View Full Version : Is Exercise for Weight Loss Really Pointless?

12.08.09, 12:49
The idea that the way to lose weight is through diet and exercise is ingrained in our society. But an article in last week's Time magazine created a buzz in the blogosphere by questioning the value of the exercise part of the weight-loss formula.

Doctors who treat overweight and obese patients were not pleased -- even if there was evidence to support the claim.

"Yes, we have a magic drug for cholesterol, we have magic drugs for high blood pressure, but we don't have a magic pill for weight," said Dr. Martha Gulati, associate director of the Women's Heart Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

Is Exercise for Weight Loss Really Pointless? - ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MensHealthNews/story?id=8297625&page=1)

12.08.09, 19:05
I feel that exercise do play a major role in reducing the weight.Apart from exercise , it is more important to have " food control " . If you continue eating in the same way as before under the pretext of exercise , then ..duh! :biggrin:

12.08.09, 21:19
What and how much you eat that way you will also look. it goes like this: food>exercise>sleep if you wont just to loose weight don't eat after workout carbohydrates and before going to sleep.and cardio should be about 30-40 min