View Full Version : Negative speeds

18.05.09, 00:25
Just saw this at ScL:

I wonder how that works. Upload as download? Using BitTorrent increases your remaining bandwidth quota? :biggrin:

18.05.09, 00:56
the provider choked his speeds:biggrin:

18.05.09, 01:43
uhm...how can that be possible? It means he owes the tracker speeds?!!

How can you go negative on a tracker? They don't give you upload speed credits...do they?!

18.05.09, 04:54
no, I think what's happening is that this guy has some kind of cheat tool and he's accidentally set it 'backwards'.
That is to say, instead of setting his cheat tool's speed from 1 to 5 kb/s for example, (or what-ever) , he's set it from 5 to 3 kb/s.

I mean look how much he's uploaded in the first collum....some value in the 'kb' range as opposed to MB range or even GB range like others on that torrent have...I don't know....just a guess on my part.
I could be wrong about the whole thing of course.

18.05.09, 06:37
I see this all the time at waffles, as well, in the peerlist on the heavily cheated torrents and have always wondered what the cause is. I had alway assumed it was a legit code bug, but maybe it is a cheat tool, Maybe I should PM the user next time. :biggrin:

18.05.09, 06:49
LOL, anonftw...that would truly be hilarious.
I would love to actually know about this when it happens. That would be such a good laugh to have. Really, it would be. LOL. :smile::biggrin:

anonftw to cheater:

er.....'scuze me but are you aware your cheating is ever sooo obvious. Check yourself out in the latest list of peers.....er....you might want to change something.


18.05.09, 07:00
LOL, anonftw...that would truly be hilarious.
I would love to actually know about this when it happens. That would be such a good laugh to have. Really, it would be. LOL. :smile::biggrin:

LOL, I was joking, I don't think I am that brave, but I have checked out the profile of a few of them and noticed that usually they have been there for over a year and most don't have an excessive ratio. For this reason, I always thought it was a bug in the tracker code. Also, this seems to only show up for one announce. I probably only caught it because I monitor the peerlist heavily now and again to caculate what I can get away with safely.

18.05.09, 09:26
LMAO, maybe it's just a tracker bug. Or maybe, he overcheated and want to take some back. :biggrin:

18.05.09, 14:18
..... I monitor the peerlist heavily now and again to caculate what I can get away with safely.

now that is a smart thing to do. VEry intelligent, I think.

18.05.09, 14:43
Or the tracker staff can say:

Excuse me dear use but you cheating tool is not good.You are now decreasing your ratio.May I suggest using ratio master with speeds between 100-200 kb?I think this would be best for you.

18.05.09, 16:54
Yes, it's either a tracker bug or someone cheating. :biggrin:

I wonder if the RM lets you use negative speeds, or what happens when you do. Some tracker software could detect this as an SQL injection, but will others actually decrease your upload and download..?


18.05.09, 20:09
Or the tracker staff can say:

oh ya....LOL.., (actually really laughing here), LOL. Ya, that's right LOL.

You know, honestly, I have come across similiar situations in which I was wondering if someone on my uploaded torrents was also a cheater and thinking of PM'ing him to tell him that I suspect him of his activity....but then I thought:

"naaww. I better not. :biggrin:Best to leave him alone'.

I don't wanna give myself away or anything......just in case, you know what I mean??

And anon, with respect to it being a bug.....hmmmm,......
I would hope no-one else noticed it and then the staff would have had to find a way to fix the bug;
found out that it was in fact NOT a bug but actually someone cheat'in; then ban-hammered the guy.

oohhh poor guy. :frown:

18.05.09, 20:38
Yes, hopefully he'll realize his mistake as fast as possible and hit Stop before an staff member sees him. :smile:

By the way, I have just tried using negative speeds in the RatioMaster, and nothing happened. (It simply wouldn't fake)

Using Telnet+Notepad to send negative uploaded and downloaded amounts didn't reflect them in the LL peerlist or my buffer, either. So he must be using a mysterious cheat tool :biggrin:

18.05.09, 21:26
if telnet doesnt work, its simply a tracker bug...

18.05.09, 21:48
Using Telnet+Notepad to send negative uploaded and downloaded amounts didn't reflect them in the LL peerlist or my buffer, either.

Can you explain this? I don;t know what you're talking about, but would like to learn.

18.05.09, 21:56
I basically copied an announce from the RM's log, pasted it in Notepad, and changed the following things:

&event= - removed it altogether at first to make it look like a normal mid-download tracker update. After that, I changed it to stopped.
&uploaded= and &downloaded= - changed them to -99999999
&numwant= - left set to 200 for the first announce, and 0 for the second one.

Then I opened a cmd window, and ran the following command:

telnet (LL's hostname here) 80

After connecting (black screen), I pasted the first announce, hit ENTER twice, and waited for the tracker's HTTP 200, then checked the peerlist. (Nothing happened) Did the same with the "stopped" announce.

Except for the negative values, this is essentially cheating by yourself. :biggrin:

19.05.09, 04:39
may be that person Speed is Not Good And Work in Negative speed...LoLz :biggrin:

19.05.09, 06:18
you mean he downloads at negative speeds??

Wow. That's some ISP he's got.

Not much worse than mine actually.

I hear all this advertising from my service provider telling me that I've got High Speed internet increased by 50%.
Ya right.
LIke maybe that'll actually really happen when hell literally does freeze over.
Because I don't see any evidence of it on my end here.
Even when I go to speedtest.net....not much has changed.
At least for me it hasn't.

If he can download at negative speeds, man....that's some slow service he's got.

Like, waaaaaay slow.


19.05.09, 09:34
I was told my my provider we "boost" your speed when you need it most...like when downloading pictures...I was like I have not seen any NEW BOOST except with the price you charge me...

He did not say anything.

I guess I just miss out on the "boost" they sent out.

19.05.09, 14:14
You're not alone. My ISP claims to be "the Broadband", and their slogan is "you go faster", when actually they shape P2P traffic, aggresively cache HTTP and FTP requests, and work around being overburdened by ocassionally taking connectivity away from members paying for the cheapest plans to give it to 6Mbit customers and cafes. :baeh: