View Full Version : Spotify(easy and for real)

25.01.10, 16:30
This is a response thread to http://www.sb-innovation.de/f209/easy-way-join-spotify-12834/#post103144

Follow the instructions here
(http://www.sb-innovation.de/f209/easy-way-join-spotify-12834/#post103144) in order to make an account.

In order to solve all problems all you need to to is access the following link:
Link 1(google translated) (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fspotifyforeveryone.tk%2F&sl=auto&tl=en)
Link 2(original) (http://spotifyforeveryone.tk/)
and log in using your account details.
Thats all.Enjoy.:top:

anon->postal codes;
blocker->awesome site
me->original tutorial.

13.03.10, 20:49
The link is not working at the moment

But you can try http://ipron.info/ :top:

20.03.10, 09:19
Using DaveProxy doesn't seem to work for me. It says I need an invitation token. ):

20.03.10, 10:58
Sorry for stupid question, but what's this site about?

20.03.10, 14:03
@ yoco:

Spotify - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes it seems this method isn't working anymore.
I will have this thread closed till I can find a new one.

20.03.10, 17:00
Sorry for stupid question, but what's this site about?

I know this is closed, but it doesn't take more than a Google search to know...