View Full Version : Me wants insert_tracker_name_here V++

29.12.09, 19:53
SBi member:Strange name...huh?
SBfreak: A porn star gave me the idea:eek13:
SBi member:SBfreak fail moar???
SBfreak: Yes please!
SBi member: So what's up with this?
SBfreak:Ever wanted a new look for your favorite tracker?
SBi member:Uhm maybe?
SBfreak:Can't wait anymore??
SBi member: Seriously what kind of thread is this?:eek13:
SBfreak: Let me finish my fail ffs.
SBi member: ...ok
SBfreak: As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me.
SBi member:...
SBfreak: I made this thread so all can post here ways to change how trackers look.Here's an example my dear friend.Remember Filelist's icons??
SBi member:The .org one or the .ro?
SBfreak: .ro
SBi member:Yeah I remember.
SBfreak:Take a look at this:
Nice huh??
SBi member:Did they add some new icons??
SBfreak: Nope:tongue:.I changed the layout of the page(including icons) using a user script I found.Here ya go:
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/64068It's called Filelist v2.
SBi member: Ahh I get it.But how do I use this??
SBfreak::Google holds all the answers.Depending on your browser yo..
SBi member: What's google??
SBfreak:(Somebody ban me) It's a search engine.Never mind.Here's how ya do it.
-install this addon (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748)
-click on the green install button.
-make a folder somewhere to put all user scripts.(the .js files)
-open your web browser, hit Alt-P, click the "Advanced" tab on top, click the "Content" menu item on the left-hand side, click the "Javascript Options..." button on the right-hand side. In the "Javascript Options" dialog, click the "Choose" button, select that directory.
Google Chrome,SRware Iron,Chrome Plus
-no need for anything.Just click install.
-only on mac: How to run Greasemonkey scripts in Safari – Simple Help (http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/11/14/how-to-run-greasemonkey-scripts-in-safari/)
SBi member: What about IE??
SBfreak: What's that?? A browser??:eek13:
SBi member: Nevermind.Ya know I'm really Melvin and I'm going to tell Rebound to permanently remove your permission to change avatars.From now on one avatar a day.
SBfreak:Glad I could help.You know..there are other ways to do it..for example user styles:

Wait what??

I'll start:
Filelist.ro v2:

SCC:SCT version

TL-without useless content
TorrentLeech BurnOmania version:
how it looks- http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/3108/45018508.png
download- http://userstyles.org/styles/7913
Bibliotik simple
Bitsoup Dark Theme v1.1

Bitsoup - Dark Theme - Alternate

Coda.Fm blue theme
Demonoid: The Future of Grey+ site cleaner
demonoid blue +new logo
Empornium made better
Filemp3.org - ads/Donate/VIP remove
filelist.org ad killer
Gamato Black -> Gray
HDBits: Hide Featured Torrents
HDChina Freeleech Search
IPTorrents Logo Removal
Libble Compact Layer_Cake Style
Linkomanija.net Black Theme
New icons for Linkomanija.net for black theme
Apple Classic Linkomanija Theme
Apple Classic icons for apple classic theme
linkomanija.net Bit-HDTV version
Nordic-T.org - LadoStyle
NyaaTorrents Cleaner
Dark nyaatorrents

PREtorians ad remover
PureTnA - Site cleanup
PureTNA Quick Thumbnail Preview
PussyTorrents Description Remover
SceneHD.org - Dark Edition
Swebits SceneHD Edition
Old SoftMP3 Logo for SceneSound
TVTorrents.com - Remove ads, links section and top
Waffles sunset
oink for waffles (blue)
oink for waffles (monochrome)
oink for waffles
What.CD Kuro Mod
Zamunda.net [ minimalistic ] [ no ads ]

DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
29.12.09, 21:22
I find that theme for fl.ro very cool my friend.
And please tell me again what to give you from the title?

Me wants insert_tracker_name_here V++
trackers to help me out with the scripts ? :confused:

PS: you need asap a women :biggrin::tongue: (Joking)
PS2: +1 rep:top:

29.12.09, 21:32
Me wants insert_tracker_name_here V++
I want a new version of this tracker.

PS: you need asap a women
Who doesn't:redface:

DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
29.12.09, 21:36
In that cas i need for IPT AND deviantArt website:biggrin:
tryng to search myself..but it's a big list with scripts :confused:

29.12.09, 21:47
I could only find this for IPT.
IPTorrents Logo Removal | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/14670)
As for deviant art:
deviantART Streetlight Blue - DarkGray | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/20436)
DeviantArt v6.2 > Streetlight Blue *September 09* | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/6299)
deviantART: black (by thespook) | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/799)

DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
29.12.09, 21:51
I could only find this for IPT.
IPTorrents Logo Removal | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/14670)
As for deviant art:
deviantART Streetlight Blue - DarkGray | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/20436)
DeviantArt v6.2 > Streetlight Blue *September 09* | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/6299)
deviantART: black (by thespook) | userstyles.org (http://userstyles.org/styles/799)

Cool my friend :top: you made my day...now i'm playng with the scripts :top: good ideea :top:
If somebody knows more site's from whe can pick scripts please let us know about them :top:

30.12.09, 00:30
The first post is finally finished.
I looked up on google all the trackers from the tracker review index list.
It took a while but it was worth the effort.:tongue:

30.12.09, 11:21
very cool.Just used the one for filelist.Let's see what else i can find.

29.01.10, 13:25
userscripts are just simply cool! Facebook fixer help me viewing hot girls photos!
However, I could never seduce any of them...


Any :banger: can invent a chat bot :b11: with seducing scripts to those :HOT: :bad: on facebook would probly help a lot :5585:


29.01.10, 17:00
TorrentVault Light (http://userstyles.org/styles/24566)

29.01.10, 17:22
userscripts are just simply cool! Facebook fixer help me viewing hot girls photos!
However, I could never seduce any of them...

Facebook isn't a tracker, is it? :wink:

I was going to check the TV Light thing but it seems UserScripts is down.

01.02.10, 19:09
I'm using these at the moment:

Better Demonoid


Demonoid Ad Remover


Demonoid Auto Sort By Seeds


TorrentLeech No Ads


Torrents.ru Ad Remover


01.02.10, 19:12
I'm using these at the moment:
Demonoid Ad Remover


TorrentLeech No Ads


Torrents.ru Ad Remover


You know those only hide ads.They don't remove them.

01.02.10, 19:13
As long as they aren't visible I'm fine.

03.02.10, 04:59
I'm using these at the moment:

TorrentLeech No Ads


Finally i can use TL when my parents are around :klatsch_3:

Btw are there any tut on how to create these scripts?

03.02.10, 05:50
to create such scripts yourself you gotta have to know javascript and css.

btw adblock plus will hide the TL ads as well. at least i never saw one :tongü:

03.02.10, 12:07
Not a tutorial but here's some info.
Opera: Tutorial - User javascript (http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/userjs/)

03.02.10, 17:36
btw adblock plus will hide the TL ads as well. at least i never saw one :tongue:

Yes, but the table/block containing them will still be there, empty, which steals a little space. After using the "no ads" stylesheet, it's also gone.

12.02.10, 16:07
I can't seem to be able to operate the No Ads on Torrentleech (< tirar propaganda Torrentleech >) correctly..
it still shows the support and commercial space (I use Opera's content block for the flashes)
here's a pic:

on the other hand the rest the White TL theme script and the BurnOmania script works..

anyone knows why?

12.02.10, 16:08
Other user scripts work?

12.02.10, 16:49
I've got a gmail script working and the like I said the White TL theme script and the BurnOmania script works.

the support + ad hiding script works for you exactly like it's shown in the before>after pic?

12.02.10, 17:23
I can't seem to be able to operate the No Ads on Torrentleech (< tirar propaganda Torrentleech >) correctly..

Same here even though it worked correctly in the past. It appears TL took measures to prevent it from working.

Which I don't blame them for, those 14 servers aren't going to pay themselves :wink:

13.02.10, 21:45
Do the new icons for the Linkomanija black theme work for you in Opera, guys? They don't for me, I see the same ones. Here's the link to the script:


15.03.10, 07:37
I can't seem to be able to operate the No Ads on Torrentleech (< tirar propaganda Torrentleech >) correctly..
it still shows the support and commercial space (I use Opera's content block for the flashes)
here's a pic:

on the other hand the rest the White TL theme script and the BurnOmania script works..

anyone knows why?

Maybe its because your using Opera! I use it on FF and it works fine! Btw i'm not sure if TL use's iframes for their Ads, But if they do you can try out this code

function zapifr(){

doc=document,ifras=doc.getElementsByTagName('ifram e'),rempr=function(obj){obj.parentNode.removeChild

if(ifras.length){for(var i=ifras.length; i--;){rempr(ifras[i]);}}

I found that code on userscripts!I tried it on some sites and trackers it works :smile:

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 ----------

EDIT : replace the smiley with semicolon with a parentheses

15.03.10, 13:51
okay thanks but the ads I already took care of..
the gigantic support us shit that covers half screen is what bothering me..
is there any other known script to remove that?

15.03.10, 15:51
You might want to try checking code and manually adding block to your opera ad-blocker.

On FF it's much easier to do with "Element Hiding Helper" extension.

15.03.10, 17:20
EDIT : replace the smiley with semicolon with a parentheses

You can use the CODE or PHP tags to prevent that from happening, like I have just done with your post :happy:

16.03.10, 06:26
You might want to try checking code and manually adding block to your opera ad-blocker.

On FF it's much easier to do with "Element Hiding Helper" extension.

but Opera needs an address and the Support us frame is coded into the source:

<!-- Donate Box -->
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" style="width:95%">


<td><table style="width:100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td class="bottom"><span class=smallfont><center><h2><font
color=red>Support</font> TorrentLeech
</h2></center> <left><ul> <li>Please support us to help us bear with the server costs. </li> <li>For supporting us, you get rewarded with VIP
status for a specific period. VIP users dont have wait time restrictions or slot resctrictions, don't see any ads, participate on montly drawings and much more.
all about
it by <a href="donate.php">clicking here</a> </li></ul></left>

<!-- End donate Box -->

if anyone knows his way around coding he could help me out with this :rolling_eyes:

21.03.10, 17:34
Does anyone know a script to hide IPT's top 10 torrents in the browse page? I can know which ones they are sorting the list by seeders anyway.

23.03.10, 10:22
IPT? they should have "hide top 10" link right next to it.

23.03.10, 12:34
Can't believe I didn't notice it... the setting is stored as a cookie, but that's fine for me. Thanks!

23.03.10, 15:53
Can't believe I didn't notice it...

No wander, I remember it was there because of the exact same thing - I couldn't believe I didn't notice it back when I was trying to remove it by css. IPT design is so horrible I sometimes think designer must be related to old SITR.

25.03.10, 19:49
...back when I was trying to remove it by css.
do you know how to create scripts like this to remove the support box from torrentleech? :biggrin:

26.03.10, 18:44
do you know how to create scripts like this to remove the support box from torrentleech? :biggrin:

well there are problems :D
1. I usually adjust css using stylish firefox extension not scripts (I suck at css but I suck even more at java scripts)
2. Userstyles can be converted to greasemonkey but I'm not sure those are always compatible with opera, I dropped opera years ago.
3. As I recall that particular header was poorly styled, so there was no way I found to remove it without removing something else (torrent categories I think?) :rolleyes:
4. torrentleech is down so I can't take a look

So, basically, no. I would already make something if my adblock didn't do it so well automagically :biggrin:

26.03.10, 21:01
I don't need greasemonkey scripts.. Opera can handle CSS scripts.
it's something else if the header can't be styled but there seems to be a lot of scripts that are able to remove that on other browsers but just not on Opera (they are on page 1)

29.03.10, 00:58
If I understood you correctly, you already found styles that work, but they don't work on opera?
In that case I can't help you as I don't know what is the difference. I can post you my one liner that I used for removing support box, but if you tried others it probably won't work either :(

29.03.10, 01:03
I don't mind trying yours so please do post it

29.03.10, 01:26
Well here it is (firefox):

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("www.torrentleech.org") {
center>table+p>table[style="width: 95%;"] {
display:none !important;

Hope you know how to apply user style in opera because I forgot it :biggrin:
I think you should just use part between brackets, save it as a file and apply as a custom sheet or something :confused:

29.03.10, 12:06
yeah with a help from Opera's forum memebers I found a script that works in Opera

center>table+p>table[style="width:95%"] {
display:none !important;

it works in Opera - removing the support box!

29.03.10, 14:42
Thank you both for your posts, I wanted to remove the "Support Us" box in TL as well.

I think you should just use part between brackets, save it as a file and apply as a custom sheet or something :confused:

If you're using the anti-CSS-leak stylesheet I think you'll have to make a copy for TL, append the contents using Notepad, and tell Opera to use that file via Site Preferences.

29.03.10, 16:05
anon and everyone else that might have used the BurnOmania torrentleech skin probably noticed it has changed a bit lately, that's because the images that cover the search area etc. are hosted on photobucket.com and can't be displayed.
I restored the images to tinypic and did a few changes + added the support us removal..

29.03.10, 18:29
anon and everyone else that might have used the BurnOmania torrentleech skin

I don't use that, I only use the ad removal stuff. :happy:

I have attached the file to your post, as OCH links are prone to getting deleted.

22.04.10, 21:30
http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/58/69572798.th.png (http://img88.imageshack.us/i/69572798.png/)
(screenshot of Filelist.ro with the following two user scripts)
(Filelist v)
Filelist v3 was released;

change log:
buddylist img replaced
rss img replaced
cat icons replaced - yeah, i know, they aren t fantastic :P
header replaced
donor star replaced
a lil workout in bg..


Filelist banner userscript


and another theme named:
FileList d3ment


06.03.11, 04:10
{ This is a script by SaintShaolin (http://www.sb-innovation.de/members/43075-saintshaolin).
TO MODS: Not sure where to put this post, where others can read and use. Just move, if necessary.

[greasemonkey] AcidLounge Buffer 1.0
AcidLounge Buffer 1.0 for Greasemonkey (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/98443)


Displays the buffer (in GB) beside the Ratio on AcidLounge tracker.

26.10.11, 07:35
I was looking for some Greasemonkey scripts to install and I came across a number of other scripts that I felt may or may not be of use to others here with reference to torrenting on particular sites.

Some of you may already be aware of the fact that there are a number of Greasemonkey scripts available for use on specific torrent sites. I've listed herein this post for those that may not be quite familiar with those particular Greasemonkey scripts.

Here's a short list for those of you who may be members of torrent sites listing the below scripts for those sites.

n-PassThePopcorn (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/64639)

BitSoup Fixer (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/57614)

Demonoid Auto Sort By Seeds (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/36458)

KG - Artist Search (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/19817)

You may have to go to each link to see what and if the script is worth using. I am sure that there are others too.

Feel free to list others that you've come across.

26.10.11, 15:25
SBfreak posted something like this some time ago:

I liked the "Filelist v2" script (and ScT's color scheme, in general), but the real colors would flash before the page finished loading and that kind of sucked. Nowadays I only use IPT's logo removal and a few scripts to remove the ads on RuTracker.

20.05.12, 08:50
Filelist.ro is a great tracker but silly themes,here is FILELIST.RO REDESIGNED from scratch to look like iPlay and NOW same style like iPlay Helios(almost). Hope you enjoy it!

Go there and boom :biggrin:

20.05.12, 18:57
I wish there was a proper ScT skin for Filelist.

20.05.12, 18:59
I wish there was a proper ScT skin for Filelist.
Anyways it is better thsn their themes.:klatsch_3: