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View Full Version : How to cheat at Minesweeper

08.04.09, 22:07
Works on Win3.x, Win9xME, WinNT4, Win2000, XP & WS2003

If you ever get frustrated about that game here a little help:biggrin:

1. Start Minesweeper,
2. Type "xyzzy" without the quotes,
3. Hit Shift and Enter at the same time,
4. Minimize all application windows that hide the desktop. The uppermost pixel in the top left corner of your desktop will turn black when you mouse over a mine, and white when it's safe to click.

hint- to better see the pixel decrease resolution

08.04.09, 22:26
OS: MS XP, Vista
Another tip:
1. Click "Game" > "Custom" or in Vista, "Game" > "Options", and select the "Custom" radio button.
2. Make the size:
Height: 24
Width: 30
Mines: 10
3. Now play!
You will either win in one go, or reveal a lot of mines.

09.04.09, 05:00
i always loose when i keep more than 50 mines but still nice tip does work
and yes splicer best way to ensure win is by using 10 mines in a huge minesweeper board like epxert or something hehee which gives u a definite chance to win

13.04.09, 07:40
more minesweeper cheats/tricks here: Windows Minesweeper Cheats (http://erpman1.tripod.com/current/winmine.htm)

sed to cheat by regediting my coworkers times...

29.05.09, 15:25
Yes - it's for when losing gets annoying :biggrin:

31.05.09, 01:06
Awww, com'on! It's the last game I would cheat on.

Altho I agree on the fact that it get tempting when you're on you last 50/50 chance after a big sweep and you fail to chose the right one, over and over again ><

10.06.09, 18:50
I didn't realize there are cheats for it :biggrin: Will try some of the tipcs :wink: