View Full Version : amd mocks intel's nehalem

28.04.09, 22:49
Real men use real cores. We've got real cores across our products. Hyperthreading is basically designed to act like a core except that it only gives 10 to 15 percent performance bump for real applications workload. That's because hyperthreading requires the core logic to maintain 2 pipelines: its normal pipeline and its hyperthreaded pipeline. A management overhead that doesn't give you a clear throughput.

Read more : AMD Counters Intel’s “Disingenuous” Server Claims Over Xeon 5500 (Nehalem) Performance, Price TechPulse 360 (http://techpulse360.com/2009/04/06/amd-counters-intels-disingenuous-claims-over-xeon-5500-nehalem-performance-price/)