View Full Version : Security issue with ItsHidden ?

31.07.09, 18:53
When you connect to ItsHidden, the VPN assign you to a local IP address such as 192.168.a.b., let say This address is then inserted in the white list of your firewall. When you disconnect from the VPN, this address is not erased, and remains in the white list. The next time you connect, the VPN attributes to you an other local IP address, let say So, what if during this second connection, some evil people connects to the vpn and get as local IP address your former ? Could your connection be hacked ?

31.07.09, 18:55
So, what if during this second connection, some evil people connects to the vpn get as local IP address your ? Could your connection be hacked ?

Maybe, depends on how relaxed your firewall is when dealing with trusted networks. I don't have a LAN at home, so I disabled network-recognition in Outpost, for example. You can set yours to ask you when you connect to itsHidden, and flag it as "public/untrusted" then.