: Concerning getting the Last Part without looking at file details: placing a large number will make it effortless in attaining the last Part of a file. i.e. the last Part of a file is “100”. The user can place 100 or more easily, over that amount 101,102, 999, so on and the last Part will be downloaded. You do not have to waste time to go to details of a file, just put a large number in the Bar.)

“Abilities:”: The “Abilities:” section’s options permit the user to get precise control over the management of the files which are downloaded in this way and as such, even further controls how much Bandwidth is being use.

“Download Parts In Specified Order”: Checking this Check Box would download Parts entered by the user in a left to right manner. i.e. “0+1+10-20+60-62” will download in this order; 0,1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,60,61,62. Conversely, just to make sure you the reader understand what is being said/how this option works, inputting Parts to be download in other ways like “10-20+0+60-62+1” will download in this fashion; “10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,0,60,61,62, 1”. There are two distinct advantages when using this option. The user can preview a file from the start in greater detail placing i.e. 0-2, so on which gets the said Parts first also it does not make the file register at its full size. Secondly, concerning Parts which are in between the first and last Parts; the user can more easily see when to stop downloading that section(group of Parts) as they can preview those downloaded Parts in a logical order.

“Pause When Specified Parts Are Completed”: This Check Box, option, pauses the selected file or files when all specified Parts are downloaded.

I am sorry guys. Under the words "What I had in mind for its window/screen..." should have been an image of the screen/window for this feature. I am not good at uploading images. There seems to be no "edit post" button hence this post.

Mod Edit: merged both for you

26.08.10, 01:27
failed to load the antiLeech.dll
ErrorCode: 126
and if I reload manually I get this ErrorCode: 0

Anyone knows the reason?

That happened to me too.
The file is in the config folder and still won't load.