View Full Version : eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.01

19.06.09, 00:34
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.01 <<<<<<


Coded by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Coding Support (thx) :

>>>>>> gentil_monsieur & sarutobi <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

-fixed upload bug

-add spooky mode [serverwindow/sbi controll]
-show users ip [transferwindow]
-add reconnect on low id [switchable]*
-add fake rank start value [switchable]*
-add fake rank update time [switchable]*
-add auto drop ranking QR>x [switchable]*
-add auto drop ranking time [switchable]*
-add ranking value for button & auto drop [switchable]*
-add file reask time [switchable]*
-add auto load/save sources[switchable]*
-add sources to save/load value [switchable]*
-add reload sources before save [switchable]*
-add show downloads in bold [switchable]*
-changed download in color code [switchable]*
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add multi server connect and reask [switchable]* {thx sarutobi}
-add auto ask after sources [switchable]*
-add auto drop NNS/FQ/TM sources [switchable]*
-add ask after sources time [switchable]*
-add NNS/FQ/TM drop times [switchable]*
-add no queue [switchable]*
-add queue only for friends [switchable]*
-set default upload rule to hidden/friends [switchable]*
-set default queue rule to hidden/friends [switchable]*
-add upload rules per file [transferwindow | sharedfiles]
-add queue rules per file [transferwindow | sharedfiles]
-add hide emule[switchable]
-add filename disparity check[switchable]*
-some other code changes
-update code to 0.49c

-add "generate new rsa key" button [transferwindow | downloadlist] {thx sarutobi}
-add auto generate new rsa key [switchable]* {thx sarutobi}
-add emulate community nick addons [switchable]*
-add no share partfiles [switchable]*
-add shut down emule when downloads complete [switchable]*
-add shut down pc when downloads complete [switchable]*
-add fake check (searchwindow)
-add update function for fakes.dat
-add ban/server rotation/rsa key generate time [switchable]*
-add xs/kad/srv/srv-udp reask times [switchable]*
-changed max queue / max filebuffer size [advanced options]*
-changed some icons
-some other code changes

-add auto server rotation [swichable]* {thx g_m}
-add uploadslotcontrol [connection preferences]
-add "drop ranking QR > x" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "drop NNS/FQ/TM sources" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "push client" button (Waitingqueue)
-add download in color and bold[switchable]*
-show Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics [transferwindow]
-show NNS/FQ/TM source statistics [transferwindow]
-changed sidebanner {thx Manas}
-some other code changes
-updated code to 0.49b

v 1.6
-upload only to friends [switchable] *
-disable [XS] send [switchable] *
-add "load/save sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "ask after new sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
-add "Update" menue for ipfilter and ip2country (options)
-add ip2country (fix coded)
-add sidebannder [options]
-show cpu/mem/server [transferwindow]
-show splash on exit (fix coded)
-changed fake rank code {thx g_m}
-some other code changes...

v 1.5
-emulate other clientsoftware (switchable) *
-don't send complete file status (switchable)*
-fake rank (switchable)* {thx g_m}
-auto reload shared files if download is complete (fix coded) {thx g_m}
-no upload (switchable)*
-no share any files (switchable)*
-no share the incoming folder (switchable)*
-don't send filelist to server (switchable)*
-don't publish filelist in KAD (switchable)*
-add no ratio (fix coded)
-add unlimited search results (fix coded)
-reask client for download (downloadqueue)
-kick all Peers Button (uploadqueue) **
-kick & bann buttons (uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-clear banlist buttons (Uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
-add forum link button (maincontrollbar)
-add new splashscreen {thx Manas}
-changed min queue size(advanced options)
-based on emule 0.49a

* you must restart emule that settings take effect...
** you must mark one client that this function works...

[U]Erklärung: / Explanation:

spooky mode
Ihr könnt die Verbindung zu beiden Netzwerken trennen und trotzdem weiter herunter laden. eMule findet inzwischen genug Quellen über Source Exchange so das ihr die Quellen die ihr neu von einem Server bzw Kademlia erhalten würdet nicht benötigt.
You can disconnect from both networks and still continue your downloads. eMule will find sources through Source Exchange without the need for a server or Kad connection.

generate new rsa key
Ihr könnt eure eMule Identifikation ändern. Dadurch verliert ihr alle Credits bei anderen Clienten!
Deshalb ist diese Funktion nur zu empfehlen wenn ihr den Mod eh mit No Share oder No Upload laufen last. Durch das ändern des rsa keys seit ihr besser vor "eMule Network Scans" und auch gegen die ein oder andere "Static Banlist" geschützt.
This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

emulate community nick addons
Euer Client emuliert die Community Erweiterungen im Nickname von anderen Clients, da man so teilweise im download bevorzugt wird.
Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

don't share partfiles
Es werden nur eure Downloads versteckt. Andere Ordner könnt ihr normal zum Upload anbieten.
Only the files you're downloading will be hidden. You can still offer all your other folder to upload.

upload only to friends
Es gelangen nur Clients in eure Uploadwarteschlange die ihr davor zum Freund gemacht habt.
Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

disable [XS] send
Ihr gebt eure Quellen nicht an andere Clients weiter.
you don´t give your sources to other clients

ask after new sources
Ihr könnt jederzeit für ein File den Server, Kademilla und die anderen Clients nach neuen Quellen fragen.
you can ask the Server, Kademilla and the other clients anytime for new sources for a file

emulate other clientsoftware
Ihr emuliert ander Client Software wie z.B. edonkey, Shareaza usw. falls sich ein solcher Client zu euch verbindet, da sich diese Programme untereinander bevorzugen.
you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

don't send complete file status
Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet wenn ihr ein File komplett habt.
if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

fake rank
Ihr sendet einen gefälschten Warteschlangen Rank zu anderen Usern, da manche Mods diesen berücksichtigen.
you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

no upload
Andere Clients können von euch nichts laden.
other clients can´t download from you

no share any files
Alle Dateien werden versteckt auch die ihr gerade ladet. Dadurch kann es zu schlechteren Speed Ergebnissen kommen.
all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

no share the incoming folder
Euer Incoming Ordner wird nicht im Netz Freigegeben. Dadurch werden nur Files veröffentlicht die ihr gerade Ladet oder manuel frei gegeben habt.
your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

don't send filelist to server
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht an die Server gesendet. Somit taucht ihr nicht bei den Suchergebnissen auf.
your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

don't publish filelist in KAD
Eure Dateiliste wird nicht in Kademilla veröffentlicht. Dadurch kann es zu weniger KAD Verbindungen kommen.
your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

no ratio
Ihr könnt den Upload begrenzen wie ihr wollt. Euer Download wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt.
you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

unlimited search results
Die Anzahl der Treffer bei der Suchfunktion wird nicht begrenzt.
the number of searchresults is unlimited

reask client for download
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients nach Download fragen. Aber benutz denn Button nicht öfter hinter einander da ihr sonst gebannt werdet.
you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

kick all peers
Damit leert ihr alle Uploadslots.
you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

kick & bann
Ihr könnt einzelne Clients aus denn Warteschlangen entfernen bzw bannen.
you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

clear banlist
Damit leert ihr eure Bannliste.
you can clean your banlist with that

queuezise changing
Die Warteschlangen Grösse kann beliebig verändert werden.
the size of the queue can be change like you want with that

server rotation
ihr verbindet euch nach 20 Minuten zum nächsten Server in der Liste.
makes you connect to the next server in the list every 20 mins

upload slot control
dadurch könnt ihr Regeln wie viele Leute gleichzeitig von euch was laden dürfen.
controls how many people you can upload to at the same time

drop ranking QR > x
dadurch entfernt ihr alle Clients aus den einzelnen Downloads die einen Rank über x haben.
removes sources whose queue rank is higher than x from your downloads

drop NNS/FQ/TM sources
damit könnt ihr clients die nur nicht benötigte Teile, die eine volle Warteschlange haben oder zu viele Verbindungen entfernen.
removes nns (non needed source), full queue and tm (too many connections) sources from your downloads

push client
ihr könnt clients aus der Warteschlange manuell einen Uploadslot zuteilen.
throws clients in your upload queue

Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics
euch wird angezeigt mit wie viele Quellen ihr verbunden seit.
shows you the source total and how many of them have been received through ed2k, kad or xs

NNS/FQ/TM source statistics
dadurch könnt ihr erkennen ob ihr im Moment mit überflüssigen Quellen verbunden seit
shows you how many of your downloads' sources aren't needed or in "full queue" or "too many connections" status

multi server connect and reask
Ihr könnt euch zu beliebig vielen Server verbinden und erhaltet auch von allen die vorhandenen Quellen.
You can connect to any number of servers and also regularly ask them for new sources.

no queue / queue only for friends
Damit könnt ihr eure Upload Warteschlange komplett sperren bzw. nur Freunde in die Queue lassen
Lets you prevent anyone from entering your queue, or letting only your friends inside accordingly.

upload rule/queue rule per file
Ihr könnt für jeden eurer Shares einzeln entscheiden ob andere Clients/Friends in eure Warteschlange dürfen bzw. ob andere User/Friends überhaupt Upload ab bekommen.
You can decide whether to upload to other clients/friends or let them enter your queue in an individual basis.

In all versions are no viruses or trojans! Some virus scanners hit alarm because we use a packer who is also often used for viruses or trojans. All versions are free to 100% of viruses and Trojans, with it we guarantee with our name SB-Innovation!

In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!



09.07.09, 16:41
eMule v0.49c SBI Leecher v2.0 Statistics [mskvorc1]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.68
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 2.68
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.68
Uploaded Data: 649.39 MB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 5
Total Uploads: 5
Waiting Uploads: 1831
Upload Sessions: 103
Total successful upload sessions: 84 (81.55%)
Total failed upload sessions: 19 (18.45%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: 7.73 MB
Average upload time: 36:18 Minutes
Total Overhead (Packets): 26.53 MB (324.39 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.70 GB
Completed Downloads: 0
Active Downloads (chunks): 16
Found Sources: 1690
Download Sessions: 959
Successful Download Sessions: 654 (68.2%)
Failed Download Sessions: 305 (31.8%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 2.66 MB
Average Download Time: 11:43 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 39.90 MB (2.3%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 1.09 MB (0.1%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 6
Total Overhead (Packets): 23.15 MB (435.55 k)
Upload-Speed: 19.96 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 19.21 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 20.39 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 19.21 KB/s
Download-Speed: 58.32 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 51.52 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 142.54 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 51.52 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 9.7.2009 7:05:48
Time Since Last Reset: 9:36 Hours
Runtime: 9:38 Hours
Transfer Time: 9:38 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 7:44 Minutes (1.3%)
Total Server Duration: 9:36 Hours (99.6%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 2149
Firewalled (Kad)
Low ID: 496 (23.1%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 1806 (87.4%) : 261 (12.6%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 106
Filtered: 349
Shared Files
Disk Space

Working nice with upload:top:

Thx a lot!

15.07.09, 21:51
moved to public. have fun:top:

16.07.09, 12:20
I am stupid or blinded perhaps
Please, where is "No Ratio" choice?

16.07.09, 12:46
"no Ratio" isn´t switchable.

"no Ratio" = you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

17.07.09, 21:55
eMule v0.49c SBI Leecher v2.0 Statistics [http://www.emule-project.net]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 1
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 0
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: Waiting...
Average upload time: 0 Seconds
Total Overhead (Packets): 4.21 MB (68.43 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 731.94 KB (18.11 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 641.76 KB (367)
Server Overhead (Packets): 180.98 KB (649)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 2.00 MB (39.13 k)
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: Waiting...
Average upload time: 0 Seconds
Total Overhead (Packets): 4.21 MB (68.40 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 731.94 KB (18.11 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 641.76 KB (367)
Server Overhead (Packets): 180.98 KB (649)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 2.00 MB (39.13 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.00 GB
eMule: 0.99 GB (98.9%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 11.66 MB (1.1%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 62.49 MB (6.1%)
Other: 959.14 MB (93.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 10
Active Downloads (chunks): 29
Found Sources: 709
On Queue: 593
Queue Full: 6
No needed parts: 81
Asking: 0
Receiving hashset: 0
Connecting: 1
Connecting via server: 0
Too many connections: 0
Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
Problematic: 0
Banned: 0
Asked for another file: 1342
Unknown: 0
via eD2K Server: 22
via Kad: 201
via Source Exchange: 332
via Passive: 155
eD2K: 658 (92.5%)
Kad: 644 (90.6%)
eD2K/Kad: 592 (83.3%)
UDP File Reasks: 3.16 k, Failed: 450 (14.2%)
Dead Sources: 337 (320 + 17)
Download Sessions: 262
Successful Download Sessions: 199 (76.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 63 (24.0%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 5.13 MB
Average Download Time: 17:06 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 10.78 MB (1.1%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 7.09 MB (154.74 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 2.74 MB (113.18 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 93.52 KB (454)
Server Overhead (Packets): 90.07 KB (368)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 3.54 MB (31.42 k)
Downloaded Data: 1.00 GB
eMule: 0.99 GB (98.9%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 11.66 MB (1.1%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 62.49 MB (6.1%)
Other: 959.14 MB (93.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 10
Download Sessions: 262
Successful Download Sessions: 199 (76.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 63 (24.0%)
Average Downloaded Per Session: 5.13 MB
Average Download Time: 17:06 Minutes
Gained Due To Compression: 10.77 MB (1.1%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 7.09 MB (154.59 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 2.74 MB (113.18 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 93.52 KB (454)
Server Overhead (Packets): 90.07 KB (368)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 3.54 MB (31.42 k)
Reconnects: 10
Active Connections (estimate): 52 (Half:2 | Compl:3 | Other:47)
Average Connections (estimate): 47
Peak Connections (estimate): 200
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 633 B/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 1.52 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 140.99 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 83.96 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 169.90 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 83.96 KB/s
Reconnects: 10
Average Connections (estimate): 26
Peak Connections (estimate): 200
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 1.52 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Average Downloadrate: 41.98 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 169.90 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 41.98 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 2009-07-17 18:02:00
Time Since Last Reset: 3:49 Hours
Runtime: 3:29 Hours
Transfer Time: 3:28 Hours (99.5%)
Upload Time: 3:28 Hours (99.5%)
Download Time: 3:27 Hours (99.1%)
Current Server Duration: 2:26 Hours (69.8%)
Total Server Duration: 3:20 Hours (95.9%)
Runtime: 3:39 Hours
Transfer Time: 3:28 Hours (94.9%)
Upload Time: 3:28 Hours (94.9%)
Download Time: 3:27 Hours (94.6%)
Total Server Duration: 3:20 Hours (91.5%)
Projected Averages
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total Overhead (Packets): 26.38 MB (428.69 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 4.48 MB (113.50 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 3.93 MB (2.30 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 1.11 MB (4.07 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 12.54 MB (245.24 k)
Downloaded Data: 6.25 GB
eMule: 6.18 GB (98.9%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 73.07 MB (1.1%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 391.66 MB (6.1%)
Other: 5.87 GB (93.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 62
Download Sessions: 1641
Successful Download Sessions: 1247 (76.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 394 (24.0%)
Gained Due To Compression: 67.50 MB
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 44.43 MB (968.93 k)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 17.18 MB (709.34 k)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 586.13 KB (2.85 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 564.50 KB (2.31 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 22.18 MB (196.91 k)
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total Overhead (Packets): 802.45 MB (13.04 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 136.27 MB (3.45 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 119.48 MB (69.97 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 33.69 MB (123.73 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 381.46 MB (7.46 M)
Downloaded Data: 190.20 GB
eMule: 188.03 GB (98.9%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 2.17 GB (1.1%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 11.63 GB (6.1%)
Other: 178.57 GB (93.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 1906
Download Sessions: 49947
Successful Download Sessions: 37937 (76.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 12010 (24.0%)
Gained Due To Compression: 2.00 GB
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 1.32 GB (29.47 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 522.54 MB (21.58 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 17.41 MB (86.55 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 16.77 MB (70.16 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 674.57 MB (5.99 M)
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
eMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Data Source
Complete File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Part File: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Upload Sessions: 0
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total Overhead (Packets): 9.40 GB (156.47 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 1.60 GB (41.43 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 1.40 GB (839.59 k)
Server Overhead (Packets): 404.32 MB (1.48 M)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 4.47 GB (89.51 M)
Downloaded Data: 2.23 TB
eMule: 2.20 TB (98.9%)
eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
aMule: 26.05 GB (1.1%)
MLdonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Shareaza: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
eM Compat: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Default: 139.60 GB (6.1%)
Other: 2.09 TB (93.9%)
Other: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
Completed Downloads: 22877
Download Sessions: 599378
Successful Download Sessions: 455253 (76.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 144125 (24.0%)
Gained Due To Compression: 24.06 GB
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 15.84 GB (353.66 M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 6.12 GB (258.91 M)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 208.92 MB (1.04 M)
Server Overhead (Packets): 201.21 MB (841.88 k)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 7.91 GB (71.87 M)
Known Clients: 725
eMule: 697 (95.7%)
v0.49c: 332 (47.6%)
v0.49b: 170 (24.4%)
v0.48a: 108 (15.5%)
v0.49a: 44 (6.3%)
Minor: 43 (6.2%)
v0.47c: 37 (5.3%)
v0.47a: 5 (0.7%)
v0.46c: 1 (0.1%)
eD Hybrid: 0 (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 (0.0%)
aMule: 11 (1.5%)
v2.2.5: 4 (36.4%)
v2.2.4: 3 (27.3%)
v2.1.3: 2 (18.2%)
v2.2.2: 1 (9.1%)
Minor: 1 (9.1%)
v2.2.1: 1 (9.1%)
MLdonkey: 3 (0.4%)
Shareaza: 3 (0.4%)
eM Compat: 13 (1.8%)
Unknown: 1 (0.1%)
eD2K: 673 (92.4%)
Kad: 659 (90.5%)
eD2K/Kad: 604 (83.0%)
Unknown: 0 (0.0%)
Default: 107 (14.7%)
Other: 621 (85.3%)
Firewalled (Kad)
UDP: 14.4%
TCP: 18.4%
Low ID: 170 (23.4%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 706 (99.0%) : 7 (1.0%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 2
Filtered: 199
Working Servers: 23
Users on Working Servers: 1.09 M; Low ID: 549.98 k (50.7%)
Files on Working Servers: 134.68 M
Server Occupation: 12.68%
Failed Servers: 0
Deleted Servers: 27
Total: 23
Total Users: 1.09 M
Total Files: 134.68 M
Max. Working Servers: 23
Max. Users Online: 1.09 M
Max. Files Available: 134.68 M
Shared Files
Number of Shared Files: 0
Average file size: 0 Bytes
Largest Shared File: 0 Bytes
Total size of Shared Files: 0 Bytes
Max. Files Ever Shared: 0
Largest Average File Size: 0 Bytes
Largest Shared File: 0 Bytes
Largest Share Size: 0 Bytes
Disk Space
Number of Downloads: 103
Total Size of Downloads: 9.68 GB
Total Completed Size: 2.72 GB (28%)
Total Size Left to Transfer: 6.96 GB
Free Space on Tempdrive: 27.42 GB
Additional Space Needed for Downloads: 2.28 GB

17.07.09, 22:54
eMule v0.49c SBI Leecher v2.0 Statistics [012547645]

Session UL:DL Ratio: Waiting...
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): Waiting...
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 108.12
Uploaded Data: 0 Bytes
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 1
Total Uploads: 0
Waiting Uploads: 1370
Upload Sessions: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 18.16 MB (330.24 k)
Downloaded Data: 2.77 GB
Completed Downloads: 0
Active Downloads (chunks): 82
Found Sources: 3921
Download Sessions: 2925
Gained Due To Compression: 38.41 MB (1.4%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 18.00 MB (0.6%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 6
Total Overhead (Packets): 28.00 MB (594.85 k)
Reconnects: 1
Active Connections (estimate): 277 (Half:9 | Compl:115 | Other:153)
Average Connections (estimate): 290
Peak Connections (estimate): 777
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 941 B/s
Average Uploadrate: 0 B/s
Max Upload Rate: 3.73 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
Download-Speed: 174.92 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 166.89 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 197.53 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 166.89 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 20/03/2009 21:50:47
Time Since Last Reset: 117 Days 23:31 Hours
Runtime: 4:50 Hours
Transfer Time: 4:50 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 4:50 Hours (100.0%)
Total Server Duration: 4:50 Hours (100.0%)
Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space

18.07.09, 14:29

I cannot run it like a service. When I try, it starts using 96,000 KB of memory and keeps increasing. It stays at 50% CPU. I cannot access any window. It stays at the server windows. After a lot of time I have to kill the process.

While it's running it shows two processes. One is a native windows process and the other is a plain shell (command.com) process.

I had to go back to v1.9, where I could run it as a service while packed or not :(

Butcho, did you used a different packer?

Butcho, please, look into this. :(

Best of luck to all

18.07.09, 17:57
command.com!? What OS are you on?

I'm on XP and Butcho's mod doesn't freeze nor create multiple processes. But I'm not running it as service...

18.07.09, 23:56
command.com!? What OS are you on?

I'm on XP and Butcho's mod doesn't freeze nor create multiple processes. But I'm not running it as service...

Its like the built-in unpacker starts to run and never finishes unpacking the exe. That is why there are two processes. And that is why eMule never starts and memory usage starts getting bigger.

Try to run eMule as a service. its easy. All you need is two files from the Resource Kit. They are INSTSRV.EXE and SRVANY.EXE. I can post the steps, if you want.

The benefits are:

-Improved stability. It runs a lot more stable.
-More efficient use of system resources. Even using less resources.
-Running as a unprivileged user without doing anything else but selecting this option in the options window.
-Running eMule without being logged in.
-Better management of the process by the system.

Best of luck.

19.07.09, 20:19
Hallo, da die letzte version, nicht bei mir gelaufen ist und die wieder läuft, kann jemand mal eine einstellungsempfellung für Releaser posten, ich weiß es war schon mal eine da für die alte version aber jetzt finde ich die bilder nicht mehr. Thx spanier:smile::smile:

19.07.09, 20:23
Releaser settings? That post didn't have any pictures :tongue:

Well, if you want to release, first of all don't enable any security settings. :biggrin:

Secondly, you may want to enable fake rank, so that others never see your queue as full. Auto asking for new server and XS sources would be useful to find people to upload to; multi server connection and rotation could also help.

Moving the "upload slots" bar all the way to the left will activate slot focus, which works like this: if your maximum upload speed is 30kB/s and you're uploading to 5 clients, they should get 6kbs each. But with slot focus the first one will get 29kB/s (i.e. almost full speed) and the other ones 0.2kbs, so it can help you upload chunks faster.

But this is a leecher rather than a releaser... you'll get better results with a mod like ZZ-RS.

If you meant leecher settings or I misunderstood you, I'll be glad to post those again :smile:

20.07.09, 00:16

I don't mean to bug you, but I need to solve the issue I posted before. I politely ask: Is there an answer for me?

Best of luck to all :)

25.07.09, 06:42

Did I said anything wrong? If I did I did not mean to. I just wanted to know if thr is a solution to what I need to solve to use this wonderful mod.

The matter is that I want to be able to give the network something back. At least with the little bandwidth I may have.

With v1.9 I can't do it, as I explained before. But because I had to return to v1.9, I need to know if there is a solution.

Integrity is something I value a lot. So I will never relate to whom is stealing your work and I think that whoever is stealing your work is less than a worm.

But in my view, if you can give something back to the network, in exchange for the lot of things you receive, you should do it. That way the network will last.

I am calling upon you who can help me. I need your help. It will be very appreciated.

I have been running Windows XP Pro x64 without any difficulties.

Best of luck to all of you :)

25.07.09, 19:55
Sorry i don't know what is the exact problem. I' ve used the same packer as in the 1.9 release and i don't have such problem. Have you tried to run this version normal and not in service mod?

25.07.09, 22:16
Sorry i don't know what is the exact problem. I' ve used the same packer as in the 1.9 release and i don't have such problem. Have you tried to run this version normal and not in service mod?

First, thanks for your answer, Butcho.

Yes, I have tried to use it in normal (not service mode) and it works. Both times doing a clean "install".

I did use v1.9 packed at first as a service and it worked with no problems. When the unpacked release was posted, I used it and saw no difference, so I kept using it.

I have not changed the configuration of the computer in any way. That, and the fact that something I did not experienced before, two eMule process, one a native windows one and one that is not, lead me to believe that maybe you changed the packer or the configuration of the packer at packing time.

Anyways, running as a service is easy. Like I said before You only need two files from the Resource Kit and you don't even have to install the Resource Kit or these particular files.

One of the files, INSTSRV.EXE, will install (and uninstall) most executables as a service and the other file, SRVANY.EXE, is used as a helper to run it. The only not straight forward part is modifying the way the service is created in the registry and adding a subkey.

I have installed the Resource Kit, taken the files I need and then uninstall it.

Please, let me know if you want to try this yourself. I will gladly help if needed.

Best of luck to you, butcho and to all my peers :)

26.07.09, 09:32
To add ed2k-stats as a Web Services into eMule
Tools -> Links -> Edit Web Services
Add this line in webservices.dat file

' ed2k stats shortypower,http://ed2k.shortypower.dyndns.org/?hash=#hashid '

01.08.09, 07:09
Hi, :smile:

I was able to make 2.01 work in my system.

I downloaded again. Installed clean again.

Started applying the SBI options I wanted to use one by one. I applied one and then shutdown 2.01. If it worked, another option was applied and then shutdown 2.01. And so on...

Painfully slow process, but it worked. Don't ask me why. I do not know as I did not experienced this with any prior SBI mod.

But I cannot share. The very same situation as before.

the only options I have enabled are:

don't share your downloads
don't publish filelist in KAD
don't send filelist to server
don't send complete file status
auto generate new RSA key

Nothing else has been enabled in the SBI Security sub menu.

Other than that, this version is working better than the past one. Faster source finds and more downloads.

But I will like to share some. Can you help?

Best of luck to all :smile:

01.08.09, 12:11
Hi elegant...
its not a problem of the mod but from youre settings...
you have don't "share your downloads" enabled with
"don't publish filelist in KAD" and
"don't send filelist to server".
With your settings you can only Upload youre Incoming files....but when you don't send youre fillelists nobody find youre files guy ;-)
Files from the Incoming can only be share if you disabled the 2 options !!!

01.08.09, 19:42
I disabled: :smile:

don't publish filelist in KAD
don't send filelist to server

and I was able to share the files I wanted to.

The only question I have is:

Why Source Exchange was not enough to cause sharing?

Another matter:

I observed that in the "Shared" window, under "All Shared files", under "Incoming Files", my first shared folder appears twice. I checked and I concluded that I have not specified anywhere this folder to be shared. I know that because is under the Incoming folder it should be shared, but why it appears twice?

It looks like this:

- All Shared files
- Incoming Files
Folder-x (incoming path)
Folder-x (incoming path)
Folder-y (incoming path)
Folder-z (incoming path)
Folder-v (incoming path)
Folder-w (incoming path)

Thanks, umek. :smile:
Best of luck to all :smile:

01.08.09, 19:43
The only question I have is:

Why Source Exchange was not enough to cause sharing?

As far as I know that only shares your know sources for other files with other clients.

Another matter:

I observed that in the "Shared" window, under "All Shared files", under "Incoming Files", my first shared folder appears twice. I checked and I concluded that I have not specified anywhere this folder to be shared. I know that because is under the Incoming folder it should be shared, but why it appears twice?

I'm not sure. A clean install could help - also make sure the folder doesn't really exist twice (with a slighty different name) for some other reason.

03.08.09, 04:41
As far as I know that only shares your know sources for other files with other clients.

Do that include the files I'm sharing? Should it? ("...your know sources for")

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ----------

I'm not sure. A clean install could help - also make sure the folder doesn't really exist twice (with a slighty different name) for some other reason.

It is a clean install.

The folders are not duplicated. When you ask eMule to open these folders by right clicking on the folder name (in the Shares window) it opens the same folder.

I think there is something in the code that needs to be checked.

The option "no upload" is immediate when you enabled it, but when you disable it, the "no upload" option is not disabled. One needs to shutdown eMule and load it again.

Thanks, anon.

Best of luck to all

03.08.09, 18:09
Do that include the files I'm sharing? Should it? ("...your know sources for")

I think so.

The option "no upload" is immediate when you enabled it, but when you disable it, the "no upload" option is not disabled. One needs to shutdown eMule and load it again.

You need to restart eMule for the security settings to take effect!

04.08.09, 09:10
Hi, :smile:

I only have "don't share your downloads" in the "SBI Security" window. After disabling all other options, I restarted eMule.

I can share some files. The ones I already had in the incoming folder before I restarted SBI Leecher eMule v2.01. The files that finish downloading are written to the incoming folder and don't appear in the "Shared Files" window, "All Shared Files" sub menu, "Incoming Files" sub menu.

These files that are downloaded after eMule restart never get to be shared, unless I do another restart of eMule.

Pressing the "Reload" button does not make them appear or be shared.

Please, check on this matter and let us know what is happening.

Best of luck to all :smile:

04.08.09, 12:49
Yes that's right. If you have enabled don't share your downloads, the program don't add that files in your shared file list. That's the point why you miss them if the download is completly done.
Perhaps i can change it in 2.2 but i must look the code first.

05.08.09, 00:02
Yes that's right. If you have enabled don't share your downloads, the program don't add that files in your shared file list. That's the point why you miss them if the download is completly done.
Perhaps i can change it in 2.2 but i must look the code first.

Please, do. That will be very nice.

By the time I can get to use 2.2 I might have restarted emule a few hundred times. :wink:

Butcho, thanks for your hard work and for allowing us to use your creations.

Best of luck to all :smile:

07.08.09, 02:22
Yes that's right. If you have enabled don't share your downloads, the program don't add that files in your shared file list. That's the point why you miss them if the download is completly done.
Perhaps i can change it in 2.2 but i must look the code first.

Butcho, :smile:

It is like there is a table or array in memory that once you have selected "don't share your downloads", the file hash is added to that list and is never released from that table or array until eMule is restarted.

What I want is that when the file is complete, the file hash is released from that "don't share your downloads" table or array and is placed in the "share" table or array automatically. Of course, without changing the upload or queue rules (hidden, friends, public) that has been set for the file.

An additional option that could be described as a "Share Completed Files Only"

Best of luck to all :smile:

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 ----------

Hi, :smile:

Is there a way using this mod to filter peers with Low ID?

There is a mod here that can do it.

Will there be an inconvenient with filtering them?

Best of Luck :smile:

07.08.09, 02:35
Is there a way using this mod to filter peers with Low ID?

There is a mod here that can do it.

Will there be an inconvenient with filtering them?

This version can't; v2.1 has No Upload/Queue for low ID clients, but you need the Member user title to download it.

07.08.09, 08:54
i really like the sbi emule mod and used to run it with wine 1.1.26 in debian lenny. unfortunately since the outcome of sbi mod 1.9 it always crashes with wine after a few minutes, and that happens to v2 too. v1.8 is still stable in wine though.

i know that this mod isnt supposed to be working in a wine enviroment, but imho this is the best emule client i know. and im a bit unhappy that the improved versions of this mod dont work for me anymore. :frown:

10.08.09, 23:33
i love this mod, but fake check wont update stays at 12:00:00 AM

10.08.09, 23:40
I'll check it and try to fix in my next version if there is an issue...

11.08.09, 10:00
can someone post how to properly set up settings in this mod and how to set up SBI setting?
I am a beginner so i need your help.

11.08.09, 14:08
This one always springs up... :tongue:

Security settings:

Mod settings:
(yes, the pics are old)

With these settings you won't share (and therefore upload) anything - your queue will be empty all the time. Despite this, it's still fast for a no upload mod.

The client software and community nick emulation can't be detected, and will give you a better chance to download from others.

Server rotation will automatically connect to the next server on the list, this can help you gather more sources. You can set the interval at "Time settings" - I'd recommend something between 30 and 60 minutes.

The Time settings come tweaked by default. Don't set the reask times too low or you may be banned. You can use the ones between brackets (i.e. the official reask times) to decrease your overhead.

The multi server connection will increase your source horizon at the cost of extra overhead.

Auto drop will automatically remove sources that don't have any useful chunks or whose queue is full from your source list.

Filename disparity check makes sure what you're downloading is that file and not a fake. (There's also a "check fake" column in the search panel to match results with known fake files) You can adjust its sensitivity in the SBI Control settings.

v2.01 introduces new features:

Spooky mode = "hits" the server and Kad to ask for sources, then disconnects from both and keeps transfers going via Source Exchange. A high ID is essential for this. Only use it when you need added security, otherwise your downloads could be slowed down with no benefit.
Show users' IP = the name says it all. Shows how secure you really can be on the eD2K network :redface:
Reconnect on low ID = reconnects to the network if you get a low ID. Recommended, specially if you're going to leave eMule running overnight with server rotation enabled.
Fake rank start value = how low the fake queue rank sent to others can be. The default value is around 1800, I think.
Fake rank update time = how often the fake queue rank is sent to other clients. Don't set it too low.
Auto drop QR>x = automatically removes sources whose QR is higher than X (settable).
Auto drop QR time = how often that's automatically done.
File reask time = how often you reask. Don't set this too low!
Auto SLS = should speak for itself, automatically saves and loads sources so that you can resume downloads faster on a fresh startup.
Amount of sources to save = self-explanatory
Reload sources before saving = self-explanatory
Show downloads in bold = bolds active downloads in the Transfers panel.
Change downloads color = changes their text's color.

11.08.09, 18:12
anon thx a lot man, can you tell me where to find a good server list?

11.08.09, 18:13



13.08.09, 14:54
while we are at it, can anyone tell me how to get rid of the emule spam that shows in the results screen? (the .exe, .rar, .zip, .wmv) it's annoying and i used this mod for 2 months b4 that stuff showed to me. if u can help me i will be sincerely gratefull
PS: @anon thanks for the server list man

13.08.09, 18:16
Things like "download free (your search query) toolbar.exe"?

You're connecting to a fake server. Try using the Sharing Kingdom or PEERATES.NET ones.

13.08.09, 19:12
@anon again man u helped me twice this day, how i can thank u?

13.08.09, 19:20
Well, you've already clicked the Thanks button, that's enough. :biggrin:

29.08.09, 01:52
Hello guys, I've got the same problem...as usual...I can't find any source for my downloads...but...in the release 1.8 it's all ok I'm downloading normally, when I change into the new version I can't see sources for my files...First I've copied the config folder in the new version (no result) then, after changed back the previous config folder I've copied the settings (same for the 1.8 - 2.01) (no result), after I've try to clean up everithing and start from the beginning checking even the router settings...but nothing happens...I've changed nodes.dat but even in this case no results...How can I solve this problem?...need some more informations?

29.08.09, 17:53
When you say:

I've copied the config folder in the new version

Do you mean copying it over your old one, or extracting the mod to a separate folder? Because the latter solved the problem for me.

29.08.09, 19:44
well to tell the truth, I've done both...first I've tried to overwrite the old config folder in the new version....after I deleted the directory, re-extract the new version in a different folder...but no way it works...please help me...

31.08.09, 02:19
i have found 1.9 the most stable version

04.09.09, 17:36

Kaspersky 8 erkennt seit heute die .exe von 2.01 als "Trojan-Proxy.Win32.Mitglieder.ghg", 1.9 aber nicht. Ja, den roten Text aus dem Startposting kenne ich natürlich - ich wollte nur bescheid gesagt haben :smile:

04.09.09, 17:57
das könnte evtl. noch aktualisiert werden. kaspersky macht bei packern normalerweise keine probleme...

13.09.09, 00:03
kann mir jemand sagen, ob die Möglichkeit besteht bei einer Suchanfrage diese zig Fakeresults mit tausenden von Quellen zu verhindern?

13.09.09, 00:04

Connect to good servers, such as the Sharing Kingdom and PEERATES.NET ones.

13.09.09, 23:47
kann mir jemand sagen, ob die Möglichkeit besteht bei einer Suchanfrage diese zig Fakeresults mit tausenden von Quellen zu verhindern?

Clear your server list and add this ed2k servers :)

eDonkeyServer No2 ed2k://|server||4242|/
!-= Porn Pit =-! ed2k://|server||4321|/
eMule Security ed2k://|server||4007|/
StormShare 1 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 2 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 3 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 4 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 5 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 6 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 7 ed2k://|server||4500|/
StormShare 8 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 2 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 3 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 4 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 5 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 6 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 7 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 8 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 9 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 10 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Master Server 11 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Sharing Kingdom 1 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Sharing Kingdom 2 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Sharing Kingdom 3 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Sharing Kingdom 4 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Sharing Kingdom 5 ed2k://|server||4500|/
Sharing Kingdom 6 ed2k://|server||4500|/

17.09.09, 17:22
I use this server.met server met server-met server list edonkey server emule (http://www.server-met.de/)

I face some difficulties running KAD. Got a High-ID, but its nearly impossbile to find any files via KAD. Even the a search like "linux" will only return 5 hits.

Currently running: Windows 7 x64

V1.9 worked on Vista x64

Greetings and keep up the good work :klatsch_3:

17.09.09, 17:55
It's been a while Server-met.de's server list now includes fake ones as well. :frown: Better use the ones eMuLeecher posted.

I face some difficulties running KAD. Got a High-ID, but its nearly impossbile to find any files via KAD. Even the a search like "linux" will only return 5 hits.

Tried updating your node file?

17.09.09, 19:09
Ok i think i have some more information

Windows 7 x64 + Defender (On/Off) + GData Antivir 2010 (On/Off) still gives me a High-ID but only yellow, orange & red contacts in KAD. Even if i try some of the node-lists i got from google.

I didn't change any hardware just the OS (Vista x64 -> Win7 x64) and this (awesome) Mod 1.9 -> 2.01.

The only ones who got similar problems had a D-Link-Router (as myself) but this is odd because it worked perfectly under Vista x64.

I used the settings you posted and the connection wizard.

I'll try 1.9 first and after that some other settings. Maybe it is just a Win 7 Problem.

17.09.09, 19:10
You could also check if the same happens with the official eMule.

17.09.09, 21:19
Hi again!

Tried it with 1.9 and original and it didn't work.
Deinstalled GData 2010 and tried KAD again .... enough hits to be sure that it is a softwareproblem.

As GDATA is from germany i'm allowed to say: scheissprogramm

Thank you for the support Anon :top:

22.09.09, 18:52
danke :) und wie ist das passwort?

22.09.09, 19:16
Click the Danke button below the first post to see the password in the "hidden content" area.

23.09.09, 10:27
hello guys Kaspersky detects it as a virus erases emule why??

23.09.09, 11:31
False positive.

23.09.09, 16:08
hello guys Kaspersky detects it as a virus erases emule why??


detect: Trojan-Proxy.Win32.Mitglieder.ghg

23.09.09, 18:03
Read the post right above yours - it's a false positive! :mad:

28.09.09, 03:17
Deinstalled GData 2010 and tried KAD again .... enough hits to be sure that it is a softwareproblem.

Cause Gdata also reports it as being malicious maybe.
GData 19.7805/19.473 Result:Trojan-Proxy.Win32.Mitglieder.ghg [Engine:A]

As long as my kaspersky doesnt im ok :p

29.09.09, 15:53
when I change to the 2.01 version I can't see sources for files

I have copied the files of new config folder into de hold config folderbut there are any source...

29.09.09, 15:54
Do a completely clean install - extract the RAR to a separate folder and run the mod from there. Copying the config folder from the archive over your old one isn't enough.

01.10.09, 16:52
how works the spooky mode?

01.10.09, 17:57
Spooky mode = "hits" the server and Kad to ask for sources, then disconnects from both and keeps transfers going via Source Exchange. A high ID is essential for this. Only use it when you need added security, otherwise your downloads could be slowed down with no benefit.

03.10.09, 23:16
It starts automatic, serious possible that it was not doing it with any configuration?
thank you

03.10.09, 23:17
If you mean Spooky mode, make sure both checkboxes at SBI Control are unticked.

Also, is the "entering spooky-mode" line visible in the Log?

09.10.09, 09:37
Hi - um das PW zu bekommen klickt man auf den Danke Button - so weit so gut - dann kommt da ein Bild "Unhidden Content - enjoy the view" und im Feld darunter code: REMOVED

Mach ich irgendwas falsch??? Ein PW kommt da jedenfalls nicht und mit dem code funzt es auch nicht :stupid:

Danke für ne AW

09.10.09, 11:36
Please refrain from posting the password.

If it's not working for you, type it manually, even though the CODE tag should make sure your browser doesn't add a space at the end. Otherwise, redownload the RAR and try again.

09.10.09, 18:12
Better do a clean install.

09.10.09, 19:43
Hi - um das PW zu bekommen klickt man auf den Danke Button - so weit so gut - dann kommt da ein Bild "Unhidden Content - enjoy the view" und im Feld darunter code: REMOVED

Mach ich irgendwas falsch??? Ein PW kommt da jedenfalls nicht und mit dem code funzt es auch nicht :stupid:

Danke für ne AW

das passwort ist das wort unter Code:

falls es mit copy & paste nicht klappt einfach per hand schreiben

11.10.09, 23:56
Thank you so much for that client. Just one question -> the "no queue" feature -> for what exact stands it? kicks it the people in front of me and makes me number one for downloading?

11.10.09, 23:57
It prevents anyone from entering your queue.

17.10.09, 14:43
wie lautet das pw

17.10.09, 15:54
im ersten beitrag auf danke drücken. unter den "unhidden content" bild steht das passwort

18.10.09, 11:04
netter Mod nur leider will es immer noch nicht auf Vista 32bit laufen, es kommen keine Verbindungen zustande obwohl alle ports offen sind... schade :frown:

ps.: die letzte funktionierende Version bei Vista 32bit war bei mir die v1.7

Mfg Tornado

23.10.09, 12:26
netter Mod nur leider will es immer noch nicht auf Vista 32bit laufen, es kommen keine Verbindungen zustande obwohl alle ports offen sind... schade :frown:

ps.: die letzte funktionierende Version bei Vista 32bit war bei mir die v1.7

Mfg Tornado

Funktioniert absolut problemlos unter Vista und Windows7.

Solltest mal eher Deinen Router prüfen bzw. deine Netzwerkeinstellungen u.o. Firewall.

23.10.09, 16:40
Funktioniert absolut problemlos unter Vista und Windows7.

Solltest mal eher Deinen Router prüfen bzw. deine Netzwerkeinstellungen u.o. Firewall.

ist immer alles obtimiert...daran wird es auch nicht liegen, andere Clienten funktionieren ohne Probleme ist nur bei diesen Mod so... schon möglich das es bei Vista 64 läuft ^^

Mfg Tornado

29.10.09, 09:15
ist immer alles obtimiert...daran wird es auch nicht liegen, andere Clienten funktionieren ohne Probleme ist nur bei diesen Mod so... schon möglich das es bei Vista 64 läuft ^^

Mfg Tornado

Ich kenne dein problem, hatte ich auch auf Vista 32, falls du noch interresse hast damit es laufen soll sag einfach bescheid...

16.11.09, 06:56
Hat noch jemand das Problem das Norton Internet Security jetzt schon zum zweiten Mal diesen Monat mit aktuellem Signaturupdate die emule.exe für einen Trojaner hält? :rolling_eyes:

16.11.09, 13:09
In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!

20.11.09, 16:17
Ich kenne dein problem, hatte ich auch auf Vista 32, falls du noch interresse hast damit es laufen soll sag einfach bescheid...

Can you help me.
KAD does not connect. :confused:

I have a nodes file and contacts appear.

Router, Firewall are configured right.
I was using eMule Flux before and it was working.

Is there a way to change the language of this mod?


20.11.09, 17:46
I was using eMule Flux before and it was working.

Did you do a clean install? If so, is slot focus enabled?

Is there a way to change the language of this mod?

Preferences -> General?

20.11.09, 18:05

Yes I did a clean install. What you mean with "slot focus" enable?
I have upload limit "on" at 1kb/s :wink: so it must be disable.

It seens minimum is 9kb/s to have 3 slots!? Why!?

With this KAD make connections.

I got that with the language.
Its was always saying some kind of "error" so I got the dll.


20.11.09, 18:06
What you mean with "slot focus" enable?

There's a slider control in the Connection panel at preferences to set the amount of upload slots. When you set it all the way to the left, Slot Focus is enabled. When it is, a bug can prevent Kad from working.

It seens minimum is 9kb/s to have 3 slots!? Why!?

With a global 1kB/s limit, you want to open three 333B/s slots? :tongue:

20.11.09, 18:12
Ahhh ok so its a bug.

It was all to the left and KAD wasn't connecting.

And how I prevent this?

20.11.09, 18:16
And how I prevent this?

You wait for the next version where the bug is fixed ^^

20.11.09, 18:24
:rolleyes2: Damn :biggrin:

Ok I wait.
Meanwhile I use my beloved Flux.

But as soon this bug is fixed I will change. GREAT MOD! :top:

21.11.09, 14:25
Hallo Butcho, hallo Leute
Ich benutze das Kaspersky Internet Security. Und genau dieser macht mir total Ärger beim entpacken des eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher v2.01. Hab auch schon versucht, das Kaspersky zu beenden und dann zu entpacken. Ging zuerst ganz wunderbar, aber nach ein paar Sekunden des Glücks ging alles wieder den Gang der "Gerechtigkeit" und ab durch die Steckdose. Wie gesagt, ich konnte wenigstens schon einmal kurz rein schauen und finde dieses Mod einfach nur :top:
Wer also Tipps für mich hat....ich würde mich RIESIG freuen.

Danke, Heike :wink:

21.11.09, 15:05
man kann bei kaspersky für die emule.exe bestimmt eine ausnahmeregel erstellen so das es nicht mehr geblockt wird.

24.11.09, 01:23
Please Butcho fix the "slot focus" bug.

Your mod is great. Keep up the good work.

24.11.09, 18:22
... i'll test it and fix it in v2.2.
I'm sorry for that, perhaps i did a mistake while i made the update to the official version 0.49c.
I never noticed that because i mostly use my mod with no share...

Be patient :wink:

11.12.09, 17:32
Hi Butcho.:) Your mod is my favourite. Hopefully you can, with the suggested, improve it with the following...

Emule 0.49 C SBI Leecher 2.01 improvement suggestions

Emule, when place “get chunks for preview”, does not usually does so(get both first and last chunk first) even when that option is selected and these parts are available by the client uploading to Emule 0.49 C SBI Leecher 2.01.

“Get First Chunk” for preview
“Get First And Last Chunk” for preview
“Specify Chunks To Get”

In preferences please could you place two(2) check boxes for the following(“Priority”) in preferences which is absolute, making Emule get the said chunks first, ignoring other parts until it does.
“Get First Chunk” for preview “Priority”
“Get First And Last Chunk” for preview “Priority”

“Get First Chunk” for preview allows a person to preview a video file without the latter half, last chunk, while not making the file register on disk as its full size. This option is useful if someone, a person, who wishes for a quick preview of a video file than the whole thing(i.e. chunks in between first and last chunks) and/or has a smaller hardrive.

“Get First And Last Chunk” for preview allows for total preview of video files contents, chunks, given they are present/already downloaded. It is the same as what we have now in Emule “get chunks for preview”.

Specify Chunks To Get:
“Specify Chunks To Get” gives a person control over what exactly he/she wants from a “Video file” which is being downloaded. I will explain down below…

I often find myself in situations where I only want a certain part of a video(documentaries, whatever) however I am compelled to download the entire large files(i.e 700MB and such) in order to get what I want. It is frustrating seeing that this sort of thing(downloading the entire file) uses up valuable Bandwidth.

I am thinking a solution would be that a user can specify in the right click option area(i.e. the box which contains options like "get first/last chunk" and other options) with an option like "Specify Chunks To Get"(whatever name you want). A person can then take the downloaded file out of its Temporary directory and extract the audio and video(as to save on file size, it registering as a large file) or simply keep it as is and watch it with a player like VLC. Additionally in this box the options “Pause” and “Get Chunks In Specified Order” check boxes would be present with, of course regular options buttons “OK” and “Cancel”. Explaining the “Pause” check box in this window: After all specified chunks are downloaded; Emule will, if checked, pause the file. Explaining ““Get Chunks In Specified Order” check box also in this window: Emule will download in the said order i.e. if someone place 20-23+40-51; emule will download part 20 first and part 51 last.

For a hypothetical file that has say "70 parts" and a person only wants 2 sections(a certain part to a certain part 20-30 and 50-53)...
In the "Specify Chunks To Get" when selected, a box appears and a person can input i.e. "20-30+50-53". Ignore the quotes of course and the "+" sign could be a pipe key, plus sign(keep it same) or whatever to distinguish to Emule what parts to download and it also makes it easier on the user to distinguish the separate parts which are being downloaded. It is in this box/window the above said can be found; “Pause” check box, “Get Chunks In Specified Order” check box, “Cancel” and “OK”. For everything, the parts needed and for preview a person would put the following in the box; “0+20-30+50-53+70” since “0” is first chunk needed for preview and “70” is last chunk in this hypothetical file which is also needed for preview, complete preview of chunks in between them.

Please could you make your mod able to have more ability to show in detail about a file like Emule Plus 1.2E does? It has so many great features when viewing a file’s details. It shows amount of chunks in files 0 to whatever and also percentage of it(the individual chunks percentage/kbs/mb) downloaded along with many other informative details of a file which is being downloaded.
eMule Plus - The eye candy eMule compatible client (http://www.emuleplus.info/)

Edit: reworded a bit, added some more information, to explain in greater detail what I mean.:)

11.12.09, 19:51

Is there will be such showing in preccentage where you can see who how much has downloaded ?

24.12.09, 17:33
Why we don't create a guide with "recommended configuration" ??? This isn't a easy mod but i think it is the best.

24.12.09, 17:34
I have already made such a post. As always, Search to get to it.

24.12.09, 17:42
I haven't found this post. Send me a link please.

24.12.09, 17:44
I haven't found this post.


24.12.09, 17:56
What modstring send this mod ? If i don't upload the dowload are slow ? I am connected to all server. They are 33. The overhead is 1 kb/s. It's ok or is best server rotation ???

24.12.09, 17:57
That's something you can also find via Search:

It sends the original string.

Any more questions?

24.12.09, 18:04
The other 2 questions. Why don't upload and if the download are slow with no upload and if is best are connected to all server or server rotation. My overhead isn't high with all server. Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience but i know only official mod and emule applejuice community mod features.

24.12.09, 18:05
The other 2 questions. Why don't upload and if the download are slow with no upload and if is best are connected to all server or server rotation.

Download is slow when using no upload, since you won't gain any credits.

I really wouldn't recommend connecting to all servers, but you can do it if you want...

24.12.09, 18:08
The last question (maybe). Why not all server ??? Thank you very very very much.

24.12.09, 18:09
I don't see the advantage, since picking the biggest 2-3 servers has always been enough for me.

24.12.09, 18:38
This is realy the last question. In you post you have active "don't share all files". Why ??? What is the advantage ???

24.12.09, 18:38
Because the settings I posted are for leeching. If you want to upload, disable all security settings.

24.12.09, 18:43
If i use "don't send XS", "Don't publish file on kad and server", "don't send complete file status" i can upload ???

24.12.09, 18:44
Sure, but you'll get less exposure.

24.12.09, 20:06
The original is no modstring ??? The anti-leech mods detect me ??? Is best this mod or Zz-r ??? Or Off+ public ??? Or applejuice ??? What mod do you use anon ???

24.12.09, 20:08
The original is no modstring ???


The anti-leech mods detect me ???


Is best this mod or Zz-r ??? Or Off+ public ??? Or applejuice ???

This and OFF+ are designed to leech, ZZ-R is the best for releasing. Applejuice is a community mod.

What mod do you use anon ???

SBI-Leecher to download, ZZ-R to give back :wink:

24.12.09, 20:49
Applejuice is + fast ???

24.12.09, 20:50
Supposedly it is, once you get enough AJ credits. Although DLP can detect it via userhash. As always, the best solution is to try it yourself.

24.12.09, 20:53
I say the leecher mod are credit thief. This mod is credit thief ???

24.12.09, 20:55
I say the leecher mod are credit thief.

Some mods have that function, but this one doesn't. If you're looking for that you should check the PrE/T0XiC mod out.

24.12.09, 21:04
Only pre-mod can thief credit ???

24.12.09, 21:05

24.12.09, 21:08
I don't have result for credit thief. Can you tell me what mods have credit thief ???

24.12.09, 21:10
At least one does - Flux - but it's outdated. I think other mods also have that feature, but to be honest I don't remember which ones they are :tongue:

25.12.09, 08:56
Bug segnalation: if i am with the mouse on emule systemtray icon i see only upload speed and not download speed.

25.12.09, 10:02
Hi...its not a Bug from Butchos Mod...the official Tooltip code from eMule create a buggy tool tip if modversion name are to long...it can be easy changed on void CemuleDlg::ShowTransferRate(bool bForceAll)

25.12.09, 10:10
Where i need to copy your string ?

25.12.09, 10:28
that is only a code from the source of emule....Butcho must change this part on his SBI source....

25.12.09, 13:38
Fake rank / start value.... what is start value ???

25.12.09, 17:08
I'm sensing another "let's post questions, wait until someone answer, and ask more stuff to increase my postcount" rampage. :rolleyes:

Fake rank / start value.... what is start value ???

I have already explained what fakerank is - if you don't know what to do with the start value, don't touch it.

25.12.09, 18:06
Please this isn't for + post. This is because i want say what is start value of fakerank. Can you tell me ???

25.12.09, 18:07
This is because i want say what is start value of fakerank. Can you tell me ???

And that would mean...

The default value is 1850 and fakerank will work perfectly with that.

25.12.09, 18:09
I want only say what is the value ??? What is his function ???

25.12.09, 18:10
Sending a fake queue position to others, so that they think they'll download from you soon, even if that isn't the case.

25.12.09, 18:13
The function of 1850 not the function of fake rank. Example: if i set 1 ??? if i set 10 ??? if i set 300 ??? if i set 1850 ???

25.12.09, 18:14
The function of 1850 not the function of fake rank.

It's the start value, you can enable FR at the Mod Settings.

if i set 1 ???

You'll send a fake rank bigger than 1.

if i set 10 ???

You'll send a fake rank bigger than 10.

if i set 300 ???

You'll send a fake rank bigger than 300.

if i set 1850 ???

You'll send a fake rank bigger than 1850.

25.12.09, 21:03
If i rotate server i lose all ed2k soures from the old server ???

25.12.09, 21:03

26.12.09, 08:26
Hello Once again guys.:smile: I have been following the conversation so far and find it to be quite informative. Though, in my initial post, I mentioned Butcho's mod to be my preference; I wish to thank all of you coders/programmers for making such mods for us who have very low Bandwidth.:smile: I find the rest, speaking of your mods, to be pretty good as well.:top:

I am unsure if, with editing of my initial post, you guys took noticed [ http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=14118&page=7 ]. If not; I just wanted to say that, as with the reason for edit at the bottom of the spoken post, some more information was added to it to clarify my thoughts. Adding a bit more to that; if there is only one thing, not all of the suggested, you are willing to implement then please Butcho, make it the "Specify Chunks To Get" feature. As said before, having low bandwidth; this feature would allow a person to precisely take what they want from the network, not waste precious bandwidth.

Thanks once again guys.:smile:

26.12.09, 09:55
Can i have a "recommended" setting (for fast download) for sbi time options ??? thanks

26.12.09, 17:35
I am unsure if, with editing of my initial post, you guys took noticed [ http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=14118&page=7 ].

I'd like to have a new version of the mod for Christmas too, but be patient :wink:

Can i have a "recommended" setting (for fast download) for sbi time options ??? thanks

The defaults are optimized. Since you don't seem to know what to do with them, just don't touch them. Lowering them can get you banned by other clients, increasing them may cause you to lose sources.

27.12.09, 00:56
I'd like to have a new version of the mod for Christmas too, but be patient :wink:

I've already a new version in my hand but i must first find the slot focus bug before i can release it... :wink:

27.12.09, 14:10
I've already a new version in my hand

oooo that mean Im gona bump up to eMule SBI Leecher 2.1

Thanks Butcho I love your client. Ive been using it for ages :top: :quote3:

I do have a question regarding its performace these past few weeks. I find that I get better speeds when using Spooky Mode more so than when I have Hi IDs for both server and kad. Its just these past few weeks I have noticed this. I have no idea why this is happening with the same settings. Is it possible other clients are detecting it when the ports are fully open?

Also. If its truely the case the kad network is also used by vuze
BitTorrent tracker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
then does that mean eMule can use Vuze sources and Vuze can use emule sources so everyone get more sources?

edit (should have included this b4)

Don't share the incomming folder


No upload
Don't share your downloads
Don't Share all files

27.12.09, 14:40
Will be a public mod or member title is required ???

27.12.09, 14:54
the newest are reserved for titled members. However, when Butcho does release it v2.1 will be avaliable to us :biggrin:

27.12.09, 17:44
Also. If its truely the case the kad network is also used by vuze
BitTorrent tracker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent_tracker)
then does that mean eMule can use Vuze sources and Vuze can use emule sources so everyone get more sources?

No, BitTorrent != eD2K

27.12.09, 23:22
Too bad lols. I hope one day everything will be availiable with a few clicks. I think I've been spoilt by the ed2k infrastructure and Butcho's mod. Its so easy when you combine the two :cool::klatsch_3:

28.12.09, 00:53
Butcho .... :


Is there will be such showing in preccentage where you can see who how much has downloaded ?

28.12.09, 01:25
[check] Show percentage of download cmpletion in progress bar

by the way this is a standard emule feature. I always leave it unchecked cos the progress bar is enuf and besides it just uses more cpu time just to satiate the detail hungry mind :smile:

28.12.09, 17:12
I think he's looking to see each user's completion %, not just the file's. :smile:

29.12.09, 02:40
If you want to know how much they have dl from you then there are two ways to

a. double click on a file in the [Transfers] tab
b. right click on any user and click details
c. look at [transfers\downloaded] to see how much others have dl from you

a. goto [transfers[ tab
b. in the bottom window [Uploading] right click on any user and click details
c.look at [transfers\downloaded] to see how much others have dl from you

If you want to know what their percentage total completion is I know of no definitive way but you can sort of derive a guess
Double click on a filename on [Transfers] tab and look at the colour codes.
Yellow is what ur dl
blue is whats available
red is what you still need but unavaliable
Black is already dl

Now make a guess at what they have to offer you against what they dont have to offer to you. What they dont have to offer you is probably you already have it or they dont have it.

Now the only way I can think of to get a fair estimate of what these figures are is by measuring the bar with a ruler and giving dividing it by increments of 100. And then do some calculations.

But for me, emule is supposed to be highly simple to use, I wouldnt be bothered. I just search click to download, forget about it until its in my incomming folder. Now if Im anxious I do a preview when its avaliable to check for the correct file. Thats it but Im lazy lol. :biggrin:

29.12.09, 17:09
Now the only way I can think of to get a fair estimate of what these figures are is by measuring the bar with a ruler and giving dividing it by increments of 100. And then do some calculations.

You reminded me of when I put a ruler on the screen if I didn't have the Laser Sight power-up in Worms Armageddon. :biggrin:

Of course you can do an estimate calculation with the methods you mentioned, but showing the individual % is way easier, and shouldn't be very hard to code. :smile:

30.12.09, 01:32
Worms lol, that was fun :)

hehe it probably would be easy to code, but i can just see it now, thrill seeking users kicking people left right and centre cos they see 99% complete. lmao :bloedmann:

02.01.10, 10:41
Extending on what I said concerning "Specify Chunks To Get"...

A person, for the last chunk of a file, can always put the correct number or over it and Emule 0.49 C SBI Leecher will be smart enough to, with the latter input by the user(placing a higher number than the last chunk's number), recongnise that he/she means the last chunk. i.e. a file which has 100 parts/chunks in it and a user, using this feature, can put starting from 100,101,102 etc(other higher numbers than 100), and it will know that 100 is meant.

The purpose of this is that a person does not have to look at file details to know the last chunk's number in a file therefore eliminating time consuming viewing of files when using this feature to get what they want from a file.

Another few suggestions...

Please could you make it that a person can select multiple files at once and allowing a person to select "Download Part Needed For Preview/Get First And Last Chunks for preview, "Get First Chunk for preview" and "Specify Chunks To Get".

Currently one has to do it file by file.

Oh, by the way...
"Happy New Year" Guys.:)

03.01.10, 09:50
Please could you make it that a person can select multiple files at once and allowing a person to select "Download Part Needed For Preview/Get First And Last Chunks for preview, "Get First Chunk for preview" and "Specify Chunks To Get".

Currently one has to do it file by file.

In Configuration, the setting "get preview chuncks first" is already implemented in the standard emule as a selectable option.

But this only works for media files such as movies and audio, and archives. This preview is limited to these types of files only.

04.01.10, 11:03
I guess you did not understand me fully, since I used the word "files". I was referring only to Video files to make it easier on the user than selecting one at a time and getting "Download Part Needed For Preview/Get First And Last Chunks for preview", "Get First Chunk for preview" and "Specify Chunks To Get". The latter mentioned two, "Get First Chunk for preview" and "Specify Chunks To Get", is yet to be implement as features. I can only ask, implore, Butcho to place these features in SBI Leecher Mod along with the, this, third(3rd) suggestion.

05.01.10, 01:05
Featured in eMule v 0.49c SBI Leecher

[] Try to Download Preview Chunks First

There exists this feature already to automatically download preview chunks whenever a media or archive files are being downloaded. Whether the first chunk or last chunk is downloaded first is not an standard option and is irrelevant because you need both the first and the last to preview and as said b4 they are already forrced to automatically dl when switched on.

But then you must have your reasons as to why you want the specific feature to "Get First Chunk for preview".

To maybe check for its authenticity. If you downloaded the header you can check in file details to see if its a proper movie file, but this alone will not tell you its the right movie file. It can still be any movie file. There are better ways to verify file authenticity.

You mentioned a feature "Specify Chunks To Get" that could come in handy from what I can see if one were to be anxious to preview a particular section of a movie before the whole was downloaded. But from what I can see this feature could only implemented to satisfy this particular need. I used a mod before emuleOS and it had this feature but I must say i ony used it 2 times when I had dialup, but since going onto broadband its like an extra feature you may wanna use for the fun of it.

Who knows maybe Butcho will heed your requests and add this feature.

05.01.10, 11:51
I already gave my reasons for the requested. Apparently you did not read my posts which explained the vital importance of the mentioned. As for, having to do with, so called "Fun" for one of the said feature; you could not be more wrong. Please refer to what I posted before erroneously making such comment. Perhaps you actually did read my post but, yet again whether through poor English or other(i.e. understanding), you resulted in saying what you said. The coders, unlike you, I am sure understand what I have communicated. Please do not take what is said above offensively, I am just speaking my mind without any negative intent.:)

06.01.10, 19:35
i found another bug, i entered a value in the search tab under min size.
later i want to change it again, but i cannot select anyhing in the right window.
when clicking various times on it, emule crashed..

07.01.10, 04:07
i found another bug, i entered a value in the search tab under min size.
later i want to change it again, but i cannot select anyhing in the right window.
when clicking various times on it, emule crashed..

Ive had a similar problem b4 but it may not be primarily a emule problem or Butcho's emule bug. This problem occures in a lot of appz especially when you run cpu and hd intensive appz like emule and others at the same time.

See if you an produce the same bug repeatedly by doing the same things, if I happens only once or only sometimes then it may not be the search.

Whenever there is a backlog of stuff for the cpu to process or the hd is writing large amounts of data causing emule to become busy but then you click on its window it will cause emule to sort of hang for a bit.

On my old computer whenever I click on emule SBI when it was busy it always crashed, killing many files with invalid hash error messages. with my new computer if I click on emule SBI when busy it just hangs there for a while.

When i mouse over and find emule is busy I just leave it and let it do its thing until it becomes normal again.

07.01.10, 16:42
Can someone confirm that?
Because i only get problems that all my sources freeze if i start my emule with enabled slotfocus.
But i'm still on xp perhaps that's the difference.
I remember that i also had some problems with high cpu loads with version v2.01 if i had enabled auto save and load sources while emule was running. It should be better in v2.1 because i changed the code on some parts. Until then it should be enough to disable auto sls in the sbi controll settings.

08.01.10, 01:06
Can someone confirm that?
Because i only get problems that all my sources freeze if i start my emule with enabled slotfocus.

I mostley use the size filtering on the search and have never had a crash problem even with WinXP. And the slotfocus in Connections doesnt seem to allow me to change it, the slider is stuck at Upload slots. And I have have almost 3000 files qued [edit] for download.

Butcho your mod has never crashed since moving to Win 7. Im using Win7 x64 with 8gb ram.

When using WinXP if your mod was busy and I clicked on it, it would crash but with Win 7 it hangs there for a bit then becomes unbusy afterwards.

But i'm still on xp perhaps that's the difference.
I would say Win7 is definitely better than XP

I remember that i also had some problems with high cpu loads with version v2.01 if i had enabled auto save and load sources while emule was running. It should be better in v2.1 because i changed the code on some parts.

Butcho your mod always behaves on my system. Even with autoload/save sources enabled in SBI Mod and SBI Control menu enabled my whole system load is about 30% with firefox running with about 30 tabs. and other apps.

Now although I'm happy with your 2.01 version doesnt mean I don't wanna try your newest version humahaha :wink::wink: nudge nudge

08.01.10, 01:48
Can someone confirm that?
Because i only get problems that all my sources freeze if i start my emule with enabled slotfocus.
But i'm still on xp perhaps that's the difference.
I remember that i also had some problems with high cpu loads with version v2.01 if i had enabled auto save and load sources while emule was running. It should be better in v2.1 because i changed the code on some parts. Until then it should be enough to disable auto sls in the sbi controll settings.
are you referring to this problem?:

its not a fault in the sbi settings but the upload slots.
when you set it to "slot focus" kad refuses to connect to anything.
this happens also in your 2.1 version.
also i cannot move the slotfocus slider now anymore?? so everytime i have to restart the client (thats everytime my wireless connection fails or i switch AccessPoints and after that kad doesnt connect anymore without a restart of emule) in the pref.ini slotfocus is set to 1 and i have to manually edit it to get kad connecting again.
so yes, a new version would be appriciated ;).
i reported it 17.11. and already then i was running win7. so not a xp prob.

08.01.10, 02:30
I can easily connect to Kad and also get hi ids for server and kad. But sometimes i need to manually discon kad then bootstrap or recon it and it will be ok.

If I have spooky mode (oh such a great feature lol :biggrin:) enabled, even if i get server and kad hi ids after a few min spooky mode automatically takes over. However if I turn spooky mode off the hi ids and connections are still there.

Spooky mode is so efficient that if I leave it after a while I cant use my browser cause Butcho's mode maxes out all my bandwidth :smile:, its good especially if I leave it overnight when I dont browse, but to overcome this when I need the browser I just turn down the download limit speed.

08.01.10, 20:37
are you referring to this problem?:

Yes i talked about that bug. Last time i searched after it but don't find the problem. Perhaps i've some time this weekend to fix it that i can release the next version...

09.01.10, 20:54
There is a bug in shared files. The "request" are not correct. They are very high.

09.01.10, 23:19
There is a bug in shared files. The "request" are not correct. They are very high.

Predator, Predator... ever looks... you know, you know...

And we know that you not know many about Leecher mods and you want to learn about.

Why not a better way like this...


"Hello, I am using your mod now since some weeks and I think I found a bug.
I see it if I ..... blablabla... that... blablabla (explain exactly)...
Maybe if you have time you can check this. thx!"

Only a suggestion from me to Predator. :smile:
mfg morph4u

10.01.10, 01:32
Hi butcho and thanks for your great mod :biggrin:

Can we make suggestions? (pls?)

Can you make the cache buffer customisable so that its much greater than 6mb This would benefit not only current user comp specs but comps with better specs.

I can edit the preferences.ini file and change the FileBufferSize to multiples of 1,048,576, although it does show on the extended settings does that really change the buffer size emule uses?

I once used a mod and it had a feature in the search that had unlimited numbers of results, all we had to do was repeatedly press the "more" button. This would be good for seaching documents where there are many 1000s. Or even better, give a feature to choose to press the "more" button automatically after a 3-4 min intervall, this way we can get every result and also not overload the servers we are using.

Thanks :biggrin:

10.01.10, 13:06
You're right morph4u. I have write this because i'm using this mod from long time. Butcho when you have time, control this please. Thanks. :top:

10.01.10, 17:06
I once used a mod and it had a feature in the search that had unlimited numbers of results, all we had to do was repeatedly press the "more" button. This would be good for seaching documents where there are many 1000s. Or even better, give a feature to choose to press the "more" button automatically after a 3-4 min intervall, this way we can get every result and also not overload the servers we are using.

If I remember correctly, this mod already has unlimited search results...

When you have time, control this please. Thanks. :top:

morph4u isn't coding this mod, Butcho is.

10.01.10, 20:09
Yes that mod already has an unlimited search results feature.

I can edit the preferences.ini file and change the FileBufferSize to multiples of 1,048,576, although it does show on the extended settings does that really change the buffer size emule uses?

Normal it should work because emule takes this value to calculate the file buffersize.
Why you ask? Did you noticed something else?

11.01.10, 01:22
@anon, @Butcho re: search limit
test results:

Server global eDonkeyServer No2
Search Results
porn 2346
zip 2366

Kad cant connect atm to check, however, to memory it is the same limitation.

emule does not allow anymore searches if the current results total >= 2000, if there are like 1998 you can still do one more search taking it over the 2000 mark. You can get many more times the search results if search filter min-max is used. Although the results are huge in numbers but its a long process taking ages.

@Butcho re: buffersize
I have to test it out in after due to my dl cap, few more hrs I report back.

A couple years back when I was playing with the buffer setting in emule I stupidly forgot to change the buffersize to its highest and left it at 256kb. Next morning I heard my hdd making noises and I thort crap!. I think I shortened the lifespan of my hdd by half from that.

I tried to make the buffersize 256kb in the preferences.ini file but my hd is always so quiet anyway with 32mb cache and my fans are like crazy loud.

But people with fast dl connection should still see a benefit from a much larger cache.

11.01.10, 01:26
emule does not allow anymore searches if the current results total <2000

Wasn't it 200?

11.01.10, 10:57
I check again.

confirmed. its <2000 results then you can still ask for more results

11.01.10, 10:59
ok and you want a feature that emule automatically press the more button every minute or?
how we should handle it with an extra option in the preferences where you could insert a value how often emule should press the more button. Or should i insert an extra button in the search window? if you tick it once emule automaticly search for more results every minute until you press it again.

11.01.10, 12:05
ok ...
how we should handle it with an extra option in the preferences where you could insert a value how often emule should press the more button. Or should i insert an extra button in the search window? if you tick it once emule automaticly search for more results every minute until you press it again.

Thanks Butcho :biggrin:

WoW you think of everything :wink:. I think from a users point of view if you combine two of your suggestion it would be nice so we can control it where we need it most.

Sometimes I find that after a search has been made either through server or kad after the initial results even after a minute or so results still trickle in, so do yo think the 1min is enough interval time? Or does that even matter?

But if you include in your feature as suggested by you already the ability to choose the interval this should not be a problem.


11.01.10, 16:20
confirmed. its <2000 results then you can still ask for more results

I read this in the eMule site:
Therefore eMule only finds max 200 individual hits for any given search term.
If you click the "More" button, you can search more, but not 2000:
If the connected server, could already give more than 200 results the More button becomes active and allows to query up to 1200 results from the local server.

how we should handle it with an extra option in the preferences where you could insert a value how often emule should press the more button.

I like this. Also, show a timer displaying how many seconds are left before the button is pressed again, and another button to stop doing it :biggrin:

12.01.10, 00:02

emule does not allow anymore searches if the current results total >= 2000, if there are like 1998 you can still do one more search taking it over the 2000 mark.

You are right anon if you are talking about the the results each search yields. But maybe due to my bad wording it was not clear, but I meant to say "the current results tallied total" that is shown in the search tab.

Its probably my fault because made a mistake on the symbole before the 2000 figure. orginally it was "<" but I later corrected it to be ">="

anon, your reference is correct, and I would like to add that due to searches the way emule searches when it has many sources, the results can go over 200. for exmple:

from page 11 of this thread

Server global eDonkeyServer No2
Search Results
porn 2346
zip 2366

The porn and zip search total results before going beyond 2000 each was around 1950 to 1980 in total search results, however with one more press of the "more" button it took it to its final tally yielding 300+ results adding to the current results total.

thanks :smile:


I like this. Also, show a timer displaying how many seconds are left before the button is pressed again, and another button to stop doing it :biggrin:

ooh me likes this too.
It reminds of the kazaa days. Any of you guys around? :biggrin:

13.01.10, 03:31
Doofe Frage: Welchen Vorteil hat dieser Mod gegenüber dem alten Flux Mod 0.47c? Bringt er zusätzliche Sicherheit in Bezug auf die Abmahnindustrie? Mehr als Stealthmode im Flux geht doch eigentlich nicht, oder? Was mich beim Flux wundert: Ich bin im Stealthmode und meine Warteschlange ist daher auch auf 0. Aber es wurden einige gebannt. Gebannt werden kann ein Client aber doch nur, wenn er überhaupt versucht, sich zu mir zu verbinden. Da der Flux aber doch keine Fileliste rausgibt, kann doch eigentlich kein anderer Client Interesse an mir zeigen, oder? Wie kommt es also zu den Bans?

13.01.10, 05:26
google translator

Stupid question: What is the advantage of this mod over the old Flux Mod 0.47c? He brings additional security in relation to the Abmahnindustrie? More than stealth mode in flux but is not really, right? What surprised me in Flux: I am in stealth mode, and my queue is therefore to 0 But it was banned a few. Banned can be a client but only if he ever tries to connect to me. Since the flux but no rausgibt FileList, but can actually show no other clients interested in me, right? So how is it to the bans?

[not every word was translated]

Is it possible that other emule/mods are detecting the leech features that Flux Mod 0.47c is using such as using same username as other users? Maybe some are detecting its a leech mod.

Does this ban only happen in stealth mode when using Flux? And why dont you ugrade to a current version. Its possible if the version number is too low it might be rejected due to security updates, 0.47c is like old and many new feature and security patches have come out since.

13.01.10, 10:39
Does this ban only happen in stealth mode when using Flux? And why dont you ugrade to a current version. Its possible if the version number is too low it might be rejected due to security updates, 0.47c is like old and many new feature and security patches have come out since.

Because we don't have the source code of the flux mod. The coders have quit that project. I've an old icq adress of zeitgeist, i can try to ask him if he want give it out but i don't think so...

13.01.10, 12:33
ha ha in that case Humphrey I can heartily recommend Butcho's emule SBI Leecher to you! Im sure you will find it very efficient and fast :biggrin:

13.01.10, 12:42
The automatic translation above is total crap. What I was asking was: What is the advantage of this new mod over the old flux mod? The flux mod is running perfectly and I have no reason to complain. But I wanted to know if the new mod offers additional security when it comes to those guys who are logging your IP and then forcing you to pay a lot of money for sharing files.

I run the flux mod in Stealthmode and think that that's the highest possible security ANY mod can offer. Am I right? In Stealthmode I do not upload anything and in addition my filelist isn't sent to any server. Can the new mod do even more as far as security is concerned?

About the bans: It's not my client that is banned - others are banned BY my client. Since I am in Stealthmode and thus do not upload, the queue of others waiting to download from me is 0. But after a while I see something like : queue : 0 (4 banned). But to get banned by my client others have to try to connect to it in the the first place and then get rejected by my client because it doesn't upload. But why do they even try to connect to my client? My filelist isn't send to any server so NOBODY should have any interest to connect to me. That's why I'm a little worried if Stealthmode REALLY doesn't send my filelist to any server. In addition I'm not sure if REALLY the upload is 0. The statistics say so but nevertheless there is upload because of the overhead which is normal. But when I choose to display the overhead there are slight differences between the upload and the overhead - for example upload is 1,2 and the overhead is 1,1. This would mean that there is a "real" upload of 0,1. But the statistics say that the real upload is 0. Pretty inconsistent, unfortunately.

About those IP logging guys I mentioned above: Do you have the same problems in the UK? How do you behave? Do you think that a leecher mod is sufficient? I recently read about a German user who was logged by those guys though he was using a leecher mod. (at least he claimed to have used it but he didn't say what mod he was using).

13.01.10, 13:36
The automatic translation above is total crap.
Go to google translator and help it to fix the translation by rephrasing the sentences.

What I was asking was: What is the advantage of this new mod over the old flux mod? The flux mod is running perfectly and I have no reason to complain. But I wanted to know if the new mod offers additional security when it comes to those guys who are logging your IP and then forcing you to pay a lot of money for sharing files.

As i havnt used Flux mod b4 I cannot give a comparrision, however I can give a summary of Butcho's emule SBI Leecher mod. And please amend or correct if Im wrong:

no upload = you are not sharing files just dl
don't share incoming folder*
don't share your downloads*
don't share all file*
Spooky Mode uses Source Exchange in place of server or kad
Don't publish filelist in Kad
Don't publish filelist in Server

*varying lvls of sharing but the less you share the chances of your speeds going down increases.

All these help with fake server attacks. No upload will alleviate your chances of being prosecuted for the reason most companies want to catch big time uploaders no so much downloaders.

And using just Source Exchange will narrow down your exposure to companies, however exposure cannot be totally eliminated if you wanna dl.

If you use an IP blocker for example then visit The Pirate Bay, even without dl 1 single thing, just browsing, you will see in your logs that there are hoards of anti-piracy companies who try to check you out.

Let me just say the only way not to not get caught is ... dont dl anything illegal.

I run the flux mod in Stealthmode and think that that's the highest possible security ANY mod can offer. Am I right? In Stealthmode I do not upload anything and in addition my filelist isn't sent to any server. Can the new mod do even more as far as security is concerned?
The best way to not get caught is to not dl anything illegal. Because there is absolutely no sure way. You always run a risk, its part of the game.

The second best way is to use encryption.

About the bans: It's not my client that is banned - others are banned BY my client. Since I am in Stealthmode and thus do not upload, the queue of others waiting to download from me is 0. But after a while I see something like : queue : 0 (4 banned). But to get banned by my client others have to try to connect to it in the the first place and then get rejected by my client because it doesn't upload. But why do they even try to connect to my client? My filelist isn't send to any server so NOBODY should have any interest to connect to me.

Even if your "whole" filelist isnt sent to others, your current file(s) that your dl is known to others. You want some undownloaded part from others, and since you have connected and asked for that file others know you should have some parts of that file, or even the current part.

Since Im sure you're not just dl 1 file at a time and dl many at a time, multiply that scenario by the numbers of clients your client is connecting to due to the file that are being dl by ur client.

Thats how (at least) other clients know to connect to you.

That's why I'm a little worried if Stealthmode REALLY doesn't send my filelist to any server. In addition I'm not sure if REALLY the upload is 0. The statistics say so but nevertheless there is upload because of the overhead which is normal. But when I choose to display the overhead there are slight differences between the upload and the overhead - for example upload is 1,2 and the overhead is 1,1. This would mean that there is a "real" upload of 0,1. But the statistics say that the real upload is 0. Pretty inconsistent, unfortunately.

I really have no idea of Flux's mod so cant comment on its stealth bcos i havnt used it b4. However, if all upload is turned off that might mean that some1 is hacking u!!!! No jk lol. It might just mean that the official upload is 1.1kb, and the 0.1 difference is just due to Flux's method of retreiving sources.

Using flux's mod
Turn off stealth and try to make the settings into a default standard emule as much as possible. Just make another program directory of a new copy of Flux. Have in your dl only a legit list. download as normal and check out if u see any differences.

Turn on your stealth mode and any settings you have in your normal Flux mod. dl as you would normally and take note. Is there any difference the way stealth mode is functioning?

13.01.10, 14:10
Thanks for this looong answer!

1) Can you explain how to use encryption with Emule?

2)"*varying lvls of sharing but the less you share the chances of your speeds going down increases."

That's why I like flux so far: Though in Stealthmode with no upload at all I can't complain about the speed.

3)Spooky Mode uses Source Exchange in place of server or kad

With my flux mod I only use KAD and no ed2K servers. I thought that with using KAD I ask several clients about a file, they ask several other clients and so on. What's the difference between this method and "Source Exchange". Why is source exchange even more secure? This would be a reason to switch to this new mod.

4) "It might just mean that the official upload is 1.1kb, and the 0.1 difference is just due to Flux's method of retreiving sources."

I thought that ANY "upload" that is no real upload but just data that is sent to ask for files etc. is called "Overhead". So the data necessary for flux's method to retrieve sources should also be included in the overhead, shouldn't it?

Seems to be a calculation problem though: I just saw that the flux mode says: Upload 0,8 and Overhead 0,9. Makes no sense at all.

What about the new mod? Does it really tell you that the upload without overhead is 0 all the time and you get a straight line in the statistics?

5) I thought that P2P was dead and more and more people are using the Usenet to dl stuff since it is thought to be secure. So I was surprised to find this website and even new emule mods.

13.01.10, 14:30
I think the new RSA key is also a good security feature because every x minutes it change your emule identification making you as another new emule user.It is like you install emule for the first time on your PC protecting you from detection because you are connected and downloading for a long time even if you share nothing.

13.01.10, 23:38
Thanks for this looong answer!

1) Can you explain how to use encryption with Emule?
np. no ed2k protocol uses 100% secure connection fo. for that matter no broad p2p network can be 100% anonymous if you connect to a unknown user you are exposing yourself to some1.

emule encrypts the requests not the data

The best you can do is protect yourself from 3rd party observers. ed2k nor bt provides this complete encrytion. There are encrytion protocals out there for p2p but they have a small user base. and also very slow. due to massive overhead.

2)"*varying lvls of sharing but the less you share the chances of your speeds going down increases."

That's why I like flux so far: Though in Stealthmode with no upload at all I can't complain about the speed.
Does Flux have this option of varying lvls of sharing?

3)Spooky Mode uses Source Exchange in place of server or kad

With my flux mod I only use KAD and no ed2K servers. I thought that with using KAD I ask several clients about a file, they ask several other clients and so on. What's the difference between this method and "Source Exchange". Why is source exchange even more secure? This would be a reason to switch to this new mod.

Souce Exchange is used to connect directly to other emule clients bypassing the server most of the time. Kad is another network used by emule and Vuze and some other p2p clients to connect to each other

4) "It might just mean that the official upload is 1.1kb, and the 0.1 difference is just due to Flux's method of retreiving sources."

I thought that ANY "upload" that is no real upload but just data that is sent to ask for files etc. is called "Overhead". So the data necessary for flux's method to retrieve sources should also be included in the overhead, shouldn't it?

Seems to be a calculation problem though: I just saw that the flux mode says: Upload 0,8 and Overhead 0,9. Makes no sense at all.
How did it work out from the test I suggested b4?
What you're asking is, you bought one of those garden hoses with many holes to soak your garden. the documentation says at a pressure of 10kpa 2liters/min flows in order to nourish your flowers. But then you find that 2L/min is not enough so you increase the pressure by turning the knob.

The standard as in what is orininally there to calculate overhead is used to measure the standard procedures of what the standard emule uses. Now since we are using mod that adds extra features nd different ways to get more "pressure" (sources and its data) these extra ways are not included in the standard overhead measurements. Not that its impossible just that it hasnt be incorporated. As long as you can water your garden with extra pressure maybe its ok that a little extra 0.1kb/s is used.

5) I thought that P2P was dead and more and more people are using the Usenet to dl stuff since it is thought to be secure. So I was surprised to find this website and even new emule mods.

You can kill a company but p2p is here to stay

Considering that you are using a very old 0.47c mod and many security patches have come and gone, even with all your stealthmode enhancements it just leaves much more room for others to manipulate the flaws to get into your computer and see what you have, thus possibly nullifying the steal effect.

Im sure Zeitgeist's Flux was an excellent mod when it came out, but I think maybe its time for a change.

And i repeat

ha ha in that case Humphrey I can heartily recommend Butcho's emule SBI Leecher to you! Im sure you will find it very efficient and fast :biggrin:


---------- Post added at 23:38 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

I think the new RSA key is also a good security feature because every x minutes it change your emule identification making you as another new emule user.It is like you install emule for the first time on your PC protecting you from detection because you are connected and downloading for a long time even if you share nothing.

Changing the key is good to trick other clients that you are a new user and clears the account that u have leeched 10gb from them without ul back. However your IP is still the same. A company is concerned with matching your client's filelist with your ip.

20.01.10, 03:46
hello, people.
Can you tell me, please, what's the difference between 2.01 and 2.1 version?

Hallo, Leute
Kann jemand mir den Unterschied zwischen v2.01 und v2.1 erkl&#228;ren?

20.01.10, 09:14
hello, people.
Can you tell me, please, what's the difference between 2.01 and 2.1 version?

changelog ftw:

-fixed upload bug

20.01.10, 10:13
changelog ftw:

Sorry for distracting you, but I think you misunderstood me. I meant the difference between v 2.1 that is for members and higher only and version 2.01 that is in public. Or maybe I'm wrong and there is no 2.1 version?
Thank you in advance.

20.01.10, 10:27
ah sorry, yes there is 2.1 version, hope its not a mistake to post this info though:


20.01.10, 11:54
ah sorry, yes there is 2.1 version, hope its not a mistake to post this info though:
Thank you for your reply, cheatos. Sorry for distracting, but I've got a couple more questions.
First of all, can I find the sources for 2.1 version somewhere on this forum?
And the second question is, should I use serverlist filters, who writes them and which of them are the best?
With respects,

20.01.10, 12:06
First of all, can I find the sources for 2.1 version somewhere on this forum?

v2.1 is members only, you can see it in the release list btw:

And the second question is, should I use serverlist filters, who writes them and which of them are the best?

i don't use eMule much, and therefor i can't advice you much, all i do in eMule is next next next finish OK ok Ok ok yes yes :biggrin:

20.01.10, 17:10
First of all, can I find the sources for 2.1 version somewhere on this forum?

The source code? It isn't available. Butcho's mod is undetectable when used correctly at the moment, and it isn't in his mind to change that.

And the second question is, should I use serverlist filters, who writes them and which of them are the best?

eMuLeecher has posted a good server list, you should use that. Avoid sites like server-met.de, they're full of fake files.

24.01.10, 01:18
Well made mod. It has this flavor of Pimp My Mule years back, although no music at the start.

Working on Win 7 - had problems with the mod had to try clean setting for few times, i even copied files to config folder from another mod(trashed bundled). Conclusion - if it wont connect a first run it wont at any other - do not know why.
(Simptoms stucked KAD, Connected to server, do not download files)
After over 30 tries finally made it.

It has sometimes also KAD connecting (were mentioned earlier in thread i guess).

All and all thank you.

24.01.10, 01:29
Working on Win 7 - had problems with the mod had to try clean setting for few times, i even copied files to config folder from another mod(trashed bundled).

Every mod's settings are different and its always best to always use clean settings. Run emule sbi without any modificatiions and no old config files including old emule sbi mod config files. It always works for me, unless there is somthing wrong with your port forwarding.

Conclusion - if it wont connect a first run it wont at any other - do not know why.
(Simptoms stucked KAD, Connected to server, do not download files)
After over 30 tries finally made it.

I sometimes get thid kad problem too, but usually after 1 restart with "connect kad at start" enabled it usally works. But never have I needed 30 tries, at most 2 tries.

Check on your router if the emule ports are open.

24.01.10, 01:54
Maybe was not precise - after 30 tries trying each with fresh config - it worked and became stable after 30 tries - the one successful 30th config works stable on each next restart.

Every of tries conducted had fresh config.

Later KAD stuck bug is rare require 1 restart to fix.

and it stucked again - its something about settings - some option maybe(changed most of them)

Update2: i gave up, hope someday somehow, next version will become public.

24.01.10, 13:28
Vation, if you install the official emule, does that work? If it works with default evertything then eMule SBI should work.

Try setting up emule sbi to use config in program folder. Windows 7 and XP handles the config files differently. So even if u del the config in emule program folder it doesnt do anything if u leave settings as default.

24.01.10, 14:35
@Saebrtooth: every other client works flawlessly, genuine, chimera, Toxic, LPE, simply i know every of the setting in there, just when i change lots of settings it stuck, vanilla config is not an option, a slightly personalized neither, personalized & customized to the max was the objective.
lets leave this that way, till next public release.

24.01.10, 14:45
There is still a bug in the slot focus code. You could try it without that option.
A new public version where i fix that issue follow soon...

26.01.10, 05:25
This is probably one Butcho can definitly answer

I have notcied for a long while now that the "known.met" and "known2_64.met" files have both been decreasing in size with every session (open-close emule).

I had a bad crash and I did not have a good copy of the two files so I decided to hash all my stuff again from many dvds. From about 400mb for known2_64.met, down to now both files 51mb. Is there something wrong with the met files cos they seem awefully small considering its a hash record of everything I have downloaded the past few years.

emule sbi doesnt report that their is anything wrong with the files, however I have noticed this ever since moving to Windows 7 x64 and using emule sbi v2.01

This is really puzzeling me.

26.01.10, 15:50
If I remember correctly, "no share all files" makes eMule forget about all the shares in the Incoming directory. It rehashes them when you disable that option.

26.01.10, 18:37
No share all files let emule forget all shares of all folders (incoming/temp/custom).
If you change that option you must restart the program.
I've insert the automatic shared files updater feature in the newest beta (v2.2).
I try to modify that code that emule automatic rehash that files, that you don't need a restart...

26.01.10, 23:28


No share all files let emule forget all shares of all folders (incoming/temp/custom).
If you change that option you must restart the program.
I've insert the automatic shared files updater feature in the newest beta (v2.2).
I try to modify that code that emule automatic rehash that files, that you don't need a restart...

I only have dont share incoming but share all others

I tried to rehash some things 1 month ago not in emules shares and it remembers them as in it it didnt show up that the files were being hashed. I then tried to hash some things 5 mths ago and it definitely forgot about them so emule rehashed those files.

The one of the things I love most about emule is that it can remember every single file that we have downloaded. If for example we downloaded some ebooks about 1000 all containing the term "math", once they are downloaded and we placed them elsewhere from emules shares, then we search the term "math" and download those, in the official emule it will remember all those downloaded not just not shared. It makes it a laborious task to check file by file if we have downloaded them before save for the hash tables.

From one search of "math" its highly unlikely that all ed2k users are online at once so therefore I do another search a few days after just to get the ones I left through the cracks.

Butcho your mod is great and fast, however is it possible for your mod to remember completely all files downloaded even the ones not shared so we can have a complete history that we we dont re-download the same one over and over? But still retain your security features? Having hash tables for emules complete download history is a life saver in terms of time saved and bandwidth wasted.

Thanks for the help all :biggrin::top:

30.01.10, 21:49
And the second question is, should I use serverlist filters, who writes them and which of them are the best?
With respects,

I think the most secure serverlist is:


The last two are heavily filtered and are only indexing non copyrighted stuff, but they are great and useful to find many kad nodes.

It's also possible to use these usenext's servers:

Be careful with MasterServer, StormShare and Sharing Kingdom: They are fully functionnal but probably are spying you.

Ps: Does someone know good server in Russia and South America (eg Brazil, or better Venezuela... I think it would be a bit hard for US Mafiaa to sue something in Chavez land).

31.01.10, 00:47
Also if you use bluetak and PeerBlock you will filter out most bad stuff

04.02.10, 11:03
A little feature request here.
I came from chimera thread and I'm interested in ECR option.
Can you had it Butcho please

04.02.10, 21:11
I've already insert ecr in my mod, because you need it for the emulate others feature. You can't find it in my changelog because such updates are under the point "other changes".
I'm not sure if it's v1 or v2 but i take a look in the source and update it if it's an old version of spikes code. But normal it should be the newest one...

08.03.10, 23:36
Update of my previous post:

Emule Security server is now ed2k://|server||3838|/
(previously ed2k://|server||4242|/).

There is a new offshore server, witch seem to work better from day to day:
ed2k://|server||4242|/ (Share Island).

And an other big chinese server:
ed2k://|server||8888|/ (IA 1.8 ED2K SERVER)

The other great servers being as previously:

ed2k://|server||4242|/ (eDonkey no2)
ed2k://|server||4184|/ (TVU)
ed2k://|server||3838|/ (eMule Security)
ed2k://|server|no1.eserver.emule.org.cn|8080|/ (eserver.emule.org.cn :biggrin:)


ed2k://|server||7111|/ (Peerates)
ed2k://|server||7111|/ (Peerbooter)

The first four are also amongs the best sourcing and referencing servers. They could be set as static, with piority High.

The last two are very secure, but heavily filtered: Only non copyrighted stuff sourced indexed. But they are very valuable for finding fresh kad nodes. One may set them as static, with priority High/normal.

ed2k://|server||4242|/ (Share Island) seems to be secure for the moment, and indexes more stuff than peerates or peerbooter. But it's a really new server. Imo it may be set as static, noramal/high priority.

ed2k://|server||4321|/ (Porn Pit) is fully functionnal but for some reason do no more appear in Peerate's reference list -> static, priority normal.

ed2k://|server||8888|/ (IA 1.8 ED2K SERVER) seems to work. Could someone investigates it deeper ??

The many Sharing Kingdom and Master Server: Fully functionnal but probably spying. At best one could have one or two of them, but with priority low imo.

05.04.10, 17:57
I hope everyone at SB-Innovation is doing well.:)

I wish to further say something concerning the “Specify Chunks To Get” feature/option, as to give even more of a clear idea of how it functions.

When all parts which are specified are downloaded the file will be as stated before placed on “Paused” if the user indicate SBI Leecher to do so or continue to download normally if the “Pause” checkbox in the Specify Chunks To Get screen/window is not selected.

Something important; also when all specified parts/chunks are downloaded; SBI Leecher would, in “Specify Chunks To Get” window, clear the specified chunks which were placed by the user. If the user wishes to get more parts/chunks in this way for a particular file; he or she would have to select the “Specify Chunks To Get” option once again and specify the new parts/chunks to get just like how he/she did previously.

A hypothetical file has 60 parts/chunks total.
-A person, using the “Specify Chunks To Get” option, set in its window 0+20-25+60
-SBI Leecher will download “0,20,21,22,23,24,25,60” parts/chunks and clear its window of “0+20-25+60” when they are all downloaded.

If that person wished to get say(i.e) 30-40 parts/chunks after SBI Leecher has download the above then he or she has to select the “Specify Chunks To Get” option once more and place 30-40. (Since, as said above, “Specify Chunks To Get” window is cleared after the first specified group of parts/chunks the user would see a blank screen to place the 30-40. He or she will NOT see “0+20-25+60”). Hopefully you understand what I am saying.

Of course IF SBI Leecher has not downloaded all of the first group, “0+20-25+60”, and a person wants to add “30-40” then when he or she selects the “Specify Chunks To Get” option its screen will still have “0+20-25+60” and he or she would add to that amount making it “0+20-25+30-40+60”.

…just wanted to add that much to what I said before, giving you as much understanding of what I am thinking.

Take care for now all you guys.:)

26.04.10, 18:25
Is there any way to ban all IPs from a country ? or to forbid people from a country to upload to me ?

26.04.10, 18:58
Is there any way to ban all IPs from a country ?
